Health care organizations are continuously immersed in change from the emergence of new policies to promote quality care and improve patient safety to keeping pace with the rapid growth in knowledge and best practices.

Health care organizations are continuously immersed in change from the emergence of new policies to promote quality care and improve patient safety to keeping pace with the rapid growth in knowledge and best practices. Establishing a solid framework for planning and implementing change is a wise move as it provides a foundation for the extensive coordination that will be needed to successfully facilitate the change.For this Assignment you propose a change at the department or unit level and develop a plan for guiding the change effort.To prepare:To complete:Write a 3- to 5-page paper (page count does not include title and reference page) that addresses the following:Reminder:The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page introduction summary and references. .


250 words with referencesRespond to the following four discussion questions based on the Case Example on pages 124-125 in Essentials of Management and Leadership in Public Health:4. Finally what would be an effective communication plan at this point to address the discontent among theemployees?

scenario Sunshine Health Corporation has an office in Des Moines IA that is the company headquarters for Crazy Charlie’s Custom Wheelchairs. This is the original building the company has operated in after opening the fifth unit in Des Moines in 1972.

Directions: Please read the scenario and propose a solution. (type your proposal in the text box)Sunshine Health Corporation has an office in Des Moines IA that is the company headquarters for Crazy Charlie’s Custom Wheelchairs. This is the original building the company has operated in after opening the fifth unit in Des Moines in 1972. The office has an old PBX system and old telephone wiring as well as ISDN running throughout the office. The office runs the old fashioned way according to the retired company president you are told on your initial visit. The president told you this is the way we like it. Sunshine has told you to assess the networks and communications systems then submit a plan for modernizing the office bringing it into the 21st century. Here is what you find:Upon meeting with the management team you learn most of the marketing staff have chosen to work remotely using their own laptops instead of in the office though there is no consistency as to format other than they must have Microsoft Office 2003 with Word Access Excel and PowerPoint. It cannot be newer or it will not be able to interact with the company computers or everything must be formatted to Office 2003.The communications closet is a birds nest made of patched together grow as you go layout. No computers are networked. In speaking with the administrative staff most work is printed and hand reviewed using white out and red pens then given back for correction until it is acceptable often creating for more work for the staff.The new company president is coming from Sunshine Headquarters and starts in 2 weeks. The new network and office must be ready to go. What do you propose?Have fun with this within reason. Bounce ideas off each other to consider alternatives and possible solutions. How can you develop an efficient network while retaining costs from getting out of control. What LAN and WAN Technologies will you use and why? Please explain.It is important to bring in supporting materials to substantiate your plan and network. Locate credible resources to do this. Remember you would be submitting this to a client the final copy. Consider the discussion draft edits and revisions. Supporting material needs to be included beyond that of the course material.150 words

We come in contact with toxic substances every day. After reviewing the material in this unit share with the class what you think are the two or three potentially most toxic substances that can enter our everyday lives.

We come in contact with toxic substances every day. After reviewing the material in this unit share with the class what you think are the two or three potentially most toxic substances that can enter our everyday lives.Do you think that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and/or businesses are doing enough to limit these potential exposures? Why or why not?Please understand that Fluoride and Formaldehyde cannot be used as examples here. That is due to the vast amount of bad talking-head science that exists around these materials. If you chose to write on these two materials you must include a full APA reference for a peer reviewed journal article to support your argument.No word minumum but must answer the entire question


Discussion 921st Century Health Policy and Assessing Quality in Health Care, Please respond to the following:Prioritize the main steps that the U.S. needs to take in order to develop a prudent health policy plan for the growing number of underprivileged citizens, given the growing diverse demographics in the U.S. Interpret the primary manner in which accrediting entities or payors such as Medicare / Medicaid address and / or mandate health care quality.Examine the significant changes to health care policies that have affected the overall quality of health care since the end of the 20th Century compared to the present day. Support your response with specific examples of your identified changes.Outline a health care plan which you believe would improve the quality of care in your community. Provide at least two (2) examples that illustrate the benefits of your proposed plan.


Discussion 8 The High Cost of Medications and Shortage of Health Professionals Please respond to the following:Analyze the role of U.S. pharmaceutical companies in the health care industry, and give your opinion on whether or not you believe the protocols used in their business transactions falls under ethical / moral considerations. Defend or critique the pharmaceutical industrys use of direct to consumer (DTC) ads in order to advertise its business. Provide a rationale for your responseInterpret the reason behind the perceived shortage of physicians in the U.S. highlighted in the text. Debate whether or not hospitals should hire more trained nurses to relieve the burden posed by the shortage of physicians.Compare the primary roles that health administrators play in a public setting versus a private setting. Critique or defend the quality of health care that patients receive through public versus private health services.


HSA discussionMental Health Care Administration and Payment PlanCritique the efficacy of the use of public and / or private resources to address mental health problems in the U.S. Provide at least two to three (2-3) examples of the types of mental health care available in the U.S.Imagine you are an administrator in a small, rural mental health facility, and you are dealing with a growing trend in mental illnesses in your community. Outline a plan to assess the ability to provide services to your mental health patients. Classify the major problems that you may encounter in providing these services. Provide specific examples of your plans benefits to both the patients and the facility.


HSA Discussion Growth of Hospitals and Health Care Systems with Benefits of Long-Term Care Facilities Please respond to the following:Analyze the transition of medical training, early hospitals, and medical advancements up to the present time. Justify the need for doctors with advanced medical training in the health care industry. Explore the key concepts framing training, regulations, licensing, and provision of a range of services in todays health system.Predict the type of long-term care needed as the 21st Century America advances in age. Defend or critique the type of care patients obtain in private nursing homes as compared to public institutions or in-home care. Provide a rationale for your response.Compare the primary ways that patients are able to access health care in the U.S. Examine the identified services in the context of their emerging use and availability.


HSA AssignmentFunding the Rising Cost of U.S. Health CareIn light of the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) and the myriad of citizens using the new health care insurance system, you, as a health care administrator for a hospital, are responsible for reporting to the hospitals CEO regarding the new plans cost to the hospital and the issues with patients who can afford regular health care coverage.Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:Give your opinion of the rising cost of health cares overall impact on the U.S. economy. Justify your response.Compare and contrast at least two (2) areas of the economy that the new health care act impacts. Explain your rationale.Debate the main pros and cons of using private insurance versus using the new affordable health insurance system.Analyze the cost associated with implementing ACA and its impact on access to health care access for different demographic groups. Provide a rationale for your response.Use at least four (4) recent (i.e., last five [5] years), quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.


HSA DiscussionFinancing Health Care in a Time of Insurance Restructuring Please respond to the following:1Analyze the impact of the ACA on changes to health care insurance and coverage. Investigate the major implications of the legislation on the manner in which institutions now provide health care in the U.S.2Give your opinion on the impact of the ACA on patients access to care and the provision of services within the present day U.S. health care system. Provide a rationale for your response.Please include the impact on Medicare and Medicaid and how access is for everyone.3Evaluate the affordability and accessibility of health care for the U.S. population since the inception of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Provide support for your evaluation.Remember, Medicare is something that is earned and paid into. The more you make, the more you pay. Medicaid is an entitlement. Also, Medicare is a federal program and Medicaid is federally funded along with the state but is state managed.

Demographic Distribution, Mortality Trends, and Access to Health Care Services.Analyze the growing consumer demographics in a diverse U.S. society in terms of consumer satisfaction with health care services, and provide a rationale for the use of present health services in todays diverse demographical social framework.

HSA 500Demographic Distribution, Mortality Trends, and Access to Health Care Services.Analyze the growing consumer demographics in a diverse U.S. society in terms of consumer satisfaction with health care services, and provide a rationale for the use of present health services in todays diverse demographical social framework. (This is an interesting topic and I look forward to the discussion. The United States is a diverse country and one size does not fit all. For example, in Florida the demographics are older folks, whereas Alaska, the demographics are diverse and very rural).Analyze the demands and growing trends in new diseases (e.g., heart disease and cancer) affecting the present U.S. population. Summarize the impact of these demands on available health services. (There are too many examples to list for this discussion. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. The one demand on health care that is in the media is Ebola and the respiratory virus that has killed several children. There is also the swine flu, sexually transmitted disease, chronic disease).Analyze the mortality trends in the U.S. and compare the demographic distribution associated with these trends. Evaluate the importance of societys role in promoting a healthy lifestyle, as well as adopting lifestyle choices.(This will be an interesting discussion. For example, in the 1950s before the polio vaccine was discovered, most children either died or had a physical impediment. I look forward to the discussion.)

Summarize key milestones involved in the past and present shaping and transitional dynamics behind changes in the present health care industry

HSA 500 Assignment 1As a health administrator, your hospital has tasked you with reporting the general nature of health care administration to visiting stakeholders / shareholders. These stakeholders / shareholders are investors, but are not too versed in the significance of the U.S. health care system and its present position in social, financial, technological, and medical pioneering advances.Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:Summarize key milestones involved in the past and present shaping and transitional dynamics behind changes in the present health care industry.Evaluate the importance of financing and technology in health care. Provide examples to support your response.Analyze the primary complexities and integrated social dynamics associated with changing demographics and emergent diseases (e.g., the complexities seen in the growing Latin and Asian populations, etc.).Examine the major fluctuating and daunting challenges in health care management that mortality trends and an aging Baby Boom generation predicate.


HSA 500 discussionACareer planning requires that we look into the futureProvide at least two (2) specific examples of the changes that have occurred in the health care industry in the U.S.Examine two to three (2-3) different health care structures that have emerged in the U.S. within the last 50 years. Next, elaborate on the major trends that have occurred in the last 50 years. Assess the significance of the changes in the availability and delivery of health care in the 21st Century, and explore the manner in which these changes have had an impact on patients access to basic health care services.


Select and describe at a high-level two different healthcare organizations. They may be competitors, providers in different countries, providers of different types of services, or hypothetical providers.Describe the different organizational theories used by these organizations.Explain the similarities and differences between the two organizations in the following areas:Use of teamsDealing with conflictCommitment to diversityQuality managementHuman resources recruitmentTraining and developmentLeadership techniques used by senior executivesChange planning, development, and implementationRisk management and ethical issuesAnalyze the factors that have shaped the organizations in terms of policy, funding, and regulation.Clarify the differences between organizational theory, organizational development, and human resources management in healthcare.Describe the differences in management of core functions (i.e., operations, financial, marketing, and human resources).Analyze the ways in which each organization overcomes barriers to the change.Analyze the common characteristics of successful teams and potential barriers.Determine the areas where both organizations could make improvements to optimize their performance.Write a 1012-page report in Word format and utilize 68 scholarly resources in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Community Assessment Essay

Community Assessment Essay


Community Assessment Part Two: Data Collection Tool

Subsystems (Policy and Government, Education, Health and Social Services, Communication, and Recreation)


Community: _______________________________________________________________

At-risk population:_____________________________________________________________                                                   

Instructions: Use this tool to document your assessment findings.  Include a succinct synopsis in paragraph form for each of the assessment categories below.  Remember to provide adequate depth and breadth for each subsystem of the assessment.  Be sure to cite the sources to support your findings, and include your reference list. Community Assessment Essay


Subsystem Findings
Health and Social Systems Subsystem

(2 points each)

Must Provide:

·         Health facilities

·         Providers

·         Clinics/ Dialysis care

·         Public health services

·         Home-care

·         Hospice /Palliative

·         Long-term care

·         Social services

·         Counseling services

·         Medicaid services

Education Subsystem


Must Provide:

·         Educational level

·         Literacy level  of community members

·         Educational sources:


o   Children

o   Adult

o   Daycare

o   Library



Politics and Government Subsystem


Must Provide:

·         Local governmental leadership

·         Politically active organizations present within the community

·         Governmental facilities in the community (i.e., court house, jail, prison)

·         Democrats and republicans votingstatistics from last election.

Communication Subsystem


Must Provide:

·         Formal communication

·         Informal communication

·         Cell phone towers

·         Weather sirens

Recreation Subsystem


Must include:

·         Recreation facilities

·         Entertainment opportunities

Assessment of Selected At-Risk Population

And At-risk population field work.


Must include:

·         Unique health needs faced by your at-riskas noted in national statistics and inscholarly sources.


·         Health needs faced by your at-risk populationas seen in your community, throughyour personal/professional observations, experiences and information gleaned from the field work with your chosen at- risk population on health issues is noted.

Key Informant Interview

Must be with a person working with the public.  Preferably an expert in their field.

·         What is your role in the community?

·         How long have your worked in this community?

·         Based on your area of expertise, what issues are a concern in the community?

·         How is this specific at-risk population in this community struggling right now?

·         What do you feel the strengths and weaknesses of your community are related to this at-risk population?








Community Assessment Part One: Community Core (Due in Assignment 2.3)

Data Collection Tool

Name:_________________________________ Community:_________City of Madisonville________________________

Instructions: Use this tool to document your assessment findings.  Include a succinct synopsis in paragraph form for each of the assessment categories below.  Remember to provide adequate depth and breadth for each category of the assessment.  Be sure to cite the sources to support your findings and include your reference list.

Assessment Category Findings
Historical overview of the community

Must Include:

·         When the community was settled

·         By whom

·         First Business

·         Important information about the community

The city of Madisonville, Kentucky, was established in 1807 and was named for the then secretary of state, James Madison. The city was named the seat of Hopkins County in 1808 (Gamblin, 2018). It was formally incorporated in 1808. Farming was the primary occupation of the city’s residents, with tobacco as the leading crop. The first outcropping of coal was discovered in 1837, and the first coal mine was opened in 1869. In the early 20the century, the city of Madisonville was known for being a rail hub, coal-mining center, and a large tobacco market. Currently, it is labeled as “the best town on Earth” and serves as the leading manufacturing hub.
Demographic description of the community population

Must Include:

·         Birth rates

·         Death rates

·         Pertinent morbidity rates

·         Distribution of


·         Sex

·         Race

·         Ancestry (i.e., German, Asian, Indian, etc.)

·         Marital status

·         Education status

·         Household types& size

As of 2020, the city is estimated to have approximately 19,542 people making it the most populated city in Kentucky. Based on the 2019 demographic data, the city of Madisonville showed a birth rate of 23.7%. The death rate was estimated to be 1,048 per 100,000 people as of 2018. The median age in the city is 36.3 years, 41.9 years for females, and 32.8 years for males. Individuals between 18 and 64 years cover about 57% of the city’s total population; persons under 18 years cover approximately 26 %, while those above 64 years are about 17% (World Population Review, n.d.). According to US Census Bureau Statistics, females in the city make up about 50.8% while males are 449.2%. The percentage of whiles is 82.2%, African American 11.8%, American Indian and Alaska Native 0.4%, and Asian approximately 1.3%. Approximately 4,010 people (27.14% of the total population) in Madisonville are single, while about 7,100 individuals (47.75%) are married. Regarding education, the percentage of high school graduates or high is 87.6 %, while the percentage of persons with a Bachelor’s degree or higher is 20.8% (US Census Bureau, n.d.). The household types in the city include married, single female, single male, one-person, and those with children. Persons per household are estimated to be 2.40.
Values, beliefs, and perceptions within the community

Must Include:

·         Community’s values, beliefs, and perceptions of importance of religion

·         Degree of religious diversity in the community reflected in the faith groups

·         Cultural influences reflected in any significant ethnic or religious traditions

Madisonville welcomes every faith. About 64.5% of the total population in the city value religion, with 53.1% Baptist, 4% Methodist, 1.1% Catholic, and 2.5% Pentecostal (City-Data, n.d.). The city offers places of worship for diverse religious backgrounds, including worship, fellowship, faith-based educational institutions, and ministries focused on helping other people. Faith community offers various church styles ranging from traditional to contemporary and Española services.
Physical Environment

·         Information will come from the windshield survey.  You should state this in your own words.

·         Provide dates of your survey.


The findings regarding the physical environment of the city of Madisonville will be provided once the windshield survey is completed. The survey will be conducted between March 14 and 17, 2022.


·         Financial status of people

o   Individuals

o   Households

·         Occupational categories in the community

·         Businesses/Industries

Generally, about 22.4% of the total population lives below the poverty line. The city’s unemployment rate currently stands at 5.3%; however, the job Madisonville market has decreased by -1.1% during the past year. The feature job growth is predicted to be 28.4%. The average income of a city resident is $22,394 annually, while the median household income is $44,720 yearly (Census Reporter, n.d ). The percentage of persons in poverty is 22.4%. Females aged 25 to 34 are the largest demographic living in poverty, followed by those aged 35 to 44 and 6 to 11. Males in the city have an average income of 1.35 times higher than the average female income. The income inequality, measured using the Gini index, is 0.456. there are approximately 7880 people employed in the economy of Madisonville, KY, with the largest industries being Health Care and Social Assistance ( approximately 1500 people), Manufacturing (about 1000 people and Retail trade (900 people). The highest paying industries include Information ($74,890), mining, quarrying, Oil and Gas Extraction ($62,990), agriculture, fishing and mining, forestry, and mining ($62,470) (US Census Bureau, n.d.).
Transportation and Safety Types of transportation available

o   personal

o   public

·         Police protection

·         Crime statistics

·         Fire protection

·         Sanitation services

Generally, 7,668 workers, 16 years and above, travel to work. More than 85% of the population uses personal cars (car, truck or van) while about 12% use public transport. The city has different kinds of security systems, including ADS security that serves the security needs of the residents. The average crime rate is estimated to be 13.20 per 1000 residents. There are 1.84 violent crimes per 1000 residents annually, while property crime is 11.36 per 1000 residents annually (City-Data, n.d.). There are various sanitation services available for residents of the city. These services include garbage collecting, industrial/hazardous waste management, disposal, and wastewater treatment.
Key Informant Interview

Key points from the interview with a key informant.


Madisonville, KY, provides primary care and wellness services that form the backbone of employees’ and families’ best health outcomes. There is proper management of chronic disease and the cost for their treatment. Employees and their families have accessed virtual health, BlueMine, which provides online telemedicine and other related services. It has an acute and skilled care facility that emphasizes community outreach and training medical students in rural areas. Given its population, the city is directly accessible by air, rail, and highway.




Census Reporter. (n.d). Census profile: Madisonville, KY.

City-Data.(n.d.).Madisonville, Kentucky (KY 42431) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news, sex offenders.

Gamblin, K. (2018). Business, Life, and Bourbon: RP Drake of Madisonville, Kentucky (Doctoral dissertation, The Florida State University).

US Census Bureau.(n.d.).U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Madisonville city, Kentucky. Census Bureau QuickFacts.

World Population Review.(n.d.).Madisonville, Kentucky population 2022 (demographics, maps, graphs).