Public Health Disasters & Preparedness     Read through the emergency disasters below. Select one of these scenarios and then complete the following steps: 

Scenario No. 1: “Dragon/Volcano Emergency Response”
Scenario No. 2: “Vaccine Gone Awry Emergency Response”
Scenario No. 3: “Tornado Scenario”
Scenario No. 4: “Tropical Cyclone and Flooding”
Scenario No. 5: “Zombie Apocalypse”

Imagine you are the director of FEMA using NIMS when this disaster occurs.

Develop a PSA (using either Screencast or video) that informs the  population of what will be done to resolve the issue. Address these  elements in your video:

Describe the nature of the situation.
Explain what FEMA and others are doing to mitigate the situation.
Explain what people need to do to stay safe and/or to get help in order to reduce panic.

Your vocal tone should be one that is meant to reduce panic and provide a solid explanation of the above elements.
Copy and paste the URL to your video or screencast within your  discussion forum response. If you are unable to create a YouTube video  for this discussion, you may use a screencast program. However, you do  not need to develop a PowerPoint presentation. This discussion is meant  to assess your communication abilities, therefore, the audio portion of  the video and/or screencast is essential. If you elect to use the  screencast option, you may simply use a picture of yourself reporting  the above information in lieu of a PowerPoint.

Questions to think about while formulating your response to the public:

What are the issues you will address first?
Which organization is responsible for what? Where will you allocate your resources?
What public health concerns are the results of each of these events?
Which populations might be most at risk?
What are some of the long-term health effects of these events?
What other health concerns may arise from these events?
What will you say to the people, who are desperately awaiting your direction?

Scenario Response Due by Day 7: Imagine that you are  the recipient of the public announcement made by your classmates. In  responding to at least two classmates who used a different scenario than  you, explain how you would respond and react to your classmates’ public  announcement. Do you believe your needs were covered in what the FEMA  director stated? What would you do or say differently?


Read the case study and then answer the following questions: 
1-What are the goals of the athenahealth? Why?
2-Do we know what are the goals or demands of the customers?  
who to answer (Questions 1-2)? 
Brief Explanation. 2-8 sentences. List goals in bullet format.  

2.Do we know what are the goals or demands of the customers?
6.Should athenahealth create and pursue a new product? 
7.Does athenahealth have other options that it can pursue?
8.Should athenahealth enter a new market and compete against established & reputable companies?
9.How can you convince a customer to purchase and implement a new product?
10.What are the problems and obstacles both (players i.e. Athena & customers) would face?

how to answer Q 6,7,8,9,10:
Use sub-titles for each question. 
For questions 2,7,9. State brief explanations of 2-8 sentences for each one and follow with a list in bullet format.
For questions 6,8,10. Write in paragraph format.

A mental health agency measured the self‐esteem score for randomly selected individuals with disabilities who were involved in some work activity within the past year.

A mental health agency measured the self‐esteem score for randomly selected individuals with disabilities who were involved in some work activity within the past year. The Excel file Self‐Esteem provides the data, including the individuals’ marital status, length of work, type of support received (direct support includes job‐related services such as job coaching and counseling), education, and age. a. Use multiple linear regression for predicting self‐ esteem as a function of length of work, support level, education, and age. b. Investigate possible interaction effects between support level and the other numerical variables by building an appropriate model. Determine the best model. c. Find the best regression model for predicting self‐ esteem as a function of length of work, marital status, education, and age. (Note that the categorical variable marital status has more than two levels.)


1. A community health status survey obtained the following demographic information from the respondents: Compute the relative frequency and cumulative relative frequency of the age groups. Also, estimate the average age of the sample of respondents. What assumptions do you have to make to do this? 2. The Excel file MBA Student Survey provides demographic data and responses to questions on the number of nights out per week and study hours per week for a group of MBA students. Construct frequency distributions and compute the relative frequencies for the categorical variables of gender, international student status, and undergraduate concentration. What conclusions can you draw?

What are social determinants of health? How do social determinants of health contribute to the development of illness?

What are social determinants of health? How do social
determinants of health contribute to the development of illness? What is a
communicable disease chain? Are there steps that a nurse can take to break a
link within the communicable disease chain? Give a specific example.

Readings within your text covering international/global
health and the following websites will assist you in answering these questions:

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Global
Health website:
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Global
Health website:
Families USA – Why Global Health MattersHere and Abroad
World Health Organization (WHO) website: http://www.who.intWhat are social determinants of health? How do social
determinants of health contribute to the development of illness? What is a
communicable disease chain? Are there steps that a nurse can take to break a
link within the communicable disease chain? Give a specific example.Readings within your text covering international/global
health and the following websites will assist you in answering these questions:U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Global
Health website: Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Global
Health website: USA – Why Global Health MattersHere and Abroad
website: Health Organization (WHO) website:


Globalization and Diversity Impact on Healthcare Organizations
Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Explain the attributes of a successful health leader.
Describe issues related to globalization, power, followership, and culture change from a health leader’s perspective.

Course outcome addressed in this Assignment:
HA515-2: Evaluate approaches to leading individuals and teams, and eliciting support from senior principles.
HA515-3: Identify change management practices by discussing change sponsorship versus agency of change theory.
HA515-4: Evaluate leadership strategies essential to successfully accomplish change including interpersonal, organizational, and cultural dimensions.
For this Assignment, outline issues related to globalization, power, followership, and cultural change from a health leader’s perspective. Identify at least three major global health issues that have impacted the U.S. health care system, and describe how this has affected and influenced stakeholders.
Relate the global leadership style differences and similarities within the constructs of transformational leadership. Discuss at least three critical elements of culture and diversity on the modern health care organization. Also, provide a table or list of cultural attributes to be cognizant of.
Finally, categorize global leadership differences according to a leader’s use of power, technology, and knowledge management. Provide at least two leadership approaches for implementing change.

Your paper must be at least 5 pages in length.
Use a minimum of three academic references.
Cite all references using APA format.

Multidisciplinary Approach to Health Promotion

Multidisciplinary Approach to Health Promotion
Think about the approach to strategic planning and the resource allocation related to promoting a holistic health care promotion plan for diabetic Latino population. Who are the stakeholders that will be involved in the implementation of the plan? How will you get them on board with the plan? How will you incorporate culturally sensitive strategies in this endeavor? Also, identify resources that will help empower your chosen population in attaining and maintaining health.
Address the following in this assignment:
1. Describe the potential disciplines that will participate in health care promotion as well as disease prevention and management for Latinos with diabetes.
2. Describe the potential interrelationships and communication among different health care delivery settings for Latinos with diabetes. Include the involvement of patients, families, groups, nurses, interdepartmental health care teams, community-based stakeholders, and governments (local, state, and federal).
3. Explain how the incorporated health care promotion strategies are culturally competent.
Identify and advocate for resources that may empower populations in attaining and maintaining health.
Written Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
Number of resources: 8–10 citations.
Length of paper: 5–8 pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Define the challenges in designing a Pay for Performance (P4P) program.

The U.S. healthcare system has been criticized for high-cost, inefficacy, and issues on quality.  P4P is an approach used to provide incentives to physicians and health care provider organizations to achieve improved performance by increasing quality of care and reducing costs.

Write a three- to five-page double-spaced paper (excluding title and reference pages), addressing the following:

Define the challenges in designing a Pay for Performance (P4P) program.
Discuss the impacts of P4P on provider payment reform.
Describe the health care providers’ reactions to Value-Based Purchasing Programs.
Determine the benefits of P4P on patients.

The Pay for Performance (P4P) assignment

Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

Must include an introduction and conclusion (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. paragraph.
Must use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed, and/or other credible sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment. Be sure to integrate your research (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. rather than simply inserting it.

Must document all sources in APA style as outlined here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Must include a separate references page (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 

Women and Healthcare

Women and Healthcare
Women have healthcare requirements in addition to those of men  because of their biology and gender roles. Due to their gender roles,  they are frequently responsible for the health and healthcare of others.  The resources they need to care for others may create constraints on  their ability to care for themselves.
Also, it is important to consider the workplace when considering  women’s health issues because the position of women in the workforce has  great impact on the healthcare they receive. Many businesses have  recognized the need to create a more diverse workforce by selective  hiring based on the need to increase selected groups in their workforce.  Some businesses have been more proactive than others. For example,  let’s consider that a business workforce’s diversity plan includes the  following benchmarks:

Maintain women’s representation at a minimum of 60 percent.
Increase women’s representation in nontraditional occupations from 16 percent to 20 percent.
Increase women’s representation in senior positions (grade twelve and above or equivalent) from 28 percent to 35 percent.

On the basis of what you have learned so far, answer the following questions:

How can the dimensions of diversity, such as age, race, ethnicity,  gender, sexual orientation, and religion affect individual or collective  healthcare needs and capabilities?
Could the above statements constitute discriminatory hiring practices? Why or why not?
What would the implications of diversity-based policy development be in relation to healthcare needs?
Describe a workforce diversity plan using at least three dimensions  of diversity. Additionally, explain how it relates to improved  health-service delivery.


To begin developing a campaign, first identify a public health issue which you are interested in. Then research the public health issue to determine whether it is actually a critical issue. For example, if you want to help reduce drug use among urban youth, you need to investigate whether this is a critical issue among that group or if there are other more pressing issues. Research is an essential component to building an effective public health campaign. You must also consider what marketing strategies you might employ and how you might utilize public relations with your target audience.
For this Discussion, revisit the media titled “Introduction to Communications, Marketing, and Public Relations for Public Health Leaders”. Consider the steps needed to create a public health campaign for the public health issue that interests you. In addition, review the article “Farmers sun exposure, skin protection, and public health campaigns: An Australian Perspective” and pay particular attention to the steps taken to develop this campaign. Finally, review the media titled “Introduction to Communications, Marketing, and Public Relations for Public Health Leaders” and think about how communication of public health issues is vital to the role of a public health leader.

Develop a 1000-word Discussion post that addresses the following:
1) Identify a public health issue for which you are interested in developing a public health campaign.
2) Explain why this issue warrants a public health campaign.
3) Identify a key element of health communication that is essential for a public health leader, in particular a leader who wishes to address the issue you have selected.
4) Describe one potential challenge of developing a campaign for your public health issue and explain one way you might address the challenge.

The impact of implementing Triple Aim goals nationally.

Read the IHI Triple Aim Initiative page on the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s website and watch the video “Design of a Triple Aim Enterprise”.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that evaluates the impact of implementing Triple Aim goals nationally. Determine whether the three dimensions of Triple Aim would be achievable:

Improving quality and satisfaction for the patient experience of care
Improving the health of populations
Reducing the per capita cost of health care

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).
The following will need to be used to complete assignment

The IHI Triple Aim
Triple Aim for Populations
Design of a Triple Aim Enterprise