In healthcare, the ethical principle of justice refers to the equal and fair distribution of resources. An example would be a community hospital that implements a project to provide flu-shots to elderly members of the community at no cost.

250 words
In healthcare, the ethical principle of justice refers to the equal and fair distribution of resources. An example would be a community hospital that implements a project to provide flu-shots to elderly members of the community at no cost. There are only 60 openings per month for this service, and the program will only run from November to March. Justice requires a fair method that is free of bias to determine which elderly adults would receive the flu shot.
The first question is based on your own experience so that you can begin the discussion immediately without having completed all of your readings. Can you provide an example of a situation when there was injustice in healthcare?
The following questions will be based upon the following:
Ryan White was an American teenager, who had hemophilia and contracted HIV/AIDS from a needed blood transfusion. Because of his HIV/AIDS diagnosis, he was expelled from middle school. Together with his Mother, he fought AIDS-related discrimination and his right to attend school. His determination gained national attention and the importance of public education about the disease.
 By using the ethical principle of justice, discuss how a healthcare professional is legally and ethically bound to provide care for a patient who has been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.
What conflicts could occur in the healthcare setting and how would they be resolved? Base your post on your readings and the website provided. 

When planning for a community for health or any other matter, steps include the same thought process as what a nurse will do daily when treating a patient in the hospital environment.

When planning for a community for health or any other matter, steps include the same thought process as what a nurse will do daily when treating a patient in the hospital environment. Community nurses will gather, work with other key figures, like mayors, county board members, and other pertinent health care official in the community. There should be a process with organization and input.
                The process does not have to be in order of any one proposed plan, but should be compiled into a logical process upon its completion. Each member can take portions of the plan to gather the data needed to accurately define the community and develop the care plan. According to Maurer and Smith, the steps include, “assessment, diagnosis, validation,
                prioritization of needs, identification of the target population, identification
                of the planning group, establishment of the program goal, identification of
                possible solutions, matching solutions with at-risk aggregates, identification of
                resources, selection of the best intervention strategy, delineation of expected
                outcomes, delineation of the intervention work plan, planning for program
                evaluation” (2013, p. 432)
                The information gathered will be more in depth than the quick observation one makes as they travel through communities headed to other communities. Did you realize this? We make mental thoughts, which may only be during the trip about how nice certain communities are as we pass by. On your way to the mall, have you seen people out in their yards mowing or getting into their vehicles? Have you analyzed their house? Compare their house to yours? 

Comment 2
A modern-day community in the United States provides its members with the basics of food/water and shelter. Food should be available, easily accessible, and affordable for all citizens. Drinking water should meet minimum standards for potability. Affordable housing should be available regardless of income. A health community provides all of this and so much more. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) provides guidelines for designing a healthy community (“Healthy community,” August 13, 2013). Easily available food should include affordable fresh produce, healthy and/or organic options in grocery stores and limited numbers of liquor stores, convenience stores and fast food restaurants. Community gardens and Farmers’ Markets enhance food choices. Drinking water should exceed minimum standards for potability and functional sewage systems are standard in all housing areas. Clean air and soil free from toxins allow individuals to maintain health within the community. Outdoor spaces that promote physical activity and socialization contribute to the overall health of a neighborhood. These can include greenspaces, playgrounds, water parks and bike trails. Community sponsored activities like holiday parades promote a sense of inclusion. Safety is essential in a healthy neighborhood and can include basics such as adequate lighting, traffic control signs and lights, and sidewalks and bike lanes. Adequate police, fire, and rescue personnel for the community’s population is essential for a healthy sense of safety. Citizen patrol and neighborhood watch groups provide additional opportunities for inclusion.
I live in Rowlett, a small town within Dallas County. Rowlett is a healthy community as defined by the CDC criteria. The city, with a population of approximately 62,000, has won numerous awards including #3 Safest Place in Texas with a population > 50,000 by ValuePenguin in 2016, and # 33 of Top 50 Best Small City to Move to by Movoto in 2015 (City of Rowlett website, 2017). Other neighborhoods in Dallas, unfortunately, do not fare nearly as well. Some parts of the city are considered a “Food Desert”, meaning there are no grocery stores within the area limits. Residents must rely on overpriced convenience stores which generally contain little to no fresh foods. Due to high crime rates in these areas, no grocery store chains are willing to risk placing a store in these locations. The health disparity within the city is overwhelming. Children in these areas rely heavily on subsidized school lunches to provide basic nutrition (City of Dallas website, 2017). I would provide care in a community such as this by starting with a health assessment of the community and assist with obtaining services for those that qualify.

Explain regulations or laws that prescribe how health information professionals are to handle archived or inactive medical records.

Question 1. 
Explain regulations or laws that prescribe how health information professionals are to handle archived or inactive medical records. 

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2.
Discuss the various ways that patient records are authenticated. 

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

As part of the health information management committee at Sunny Valley Hospital, you have been asked by the chief information officer to review abbreviations used in medical documents filed in the patient record. Prepare a summary of your findings, discussing the importance of establishing a facility policy and procedure on the appropriate use of abbreviations. Describe issues that can arise if health information management professionals are not properly trained in the documentation of medical records. Why is knowing the proper documentation techniques important? 

Your response must be at least 500 words in length.


When dealing with ethical situations, healthcare professionals can refer to:
1. Ethics Review Board
2. Laws and Policies
3. The Patient Care Partnership
An active discussion is the key to an interesting and engaging online course. Discussion in this course is designed to simulate a classroom discussion. As others join in the discussion, you should read what has already been posted and continue on with the discussion from there. We will go through the questions one at a time, moving on to the next question once we have fully explored the current question. I will guide you through the discussions.
1. Select to review The Patient Care Partnership (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [PDF, 238.59 KB] document.
2. Choose one aspect of the document and base your initial post on how the healthcare professional is involved in upholding the rights of the patient.
3. Describe one example of upholding the rights of a patient and how these rights might be violated in your place of employment and what measures you would take to resolve it.


recent Environmental Issues versus the Environmental Health Laws

The media are replete with examples of environmental issues exposing us to health risks. The growing concern of environmental issues is the reason why the environmental health laws, such as CAA and CWA, were introduced in the 1970s. There have been several amendments throughout these years.

Using your course textbook, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, research on examples of the following topics:

Environmental Issues that Have Occurred in Last One Year
Major Environmental Health Laws that Have Been Introduced in Past Ten Years
On the basis of your research and understanding of the topic, answer the following questions:

In the past one year, which environmental health issue is the most grave one and why?
What is the role of various government agencies that are charged with enforcing and evaluating the impact of the law?
How have the government agencies been able to assess the gravity of the issue?
Which one is the most important environmental health law that has been introduced within the past few years and why?
Analyze the intended impact of environmental health laws on your local community.
What are the laws that were in effect, or should have been in effect, at the time when the environmental issue occurred?

The Role of HR in Health Care Settings

The Role of HR in Health Care Settings 

 Janet has been working as a nurse manager for a little over six months. Since she took this position, nurses have asked her a variety of questions related to paid leave, health insurance coverage, retirement plans, and other important issues. Each new question causes Janet to wonder whether she is providing her staff with sufficient information. Janet realizes that she needs help answering these questions, and she is curious to see if she can enlist the assistance of someone in the Human Resources department. Despite her experience as a nurse and as a nurse manager, Janet is not sure what kind of support HR can provide, nor how and when she should request their help.  Nurse managers may be uncertain about the roles that HR plays in health care organizations. In addition, many managers are unclear about how HR can support them with the staff function of their managerial responsibilities. As a nurse manager, what questions might you have about HR’s role? Furthermore, how have your previous experiences impacted your perceptions?  To prepare •Reflect upon the role HR has played in your current organization or one with which you are familiar. What interactions have you noticed between HR professionals and other staff in this setting? How do these interactions compare to those of nurse managers and staff that you have observed? •Complete the media survey, “Survey on HR,” found in this week’s Learning Resources. Though this survey is not graded, take careful note of the questions asked and the correct answers. •Review Chapter 1, “The New Human Resource Management Process” in the course text, Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, & Skill Development, as well as this week’s media, “Introduction to Healthcare Human Resource Management.” •Consider how your perceptions of HR are similar to or different from the roles of HR described in the Learning Resources. How does the role of HR differ from that of a nurse manager?  

  Post a description of your media survey experience, including your survey results and your reactions to the survey. Explain at least two perceptions that you held regarding the role of HR compared to the role of the nurse manager. Describe how these perceptions were similar to or different from the roles outlined in the Learning Resources. Without identifying individuals or organizations, support your response by briefly describing experiences that may have influenced your perceptions.

Learning Resources   Required Readings  Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, J. R. (2016). Human resource management: Functions, applications, & skill development (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.     •Chapter 1, “The New Human Resource Management Process” (pp. 2–38) Chapter 1 provides an introduction to human resource management (HRM). It overviews the various disciplines of HRM, as well as the roles and skills that HRM professionals fulfill within organizations. This chapter also highlights why line managers should be aware of basic HRM functions.       •Chapter 2, “Strategy-Driven Human Resource Management” (pp. 40–77) This chapter covers the importance of strategic planning and organizational structure. It also overviews organizational culture and strategic measurement tools.    International Counsel of Nurses. (2011). International Centre for Human Resources in Nursing. Retrieved from     The International Centre for Human Resources in Nursing (ICHRN) aims to address common health care challenges such as budget cuts and underemployment of nursing personnel by integrating meaningful data and best practices into health care settings. The ICHRN website provides nurse administrators with an online resource that assists them in HR-based endeavors.    Required Media  Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2006). Survey on HR [Interactive Media]. Baltimore, MD: Author.     Before reading this week’s Learning Resources, take this survey to determine how much you already know about the role of HR. In addition, review this week’s Discussion and think about how you will use the results from this survey in your Discussion posting.

Health Care Reform After much public and political debate, in March 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama.

Health Care Reform
After much public and political debate, in March 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama. The PPACA is one of many health care reform efforts that have sought to correct key features of the U.S. health care system such as financing, service delivery, and care coordination. This week, you will examine the passage of PPACA as a milestone along the historical continuum of health care reform in the United States.

To prepare:

Review      this week’s Learning Resources and media presentation, reflecting on the      evolution of health care in the United States and the public’s response to      health care reform efforts historically and currently.
Consider:      What principal features of the U.S. health care system helped or hindered      the enactment of federal health reform in March 2010? What challenges were      encountered?
How      do these conditions and/or challenges reflect characteristics of the      policy process and the political environment?

By tomorrow Wednesday 02/28/18 4pm, write a minimum of 550 words in APA format with a minimum of THREE scholarly references from the list of required readings below. Include the level one headers as numbered below:
Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

1) Analyze at least one important feature of the U.S. health care system that is of particular interest to you. Explain why you think this feature is significant in terms of health policy and reform.

2) Describe one or more conditions or challenges specifically related to the passing of the PPACA. Explain how this exemplifies the nature of the policy-making process and

3)  Evaluate how it could relate to the question of why health reform in the United States has been so difficult.

Required Readings

Bodenheimer, T., & Grumbach, K. (2016). Understanding health policy: A clinical approach (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Medical.
Chapter 1, “Introduction: The Paradox of Excess and Deprivation” 
This chapter introduces the concept of “excess and deprivation”—people receiving either too little or too much health care, which contributes to the weakness of the health care system.
Chapter 2, “Paying for Health Care” 
This chapter discusses the evolution of health care financing, including out-of–pocket payments, individual private insurance, employment-based insurance, and government-financed insurance.
Chapter 3, “Access to Health Care” 
This chapter focuses on financial and nonfinancial barriers to health care and concludes with influences to one’s health status unrelated to health care.
Chapter 4, “Paying Health Care Providers” 
This chapter provides information on how physicians and hospitals are paid. (n.d.). Understanding the Affordable Care Act. Retrieved from 
Posted by U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, this article provides an introduction to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA). (n.d.). Understanding the Affordable Care Act: About the law. Retrieved from 
Also posted by U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, this article focuses on specific provisions of the law and outlines how it will increase access to affordable health coverage.

In Week 1 of this course, you are required to subscribe to one of the health information services listed below. In preparation, review these different sites:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2010). AHRQ PSNet Patient Safety Network. Retrieved from (n.d.). Registration is free: The news is invaluable. Retrieved from 

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2011). Publications and research. Retrieved from 

The Commonwealth Fund. (2010). The Commonwealth Fund. Retrieved from 

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. (2011). New & noteworthy. Retrieved from 

Required Media

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Healthcare policy and advocacy: The policy process. Baltimore: Author. 

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 11 minutes.
In this media presentation, Dr. Kominski and Dr. Zelman discuss the policy process and provide an overview of the influence of policy on health care practices. Dr. Zelman also discusses the challenges of passing new policy and relates this to health care reform efforts.Bottom of Form

Identify what private health services for your chosen problem are available in your region. Describe how these services are delivered and funded when delivered by the private sector.

Critical Thinking  
Research the Private Health Care Sector in Saudi Arabia 
For this paper, research the private healthcare sector in your country or region. Begin by selecting one of following health concerns as the substantive basis of your research:

Heart disease

Identify what private health services for your chosen problem are available in your region. Describe how these services are delivered and funded when delivered by the private sector. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages associated with private healthcare. Provide examples and support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be six to seven pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but two must be external.
Utilize headings to organize the content in your work.

i attached word document of one example and i need it the same  

how the practice of nursing is expected to grow and change.

As the country focuses on the restructuring of the U.S. health care delivery system, nurses will continue to play an important role. It is expected that more and more nursing jobs will become available out in the community, and fewer will be available in acute care hospitals.
Write an informal presentation (500-700 words) to educate nurses about how the practice of nursing is expected to grow and change. Include the concepts of continuity or continuum of care, accountable care organizations (ACO), medical homes, and nurse-managed health clinics.
Share your presentation with nurse colleagues on your unit or department and ask them to offer their impressions of the anticipated changes to health care delivery and the new role of nurses in hospital settings, communities, clinics, and medical homes.
In 800-1,000 words summarize the feedback shared by three nurse colleagues and discuss whether their impressions are consistent with what you have researched about health reform.


Choose one of the types of security threats to health information you have reviewed in your work in this module and find an example from the real world where that type of threat has resulted in a security breach. In a three page paper, using APA format, summarize the type of threat, the breach that occurred and what you would recommend as part of a Security Plan to have prevented, detected and mitigated that breach. 
Types of Security Threats

Both human and natural/environmental threats can also be categorized as:

Internal threats
External threats

Ethics in Healthcare Administration

*One Page*Ethics in Healthcare Administration

The following scenario is designed to allow you the
opportunity to contemplate and analyze ethical situations you are likely to
encounter in a position of management. All
of the scenarios are real-life in that they have actually occurred. Generally speaking, there are no right or
wrong answers, just different perspectives.
The scenario format is intended to assist you in the development of a
pattern of thinking. You may use any
resources you choose to help answer the question or to present your point of

and Reporting
You are the CEO of a medium-sized
non-profit health system and have been in your job for five years. Over that time you have worked for a
volunteer Board of Directors where the chairmanship of the Board rotates every
year. A new member has come on to the
Board and the new member has a number of ideas about how to change the health
system for what he believes to be the better.
As a Board member, this person is technically your boss, but you believe
that your experience as an administrator gives you a better perspective to
evaluate proposals for changing the health system. The new board member views your efforts to
educate him on the challenges and problems of his ideas as resistance and has
begun to act aggressively toward you during the monthly Board meetings. You have been approached by the current Board
Chairman, who is an active supporter of yours, to tell you that the new Board
member is talking to other Board members about a move to fire you. While you do not want to be openly hostile to
the new Board member, you also do not want to sit back and wait to be
fired. What actions would you take and why?

A hospital is an acute care short-term stay and emergency medical center that also includes medical departments such as, surgical, obstetrics, infectious disease, radiology, laboratory and mental health. How would you determine which skills, certifications, and licensur e would be effective in retaining the current nurses?

Read the Hospital scenario, located in the Allied Health Community. Be sure to review the Instructions and Legend information.
In a total of 250-500 words, respond to the questions located in the Hospital scenario. 
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA  Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not  required.

Type of care provided
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
A hospital is an acute care short-term stay and emergency medical center that also includes medical 
departments such as, surgical, obstetrics, infectious disease, radiology, laboratory and mental health.
How would you determine which skills, certifications, and licensur
e would be effective in retaining the 
current nurses?
Is there a direct correlation between additional skills and retention and motivation of the nurses?
How would you determine who would be provided the skills development? Are all skills for all nurses 
You are the administrator of a medium-sized hospital. The Director of Human Resources has been 
summoned to an executive team meeting in an effort determine why an unusual number of nursing staff 
leaving for other employment. During the discussions, the Director of Nursing provides her thoughts re

garding why the nurses may be less productive and why some are departing. She states that the primary 
reason is salaries/benefits. A charge nurse thinks the reason might be working conditions, especially 
involving patient load in the various nursing units. Overall morale is low
, which is adversely affecting pro

ductivity. This has also resulted in some patient quality outcomes discovered by the Continuous Quality 
Improvement team.
During the discussion, the Senior Director of Admissions shares some experiences she had with a for

mer employer–that the nursing staff tended to remain longer with the employer based on good working 
conditions, specifically in the area of learning new skills, obtaining additional certifications, licensure, and 
cross-training for other areas not usually assigned. She feels that these measures result in higher reten

tion and patient quality outcomes.
After the meeting, you meet with the Director of Nursing and Human Resources Director, who is also in 
charge of all training and development for the hospital. As the administrator
, you consider developing 
a small group to explore the feasibility of providing more skills development and training to your current 
nursing staff. Before implementing this directive, consider the following:
Question 4
Question 5
How would you determine if additional compensation would be required for trained nurses?
How would you quantitatively determine the cost of this initiative?