Skeletal growth along with brain development, grow rapidly during early childhood. Although it can vary from culture to culture, the fact remains that there will be undeniably a growth spurt in physical and mental development.

one paragraph each post
Desiree post
Skeletal growth along with brain development, grow rapidly during early childhood. Although it can vary from culture to culture, the fact remains that there will be undeniably a growth spurt in physical and mental development. Skeletal growth is what is the most obvious during development. We notice the physical changes of children getting taller, thinner, baby teeth falling out and even facial maturity. Brain development is noticeable over a period of time. Memory, language, attention, and coordination can all be indicators of mental development.
            Asthma is said to be the most chronic disease in child development. It is defined as “a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath” (Clinic, 2016). Factors that have a major influence on asthma are pre and post birth smoking environments. Another factor that grossly effects asthma is air pollution. “Air pollutions exposure before 2-3 years of age appear most important for asthma development” (Nina Clark, 2010). Although there is no cure for asthma, nebulizers and inhalers are used to keep it under control. This health issue is so important to me because my husband suffers from severe asthma, and I worry that it will be passed down to our young daughters.

LaRoya post
During the preschool age, children learn how to regulator their physical development and movement patterns through physical activities & play. Gross motor skills are essential for running jumping and throwing throwing. Gross motor skills develop faster than fine motor development skills, which progress at a slower pace during this age range. Physical activities that develop and nurture preschoolers’ coordination, fine motor skills and gross motor skills will benefit them to progress physically and it may also increase their interactions and performance times with one another. Educating children about having a healthy lifestyle and encouraging a positive body image is critically imperative at this age. The most vital way for parents to assist children in developing a lifestyle of healthy attitudes and behaviors towards food and exercise is to train, to demonstrate, and to encourage correct eating and activity patterns. It is also imperative to continue to deliver children with love and nurturing that builds string, positive self – images based on attributes other than appearance is important as well.
It is extremely important for child’s health development to be assessed and observed. This is the period in which young children reach their developmental milestones emotional, cognitive and motor skills. During this time young children are at risk of many health conditions, one that is extremely known is obesity. Childhood obesity raise the risk for cardiovascular disease and can affect every organ system in the body. For this reason it is imperative to detect this disease at an early stage to ensure that the needed treatment are given to maintain a healthy weight throughout life. There are very limited management programs therefore it is crucial to create a well balanced nutrition plan, emphasizes exercise are very critical. There is an increase recognition of rare monogenic variants causing severe early Kinsey obesity. Some genetic cause such as leptin deficiency or Prader-Willi Syndrome though rare, maybe amenable to treatment and inform to societal attitudes towards severe obesity.

 Critique Stacia and Tenora post in one paragraph
Stacia post
Miguel Soto-Escobar is a five-year-old Hispanic kindergarten student.  He is an English language learner who was considered low birth weight being born at five pounds.  Miguel’s most significant challenge is language which is compounded by a speech disorder.  He has difficulty verbalizing his work and expressing himself.  Miguel’s strengths include understanding directions in Spanish and physical tasks.  Miguel has great fine and gross motor skills and positive interactions with his peers. 
Low Birth Weight and Cognitive Development.
Miguel was born at what is considered be a low birth weight of five pounds.  Low birth weight has documented effects on children’s development.  Miguel’s birth weight could attribute to some of his developmental delays.  Physical, cognitive, and neurobehavioral impairments are associated with low birth weight in children.  Language and executive functioning issues are deficits of lower birth weights.  (Browne, Jenkins, Madigan, & Plamondon, 2014).
Jean Piaget.
Jean Piaget proposed the cognitive theory of development.  His stages of cognitive development have shaped how we understand how children think in the earliest stages of life.  Piaget believed that children learned by their experiences or exposure to the environment.  According to him, children construct their own knowledge of the world based on their individual experiences.  All in all, Piaget states that the best way for children to learn is by doing.  He constructed his theory by building on the Montessori theory that children must do everything for themselves in order to learn.  (Berk & Meyers, 2015).
            Language Areas within the Brain.
Language for most people is located in the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex.  There are two structures within the cerebral cortex that assist with the areas functions, Broca’s Area and Wernicke’s Area.  Broca’s area is in the front to support processing of grammar and production of language.  Wernicke’s area is in the temporal lobe and comprehends word meaning.  Both areas work together as to not allocate one area as responsible for specific functions.  (Berk & Meyers, 2015).  Impaired pronunciation in Miguel’s speech impediment could be attributed to Broca’s aphasia.

Tenora post

The chosen subject for child development case study and evaluation is Gwen Cohen-Green a happy little girl who lives at home in the suburban dwelling with her parents. The family is Jewish in religion and Gwen’s parents are undergoing some marital issues according to the case study. The information about Gwen that can be utilized in analyzing developmental and cognitive theories that applies to her current behavior and attitude is her being active and switching moods form time to time. Gwen is very expressive and out rightly expresses herself through dancing and singing when she is happy but Gwen turns out to be disruptive and can be violent to other classmates when she is mad. There is also an apparent behavior of Gwen where she is a creative thinker and likes to engage in imaginative play.
            Piaget’s cognitive theory explains the relationship between the child’s problematic behavior and the presence of parental conflicts. This theory can explain the disruptive behavior or Gwen in school and her failing marks. The parental conflict severity varies and it can result to different maladaptation on the coping ability of the child (Piaget, 2007). There are little information regarding the nature of the parental conflict experienced by Gwen as reflected in the case study but the intensity, the content, duration as well as resolution can all be attributed to maladaptive behaviors.
Piaget’s theory differed from empiricist theories of development, which suggest that children learn through experience, and nativist theories, which maintain humans are born with innate knowledge that gradually matures. 
At Gwen’s age, the child often understands the concepts of fairness, sharing, empathy and compassion for another person’s plight. She learns to focus more on alternative perspectives and can see other possibilities to the problems or situations she faces and can absorb her parent’s marital problems and manifests itself as childhood confusion. 

An aspect of Vygotsky’s theory is the idea that the potential for cognitive development depends upon the “zone of proximal development” (ZPD): a level of development attained when children engage in social behavior. Full development of the ZPD depends upon full social interaction. Vygotskys (2009)  believes in social constructivism is a sociological theory of knowledge according to which human development is socially situated and knowledge is constructed through interaction with others. He proposes that when a child is exposed to constant parental issues, problems with her interaction with other child is affected considerably.

actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using a functional health assessment and Erickson’s Stages of Child Development.

In this assignment, you will be exploring actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using a functional health assessment and Erickson’s Stages of Child Development. To complete this assignment, do the following:

Using the textbook, complete the “Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment.” Follow the instructions in the resource for completing the assignment.
Cite and reference any outside sources used in your answers. Include in your assessment a thorough discussion of Erickson’s Stages of Child Development as it pertains to the development age of the child.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Explain the basic models of quality improvement in healthcare.

Explain the basic models of quality improvement in healthcare.
Course Scenario
Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following:

Emergency room services
Intensive care
Surgical care
Diagnostic services
Some rehabilitation therapies
Inpatient pharmacy services
Geriatric services
Consumer physician referral services

Recently, the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff, varying from long wait times to rude physicians. You have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to help uncover quality problems and to satisfactorily resolve them.
Scenario Continued
The CEO has met with you to let you know that some members of the Board of Directors are questioning the value of developing a quality improvement plan. She has asked you to create an executive summary and an information sheet to be included in the next Board packet.
Topics for the executive summary should include:

What is a Quality Improvement plan?
Why do healthcare facilities create improvement plans?
Why would you recommend the facility create and implement a QI plan?

After completing the Executive Summary, you will create a one-page information sheet for the Board that they can use to answer questions about QI plans.

The information sheet should give your CEO and the Board of Directors enough information to have an educated conversation with patients and other stakeholders on the value of QI plans.
Make sure to use audience-specific language and tone on your information sheet. Remember, you are writing this information sheet for your CEO and the Board of Directors.
Be creative, and make your information sheet fun and organized.

Imagine that you have been appointed the Director of Health at the Kaluyu Memorial Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya – a for-profit hospital. The facility is also a referral hospital and receives severe cases of accidents, chronicle / communicable diseases and houses an HIV / AIDS ward.

Imagine that you have been appointed the Director of Health at the Kaluyu Memorial Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya – a for-profit hospital. The facility is also a referral hospital and receives severe cases of accidents, chronicle / communicable diseases and houses an HIV / AIDS ward. As you settle into your position, you realize that the employees always act scared as they approach their superiors. Some of the employees even deliver files and leave your office in a hurry.

As you make your routine departmental visits, you realize that there are tensions between nurses and doctors, and there is a sentiment that the nurses tend to do the majority of the work within patient care but the doctors get all the credit. You realize that the employees are always looking forward to the end of their shifts to go home. Some employees even come back to work wearing the same unwashed clothes as the previous day. Too many employees are calling in sick, and many of them give weak reasons for their tardiness.

There is also a sense that employees and nurses dominate other employees in similar positions. In meetings and conference calls some employees are always quiet and never participate. You notice that people with families tend to gather and talk quietly on breaks. The new mothers working for the hospital have to use bathrooms to pump breast milk for their infants and the refrigerators do not work well. Looking at the financial statements of the hospital, you realize that the hospital expenses are higher than the industry standard, and it makes losses year after year.

Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

Investigate the major demotivational factors at Kaluyu Memorial Hospital. Assess the level of impact that the identified factors could have on specific areas of service and business if the administration does not address the situation. Support your response with at least two (2) examples of the potential negative impact of the identified demotivational factors on the hospital.
Choose Maslow’s, Herzberg’s, or McClelland’s model of motivation, and argue the primary reasons why it is applicable to the Kaluyu Memorial Hospital scenario.
Formulate a communication system that will have the greatest impact on improving the situation, and specify the major reasons why your system will influence the employee behaviors for the better. Justify your response.
Use four (4) recent (within the last five [5] years) quality academic resources in this assignment.
Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as quality academic resources. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Counselors As Contributors to Health Care Reform

Counselors As Contributors to Health Care Reform
 The training of  counselor educators and supervisors provides for instruction in the  wellness model, developmental stages of lifetime adjustment, early  intervention and prevention, and empowerment of clients. These values  seem perfectly matched for the re-focusing of health care on the early  stages of care rather than end-of-life care. An example of a health care  model that utilizes early identification of mental health issues and  has a client-centered approach to care is Intermountain Healthcare’s  Mental Health Integration model. 

 Intermountain’s Mental Health Integration  involves licensed mental health professionals working side-by-side with  primary care physicians. Together they are administering or reviewing  clients’ mental health screening instruments, consulting with physicians  on mental health issues, providing same-day brief counseling and  psycho-education, recommending referral for chronic and severe patients,  and working in a health care team along with other professionals. This  model engages community agencies such as the National Alliance for  Mental Illness (NAMI) to support patients and families in the treatment  process. Studies at Intermountain indicate that the Mental Health  Integration model provides higher quality health care at revenue-neutral  or reduced costs. The idea is for mental health workers to collaborate  across professional fields to increase quality health care. 

 The Committee on  Crossing the Quality Chasm: Adaptation to Mental Health and Addictive  Disorders offers the following six aims to achieve high-quality health  care: 

 “The Six Aims of High-Quality Health Care: 

Safe—avoiding injuries to patients from the care that is intended to help them.

Effective—providing  services based on scientific knowledge to all who could benefit and  refraining from providing services to those not likely to benefit.

Patient-centered—providing  care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient  preferences, needs, and values and ensuring that patient values guide  all clinical decisions.

Timely—reducing waits and sometimes harmful delays for both those who receive and those who give care.
Efficient—avoiding waste, in particular waste of equipment, supplies, ideas, and energy.
Equitable—providing  care that does not vary in quality because of personal characteristics  such as gender, ethnicity, geographic location, and socioeconomic  status”

 Source: Institute of Medicine (Eds.). (2006). Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance-use conditions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Retrieved from 

 To prepare for this Discussion: 

 Review the article,  “Integration of Mental Health into Primary Health care in Uganda:  Opportunities and Challenges.” Consider the challenges to integrating  mental health care into primary care and think about strategies for  overcoming these challenges. 

 Review the article, “Far  West Area Health Service Mental Health Integration Project: Model for  Rural Australia,” and think about how mental health care can be improved  by using a primary health care model. 

 Review the article,  “Reducing Harm Through Quality Improvement.” Consider the challenges and  opportunities presented by Intermountain Healthcare’s mental health  integration quality improvement program. 

 Think about how you think the implementation of the mental health integration model might affect you personally. 

 With these thoughts in mind: 

 Post a (200 Word APA Format) an  explanation of how you think you would be affected personally by the  implementation of the mental heath integration model. Be specific, using  the model and your situation to illustrate your points.

Care in this capacity can range from a short-term to long-term based upon the changing needs of the patient. Patient age can range from pediatric to elderly.

Read the Home Care scenario in the Allied Health Community. Be sure to review the Instructions and Legend information.
In a total of 250-500 words, respond to the questions located in the Home Care scenario. 
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA  Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not  required.

HOME CARE Scenario
Type of care provided
Question 1
Care in this capacity can range from a short-term to long-term based upon the changing needs of the patient. Patient age can range from pediatric to elderly. Care can be provided in the patient’s private home, group home, or assisted living setting. Medical homes fall into this category and are a new focus of Accountable Care Organizations through the Affordable Care Act of 2010.  
What steps would you, as the Director of Human Resources, take to rectify this issue? 
In your capacity as the Director of Human Resources, develop a plan for how you would conduct an internal and external wage analysis of your organization and respond to the impact this would have on the organization. 
As the Director of Human Resources within a home care environment, you are responsible for the administration of the organization’s labor budgets. Your Director of Clinical Services, who has a MSN, has presented some challenges regarding the compensation of her staff.This specific assisted nursing facility focuses on long-term care, providing approximately 500 nursing and support personnel who deliver direct and indirect care to approximately 225 patients representing various stages of acuity and need for nursing care. Your overall labor budget represents approximately 60% of expense revenue. 
The Director of Clinical Service complains that several of her registered nurses are threatening to leave the organization, allegedly because a competitor nearby pays their nurses higher wages. In fact, Director of Clinical Service asks for an across-the-board immediate pay adjustment of an additional $5.00 an 
hour for the nurses. She is awaiting a response from you before the day is over.

Select a specific health care organization and identify its mission statement. As the leader of the HR department, you have been asked to deliver an orientation presentation to new employees to introduce the organization’s mission statement and provide an overview of at least one key strategic initiative that aligns with the organization’s mission statement.

Select a specific health care organization and identify its  mission statement. As the leader of the HR department, you have been  asked to deliver an orientation presentation to new employees to  introduce the organization’s mission statement and provide an overview  of at least one key strategic initiative that aligns with the  organization’s mission statement. Part of your presentation should  provide the history and progress of the decision making process. Include  the following in your 8-12 slide presentation along with relevant  speaker notes for each slide:

Description of mission statement, vison statement, and at least one  strategic initiative (i.e. implementing an organization-wide health  record within a 2-year period).
Explanation of how the mission statement is utilized in the organizational planning process.
Description of the constraints of the selected initiative during the planning process.
Description of a few of the tools and techniques that could have been employed during the decision-making process.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment,  solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should  be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the  APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Substance abuse as a Community Health Problem. Violence and Nursing’s Response.

Substance abuse as a Community Health Problem.
Violence and Nursing’s Response.
Please read chapter 22 and 23 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point Presentation.  Once done please answer the following questions;
1.  In your own words define substance abuse and give some examples of some substances and the impact in the health of your community.
2.  How can you apply the levels of prevention when dealing with the problem of substance abuse in your community.  Give some examples.
3.  In your own words define violence and discuss the role of the community health nurse in the management of this public health issue.
4.  Discuss recent violence acts that happened in your community of nationally and how do you think it could be prevented and the role of the community nurse in the prevention of them.
As always present your assignment in an APA format word document Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion board call “week 6 discussion questions”.  A minimum of two evidence based references besides the class textbook .  A minimum of 500 words are required.

Choose a type of healthcare delivery system to study from the list below. Prepare a 2-3 page paper which includes information about a specific hospital organization within your chosen delivery system.

Choose a type of healthcare delivery system to study from the list below. Prepare a 2-3 page paper which includes information about a specific hospital organization within your chosen delivery system.  Explain why you chose the organization as the basis of your paper. In your paper, include the types of consumers (patients) that would use the services of the chosen facility, how those individuals would access the healthcare system and the effect and needs of insurance. Compare and contrast your chosen healthcare delivery system to one other type of delivery system from the list with regards to the populace that would use it, how it is paid for, and your current thoughts on its effectiveness. Include your definition of “health” and how your definition would be met with your chosen healthcare system. Include a minimum of two (2) authoritative references using in-text citations and a reference list.

For-profit hospital
Not-for-profit hospital
Health maintenance organization
For-profit ambulatory surgical center

Submit the 2-3 page paper to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Assignment 3 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsIdentified and explained a specific healthcare system and why it was chosen.20Described the consumers who would use the service, how those individuals would access the healthcare system and the effect and needs of insurance.20Compared and contrasted chosen healthcare system to a different healthcare system and identified the populace at the selected healthcare system and how they would use it and pay for it and your thoughts on its effectiveness.20Provided personal definition of “health” and how that definition would be met with the chosen healthcare system.20Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of at least two authoritative sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total:100

Research online at least 3 existing health care organizations for examples of mission and vision statements. Use them as a reference point when creating your own strategic plan.

Research online at least 3 existing health care organizations for examples of mission and vision statements. Use them as a reference point when creating your own strategic plan.
You are to complete the following portions of your health care organization strategic plan:

Name your health care organization.
Describe the health care organization for which you are creating a strategic plan.

Include details about the population it serves and the services provided. 

Identify the organization’s core competencies. 

How are core competencies giving the organization an important difference in providing customer benefits and perceived value?
Identify the expectations and needs of the health care customer within that population. 

Define the organization’s vision statement. 

Where do you want this organization to go?
What is your personal vision for this organization?
Does the organization address customer service within the vision statement?
Does the organization address the commitment to quality and value?
Does your vision statement involve the employees? 

Craft the organization’s mission statement. 

What is the reason that this organization was created?
Does the organization address customer service within the mission statement?
Does the organization address the commitment to value and quality? 

Describe the health care organization’s service strategy. Include strategies to create a healing environment within your organization that affects patients, visitors, and employees. 

Be sure to address the following:

How does your service strategy develop a culture of customer service?
How does your service strategy create an environment for employees?
Identify how your service strategy is linked to the organizational vision and mission
Create a management performance plan that links action plans to the following issues:

Coproduction  with patients and families 

Create an employee hiring, training, and retention plan that links action plans to the following issues: 

Coproduction with patients and families 

Identify how your action plans are linked to the following within your organization: 

Vision statement
Mission statement
Service  strategy