Technology in health care has taken many forms over the years. In 1796, Edward Jenner developed the first smallpox vaccination method.

Technology in health care has taken many forms over the years. In 1796, Edward Jenner developed the first smallpox vaccination method. A hundred years later, Wilhelm Rontgen discovered how to use x-rays for medical imaging. And in 2013, Japanese researchers grew the first human liver from stem cells. What is next?  How does one technological advance set the stage for further discoveries?
For this assignment you will compose an analysis of 750-1,000 words incorporating the following:

Evaluate at a minimum of two different historical perspectives regarding the delivery of health care in the United States. How has technology and the lack of developing technology affected and shaped these perspectives?
Contrast and describe two technological advances that have positively impacted health care delivery in the United States.
Explain how the two technological advances you selected have influenced public opinion of the changing health care system in the United States? Provide a brief summary of both positive and negative opinions.
Forecast how you believe these two technological advances will affect delivery and utilization of health care in the United States in the future. What other factors may simultaneously affect health care utilization?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Your health care organization has had several small compliance incidents in the past two years, and the organization is now motivated to update their compliance program.

Your health care organization has had several small compliance incidents in the past two years, and the organization is now motivated to update their compliance program. Your executive leadership team asked you to review two health care compliance programs from similar organizations to determine how they constructed their compliance program and what aspects your organization should adopt.
Select the type of health care organization you want represented in this assignment (e.g., family practice, hospital, urgent care, or nursing home).
Locate two compliance program documents from comparable health care organizations using your Internet search engine.
Read both compliance program documents and examine the similarities and differences between the two.
Create a matrix that compares how both organizations execute the following compliance components:

How internal monitoring and auditing is conducted
How compliance and practice standards are implemented
The designated compliance officer (or person designated to be the contact for compliance matters), who that person reports to, and their relationship to the organization’s governing board
How employees are trained and educated to model compliant behaviors
How violations or offenses are detected, reported, and corrected
How lines of communication with employees is developed
How disciplinary standards are enforced

Write a 525- to 700-word executive summary that informs your executive leadership about the matrix you created and offer your opinion as to which best practices the organization should adopt for its own compliance program.

Cite the 2 compliance program documents and any additional references that support your opinion (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

The management of Pacific Wellness Centre, a health food company, recently wants to analyze the cost of two of its famous customized products.

The management of Pacific Wellness Centre, a health food company, recently wants to analyze the cost of two of its famous customized products. The customization is not so much on the content but rather on the packaging as some of the firms wants their firm’s logo on the package. In analyzing these products, the management accountant has identified the following data for a typical month in a year. Activity/ResourcesCost-Driver BaseActivity Cost in a Typical MonthActivity Volume in a Typical Month1. Unit level1.1 Acquired and use material for Fruity BarNumber of units produced$60,0001,000,000 units1.2 Acquired and use direct labor for Fruity BarNumber of direct-labor hours worked20,0002,000 direct labor hours1.3 Acquire and use material for Energy BarNumber of units produced80,000800,000 units1.4 Acquire and use direct labor for Energy BarNumber of direct-labor hours worked30,0002,000 direct labor hours2. Batch Level2.1Number of batches30,000100 batches3. Product Level3.1 Provide product-level advertisingNumber of promotions100,000100 promotions3.2 Provide product-level recordsNumber of products20,0002 products4. Customer Level4.1 Take customer product ordersNumber of customer orders40,0002,000 customer orders4.2 Deal with customer complaintsNumber of complaints20,0001,000 complaints5. Facility Level5.1 Supervise direct laborAmount of direct-labor costs10,000$50,000 for activities 1.2 and 1.4 (supervision costs = 20% of direct labor costs.)5.2 Use main buildingNumber of square feet40,00010,000 square feetRecently, the company’s management team attended a presentation on Activity Based costing system and wants to compute the total cost and unit cost of two of its major customized products that has the following activities in the month of August:Fruity BarEnergy Bar1.1 and 1.3 Material800,000 units900,000 units1.2 and 1.4 Direct labor1,600 hours2,100 hours2.1 Quality control – batches50 batches40 batches3.1 Advertising projects – promotions50 promotions40 promotions3.2 Products recorded1 product1 product4.1 Customer orders800 customer orders900 customer orders4.2 Customer complaints600 complaints300 complaints5.1 Direct-labor supervision$16,000$31,5005.2 Main building use6,000 sq. ft.3,000 sq. ft.Required1.Use ABC to compute the total cost and unit cost of each of the two products given the activity level for the month of August. [Show ALL relevant calculations – use appropriate tables to present your solutions](20 marks)2.Assume that the company’s traditional costing system had assigned overhead costs at a rate of $0.10 per unit of output plus $20.00 per direct labour hour. Overhead costs are the sum of the batch-level, product-level, customer -level, and facility-level costs.  Using this traditional costing approach, compute the cost for each product (including material and direct-labor costs) given the activity level for the month of August. Compute both the total cost and unit cost for each product for the month of August. [Show ALL relevant calculations – use appropriate tables to present your solutions](10 marks)3.Do the units costs of the two products computed under ABC and traditional costing systems differ significantly? If so, what causes the differences?(5 marks)4.You have just discovered that the product manager of Fruity Bar has been less than honest in reporting the number of direct-labor hours used. In checking the payroll records, you discover that 2,000 direct-labor hours ($20,000 direct-labor costs) actually were used in August to produce Fruity Bar, not 1,600 hours as the product manager reported. Why might the product manager of Fruity Bar have understated the number of direct-labor hours used to produce it? (Assume traditional costing is used).       (5 marks)

1-Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns theory appears to be the most helpful and effective in evaluating families. This theory focuses on 11 health patterns in the family and is used to find out risk factors based on the answers within the current developmental stages of the family and its members.

1-Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns theory appears to be the most helpful and effective in evaluating families. This theory focuses on 11 health patterns in the family and is used to find out risk factors based on the answers within the current developmental stages of the family and its members.  It utilizes the technique of establishing patterns from the provided information and focuses on reducing risk based on the patterns.  “The presence of risk factors predicts potential dysfunction. Developmental risk and risk arising from dysfunctional health patterns increase whole family risk.” (Edelman & Mandle, 2010) 
I find this theory to be the most helpful as it focuses on the whole family with attention to the developmental stage each family member is currently in.  With focus on risk that may affect one member of the family it works to improve the family as a whole based on the fact that one family member can affect the whole family based on their actions.

2-Dr. Murray Bowen introduced The Family Systems Theory that suggests that individuals can not be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family.  Furthermore, families are systems of interconnected and interdependent individuals, none of whom can be understand in isolation from the system. 
Bowen states that a family is made of members that play a role and rules to respect. Although, maintaining the same pattern of behaviors within a family may lead to balance in a family, but it could led to dysfunction. For example, if a mother experiences depression and can not get it together, the husband may need to take up more responsibilities. This change could create stability or led the family to a different equilibrium. 

An Experimental Study in the Primary Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes

Ethics in Epidemiological Research
An Experimental Study in the Primary Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes
Imagine that researchers are conducting a randomized controlled trial of a high-fiber supplement as a preventive measure in persons at increased risk of type 2 diabetes. People enrolled in the study are disease-free at the time they agree to participate in the trial, but they all have a family history of type 2 diabetes and are considered at high-risk (80%) to develop the disease during their lifetime. The 10,000 participants who start the trial are healthy individuals who are randomly allocated to receive either high-fiber supplements or placebo for several years. As you can imagine, this study will be quite expensive and will require a large infrastructure of personnel and materials to carry it out successfully.
Because type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, the potential benefits of this research are important at a population level. Unfortunately, high-fiber supplements have also been shown in a few studies to be associated with gastrointestinal blockage (which can be life-threatening) and reduced nutrient absorption, which may lead to anemia, osteoporosis, and other debilitating chronic diseases. The supplements may also reduce absorption of certain medications and cause gastrointestinal distress. The potential side effects of continuous high-fiber supplementation are only partially understood, and long-term effects are unknown.
Post your initial response to at least two of the following questions:
1. What are the potential risks and benefits to be considered when designing this study?
2. When the side effects and long-term effects of a potential preventive measure are largely unknown, is it ethical to expose participants to these risks? Why or why not?
3. Is it ethical to deny the possible prevention benefits of high-fiber supplements to persons in the placebo group? Why or why not?
4. Do the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks to the participants and to society? Why or why not?

Epidemiology of Health and Illness. Transforming the Public’s Health Care Systems.

Epidemiology of Health and Illness.
Transforming the Public’s Health Care Systems.
Global Health
Please read chapter 4, 5 & 7 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations.  Once done answer the following questions;

1. How does the epidemiologic triad apply to health issues we see in the hospital? What are some common diagnoses in the acute care setting? What about in the community setting? How does the epidemiologic triad differ when a nurse is providing care to someone in the community or in his home? Does the nurse have more or less control in either arena?
2. Discuss the data presented regarding obesity in America in the Ethical Connection feature on page 118.  Please review the data and discuss your feelings about the role of community health nurses in community nutrition.
3. What are some of the causes for increases in healthcare costs in recent years, as outlined in the chapter?  Brainstorm some examples that you have actually witnessed in the clinical setting. Can any of these factors be modified? What could nurses do to help cut down on costs related to the different factors?
4. Why are the causes of morbidity and mortality in other countries different than in the United States? In what ways are they the same? Why do those differences exist? What types of services & interventions are needed in less developed countries to help with their health issues?

As stated in the class syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attach to the thread in the discussion board title “Week 2 discussion questions”.  A minimum of 2 references no more than 5 years old are required with 2 replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references.  A minimum of 500 words without counting the first and reference page are required.  

Text and materials:
Saucier Lundy, K & Janes, S.. (2016). Community Health Nursing. Caring for the Public’s Health. (3rd ed.) ISBN: 978-1-4496-9149-3
Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.).
2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5 

Develop a financial analysis of a healthcare delivery organization of your choosing.

Develop a financial analysis of a healthcare delivery organization of your choosing. The intent of this assignment is to evaluate the financial and operational health of the organization and disseminate the information to the class. You may pursue, analyze, and synthesize any information source you choose (e.g., website content, personal interviews, organizational documentation). Strive to be rigorous and thorough in your research.Note: For-profit organizations are generally easier to research than not-for-profits as all financials are reportable to the Securities and Exchange Commission.Upload your completed financial analysis of your chosen healthcare delivery organization. The intent of this assignment is to evaluate the financial and operational health of the organization and disseminate the information to the class.


Healthcare Administrator manage for a Medical Office Manager role at Georgia Plastic & Recon Surgery 

Interview questions:

Please tell us a little bit about your background and experience.
Please tell us why you are interested in this position and how you can make a difference.
Please tell us about a past accomplishment that you are especially proud of and why.
Please describe a difficult situation you encountered in a previous job and how you resolved it.

I will download my resume for you to give you my career background and experience.

Select a real world healthcare delivery system to illustrate and discuss the various structural and functional components and organizational design theory being exemplified

Healthcare Delivery System Evaluation Select a real world
healthcare delivery system to illustrate and discuss the various
structural and functional components and organizational design
theory being exemplified. The illustration should identify the
following: purpose and population served; the organizational design
and underlying theory exemplified in the system; how the healthcare
system is financed; and a visual representation identifying the
various structural and functional components and their
interrelationships within the system. The brief written summary
should include: a rationale as to why the selected healthcare
entity is considered a “system”; discussion of current trends
related to and impacting this healthcare system; and a summary
discussing key aspects of the systematic interrelationships of the
structural and functional components, theoretical design involved,
and implications for healthcare administration. References to
classroom learning and concepts from the course materials are
expected. All citations and reference list should follow APA
writing style guidelines.


Healthy Plants Ltd. (HP) produces its premium plant food in
100-pound bags. Demand for the product is 100,000 pounds per week.
HP operates 50 weeks per year. HP can produce 250,000 pounds per
week. The setup cost is $200 and the annual holding cost rate is
$0.55 per bag. Currently, HP produces its premium plant food in
batches of 1,000,000 pounds.
1. What is the economic production quantity (EPQ) in bags?
2. What is the maximum inventory level in bags
using the economic production quantity (EPQ) as the quantity of
plant food to make per production cycle?
3. What is the total annual cost of using the economic
production quantity (EPQ) as quantity of plant food to make per
production cycle?

Roadmap Policy: Improve Health for Specific At-Risk Populations

Policy: Improve Health for Specific At-Risk Populations
Specific populations that are at risk for poor health outcomes
for manageable conditions present unique opportunities for care
improvement. Toward this end, the Task Force recommends that the
targeted interventions detailed below be implemented to address the
special health care needs of specific sub-populations. Strategy
Element #15: Expand the existing evidence-based family home
visiting program for high-risk mothers and evaluate the impact of
home visiting on health disparities. Minnesota children who
experience economic hardships, maltreatment, and other trauma face
distinct risks to their overall health and development. In
Minnesota, 13.7% of pregnant women received inadequate or late (2nd
or 3rd trimester) prenatal care, 15.2% of pregnant women smoked
during their pregnancy, and 4.3 per 1,000 children 12 years and
younger are abused or neglected.
Evidence-based family home visiting has been shown to be an
effective service strategy for very young children and their
families, improving outcomes in lifelong health and well-being,
school readiness, and economic self-sufficiency.
Research-based family home visiting models have proven that for
every public health dollar invested, a return of up to $5.70 can be
expected in savings to programs including Medicaid and food
support. Therefore, the Task Force recommends expanding the family
home visiting program to include voluntarily-enrolled first-time
mothers on Medicaid and pregnant and parenting teenagers in the
Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP).
After reading the Road Map to a Healthier Minnesota, pick a
policy you want to discuss further in this discussion board.
What did you find most surprising in the plan and the
Discuss the implications the healthcare policy you chose impacts
the healthcare crisis happending today.
Perhaps the policy suggestions in the report are not something
you encounter in your work or profession. If not professionally,
which policy change recommendations resonate with you as a citizen?
Support your ideas with examples you have experienced and
information you have read which bring you to a place of passion (or
compassion!) for one or more of the recommendations.

Teens and Healthy Eating

For its study, Teens and Healthy Eating: Oxymoron or Trend?, New York–based BuzzBack Market Research focused on snacking. Among its findings: Teens eat an average of three snacks per day; breakfast is the meal they skip most often. Though scads of snacks are stacked on store shelves, when it comes to healthier treats targeting adolescents, it’s a bit of a teenage wasteland. BuzzBack asked 532 teen respondents to imagine new foods they’d gobble up. The following are some of their ideas: • “Travel fruit. Why can’t fruit be in travel bags like chips or cookies? Canned fruit is too messy. Maybe have a dip or something sold with it, too.”—Female, age 17. • “A drink that contains five servings of fruits and vegetables.”—Male, age 16, Caucasian. • “I would invent all natural and fat-free, vitamin-enhanced cookies and chips that had great flavor.”—Female, age 16. • “I would make fruit-based cookies.”—Male, age 16, Caucasian. • “Low-carb trail mix, because trail mix is easy to eat but it has a lot of fat/carbs.”—Female, age 15, Caucasian. • “I would create some sort of microwavable spaghetti.”—Male, age 16, Caucasian. • “Something quick and easy to make that’s also cheap. I’ll be in college next year, and I’m trying to find things that are affordable, healthier than cafeteria food, and easy to make.”—Female, age 17. • “Good vegan mac n’cheese.”—Female, age 18, Caucasian. • “A smoothie where you could get all the nutrients you need, that tastes good, helps you stay in shape, and is good for you. Has vitamins A, B 3, B12, C, ginkgo. Packaging would be bright.”—Female, age 16, African American. • “A breakfast shake for teens. Something easy that tastes good, not necessarily for dieters like Slim Activities 1. Fast, etc. Something to balance you off in the morning.”—Male, age 18.29 You are a new-product development specialist at Kraft. What guidance can you get from the BuzzBack study? 2. Choose one of the suggestions from the above list of healthy snack concepts. Imagine that your company is interested in turning the idea into a new product but wants to conduct market research before investing in product development. Design a marketing research plan that will give company managers the information they need before engaging in new-product development of the idea. 3. Once you have finished your plan, collect the data. Depending on the data-collection methods you have outlined in your plan, you may need to make adjustments so that you can collect actual data to analyze. 4. Analyze the data you collected and create a report for your company either recommending that the company pursue the idea you chose or investigate another.   ETHICS EXERCISE