Public Health Data Collection Methods

Public Health Data Collection Methods

Since the inception of public health programs, vital statistics have been a critical factor in the effort to improve sanitation and to control disease. Today, mortality and morbidity data are used more generally to study trends and differentials in all kinds of causes of death and illness. The availability of mortality and morbidity statistics for small geographic units has contributed uniquely to the value of these data for epidemiologic investigations, surveillance, and informatics.

  • List and explain at least three of the five major challenges posed by current methods of collecting morbidity data with respect to data accuracy and data reliability.
  • Why it is important for those collecting morbidity data to be able to ensure confidentiality for respondents, and list the legislative and administrative requirements imposed on the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) with respect to data confidentiality.
  • Morbidity and mortality statistical reporting come from, in part, coded medical data transmitted through electronic data interchange (EDI) from Health Information Management Systems (HIMS) to PHIS. These data have all been standardized under HIPAA. Explain what it means to use coded data in data collections from the HIMS and/or PHIS.

Write your response in a minimum of 300–400 words, providing relevant references. Apply APA standards to citation of sources


Health Admin

Resources: Week Two Technology Trends Proposal Part l Worksheet, Week Three Technology Trends Proposal Part ll, and Week Four Technology Trends Proposal Part lll assignments. They are all attached.

Imagine you work for a health care organization and have been asked to develop a proposal on how the organization might adopt a technology trend to improve the quality of health care delivery.

Develop a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to present your research and recommendations to the Board of Directors of the health care organization.

Use the content from the Technology Trends Proposal assignment in Weeks Two through Four and research the educational and training needs for the selected technology to help you develop your presentation.

Discuss the following in your presentation:

  • Analyze the types of technology trends you researched.
    • What are the types and uses of technology across the health care industry?
    • Which technology trend did you select? Why?
  • Analyze the impact of the technology trend you selected.
    • What impact does the trend have on the health care organization?
    • What are the benefits of the selected technology that support quality initiatives?
  • Analyze the security risks and privacy safeguards related to the technology trend you selected.
    • What are the privacy risks and security safeguards of the selected technology?
    • How do these security risks and privacy safeguards follow state and federal regulations?
    • How might you minimize the risks and maximize the safeguards?
  • Examine strategies to evaluate system effectiveness of the technology selected.
    • What strategies will be used to evaluate system effectiveness of the selected technology?
    • Why did you select the strategies?
  • Analyze the need for education and training on the use of the selected technology trend.
    • What are the educational and training needs for the use of the selected technology?
    • How might the education and training needs vary by the employee’s role in the organization?
    • How would you determine if education and training are needed outside of the organization?

Include a title slide, detailed speaker notes, and a references slide.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.

Format your references according to APA guidelines in the speaker notes and the references


Healthcare administration

  1. What are your thoughts to the Trump Administration’s and Republican Party’s efforts to make some initial changes to the Affordable Care Act? (You will NOT earn credit if you use the term “O****care” in your response. There is no law by that name!) (150 words)
  1. Examine the impact of interest groups on the policymaking process.(400 words)
  1. Describe the evolution of inspecting and improving quality in the healthcare industry. (150 words)
  1. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a management philosophy and a management method. Identify and explain the philosophical and methodological characteristics of CQI. Select the characteristic you find most valuable and explain why. (300 words)



Identify and select a health problem in the US Health Care sector from the list below.  Prepare a summary document using the required table format shown below. The table should be single spaced and a maximum of three (3) pages. Also include a cover page and a reference page in APA Format (these do not count toward the page limit). Reference the bolded formatting instructions in the Class Guidelines area of the syllabus.  The topics is as follows

Disadvantaged children often do not have health insurance and do not receive the preventive care (such as vaccines and well-baby check-ups) that can help avoid long-term health problems

Health Problem:Describe and provide details about the health problem.  Indicate in detail who is most impacted by this health problem. This section must include how the problem impacts patients, health care providers and/or professionals, health organizations, and government. Note the human and financial costs. Use in-text citations for all statistical references. 
Healthy People 2020:Summarize the health problem as recognized by Healthy People 2020. Note how the health problem you identified fits within the Healthy People 2020 framework. Use in-text citations as needed.If the issue is not identified in Healthy People 2020, research and assess if another governmental document identifies and describes the problem. If yes, indicate the source. Hypothesize about why this specific societal health problem might have been excluded from Healthy People 2020. 
Official Title and Citation of the Legislation:Indicate the government’s response to the health problem you selected. Select one piece of legislation. In this section, include the title, bill number or citation from the statute.
Status:As of the date of submission, what is the status of the legislation in the health policy cycle?
Analysis of the public policy response:Describe the scope of the legislation and the anticipated impact.
Conclusion:In your opinion, does the health policy adequately addresses the health problem you identified? Why or why not?
Resources for Updates:What resource would a health organization use to check for updates on this policy or legislation?


Research and discuss with your colleagues two health care challenges in the future for public or private health care organizations. You must select two challenges and discuss: How will these challenges affect patience and the health care organization? Be specific as to which type of health care organization you are dealing with [i.e. HMOs. PPOs, POS, urgent care centers, physician outpatient care surgical centers, etc.]. Peers are expected to demonstrate critical thinking in their questions related to the classmates’ descriptions. Provide citation of authority to support your initial response to conference questions. Peers are expected to demonstrate critical thinking in their questions related to the classmates’ descriptions. Initial response to discussion topic must be no later than 11:59pm EST Thursday and then you must substantively respond to at least 2 classmate submissions no later than 11:59pm EST Sunday. See Discussion Expectations and Grading.

Background readings:

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in Healthcare


  • read Snedaker Industry Spotlight #2 – Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in Healthcare
  • Please read Snedaker Industry Spotlight #3 – Financial Services

In no more than two pages, answer the following questions:

  • Based on Spotlight #2, what BIA components would you recommend as critical for the organization?
  • Based on Spotlight #3, what BIA components would you recommend as critical for the organization?
  • Assume you are assisting with DR/BC planning for the Wilmington University Library.  What recommendations would you have for critical and essential business functions for the Wilmington University Library for serving students and faculty?
  • Assume you are assisting with DR/BC planning for the Wilmington University Library.  What risks would you identify and what recommendations do you have for the Contingency Planning Management Team (CPMT)?

The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 2 pages of content, and, if needed, a reference page.  Your assignment will be graded based on the rubric, which can be viewed when clicking on the assignment link.

EXCERISE:Attached Files:

  •  Week 2 – Article (1.337 MB)

Read the attached article –  Shibata, Y., Uchida, N. &  Shiratori, N.(2014) “Lessons of the Great East Japan Earthquake”

Please answer the following questions in no more than two pages:

  • What were the critical planning oversights highlighted in the article?
  • What recommendations would you have for Japan’s new DR/BC planning?
  • What recommendations might you have for University?


Explain the finance mechanism involved in government health care of your assigned country. Are there any new and innovative healthcare technologies being done in that country?This assignment should be substantial in length(minimum of 300 words), meet APA guidelines and should be supported with at least 2 secondary references and in-text citation. The reflection should contain well-developed ideas, and clearly addresses key issues, problems and questions. Lastly, ensure that it is free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling – it must meet proper format and meets citation/reference requirements.


Evaluate two (2) advantages for a health care administrator to engage the services of a consultant to improve the functions of HR. 1.      Consultants have specialized knowledge, technical expertise and experience. Their expertise qualifies them to address specific issues or problems. Experts can provide focused advice, conduct training and create a strategic plan (Fallon & McConnell, 2014). 2.      Consultants can provide a less bias point of view (Fallon & McConnell, 2014). Sometimes when problems arise and issues are pressing, it is hard to assess possible solutions when you are too close to the situation. Also, because the consultant has no stock or interest in the organization, they are able to be brutally honest concerning staff and processes.


Read the case study titled “GE Healthcare (B): A CSR Dilemma”

Reviewing the case study titled “GE Healthcare (A): Innovating for Emerging Markets” may be helpful in supporting your arguments.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

1.Determine two (2) specific ethical issues that General Electric (GE) Healthcare faced when implementing its strategy to introduce low cost diagnostic equipment to developing countries. Recommend two (2) actions that GE can take to resolve these ethical issues. 2.Analyze the concepts of professional and applied ethics and determine whether GE Healthcare breeched these concepts in the development of its low cost alternatives for diagnostic medical equipment. Provide one (1) specific example to support your rationale. 3.Determine whether GE Healthcare has any responsibility in resolving the issue of a preference for male children in cultures where its diagnostic ultrasound products are sold. Recommend one (1) strategy that would enable GE Healthcare to balance its responsibility of continued growth and development with any ethical or moral concerns investors and human rights groups might have regarding the use of its equipment in controlling the birth rates of male children in some cultures. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. •Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

•Analyze the roles of and the relationships among organizational mission, vision, values, and strategic goals, and why they are called directional strategies. •Apply analytic skills to define strategic problems, generate and evaluate strategic alternatives, and develop implementation tactics. •Use technology and information resources to research issues in the strategic management of health care organizations. •Write clearly and concisely about strategic management of health care organizations using proper writing mechanics.


Identify, analyze, and discuss the components that comprise a valid evidence-based research study. Based on the information compiled above, interview a health care leader about his/her experiences related to using evidence-based research to drive changes in practices in his/her facility.

Write a report (1,000-1,250 words) of your findings. Include the following in your report:

1. The changes that the health care leader has been involved in implementing.

2. How strong did the leader feel the research on the topic was? Why?

3. Have they ever rejected research findings? Why or why not?

4. Include any concerns they have had or resistance they have experienced when implementing changes based on research.

5. Analyze your findings as they apply to the components of evidence-based research.


Imagine you are working in HR and have a group of new employees. You want to create information to facilitate the training and the importance of the process that goes into training.

Create a learning aid about training and education in health care. Create a brochure,Include the following in the learning aid:

  • Explain why training and education are vital in health care.
  • Explain the importance of measuring competencies.
  • Describe the process for tracking and evaluating training effectiveness.

Include at least 2 references.

Public Health Preparedness

Assignment 5: Public Health Preparedness

Due Week 10 and worth 200 points

You have just been hired as a new Vice President of quality and safety for a full-service 600-bed government healthcare organization.  Within your first month on the job, the national security threat level has been raised to Imminent, which means there is a credible, specific, and impending terrorist threat against the United States, and your facility may be directly impacted. The Chief Executive Officer has requested an immediate six to eight-page report of your proposal for handling such a situation.

Note: You may create and /or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Write a 6-8 page paper in which you:

  1. Examine the existing procedures related to at least four (4) of the ten (10) essential public health services. Focus on the principal effects that these procedures will have on your hospital during the emergency.
  2. Specify the importance of continuing to evaluate patients, as stipulated by the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), during the emergency.
  3. Detail three (3) measures that you would use in order to maintain the electronic medical record system during the emergency.
  4. Defend your position on the decision to accept health insurance during the emergency as a potential source of income for the facility. Provide support with at least three (3) examples that illustrate your position.
  5. Analyze the extent to which this emergency might affect the quality of care provided to the patients and the unimpeded operation of the organization.
  6. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine information management and health care records and how the legal reporting requirements impact health care.
  • Analyze the impact of healthcare financing and health insurance on healthcare access, quality, and cost.
  • Analyze the influence of health policy and health reform on healthcare access, quality, and cost in the U.S.
  • Analyze tort reform and healthcare quality.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in healthcare policy, law, and ethics.
  • Write clearly and concisely about healthcare policy and law using proper writing mechanics.