Identify and analyze what you believe to be the most significant new technology requirements for the health care industry.

Assignment 1: Technology Assessment

Due Week 3 and worth 240 points

Using the Internet or Strayer University databases, research the regulatory requirements related to technology with the health care industry, and complete this assignment.

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

1.Identify and analyze what you believe to be the most significant new technology requirements for the health care industry. Indicate how providers should approach the implementation of this new technology requirement that you have identified. Provide support for the response..

2.Analyze the basic technology underlying health care information systems. Argue that the need for technological innovation and / or modification is most pressing. Support the argument with examples..

3.Recommend an innovation / modification, and explain how the recommendation could improve the overall level of health care in your own community. Include specific example(s) using local hospitals or other health care providers to support the response. .

4.Suggest a key action that senior health care leadership could take in the community in which you live to push the boundaries of information technology management. Next, speculate on the effect to the community as a result of the improvement to the health care technology..

5.Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources..

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions..

•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length..

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

•Demonstrate an understanding of the basic technology underlying health care information systems..

•Apply senior management’s role in information technology management..

•Use technology and information resources to research issues in health information systems..

•Write clearly and concisely about health information systems using proper writing mechanics..

review secondary data sources for details about the health of Virginians.

Topic: Health of Virginians

In this learning activity, you will review secondary data sources for details about the health of Virginians. Target 1 Virginia county or community of interest in the following data sources; briefly scan the health assessment information to get a more detailed picture about the health status of Virginians in that specific locale or region. Then, look more closely at the health data concerning 1 of the 5 health ranking determinants you wrote about in Learning Activity 1.

• Virginia Department of Health Data & Statistics • Community Health Status Indicators • County Health Rankings • SMART: BRFSS Data

Following the principles of epidemiologic inquiry, answer the following questions regarding the information you uncovered about 1 health determinant in your selected county or community. Give your response in a post of 400–500 words.

• Person: Describe the population expressing the determinant o How many (percentage of population or rate) are described by this determinant? o How is the determinant expressed in the population (age, gender, education, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics)? o Compare segments of the population (who has the most/least, at greatest/least risk)?

• Place: Describe the location with regard to the determinant o Is the determinant seen more in urban or rural regions? o What other characteristics define the prevalence of the determinant in the region (housing, geography, topography, etc.)? o Compare other locations with the one you selected (how does prevalence compare in neighboring counties, the state, or the nation)?

• Period: Describe the time trends of the determinant o Over the past few years, has the prevalence rate decreased or increased or stayed about the same? (i.e., is it getting better or worse?) o Compare the time trends of the state and the nation with those of your location. Are they better, worse, or similar?

• Conclusion: From the information you gathered about the health determinant, describe a priority population in a particular place with a precise problem to address. This will be the focus of a public health intervention you will develop across the remaining learning activities.

Healthcare Management and Organization

Healthcare Management and Organization

Conduct research on these 2 principles of managememt controlling and leading. You have been asked to give a presentation to a group of new managers in a health care setting. This presentation must cover each of the 2 principles discussed above. For each principle you will need to provide a real world example in which a leader has successfully performed the function and the impact that function had. You need to demonstrate in your presentation the value each principle has in the real word.


• Your presentation should be in Microsoft PowerPoint

• Be 4 to 6 slides in length (not including the cover slide or reference slide)

• Include comprehensive speaker’s notes

• Include appropriate graphics, images, and slide transitions


  • Provide the definition of the principle and then follow up with an example. You should do this for all of the principles listed in the reading.
  • Summary slide
  • References slide

Make sure to

  • Use images
  • Include slide notes
  • Cite your sources in your notes whenever you bring in research

Describe 2 key lessons that you have learned from state or local health reform efforts, and provide an analysis on how these lessons might inform health policy changes taking place at the federal level, if at all.

Describe 2 key lessons that you have learned from state or local health reform efforts, and provide an analysis on how these lessons might inform health policy changes taking place at the federal level, if at all.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Complete the following:

  • Describe 2 key lessons that you have learned from state or local health reform efforts, and provide an analysis on how these lessons might inform health policy changes taking place at the federal level, if at all.
  • Identify 1 reform effort that is considered a benchmark at the local level that in some way reduces health care costs, improves quality, or increases access to health care.
  • Provide the link to the article or Web site in your post.


Part 1:
Please respond to the following: “Brand Design Model” 2 page with references
* Evaluate the value of assigning appropriate brand identities to represent health care goods, services, and institutions. Provide support for your rationale.
* Assess the value of Calder and Reagan’s Brand Design Model as a device for systematically guiding health care marketers through the process of formulating brands. Explain one (1) reason why a SWOT analysis is needed to help health care organizations understand competitor brands. Provide two (2) examples from a health care organization with which you are familiar that support the value of Calder and Reagan’s Brand Design Model.
Part 2:

Please respond to the following: “Brand Portfolio Molecule and Brand Report Card” 2 pages with references
* Based on your review of the Learnscape scenario titled “Learnscape 3: Recover and Retention”, explain the fundamental reasons why brands do not exist in isolation but do exist in larger environments that include other brands. Provide two (2) specific recommendations or solutions that help the health care facility in this scenario improve patient satisfaction.
* Assess the value of Lederer and Hill’s Brand Portfolio Molecule when used to understand brand relationships. Provide at least two (2) specific examples of strategic or tactical initiatives within a health care organization.


Create a full marketing strategy (3 to 4 pages) for a health care company or product. Refer to the examples of companies or products used in the Week Four Communication Strategy assignment. You may use a company or product from Week Four or select a new company or product. Address the following in your marketing strategy:

Section 1: General Product Information •Describe the health care company or product •Describe how you will market your health care company or product. ◦Describe how the marking plan will differ from other marketing plans currently available to consumers. •Describe the value of the services offered by your health care company or product.

Section 2: Consumers •Differentiate health care access options for consumers. ◦Differentiate the health care access options that are available to your target audience. ◦Analyze how the health care access options will affect how you market to your target audience. ◦Analyze how consumers communicate health care access options. ◦Analyze the implications of communication methods used when sharing health information. Consider communication from physicians, pharmacies, and consumers when information is shared.

Section 3: Impact of Outside Agencies •Analyze the impact government agencies have on products and services that are available to the health care consumer.

Section 4: Impact of Regulations •Analyze the effect of health care reform on the health care consumer products and services. ◦Analyze how health care reform will affect your target audience. ◦Analyze how health care reform will affect how you market to your target audience.

Section 5: Anticipating the Changing Market •Explain how consumer’s options for health care are changing. ◦Explain how you will ensure the health care company or product is relevant to the consumer.

Section 6: Importance of Market Strategy •Explain why all of these factors are important for your marketing strategy.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.


Research the following in your community or surrounding area: •One walk-in clinic, such as urgent care •One retail clinic in your local grocery store or drug store •No appointment physician’s office

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the above centers and addresses the following: •Analyze the changing landscape of the health care system. ◦Differentiate the various places health care is delivered. •Analyze what impact cultural demographics have on the health care market. ◦Analyze the targeted audience of the clinic or office based on cultural demographics. ◦Analyze the effectiveness of the marketing approach for the clinic or office to various cultures. ◦Analyze the marketing techniques that could be used to improve the marketing within different cultural demographics. •Differentiate what effect different generations have on the health care market. •Analyze the targeted audience of the clinic or office based on generational demographics. ◦Differentiate the effectiveness of the marketing approach for the clinic or office to various generations. ◦Differentiate the marketing techniques that could be used to improve the marketing within different generations. •Analyze the impact of media and social networking on consumer choices.

Health Care Human Resources Management

Assignment 1: Health Care Human Resources Management

Imagine that you have applied for the position of Manager of Human Resources at an acute care hospital in your community. The hospital is planning to expand its services to meet the needs of a growing community. As part of the application screening process, you have been asked to write a document that outlines the steps you would take, as the manager of HR, to improve the effectiveness of HRM in this organization. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Analyze two (2) current trends in health care that are affecting human resources management that may likely impact your hiring decision as HR manager. Provide support for your analysis. Suggest a significant opportunity for HR to become more of a strategic partner within an organization. Justify your response. Recommend a model of human resources management that would be the most appropriate for this organization in question. Provide support for your recommendation. Recommend a strategy that HR could implement in order to develop more effective relationships between Human Resources and the organization’s managers and senior executives, indicating how each strategy will achieve the desired goal. Determine a specific employment law that may affect the hiring and selection process at the acute hospital in your community. Provide support for your rationale. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze the unique aspects of managing human resources (HR) in health care organizations. Evaluate the effects of major employment laws on HR functions in health care organizations. Evaluate the competencies necessary for effective health care human resources management. Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services human resource management. Write clearly and concisely about health services human resource management using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.


Figure 1.1 in the course text illustrates how various functional plans for a healthcare organization support the overall strategic plan.

Figure 1.1: Relationship of overall strategic plan to business unit plans. Adapted from Strategic Planning and Marketing in Healthcare Organizations by R. Stevens and L. S. Silver, 2015, section 1.2: “The Importance of Strategic Planning and Marketing – Strategic Planning Process Overview.” Copyright 2015 by Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

The healthcare delivery system is often described as a service-driven industry. Therefore, it is vitally important for healthcare organizations to define the services that they are providing; however, it is equally important to determine the demographics or customer base that requires the specific service.

The strategic planning process supports the healthcare organization by prioritizing objectives and detailing the actions needed to fulfil the goals of the business plan. Specific actions are unique and depend on the healthcare organization’s services, goals, and mission. Not all objectives outlined in the strategic plan require marketing plans (e.g., purchasing land, equipment, and buildings). Other objectives may require a marketing plan (e.g., providing physical therapy targeted toward a specific demographic).

To prepare for this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 of the course text. You may also want to review the recommended article by Yang (2010). Then read the scenario below and construct your initial post based on the directives that follow.


The marketing director for Happy Valley long-term care center looks at the organization’s strategic plan to differentiate marketable objectives from non-marketable objectives. Objectives found in the healthcare organization’s strategic plan include the following:

  • Purchasing medical equipment
  • Purchasing more land
  • Acquiring financial capital
  • Acquiring physical resources
  • Providing elder day care to Alzheimer’s patients
  • Providing physical therapy
  • Providing social activities such as bingo
  • Promoting product awareness such as: marketing in a manor to improve the public’s perception of the HCO’s product or service
  • Providing shuttle service to medical appointments
  • Increasing sales
  • Creating a brand
  • Establishing the organization as a leader in the long-term care industry

Initial Post: Based on the Happy Valley scenario detailed above and the information presented in Chapters 1 and 2 of the course text, construct an initial post in which you

  • Differentiate between the organization’s stated objectives as to whether they are marketable or non-marketable objectives.
  • Select the marketable objectives (i.e., those you would recommend developing in a marketing plan), and explain why you consider those objectives marketable.
  • Explain why the marketing plan objectives should be in line with the objectives in the healthcare organization’s strategic plan.


Employees in the health care system manage a wide variety of health issues and diseases. This course has provided you with the opportunity to take a broad look at many of these health issues. The next step is for you to look at how disease trends will influence the delivery of health care in the future.

Write a 1,750- to 2,450-word paper that explains how demographics and disease trends are likely to influence health care delivery services in the future. Include the following sections:

Aging •Describe the current age composition of the U.S. population and how it is expected to change in the next 10 to 20 years. •Identify the environmental factors that support the aging trend. •Identify the changing demographics that support the aging trend. •Explain how the aging trend is likely to increase or decrease the health issues covered in this course and include examples of at least two relevant diseases. •Explain what can be done to reduce health complications related to aging and include at least two examples.

Obesity •Describe the current rate of obesity in the United States and how it is expected to change in the next 10 to 20 years. •Identify the environmental factors that support the obesity trend. •Identify the changing demographics that support the obesity trend. •Explain how this obesity trend is likely to increase or decrease the health issues covered in this course and include examples of at least two relevant diseases. •Explain what can be done to reduce health complications related to obesity and include at least two examples.

The Future •Explain how health care delivery will adapt in the future to provide care for age-related health issues. •Explain how health care delivery will adapt in the future to provide care for obesity-related health issues.

Include at least four sources other than Human Diseases: A Systemic Approach.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.