Identify the most important factor of Nightingale's theory that you utilize in your current practice.

Due date January 15Discuss the various ways in which Florence Nightingale’s model of care can be applied in current nursing practice. Identify the most important factor of Nightingale’s theory that yo

Due date January 15

Discuss the various ways in which Florence Nightingale’s model of care can be applied in current nursing practice. Identify the most important factor of Nightingale’s theory that you utilize in your current practice. 

Please make sure that your submission adheres to the following:

1.Students are to write their name and the appropriate discussion number/discussion title in the title bar for each discussion. For example Discussion 1: Micheal Cabrera or Discussion 3: Sheila Smith. This is important in identifying that students are submitting original posts as well as response posts as required.

2.Students must submit their discussions directly onto Blackboard Discussion Board. Attachments submitted as discussion board posts will not be graded.

3. All discussion posts must be minimum 250 words,at least  2 references, must be cited in APA format, and must include minimum of 2 scholarly resources published within the past 5-7 years.  Please be sure to cite your reference(s) in APA format, at the end of your posting

maximun similarity copied allow 20% , use of turnitin

APA style  6th edition 

Health Promotion In Adolescent

Health Promotion In Adolescent

Case 1

C.C is a nurse practitioner working in a small private high school. She provides comprehensive care to the students and staff at the school. She coordinates the health education program of the school and consults with the administration to identify the educational and health promotion needs of the population.

She works in a Catholic high school. She meets resistance about providing health education about some of the topics typically taught to the adolescent age group. Substance abuse prevention; HIV, AIDS, and sexually transmitted disease prevention; and pregnancy prevention are topics that are highly controversial at her school. However, C.C. realizes that it is imperative that she reach the teens about these difficult topics. Health Promotion In Adolescent


Questions for the case

Discuss the recommended schedule of health-promotion and preventive health visits for adolescents and the appropriate topics for inclusion during each visit.

Once you received your case number; answer the specific question on the table above. Then, continue to discuss the 3 topics listed below for your case:

  1. Discuss appropriate interventions for adolescents suspected of having an eating disorder. Describe how they would initiate conversations with adolescents about this issue.
  2. Describe the physical changes of adolescents that include natural processes of biology and genetics
  3. Discuss the prevalence of violence among adolescents. Identify ways that health care practitioners can help prevent and educate adolescents about these issues.

Your initial post should be at least 550 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 3 academic sources. Health Promotion In Adolescent

Please write a brief response to the following discussion by using one Nursing Peer-reviewed journal not older than 5 years.

Please write a brief response to the following discussion by using one Nursing Peer-reviewed journal not older than 5 years. APA format required without cover page.Medication error is among the many p

Please write a brief response to the following discussion by using one Nursing Peer-reviewed journal not older than 5 years. APA format required without cover page.

Medication error is among the many problems that exist in the area of nursing that would be appropriate for an evidence base practice project (Polit & Beck, 2018). As stated by Pop & Finocchi (2016), medication error is a mistake that happens in the medication use process. It is preventable and can lead to patient ‘s harm. The error can be fulfilled  in two ways. First by commission, where the intent of doing so is on purpose, and  by omission where one fails to follow protocols. Either ways can lead to severe patients outcomes. The article continues to mention that, medications error are blamed  to cause harm to 1.5 million patients annually in the united states. In an 18 month study that was done recently on 6 community hospitals in Massachusetts, 3.5 million patients were found to be affected by medication errors. There are many systems in place to help preventing medication errors. For example, observing the  rights of medication administration, barcoding, medication reconciliation, automated dispensing, standardized ordering and administration, training. All of these systems proved to be effective, But medication errors are still occurring.

 Medication errors can ensue in the prescribing, transcribing, dispensing, and administrating steps ( Pop & Finocchi, 2016).  As we all know the nurses are always the ones to get blamed for those acts no matter where the errors take place. As nurses, it is very important to ensure the security of the patients when administering medications by following the protocols of your facility. Every day in our practice we encounter many questions and problems that need to be answered through clinical decision. We just have to do the best we can by using our knowledge and skills to help with this burden. The workload on nurses plays a significant part in causing some of the medication errors. My ideal question using the PICOT format, is how following the facility protocol versus reducing the workload on nurses help to prevent medication errors among patients in the future?

Letter To A Legislator Assignment

Letter To A Legislator Assignment

  • Federal or state budget impact.
  • Organizational or community budget impact.
  • Pros and or cons for your profession.
  • Effect of the policy on patients and their families, including access, finance, and outcomes.
  • A minimum of 5 scholarly sources must be used

“For this course, I have chosen to focus on the policy Medicare and Medicaid Program: Conditions of Participation for Home Health Agencies. I want to increase the guidelines required for home healthcare agencies to ensure consistency across the board. In the end, the goal is to provide safe and quality care to all home health patients. U.S. Congressman Michael McCaul represents the 10th district of the state of Texas, where I reside. He has previously participated in matters related to healthcare, so I think he would best respond to my letter. I want to discuss the inaccuracies and variability in this current policy. Because of a lack of universal guidelines across the board, some home healthcare agencies aren’t properly regulated. This puts patients and their families at unnecessary risk. This lack of uniformity also increases the prices of healthcare as medicare and medicaid won’t cover all expenses (Roberts et al., 2021).  I am hoping that Mr. McCaul will understand the need to protect our citizens and ensure that they are well taken care of. I am also hoping to prevent unnecessary lawsuits and deaths. Varying policies are a hinderance to the delivery of safe and quality care (Hignett et al., 2018). I will urge him to take action before serious complications arise.  Letter To A Legislator Assignment



Hignett, S., Lang, A., Pickup, L., Ives, C., Fray, M., McKeown, C., … & Bowie, P. (2018). More holes than cheese. What prevents the delivery of effective, high quality and safe health care in England?. Ergonomics61(1), 5-14.

Roberts, E. T., Glynn, A., Cornelio, N., Donohue, J. M., Gellad, W. F., McWilliams, J. M., & Sabik, L. M. (2021). Medicaid Coverage ‘Cliff’Increases Expenses And Decreases Care For Near-Poor Medicare Beneficiaries: Study examines near-poor Medicare beneficiaries access to supplemental coverage and the impact on their out-of-pocket expenses and use of health care. Health Affairs40(4), 552-561.” Letter To A Legislator Assignment

Asthma Attack Assignment

Asthma Attack Assignment

Number 1 Post: AF

A twelve-year-old who is actively having an asthma attack while playing sports. Some manifestations of an asthma attack are, wheezing coughing, trouble breathing and feeling of tightness in the chest (Seattle Children’s Hospital, 2022). An acute attack would warrant the use of inhaled short acting beta2 agonist via a metered dose inhaler such as albuterol (Courtney et al., 2005). For a child that has recurrent chronic problems, it would be helpful to add on systemic corticosteroid, and an inhaled corticosteroid for maintenance therapy such as Pulmicort.

A 19-year-old is asking for contraceptives. I will obtain a pregnancy test. Ask if there’s any prior history of pregnancies or birth. I Will ask the patient how active they are and maybe current partner status. I ask about history of birth control use. I will assess if the patient uses tobacco. I will talk about family planning with the patient and the pro’s and cons of each method such as a daily pill taken by mouth versus a monthly shot, or even an intrauterine device (IUD) that can last up to ten years (Plan Parenthood, 2022). If the patient asks for medication that may help with acne, I would look for medications that contain both estrogen and progesterone. Yaz, generic name loryna, is a medication the patient would take daily containing (3 mg drospirenone/0.03 mg EE) PO qDay for 21 days, then 1 tablet PO qDay for 7 days). The patient asks what medications can help with osteoporosis. Fosamax is a common medication that is prescribe for persons that may be predisposition to bone loss. Fosamax can be controversial due to the mechanism of unable to break down the bone matrix and therefore causing greater bone mass but not helping with brittle disease. Fosomax works by removing old bone mass, allowing the bone-forming cells (Osteocytes), time to build new bone (John Hopkin’s center, 2012). Asthma Attack Assignment

A patient with acute gout attack would need to decrease or stop alcohol beverages especially any beer and beverages that are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. Oral corticosteroids/corticosteroids as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the first line treatment in acute onset of gout. Colchicine is an anti-gout medication that acts as an antiinflammation medication, and it acts as a tubulin disruption. Colchicine is often used in acute flare ups of gout as well as a maintenance medication. Colchicine comes in the brand name of Colcrys, has a mechanism of action that prevents microtubule assembly and thereby disrupts inflammation (HR et al., 2022).




Number 2 post: NB

Q1. What treatment should this patient receive to relieve symptoms during an asthma attack?

Asthma is one of the most common childhood diseases, affecting children of all ages. An accurate assessment of the severity of an asthma exacerbation is important to guide clinical decision-making. An exacerbation of asthma can vary in severity from a mild cough and wheeze to severe breathlessness that can be life-threatening.  Appropriate and on-time treatment of an acute asthma exacerbation is lifesaving. The classification of mild asthma includes breathless speech with little exertion, minimal intercostal retraction, moderate wheezing, and an O2 sat 94%. For the treatment of mild asthma, this patient should be prescribed, Salbutamol (albuterol) MDI every 20 mins max: 2 sets (Leung, 2021). Asthma Attack Assignment

Q2. If the patient’s asthma attacks occur more frequently, what changes in therapy might be appropriate?

An Adjunct bronchodilator, along with salbutamol can be added to the medication regimen. Adjunct bronchodilators play an important role in augmenting its effects in children with moderate-to-critical acute asthma exacerbation. Ipratropium bromide is a short-acting anticholinergic. It is indicated for moderate-to-critical asthma exacerbation. It produces a mild bronchodilator effect by blocking the interaction of acetylcholine with muscarinic receptors on bronchial smooth muscle cells whilst also decreasing mucosal edema and secretion (B.T.S.S.I.G. British Guideline for the management of asthma. 2016)

A 19-year-old college student is asking for contraceptives. 

Q3. What will you assess to determine if this patient is a good candidate for contraceptives, and what will you prescribe? (Include brand and generic name, route, frequency, and dose).

Most patients can safely begin using hormonal contraception at any point in their menstrual cycle. An evidence-based, flexible, patient-centered approach to initiating contraception promotes health and enhances patients’ reproductive autonomy. IUDs are long-acting, are reversible, and can be used by women of all ages, including adolescents, and by parous and nulliparous women. The Cu-IUD can be inserted at any time if it is reasonably certain that the woman is not pregnant.


Women with known medical problems or other special conditions might need additional examinations or tests before being determined to be appropriate candidates for a particular method of contraception.

A physical exam to assess medical history and blood pressure measurements should be assessed. These measurements are highly effective at detecting contraindications to hormonal contraception. For this patient I would prescribe, Mirena (levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system 52 MG, 20 mcg/24 hour. Asthma Attack Assignment

What is the mechanism of action of the contraceptive you prescribed and the adverse effects?

Levonorgestrel causes thickening of cervical mucus, which inhibits sperm passage through the uterus and sperm survival; In addition, changes to the tubal fluids can impair both sperm and egg motility. Pregnancy may be prevented through several mechanisms. Other mechanisms of action for contraceptives include inhibition of ovulation, from a negative feedback mechanism on the hypothalamus, leading to reduced secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH); altering the endometrium, which may affect implantation.

Q4.  The patient states she heard a pill can help her acne. What would you prescribe and your rationale? (Include brand and generic name, dose, route, and frequency).

Yaz is indicated for the treatment of moderate acne vulgaris in women at least 14 years of age, who have no known contraindications to oral contraceptive therapy and have achieved menarche. Yaz should be used for the treatment of acne only if the patient desires an oral contraceptive for birth control. During the first cycle of Yaz use, instruct the patient to take one light pink Yaz daily, beginning on Day 1 of her menstrual cycle. (The first day of menstruation is Day 1.) She should take one light pink Yaz daily for 24 consecutive days, followed by one white inert tablet daily on Days 25 through 28. Yaz is prescribed as  24 light pink tablets each containing 3 mg drospirenone (DRSP) and 0.02 mg Ethinylestradiol (EE) as betadex clathrate and 4 white inactive tablets. (, 2021)

Q5. The patient is concerned because her mother and sister developed fractures in their legs and vertebra after menopause. She wants to know what medication and other advice will prevent osteoporosis. You discuss bisphosphonates. How are they used in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis?

Osteoporotic fractures are associated with increased risk of disability, nursing home placement, total health care costs, and mortality (AAFP, 2018). Osteoporosis risk increases with age, and its impact will increase as the U.S. population ages. Asthma Attack Assignment

Oral bisphosphonates significantly reduce clinical fracture risk at four years in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. First-line treatment to prevent fractures consists of fall prevention, smoking cessation, moderation of alcohol intake, and bisphosphonate therapy.

Oral bisphosphonates included alendronate (Fosamax), 5 or 10 mg per day, or etidronate (Didronel), 400 mg per day.

A 48-year-old man has occasional episodes of gout that are painful and debilitating. He requires drugs to treat the symptoms of acute gout attacks and prevent recurrent attacks.

Q6. How would you treat this patient’s acute gouty attack? Please list the trade and generic name and the dose of therapy. What is the mechanism of action of your choice of prescription?

Gout is characterized by painful joint inflammation, most commonly in the first metatarsophalangeal joint, resulting from the precipitation of monosodium urate crystals in a joint space. Risk factors include genetics, age, sex, and diet. These factors may contribute to a high serum uric acid level, which is currently defined as a value of at least 6.8 mg per dL (405 μmol per L).

Colchicine (Colcrys) 1.2 mg initially, then 0.6 mg one hour later, then 0.6 to 1.2 mg PO daily. Colchicine modulates multiple pro- and anti-inflammatory pathways associated with gouty arthritis. Colchicine prevents microtubule assembly and thereby disrupts inflammasome activation, microtubule-based inflammatory cell chemotaxis, generation of leukotrienes and cytokines, and phagocytosis (PubMed, 2014).

To achieve rapid and complete resolution of symptoms, treatment of acute gout should commence within 24 hours of symptom onset. Oral corticosteroids, intravenous corticosteroids, NSAIDs, and colchicine are equally effective in treating acute flares of gout. NSAIDs are the first-line treatment. Indomethacin (Indocin) has historically been the preferred choice; however, there is no evidence it is more effective than any other NSAID. Corticosteroids are an appropriate alternative for patients who cannot tolerate NSAIDs.

The US Preventative Task Force, (USPSTF) recommends exercise or physical therapy and vitamin D supplementation to prevent falls in those that are at increased risk of falls. A routine exercise program that consists of weight-bearing resistance and balance training should be recommended. Aerobic exercise programs that do not incorporate strength and balance training should be avoided because of the association with increased fracture risk. Asthma Attack Assignment


Compare two nursing theories:

Compare two nursing theories:  includes an overview of each theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting. , 8-10 pages,  An introduction, including an overvie

Compare two nursing theories:  includes an overview of each theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting. , 8-10 pages,  

An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories • Background of the theories 

• Philosophical underpinnings of the theories 

• Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships 

• Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability • Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice 

• Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting 

• Parsimony 

• Conclusion/Summary 

• References: Use the course text and a minimum of three additional sources, listed in APA (6th ed.) format 

SOAP Note Assignment

SOAP Note Assignment

Utilize the information below that is copied-and-pasted out of the SOAP Note Assignment instructions to assist you in formatting your post:

Assessment (A):

Diagnosis/Diagnoses: Start with the presenting chief complaint diagnosis first. Number each diagnosis.

A statement of current condition and all other chronic illnesses that were addressed during the visit must be included (i.e. HTN-well managed on medication}.

Remember the data you provide in the ‘S’ data set and the ‘O’ data set must support this diagnosis (or these diagnoses if more than one is listed}. Pertinent positives and negatives must be found in the write-up. SOAP Note Assignment

Plan (P):

These are the interventions that relate to each individual, numbered diagnosis.

Document individual plans directly after each corresponding assessment (Ex. Assessment­ Plan). Address the following aspects (they should be separated out as listed below):

Diagnostics: labs, diagnostics testing – tests that you planned for/ordered during the encounter that you plan to review/evaluate relative to your work up for the patient’s chief complaint

Therapeutic: changes in meds, skin care, counseling, include full prescribing information for any pharmacologic interventions including quantity and number of refills for any new or refilled medications.

Educational: information clients need in order to address their health problems. Include follow­ up care. Anticipatory guidance and counseling.


Consultation/Collaboration: referrals or consult while in clinic with another provider. If no referral made was there a possible referral you could make and why? Advance care planning.

NOTE: please input N/A where appropriate for the above 4 categories, do not assume that your clinical faculty person will know it was not applicable.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Subjective (S):

CC: chief complaint – “This rash is getting worse, even with the creams you gave me”.

HPI: history of present illness – Patient is an 11-year-old black female who presents with complaint of worsening rash on bilateral arms and increased itching and flakiness on her scalp.    SOAP Note Assignment

PMH: past medical history – She has a past medical history of mild eczema with no prior treatment needed before this fall.  There is no reported history of asthma.

Allergies:   None

Medications:  Hydrocortisone topical cream 2.5% to be applied twice daily to affected area.

Social history: She lives at home with her mother, father, and younger brother.  She is currently attending online schooling due to the pandemic.  She has two cats as well in the home.

Family history: Mother reports that the patient’s younger brother also suffers from eczema and asthma, both are controlled.  She reports they have never had to treat her brother’s eczema and he uses a rescue inhaler for his asthma.


Health Maintenance/Promotion –

A screening of blood pressure is necessary yearly and was normal for this visit.  She received her influenza vaccine in October 2020.  The family has declined the HPV vaccine while they review education materials.  She is up to date on all other vaccinations.  Depression screening was performed at her last physical in October and she scored a zero.  She last saw her dentist about six months ago and goes twice a year.  She does not receive regular vision exams and does not report any vision concerns.  She denies any concerns of interpersonal violence or safety concerns in the home (this was asked while the mother was outside of the exam room).

ROS: review of systems

General: She reports having a rash on her arms for the last month that is worsening.  She reports trying “the cream that was prescribed” with little to no improvement.  She also states that her scalp is itchy and flaking over the last month.  Her mother reports she has always had a flaky scalp in the colder months, but the itching is new.

Skin: She denies any new skin lesions, growths and hair or nail changes.  She reports that the “rash” that she has in the inside of her upper arm and some new “flaking” on her scalp. She denies noticing any skin changes to the skin on her neck.  SOAP Note Assignment

HEENT: She denies any vision changes.  She denies any headaches.  She denies eye pain, hearing concerns (ringing), vertigo, dizziness, nosebleeds, or balance concerns.  She denies any ear pain, tinnitus, or drainage from her ears.  She reports that she always has dry scalp but now she is having increased flaking and itchiness on her head.

Neck: She denies any swollen glands or throat, difficulty swallowing or changes with range of motion in neck.

CV: She denies any palpitations, chest pain or feeling any abnormal heart beats.

Lungs: She denies any shortness of breath, congestion, or hemoptysis nor wheezing.  She denies any coughing at night or coughing that awakens her at night.

Endo: She denies any heat or cold intolerances noticed.  She and her mother deny any polyuria, polydipsia, or polyphagia.  She denies any history of any autoimmune disorders.

Diet: She reports that she eats almost anything.  She does drink “flavored water”, but it is zero calorie sweetener such as sucralose, according to her mother.  She reports drinking about 10 glasses of water a day.  She loves chips and eats a lot of “fast food”.  Mc Donald’s is her favorite.

Pain: She reports that the area of her arms is very itchy, they are also painful most of the time.  She reports the pain as a 7/10 and a burning feeling along with the severe itching.  She reports that nothing makes the pain better and the only things that feels better is when she itches. She reports that right after she itches then it starts to burn worse and itch more.  She reports this itching and burning starting “sometime in October”.  She reports that nothing makes it better.  She reports that scratching makes it worse, it burns more.  She says that putting on the cream makes it hurt worse (burn).


Objective (O):

Gen: Patient appears calm, focused, and a little tired.  She is dressed appropriately for the environment and responds appropriately to questions.  She is alert and oriented to person, place, and time.  She is well nourished and in no acute distress.


Weight 97 lbs.

Height 4 ft. 7in

BMI 22.5

Temperature 100.7

Heart rate 92

Respiratory rate 16

Blood pressure 101/68

Pulse Oximeter 100%


Skin: Patient had signs of excoriations on bilateral antecubital region.  She also had scaling on bilateral antecubital regions with erythema about 3 inches in diameter.  The arms appear xerotic bilaterally.  She has medium brown skin and no signs of cyanosis or pallor.  Nails appear intact and long with no signs of clubbing.  The neck had acanthosis nigricans circumferentially.

HEENT: The nose had no signs of erythema nor edema.  The nasal turbinates were pink in color and without edema bilaterally.  The exterior nose was symmetric.  The septum has no signs of deviation, inflammation, or perforation.  The mouth did not have any lesions.  The tonsils were inspected and were 2+ bilaterally, they were symmetric, and had no edema, and no exudate.   The uvula was inspected and was midline.  The dentition had no broken or missing teeth and gingiva was free of edema or lesions.  The posterior pharynx was free of lesions and no signs of drainage or irritation.  The frontal and maxillary sinuses were palpated, and no edema was noted nor any discomfort.  The tongue had no lesions nor edema and was symmetric.

The conjunctiva was free of drainage, discharge, or erythema.  The sclera had was not discolored and there were no vascular abnormalities noted. The ears were visualized externally with no drainage or edema.  The inner ears were visualized via otoscope and the ear drums were inspected and there were no effusions bilaterally, there were no ruptures, or draining fluid.  There was a moderate amount of cerumen blocking the visualization of the left ear drum, but this was easily removed to gain visualization.  The internal auditory canal was visualized without any edema, nor erythema and no foreign bodies were observed.  The preauricular and post auricular lymph nodes were not palpable. SOAP Note Assignment

Neck: The cervical, neck, mandibular, supraclavicular, tonsillar, and submental lymph nodes were not palpable, there was no edema nor tenderness noted on the tonsillar, cervical and neck.  The neck was visualized with no signs of asymmetry or JVD.  Full ROM was tested and there are no concerns of internal edema causing motor deficits.

CV: The heart sounds were auscultated in all areas, valve locations along were auscultated along with PMI, a normal S1 and S2 and no murmurs or abnormal heart beats were heard.  The heart rate and rhythm were normal.  Blood pressure and heart rate was assessed, and blood pressure was normal.

Lungs: Anterior and posterior lung fields were auscultated with all field being clear bilaterally.  Respiratory rate and rhythm were measured and normal.  Bilateral lung expansion was visualized.

Psych:  Patient was happy and talkative and was willing to answer questions and respond to my conversation with good eye contact and without difficulty.

Assessment (A):   

Number each diagnosis you assign AND list in parentheses behind the diagnosis the pertinent positives and pertinent negatives you used to assign the diagnosis. SOAP Note Assignment

Plan (P):

This is your job to do 😊

A description of why each research study is categorized as quantitative or qualitative.

Choose two scholarly, peer-reviewed nursing articles about research studies. One article must be an example of a qualitative research study; the other must be a quantitative example.These articles wil

Choose two scholarly, peer-reviewed nursing articles about research studies. One article must be an example of a qualitative research study; the other must be a quantitative example.

These articles will be utilized for assignments in Topics 3, 4, 6 and 8; they can be found using the GCU Library or any of the sources recommended in the readings.

Write a 350-500-word statement which includes:

  1. A description of why each research study is categorized as quantitative or qualitative.
  2. A justification for your selections.
  3. Rationale for choosing the journal(s) in which the articles were published.
  4. A link to the selected articles or an attached copy of each article.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Assessment/Diagnosis Instrument

Assessment/Diagnosis Instrument

  1. List what DSM diagnosis the tool/instrument is used for.
  2. Identify an assessment/diagnosis instrument.
  3. Appraise a scholarly, peer-reviewed article that addresses the use of the instrument to support your choice as an evidence-based instrument for practice.
  4. Evaluate the instrument’s appropriateness for diagnosing the condition it is designed to assess or if the developers of the instrument reported that the instrument is only part of a comprehensive assessment for the disorder.  Assessment/Diagnosis Instrument
  5. Describe whether or not the instrument can be used to measure patient response to therapy/treatment or if it is strictly for assessment and diagnosis.
  6. Discuss the psychometrics/scoring of the instrument, including reliability and validity.
  7. Discuss any limitations associated with the use of the instrument.
  8. Include a link to view the assessment if possible.


Student Example Anxiety and Related Disorders

Week 7


Instrument: Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN)


Article: Psychometric properties of the Social Phobia Inventory


Appropriateness for Dx: This tool is meant for screening of individuals with social phobia and assignment of a severity score (Connor et al., 2000). The tool was created in congruence with DSM-4 but is consistent with the DSM-5 diagnosis of social anxiety disorder, minus some minor changes (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration [SAMHSA], 2016). Although the study is outdated, Duke University School of Medicine (2020) acknowledges that the tool is still relevant and utilized by their Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Program. Assessment/Diagnosis Instrument


Response to Therapy/Treatment: The SPIN is appropriate for testing treatment response and through studies has proven sensitive to symptom changes over time. Changes in scores are able to determine treatment efficiency (Connor et al., 2000).


Psychometrics: The tool is self-administered and consists of 17 separate statements regarding problems a patient may exhibit if they have social phobia. The statement is then rated on how much it has bothered the individual in the last week, from ‘not at all’ (0) to ‘extremely’ (4). Any score over 21 is considered clinically significant. In the study, the assessment tool was able to effectively separate individuals with and without social phobia. Validity is strong in regard to detecting the severity of illness and is sensitive to symptom reductions during treatment. The scale shows significant correlation with the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale Test, The Brief Social Phobia Scale and The Fear Questionnaire social phobia subscale (Connor et al., 2000).


Limitations: Limitations exist in the tool’s alignment with DSM-4 instead of the more recent edition, although differences are very minor (SAMHSA, 2016). With a cutoff score of 19, sensitivity and specificity were good, but some individuals consider the cutoff score to be 15, in which these measures are weaker (Connor et al., 2000). Assessment/Diagnosis Instrument




Connor, K., Davidson, J., Churchill, E., Sherwood, A., Foa, E., & Wisler, R. (2000).

Psychometric properties of the Social Phobia Inventory. British Journal of Psychiatry, 176, 379-386.


discuss the impact not successfully resolving the issue could have on the future of health care delivery.

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the impact of contemporary challenges in care delivery facing nursing leadership. Select and research a major issue in the delivery of care facing nurse le

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the impact of contemporary challenges in care delivery facing nursing leadership. Select and research a major issue in the delivery of care facing nurse leaders today and write a 1,250-1,500 word paper addressing the following:

  1. Explain the issue(s) you have selected. Why is it a problem? What fuels the issue? Who does it impact and what specific impact does it have on patient care?
  2. Describe an option for addressing the issue from a systems perspective. What entities/interests (stakeholders, organizations, operational systems, political, economic, public, private, patient) must be taken into account and how are they impacted? Be sure to highlight the direct impact the option has on patient care.
  3. Discuss the qualities and traits needed of nurse leaders to effectively tackle this issue through the proposed option. Incorporate a leadership theory and AONE Nurse Executive or Manager Competencies in your response.
  4. Finally, discuss the impact not successfully resolving the issue could have on the future of health care delivery.

Integrate five scholarly sources into your paper.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.