Women and Healthcare

Women have healthcare requirements in addition to those of men because of their biology and gender roles. Due to their gender roles, they are frequently responsible for the health and healthcare of others. The resources they need to care for others may create constraints on their ability to care for themselves.

Also, it is important to consider the workplace when considering women’s health issues because the position of women in the workforce has great impact on the healthcare they receive. Many businesses have recognized the need to create a more diverse workforce by selective hiring based on the need to increase selected groups in their workforce. Some businesses have been more proactive than others. For example, let’s consider that a business workforce’s diversity plan includes the following benchmarks:

  • Maintain women’s representation at a minimum of 60 percent.
  • Increase women’s representation in nontraditional occupations from 16 percent to 20 percent.
  • Increase women’s representation in senior positions (grade twelve and above or equivalent) from 28 percent to 35 percent.

On the basis of what you have learned so far, answer the following questions:

  • How can the dimensions of diversity, such as age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and religion affect individual or collective healthcare needs and capabilities?
  • Could the above statements constitute discriminatory hiring practices? Why or why not?
  • What would the implications of diversity-based policy development be in relation to healthcare needs?
  • Describe a workforce diversity plan using at least three dimensions of diversity. Additionally, explain how it relates to improved health-service delivery.


Sutton, M. (2000). Cultural competence: It’s not just

political correctness, it’s good medicine.

Family Practice Management7(9), 58–60.


Examine the burden of disease in the United States to provide important information on which parameter is to base decisions on public health priorities.

To do this, we will utilize mortality data for the United States. In the first part of this assignment, you will download and examine mortality data for your home state.

Go to USA Causes of Death by Age and Gender

  • Choose your home state under the Choose State option (panel on left hand side)
  • Select BOTH under the Choose gender option in the middle panel.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and read the fine print to learn for which year the mortality data have been tabulated.
  • Copy and paste the relevant mortality data into Excel.
    • Drag your mouse over all of the Cause of Death rows, (50 rows), right click, and select Copy,
    • Open Excel and paste your selection into Excel. You should have a spreadsheet with 50 row and 19 columns (Columns A-S).

For the first part of the assignment, you will prepare a histogram of the leading causes of death (regardless of age) in your state. Follow the steps below in order to prepare your histogram:

  • Sort the Data
    • The numbers of deaths, all ages, are given in Column C.
    • Select all the columns.
    • Then, select Data>Sort>Sort by Column C, Values, largest to smallest. (Make sure that my data has headers is not selected.
    • You now have the leading causes of death in your state in Column A (cause) and Column C (frequency).
  • If you already know how to draw a histogram in Excel, proceed to do so with Columns A and C, making sure to truncate the data to the 30 leading causes.
  • If you do not know how to draw a histogram in Excel, here’s one method:
    • Choose the Chart Wizard, chart type column, chart sub-type clustered column (Step 1).
    • Click Next for Step 2.
    • At Step 2, Click the Series button, which will open a new box.
    • Click Add under Series,
      • Enter Causes of Death in the Name box;
      • Clear the Values box, then
      • Drag your mouse over the 30 largest frequencies for the Values; and,
      • Drag your mouse over the first 30 causes of death (Column A) for the Category (X) axis labels box.
  • Click Next, and you’ll be brought to the Chart Options box.
  • Add a suitable title (e.g., Leading Causes of Death, 2010, your state)
  • Label the Y axis Frequency.
  • Click Next, and place the histogram in a new worksheet.

You now have a histogram with the leading causes of death for your state. This presents one picture of the burden of disease in your state, but it isn’t the only picture. We shall now look at a different metric: years of life lost due to each cause.


Assignment 2: Health Insurance and Quality

Imagine that you are the clinic manager of an urgent care center. Recently, your center has seen an increase in complaints regarding long wait times, inadequate or incomplete information from staff during visits, and the relatively small number of insurance types accepted at the facility.

Write a 2-3 page paper in which you:

  1. Examine at least three (3) examples of quality initiatives that could increase patient satisfaction and potentially reduce healthcare cost. Support your response with examples of the successful application your chosen quality initiatives.
  2. Defend your position on the decision to accept Medicare or Medicaid as potential pay sources for your urgent care center. Provide support with at least two (2) examples that illustrate your position.
  3. Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze the impact of healthcare financing and health insurance on healthcare access, quality, and cost.
  • Determine the factors that affect healthcare quality in healthcare organizations.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in healthcare policy, law, and ethics.
  • Write clearly and concisely about healthcare policy and law using proper writing mechanics


Module VI concentrates on the following course outcomes—

· Identify the human, fiscal and material resources necessary to efficiently achieve quality health care outcomes.

· Definitions of financial terms often used in healthcare will be identified. Different types of budgets and budget preparation will be reviewed. The role of the nurse manager in the budget process will be discussed in detail, as well as ethical issues associated with budgets in healthcare.

Reading Assignment

Sullivan: Chapters 14, 15, 16

American Nurses Association Policy Statement on Workplace Advocacy:http://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/HealthcareandPolicyIssues/ANAPositionStatements/workplace.aspx (Links to an external site.)


Budget and Finance

 Financial issues in healthcare often seem remote to the nurse and the nurse must have an understanding of financial matters of the health care delivery system, including the viability of the workplace, and the opportunities to optimize healthcare for the welfare of their patient. Key behaviors needed by nurse managers and those who care for groups of patients is ability to: understand the budgeting process; recognize general types of budgets; distinguish between direct and indirect costs; be familiar with the steps of a typical budgetary process and cost out nursing services. Different types of budgets include: operating budget, performance budget, capital budget, expense budget, zero-based budget, product line budget, cash budget. Operational plans, cost center, expense, revenue and profit are other key concept that will be addressed in the readings.

 A budget is a formal plan for managing financial resources. The budget document indicates the expected income and expected expenses of an organization, department, or individual. It provides a method of tracking cost and, therefore, a way to examine where saving s could be made. The total organizational budget is usually separated into two distinct sections: the operating budget and the capital budget.

 Budget planning procedures vary from organization to organization. However, some parts of the process are common to all organizations. These include steps to gather information before budget preparation such as making an environmental assessment, stating mission and goals, making assumptions about the future setting operational objectives, obtaining the budget guidelines, preparing budget manuals and budget projections packages (last year’s budgets, sets of forms all used in estimating future expenses).

 Environmental assessment for budget purposes includes the environments that are both internal and external to the organization. As part of the internal assessment, the budget planners will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. The external environment takes into account the changing needs of the population, shifts in third-party payment patterns, reimbursement, service contracts and loss or gain of physicians/programs and mergers.

 With the economic climate of health care in turmoil, greater attention is being given to reduce cost while maintaining or improving the quality of care. The nursing budget can account for as much as half an organization’s total expenses nurse managers at all levels are facing significant pressure to become proficient in the budgeting process, to allocate resources, and control and monitor expenses.

Staffing, Scheduling

When asked “what professional issues keep you up at night?” nurse managers will often report staffing issues as the cause. The science of allocating the right human resources for the right work at the right time, taking care of the right population of patients is combined with the art of effective communication to create a healthy and healing environment for both patients and their caregivers. Staffing plans are based on a projected year and need to be closely aligned with the budgeting process. Staffing of personnel in healthcare facilities is regulated and directed by federal and state laws, professional accrediting organizations and professional standards. Forecasting and calculating full time equivalent (FTE). Forecasting takes into account both productive and non-productive time. A number of variables are involved in calculating FTEs. Some of these include shift rotation, weekend needs, length of shifts. The Power Point slides for this unit will outline calculation of FTEs. Also, state laws such as the Nurse Practice Act guide the responsibility of the nurse in regards to floating to another unit or not. These laws may vary from state to state. The nurse needs to know the organization’s policy and its congruency with state and federal laws. Scheduling process in an organization may be centralized or staff may do self-scheduling. This may vary from unit to unit based on philosophy and organizational guidelines. There is also computer software for scheduling. Managers in healthcare as in other organizations need to evaluate productivity. Each unit has different numbers for calculating productivity. How is nurse productivity evaluated on your S482 clinical unit? Leadership has a great deal of influence on productivity. Environments that have a culture of civility, team work and respect for the worker are a few examples of factors that contribute to productivity.

Assignment questions: Post answers in Forums Module VI. See calendar for due date.

1. Discuss steps in developing the unit or department budget. Who all is involved?

2. How is the cost of nursing care incorporated into a budget?

3. How does a nursing unit determine how many nurses are needed for a 12 month period?

4. Differentiate among various types of budgets: fixed, variable, capital budgets.

5. Describe how to calculate hours necessary to equate to one FTE.



Resource: Gamescape Episode 3 and Ch. 8-11 in Visualizing Environmental Science.

Complete Episode 3: “Maintaining Terrestrial and Atmospheric Resources” of Gamescape.

As Newly elected Mayor of Sparksville, the town’s citizens are eager to hear what you plan on doing to promote the local economy while maintaining a high level of environmental air quality.

Write a 350- to 700-word speech for a Town Hall Meeting that addresses the following points:

  • State the current economic situation and the three choices that were available to the town of Sparksville.
  • Discuss how these three choices would impact water pollution and indoor and outdoor air pollution. Explain how each of the three choices could be a point and non-source of water and air pollution.
  • Describe how the air and water pollution generated from these sources can impact the health of Sparksville’s citizens, the local ecosystem, and the local economy. Include some potential solutions.
  • Explain why your decision addresses the key environmental challenges and is the optimal choice given this situation.

Advocating for Public Health Policy

Advocating for Public Health Policy

Imagine that you have been chosen to represent a public health advocacy group as they begin a campaign to get legislation related to a health issue passed in your state legislature. You have been tasked with the role of presenting a proposed policy to the legislature and advocating that the legislature vote for the policy. You have been told that you will have 10 minutes to present to the legislature. Your presentation should be informative, but also persuasive. The legislature will need to make a decision about whether or not to vote for the policy based on your presentation. Your presentation should be structured exactly as if you were “live” in front of the legislature advocating for them to adopt the policy you are proposing.

For your assignment, you will need to select a public health topic of interest to you (you are encouraged to choose one related to your academic major or intended field of work) and a public health policy related to addressing the topic. You may select an actual proposed policy or create one that you think would effectively address the topic. Your presentation should provide enough information about the topic and the proposed policy that a reasonably educated legislator should be able to make an informed decision. Be sure to consider the various questions that a legislator might have about the issue and proposed policy, such as long-term costs and benefits, potential effects on business and industry (especially those that support politicians’ campaigns), and how the policy will support the health and productivity of state residents.

For this assignment, you should create an approximately 10 minute presentation* that addresses each of the following points:

  • Discuss the public health issue that your proposed policy is intended to address. Questions to consider:
    • Who does this health issue affect?
    • What is the impact of this health issue on the community?
    • Why does this health issue need to be addressed?
  • Explain the proposed public health policy. Questions to consider:
    • Who will be affected by this policy?
    • How will this policy address the health issue?
    • What will change by enacting this policy?
  • Evaluate the impacts of the proposed policy. Questions to consider:
    • What are the costs and benefits of the policy?
    • What are the risks of enacting or not enacting the policy?
    • How will the lives of people who are affected by the health issue change if this policy is enacted?
  • Create an influential presentation that affects voting behaviors of legislators. Questions to consider:
    • What information about this policy would potentially affect the voting behavior of legislators from across the political spectrum (eg. conservative, moderate, liberal, progressive; particularly those who might not support the policy based on political orientation)?
    • What are the most important messages that legislators need to hear about this policy?
    • How would the constituents of the legislators voting for this policy feel about this policy and a legislator who votes for it?
    • What information would a legislator need to “sell” the policy to consitutents who were perhaps not in favor of adopting the policy?


Develop a 3–4-page educational plan to help improve the health and welfare needs of a vulnerable population in your community. In your plan, include the demographics of your community and the health care needs of the selected vulnerable population.

—-I have selected the elderly population in south Florida

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
The implementation of the Affordable Care Act (2010) has changed the focus of community health care to disease prevention. Now persons who would otherwise not seek health care services can access safe, quality, continuity of care. Many from this population are identified as at-risk. They have a strong need to become more educated about their illnesses and learn how to prevent disease progression. The key is promoting health and wellness.

Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.
•What are the demographics of your community in terms of the at-risk population?
•What resources are already in place for this population?
•What is the best method to approach the intervention with this population?

Suggested Resources
Click the links provided below to view the following multimedia pieces.
•APA Citation: Citing a Journal Article | Transcript.
•APA Citation: Citing a Book | Transcript.
•APA Citation: Citing a Website | Transcript.

Assessment Instructions
•Read the scenario below.
•Reflect on your community and review the literature to obtain recent demographic information regarding population, age, gender, socio-economic status, education, ethnic distribution, types of diseases, and morbidity and mortality rates.
•Once you have gathered this data you should be able to determine what the greatest health care needs are in your community and select an at-risk population that could benefit from a health education program.
•Search the library and the Internet for scholarly and professional peer-reviewed articles on your selected health issue. Examining the nursing literature will help to identify how to approach the health concern that should be addressed within the selected population. You will need at least four articles to use as support for your lesson plan.


The Patient Outreach department where you work has asked you to create an education plan for an at-risk population that is underserved in your community.

As an active member of your community you are aware of several health disparities among the population; some members have difficulty accessing care, others have little knowledge of their chronic disease process, and often cultural issues influence medical care.

Patient Outreach would like you to select a group and create a lesson plan that will help educate them and help them better understand how to manage or prevent illness or disease. Consider characteristics of culture, ethnicity, and social background that might affect the target group.

The population you choose could be a subset such as the elderly, an ethnic minority, a lower socio-economic group, or one that you have identified from your own observations. Some examples might be producing a lesson plan on how to manage diabetes or how to decrease the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.


Create a lesson plan for your selected population. Be sure you identify the population your lesson is meant for. As you develop your lesson plan, keep in mind the comprehension level of your target audience and the information you want them to take away. Include the following:
•Explain why a specific population in your community qualifies as at-risk.
•Recommend evidence-based strategies to improve health outcomes for this at-risk group.
•Describe health care resources that serve this vulnerable population.
•Explain appropriate nursing interventions that will provide quality care to this vulnerable population.
•Create strategies to support plan implementation, addressing characteristics of culture, ethnicity, and social background that could affect the plan.

Additional Requirements
•Write between 1000 and 1250 words (4–5 pages).
•Include a title page and reference page.
•Provide adequate documentation of ideas and appropriate APA citations of relevant literature.
•Use a minimum of 4 references. (These must be recent, from within the past five years.)
•Double space, and use Times New Roman font, 12 point

Community Health Care Resources Scoring Guide/Criteria

Explain why a specific population in a community qualifies as at-risk.

Explains why a specific population in a community qualifies as at-risk and supports with relevant data from multiple sources.

Describe health care resources that serve vulnerable populations.

Describes health care resources that serve vulnerable populations and explains how these resources improve the health and wellness of the community.

Explain appropriate evidence-based nursing interventions that will provide quality care to vulnerable populations.

. Explains appropriate evidence-based nursing interventions that will provide quality care to vulnerable populations. Explains appropriate evidence-based nursing interventions that will provide quality care to vulnerable populations and explains how the interventions respect diversity.

Create an evidence-based plan to promote health and wellness in an at-risk population.
Creates an evidence-based plan to promote health and wellness in an at-risk population. Creates an evidence-based plan to promote health and wellness in an at-risk population and expands the plan with details and examples.

Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

Writes clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; uses relevant evidence to support a central idea.

Correctly format citations and references using APA style.
Correctly formats citations and references using APA style. Citations are free from all errors.


Option #2Healthcare Reform and 21st Century Healthcare Information Systems

Prepare a paper that addresses the following requirements:

  • Analyze and evaluate the implications of 3–5 major initiatives associated with healthcare reform on the designing and planning of 21st century healthcare information systems.
  • Evaluate the challenges associated with each trend and ways to overcome them.
  • Include an assessment on the impact the each initiative may have on the following:
    • Leadership, governance, and the role of a healthcare chief information officer (CIO)
    • Strategic health management information system (HMIS) planning and organizational culture
    • Characteristics and capabilities of an enterprise resource planning system
  • Review legislation and regulations that could influence the implementation of health information management systems.
  • Explain how CIOs might assess the merits of each initiative on vision, mission, and strategy.
  • Predict the global trends in the adoption of major standards and use of HMIS over the next five years.


  • Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length and conform to APA format
  • Include at least four scholarly references in addition to the course textbook.
  • Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references. All facts must be supported. In-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.


1. What are the major components of the planning/control cycle?

2. What are the four major budgets of a health care organization? Briefly discuss each.

3. Describe the four types of responsibility centers, including the characteristics of each.

4. What are transfer prices? Discuss their major disadvantages.

5. Name two financial measures used to judge the performance of investment centers that are not used to measure the financial performance of profit centers.

6. What does the term “variance analysis mean when applied of financial performance of health care organizations?

7. A new cardiac catheterization lab was constructed at Havea Heart Hospital. The investment for the lab was $450,000 in equipment costs and $50,000 in renovation costs. A desired return on investment is 12 percent. Once the lab was constructed, 5,000 patients were served in the first year and were charged $340, for each procedure. The annual fixed cost for the catheterization lab is $1 million and the variable cost is $129 per procedure. What is the catheterization labs profit? Did this profit meet its desired ROI? Why or Why not?


Reflect upon three (3) aspects of the course that resonated for you. Describe the manner in which you have grown personally and professionally as a result of completing this course.

From the e-Activity, compare and contrast the primary economic issues and policies both the Republican and Democrat parties address concerning the U.S. healthcare delivery system overall. Provide at least one (1) example of an economic and / or policy issue to support your response.


Part II

Discuss the importance of epidemiology to public health. Provide one current example of disease outbreak and how knowledge of its epidemiology can help health care professionals protect people from disease. (HINT: The CDC and WHO websites are excellent sources of information for this topic).

You may use the readings from your Boundless etext as a scholarly reference to complete Part II. Include a References section that lists these and any additional sources you used (refer to the Background page). For any additional research you do to complete your assignment, please use scholarly references such as a peer-reviewed journal article or a government-sponsored or university-sponsored website. As you read through your sources, take notes from your sources and then write your paper in your own words, describing what you have learned from your research. Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014).