Current Issues in the Behavioral Healthcare System

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In the course project assignments of the past four weeks, you have written on various topics dealing with trends and issues in the behavioral healthcare system. Those weekly project assignments can be used as references for writing your final research paper.

In addition, read and incorporate the following articles from the EBSCO host database into your paper:

  • Deakin, A. (2004, November). Finding your organization’s hidden        treasure. Behavioral Health Management, 24(6), 27-29.
  • Droppa, D., & Luczak, R. (2004, January). Collaboration, technology,and outcomes—A recipe to improve service delivery.Behavioral Health Management, 24(1), 41-44.

To complete the research paper, you will need to include an introduction and conclusion section as well as a title page and reference section. The title of the research paper will be the Current Issues in the Behavioral Healthcare System.

Your final paper is due for submission. The paper should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The length of the paper should be eight to ten double-spaced pages (not including the title and reference pages).
  • The main sections should have a:
    • Title page
    • Introduction
    • Body of the paper (with subheadings)
    • Conclusion
    • Reference page(s)
  • The paper must use the APA format for citing sources and references.

Your final paper introduction (one page) should include the following points:

  • An overview of the research paper
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  • The purpose or objective of the research paper

The body of the paper (five to six pages) should address each of the following topics using information learned in the course, in combination with outside references:

  • Based on your previous assignments and review of the literature, what are some of the major issues faced by today’s behavioral healthcare system? How have the current and future trends that are evolving in the industry addressed some of those issues?
  • Do you think there is a difference between the changing trends taking place in the private sector and that of public behavioral healthcare inpatient facilities? Based on your understanding about behavioral health services and the populations being served by them, do you agree that both private and public organizations are able to provide the necessary clinical services? Provide a rationale in support of your response.
  • In behavioral healthcare, outcomes are the established norm for measuring the success or lack of services. What are some of the major challenges in collecting the data needed to support and report behavioral health outcomes? Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Quality of care and services is an important part of an outcome-based strategy. The objective behind maintaining and improving quality is to provide competent and efficient services to consumers. In your opinion, do the current regulatory and accreditation standards for the behavioral health industry help to meet that objective? How?

Your conclusion (one to two pages) should include the following points:

  • What conclusions can you draw from your research that would demonstrate the role played by behavioral health in the healthcare industry?
  • What changes would you like to bring to today’s behavioral healthcare system in order to resolve the current issues identified?
  • Based on your literature review, if you were asked to conduct a formal research project on any of the topics discussed in the research paper, what would your choice be and why?


In order to effectively manage their own health, individuals need to have competencies in two areas—basic literacy and basic health literacy. What is the difference? Basic literacy refers to the ability to read, even simple language. Health literacy is defined as, “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions” (National Coalition for Literacy, 2009). Unfortunately, according to a Department of Education report on health literacy, only 12% of adults aged 16 and older are considered to have a proficient level of health literacy (U.S. Department of Education, 2006). Acquiring health literacy skills has become more complicated with the explosion of online health information, some credible and some misleading.

In this Discussion, you focus on how to help individuals find credible information on the Internet and develop strategies nurses can use to increase the health literacy of their patients.

To prepare:

  • Think about the nurse’s role in improving the health literacy of patients.
  • Consider the many ways patients access health information, including blogs, social media, patient portals, websites, etc.
  • Reflect on experiences you have had with patients who self-diagnose using online medical sources.
  • Using the Internet, the Walden Library, or other trustworthy sources, identify a resource that you could introduce to patients to help them evaluate the credibility of health information found online.
  • What are some strategies you could employ to improve the health literacy of patients?


  1. Based on the textbook’s summary of Timothy’s philosophy of continually striving for excellence, determine whether or not Scarlet Hospital was prepared to compete with the establishment in Salem even before the highway improvement mandated such an upgrade in delivery health care services.
  2. Examine the potential lessons that the “Stopping Outshopping” case could teach health care executives about complacency.
  3. Evaluate the potential value of Michael Porter’s Five Forces analysis and SWOT Analysis for effective decision making, in its ability to help Scarlet Hospital protect its market share and thus decrease the chance of losing patients to other institutions in Salem.
  4. Appraise the value of the Balanced Scorecard model in its ability to help Scarlet Hospital executives reinforce its defensive marketing strategy.
  5. Propose a one (1) page offensive marketing strategy (i.e. communication, branding, innovation, etc.) that Scarlet Hospital should deploy in order to turn the table on Salam-based health care providers and improve its competitive marketing position.

Behavioral Health Services and HMOs

Research Your State’s VA Services

The VA has gone through some major reorganization in the last few decades to meet the growing needs of what is mainly considered an aging veteran population. To meet the needs of veterans, many state’s VA departments have converted their services to long-term care and have also contracted clinical services.

Search the Internet using keywords “U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs” and locate your state’s VA. Search relevant information regarding the various VA services offered by your state’s VA. Using the information shared in the Web site and your textbook readings, discuss whether you agree or disagree that the current service structure for behavioral health is capable of meeting the current and future needs of veterans. Provide rationale to support your response.

Behavioral Health Services and HMOs

The basis of a HMO is to provide a comprehensive set of services from wellness and preventative to acute and chronic treatment. Behavioral health is unique because it is difficult to measure the outcomes, and in some instances, the comorbidity of mental illness and potential loss of function demands a higher level of services.

Search the Internet to find information on your preferred HMO. Review the information on the Web site to find out what kind of behavioral health services are supported, or offered, by the HMO.

Do you agree or di -+agree that the behavioral healthcare services covered by HMOs are considered adequate for patients with mental illness? Why? Compared to the services offered in public community mental health services, do you agree the services offered by HMOs measure up to the same level? Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.pp

Health Insurance Benefits

Health Insurance Benefits

Managers need to understand the impact on the financial viability of a health service organization for providing care to the uninsured or underinsured. Review the following case scenario and provide a substantive 150 to 200 word response that thoroughly answers each of the following questions:

Joe Smith is a 27- year-old Caucasian male who works two part-time jobs for two different construction companies. Joe has been having dizzy spells off and on for the past two months. While driving to work one day, he loses consciousness and is involved in a motor vehicle accident. Joe is admitted to your not-for-profit hospital with a broken leg and multiple lacerations.

  • Does Mr. Smith fit the typical profile for an uninsured person in the United States? Justify your answer.
  • How will your hospital most likely be reimbursed for Mr. Smith’s medical care?
  • During the recent economic downturn, your community has experienced unemployment rates of approximately 9%.  What can be done to mitigate the effects of the financial impact to your organization?
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Impact of Market Competition Forces on Health and Medicare Care

Option #1: Impact of Market Competition Forces on Health and Medicare Care Outcomes (Paper)

Antitrust laws and managed care have had a significant influence on market competition in the healthcare industry, yet impediments to a more competitive healthcare market persist.

For this assignment, prepare an economic analysis brief that describes the role and impact of market competition force on healthcare outcomes in the United States or abroad to demonstrate an understanding of Module 6. Discuss and synthesize key elements from at least two recent scholarly articles (found in the CSU-Global Library) that address one of the following points:

  • Determine the performance of the competitive market.
  • Apply economic models, theories, or assumptions.
  • Offer objective methods for attempting to predict future market behavior in response to events, trends, and cycles.
  • Assess economic policy recommendations for healthcare stakeholders.

Your analysis should be thoughtful and thorough, well written, and formatted accordingly:

  • Title page
  • Introduction – What is the topic, why is it important, and what are the objectives of your brief?
  • Body – What are the key elements of the scholarly articles that support the objectives of your brief? What economic models or concepts apply?
  • Conclusion – What are the future implications, policy recommendations, etc.?
  • Reference page

Your paper should be 3 to 4 pages in length


According to the Department of Health and Human Services (2002), the nation’s capacity to respond to bioterrorism depends largely on the ability of clinicians and public health officials to detect, manage, and effectively communicate in advance of and during a bioterrorism event.

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Prepare a narrated presentation, using PowerPoint or other similar software, detailing a bioterrorism-related issue, analyzing the threat(s) that the bioterrorism-related issue poses.

In preparation for your presentation, research and review at least one (1) healthcare facility’s preparedness plan. Note: A video to help students record narration for the PowerPoint presentation is available in the course shell.

Prepare a twenty (20) slide presentation in which you:

  1. Specify the key steps that healthcare managers should follow in preparing their organizations for a potential bioterrorism attack.
  2. Outline at least two (2) possible early detection and surveillance strategies, and investigate the main ways those strategies may prompt timely interventions to effectively treat and diminish the impact of a bioterrorism threat.
  3. Evaluate the specific preparation steps in the preparedness plan of a healthcare facility of your choosing.
  4. Suggest at least one (1) possible improvement to promote early detection and enhanced surveillance.
  5. Use at least four (4) recent (within the last five [5] years), quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Apply decision making models to address difficult management situations.
  • Develop policies that ensure compliance of healthcare delivery systems with current legislation.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in Health Care Operations Management.


  1. In your introduction, explain what research means to you and why it is important in your role as a health care leader. Be sure to include a thesis statement within your introduction.
  2. Identify and describe a specific example of health care research and how it is used by leaders in a health care work environment.
  3. Evaluate three implications of health care research when considering or designing professional development opportunities for health care leaders/professionals.

Your paper must be five double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the .  Utilize a minimum of three to five scholarly sources that were published within the last five years, and cite them in APA format.


Compare and contrast the functions of a health information exchange (HIE), a regional health information organization (RHIO), and the Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) in promoting health care quality and patient safety. Analyze commonalities and differences among these entities. Explain the implications of common data interchange standards and the role of governance within health care organizations in achieving the primary goals of each entity and sustaining excellence.

APA style, 3-4 pages in length and at least 2 credible sources.


Head-to-Toe Assessment

For this assignment, perform a complete head-to-toe assessment on one of your chosen participants. Your analysis should include the following:

  • Topical headings to delineate systems.
  • For any system for which you do not have equipment, explain how you would do the assessment.
  • Detailed review of each system with normal and abnormal findings, along with normal laboratory findings for client age.
  • An analysis of age-specific risk reduction, health screen, and immunizations.
  • Your expectation of normal findings and what might indicate abnormal findings in your review of systems.
  • The differential diagnosis (disease) associated with possible abnormal findings.
  • A plan of care (including nursing diagnosis, interventions, evaluation).
  • Client and age-appropriate evidenced based practice strategies for health promotion.
  • Pharmacological treatments that can be used to address health issues for this client.

Provide your answers in a 6- to 7-page Microsoft Word document.

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Submission Details

Name your document SU_NSG3012_W4_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Incorporate topical heading to delineate systems =

o    Perform a full head to toe patient assessment.  Ensure the proper identification within your paper of each system you are assessing. For example: Cardiac- than describe your cardiac assessment of your patient, Respiratory- than describe your respiratory assessment of your patient, etc.

o    For any system for which you do not have equipment, explain how you would perform the assessment =

o    Explain how you as a healthcare provider, would conduct a physical assessment without medical equipment. For example, palpation techniques.

o    Provided a detailed review of each system with normal and abnormal findings and included normal laboratory findings for client age=

o    Provide a detailed patient physical assessment for each major system (cardiac, respiratory, etc.), within a patient SOAP note, ensuring to provide both normal and abnormal patient assessment findings along with appropriate laboratory data.

o    Analyzed and explained age specific risk reduction health screen and immunizations =

o    Explain the age specific risk (the elderly and pediatric populations) to consider during the health screen and the possible needed immunizations. 

o    Provided expectations of normal findings and indicated abnormal findings in your patients review of systems =

o    Create a full review of each system for a patient, head to toe assessment. Ensure to explain the normal findings, as well as possible abnormal findings in some areas. The abnormal findings will assist you to form appropriate nursing diagnosis and interventions.

o    Analyzed and described the differential diagnosis (disease) associated with possible abnormal findings =

o    What are possible differential diagnosis (diseases) for your patient related to the health assessment.

o    Designed a plan of care including nursing diagnosis, interventions, evaluation =

o    Pick one or two main nursing diagnoses (NANDA approved) for your patient (s) based on your assessment findings. The formation of the nursing diagnosis must be: The nursing diagnosis related to (state the main reason the patient falls into this nursing diagnosis) as evidence by (states patient signs and symptoms that support the nursing diagnosis chosen.) For example: “Acute pain R/T bleeding along urinary tract AEB patient reports of pain 10 out of 10.

o    Client and age-appropriate evidenced based practice strategies for health promotion

o    Pharmacological treatments that can be used to address health issues for this client

o    Written components =

o    Ensure proper APA format. If you need assistance with APA format, please visit the “Academic Resources” section within the classroom, here you will find numerous sources to ensure academic success, including an APA guide.

The Business of Behavioral Health

The Business of Behavioral Health

Managed care has had a significant impact on the delivery of behavioral health services. This has influenced the way that the behavioral health industry conducts business. This week’s research paper will focus on the business of behavioral health.

Read the following articles from the EBSCO host database:

  • Covall, M. (2005, January). Medicare prospective payment comes to        psychiatric hospitals. Behavioral Health Management, 25(1), 54–57.
  • Oss, M. E. (2005). What’s next for managed behavioral health. (Cover story). Behavioral Health Management, 25(6), 11-14

You should also search the Internet to further learn about additional factors that influence the business model of behavioral health.

To complete this research paper, you will need to include an introduction and conclusion section as well as a title page and reference section. The paper should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The length of the paper should be 6 to 8 double-spaced pages (not including the title and reference pages).
  • The main sections should have a:
    • Title page
    • Introduction
    • Body of the paper (with subheadings)
    • Conclusion
    • Reference page(s)
  • The paper must use the APA format for citing sources and references.

Your paper introduction (one page) should include the following points:

  • An overview of the research paper
  • The purpose or objective of the research paper

The body of the paper (four to six pages) should address each of the following topics using information learned in the course, in combination with outside references:

  • In today’s healthcare scenario, are behavioral health services viewed as a profession? How? Is behavioral health service different from the rest of the healthcare industry? If yes, how? If no, why?
  • Describe the main reasons why behavioral healthcare may be reimbursed differently than any other healthcare services, in general. What factors need to be addressed based on the population served? Utilize your course and text readings to support your answers.
  • What are some of the challenges faced by behavioral healthcare providers who operate in a managed care environment? What are some of the areas of conflict between behavioral healthcare providers and managed care? Which amongst these conflict areas do you think is the most crucial, and requires immediate attention, and why?
  • Will the managed care environment be able to support the services required to provide effective residential treatment? In your opinion, what will a residential treatment facility need to continue providing effective treatment while still being able to get reimbursed, especially through Medicaid or Medicare services? (You can use the the to get more information on these topics.)