Analysis of Assessment Data

This week, you revisit methods for data assessment and analysis including software and computers. These tools have enabled researchers to collect, clean, manage, and analyze quantitative and qualitative data at high speed. For example, GIS is a helpful tool for quantitative analysis in community health assessment, and NVivo has been widely used in qualitative data analysis. Yet both continue to be problematic to many practitioners. You evaluate the benefits and limitations of data analysis methods including the use of software. Finally, you evaluate some of the reasons why technology may not be a panacea to all the problems of manual data analysis but, rather, a source of new challenges.

For this Discussion, consider this week’s Resources. Think about your personal experiences with data collection software, even if it was not related to community health assessment, and think about some of the challenges it posed.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post 4 pages of your answer to one of the following:

  • Explain one benefit and one limitation for using software-assisted quantitative data analysis in the preparation of a community health assessment report and justify your response, or
  • Explain one benefit and one limitation for using software-assisted qualitative data analysis in the preparation of a community health assessment report and justify your response.
  • Finally, describe one method for data analysis for which you would not use software and explain why.


Analysis of Assessment Data

This week, you revisit methods for data assessment and analysis including software and computers. These tools have enabled researchers to collect, clean, manage, and analyze quantitative and qualitative data at high speed. For example, GIS is a helpful tool for quantitative analysis in community health assessment, and NVivo has been widely used in qualitative data analysis. Yet both continue to be problematic to many practitioners. You evaluate the benefits and limitations of data analysis methods including the use of software. Finally, you evaluate some of the reasons why technology may not be a panacea to all the problems of manual data analysis but, rather, a source of new challenges.

For this Discussion, consider this week’s Resources. Think about your personal experiences with data collection software, even if it was not related to community health assessment, and think about some of the challenges it posed.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post 4 pages of your answer to one of the following:

  • Explain one benefit and one limitation for using software-assisted quantitative data analysis in the preparation of a community health assessment report and justify your response, or
  • Explain one benefit and one limitation for using software-assisted qualitative data analysis in the preparation of a community health assessment report and justify your response.
  • Finally, describe one method for data analysis for which you would not use software and explain why.


TOPIC Present how strategic planning, performance improvement, and information systems are interrelated and fundamental to the delivery of quality health care

Before you begin, review the possible topics and requirements for your Final Project in Week Five.  There are four topics that you may choose from and they are listed at the beginning of the Final Project prompt. Submit the following to your instructor for review:

  1. Identify the topic of your Final Project
    • Describe the issue, why it was selected, the perspective of approach, and the scope of the paper.
  1. Provide an outline of your project
    • The outline should include a heading for each section of the Research Paper/PowerPoint Presentation (including one for the thesis and the conclusion) as well as heading descriptions. Subheadings should also be used with a description of each subheading. These should demonstrate that you have done significant research, evaluation, and critical thinking on the issues involved and should illustrate the strategies you would incorporate and implement for the scenario you are creating.
  1. Create an annotated bibliography
    • The annotated bibliography should contain at least five scholarly sources that you intend to use in your project. Each listing must include a paraphrased narrative of the actual research study presented in the article and the studies used should represent the most current research related to the topic area.

Your outline and annotated bibliography must adhere to proper APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You may also find samples of each in the Ashford Writing Center, which is located under Learning Resources in the left-hand navigation panel of your classroom.

Your assignment should be four to six pages as follows:

  • Title Page (one page)
  • Outline (two to three pages)
  • Annotated Bibliography (one to two pages


Option #2: Impact of Market Competition Forces on Health and Medicare Care Outcomes (Presentation)

Antitrust laws and managed care have had a significant influence on market competition in the healthcare industry, yet impediments to a more competitive healthcare market persist.

For this assignment, prepare an economic analysis brief that describes the role and impact of market competition force on healthcare outcomes in the United States or abroad to demonstrate an understanding of Module 6. Discuss and synthesize key elements from at least two recent scholarly articles (found in the CSU-Global Library) that address one of the following points:

  • Determine the performance of the competitive market.
  • Apply economic models, theories, or assumptions.
  • Offer objective methods for attempting to predict future market behavior in response to events, trends, and cycles.
  • Assess economic policy recommendations for healthcare stakeholders.
  • Evaluate the economic health of the nation or state.

Your analysis should be thoughtful and thorough, well written, and should include:

  • A minimum of 15 slides (not including the title and reference slides)
  • Speaker’s notes containing 50-100 words per slide to elaborate on the visual/text content on the slide.
  • Appropriate graphics, multi-media, and other visual elements to enhance the presentation delivery.A properly formatted reference slide that conforms to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.


University of Phoenix Material

Health Care Laws

Week One Individual Assignment: Health Care Laws – Students will complete the matrix provided in the student materials section. You should focus on local and state laws that affect the health care industry where you live. If you have questions or difficulty in locating laws applicable in your locale, contact the instructor.  NOTE: Do not use Federal laws for this assignment.


Identify 2 Georgia health care lawsDescribe the health care law (25- to 45- words)Identify why the health care law was created (45- to 90- words)Describe how the health care law impacts the health care industry (90- to 175- words)

Select 2 laws in your state or locality to research. Complete the matrix provided. In addition to the matrix content, address these 2 bullet points in a narrative of at least 300 words beyond the matrix content: (the bullets can have a word count of 150 each) These 2 questions in addition to the matrix, can provide information below on the worksheet.

  • Explain how health care laws are created.
  • Evaluate the impact of local, state, and federal laws on the health care industry.

Additional Requirements

  • Must use reliable sources and peer reviewed to back information such as gov. and etc
  • Please provide links to the laws you used and references
  • The material is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.
  • All directions is on the worksheet (DO NOT USE FEDERAL LAWS)


Assignment: Implications of Health Economic Concepts for Healthcare

Select at least five (5) economic concepts covered in the first four weeks’ readings, and discuss the primary manner in which these concepts impact the world of health care economics. Some examples of selected concepts are health demand and supply, elasticity, resources, health measures, and costs.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

1. Assess the value of healthcare professionals and decision makers understanding the discipline of health economics. 2. Defend or critique the importance of considering the complex nature of health and healthcare when examining the economic principles related to healthcare delivery. 3. Analyze the primary potential benefits of learning about health economics related to government involvement in healthcare economics, financing, and delivery. 4. Analyze the main potential benefits of learning about health economics related to private sector government involvement in healthcare economics, financing, and delivery. 5. Use at least five (5) current references. Three of these references must be from current peer-reviewed sources to support and substantiate your comments and perspectives.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Explain how selected economic principles apply to the health care market and the provisions of health care services. Analyze the factors that are influencing the demand and supply of health care services in the U.S. Assess current economic trends that influence the cost, quality, and access to care. Use technology and information resources to research issues in health economics. Write clearly and concisely about health economics using proper writing mechanics.


All Questions must be Cited APA format.

  1. Healthcare Politics and Policy

In your opinion, how are politics and policy linked within the context of the U.S. healthcare system?

  1. National Health Policy

In your opinion, what health programs target the three major components of a national health policy: structural determinants of good health, lifestyle determinants, and socializing and empowering determinants?

  1. Pharmaceutical Industry

Discuss the impact of the pharmaceutical industry spending $6.1 billion in 2010 to influence American doctors and another $4 billion on direct-to-consumer advertising. Are there any benefits to industry advertising to the public or is it entirely negative?

  1. Health System Enrollees

Debate the possible consequences to the health care delivery system of adding 50 million new enrollees. How would this policy impact medical practices, clinics, hospitals and outpatient diagnostic centers?

  1. ACA/Obama Care

In your opinion, why has the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – a.k.a. “Obama Care” – become so political?

  1. Medicare/Medicaid

Do you believe most Americans understand how the Medicare/Medicaid programs operate? If not, why not?

  1. Health Reform

The author(s) state; “Health reform also presents opportunities to make a positive impact on health and behavioral health systems, services, and payer sources.” Discuss how this would be accomplished and at what cost to the economy.

  1. Family Caregivers

Should government pay family caregivers who care for family members who have long term disability in lieu of institutionalization? Why or why not?

  1. Incentives

What incentives are necessary so that providers would voluntarily fulfill the role desired by their patients and deliver care that is in the patients’ best interest? If these incentives are generally financial in nature, how will these incentives be funded?

  1. Life Expectancy

What are some of the reasons why life expectancy and good health continue to increase in some parts of the world and fail to improve in others? What best practices can be applied to those areas of the world failing to gain improvements in life expectancy and good health?

  1. Global Health Equity

How can public sector leadership and the private sector collaborate to contribute to global health equity?

  1. Vulnerability of Older People

Discuss the vulnerability of older people in times of social and economic crisis. Are they really any more vulnerable than other sectors of the population during a crisis?

Identify and discuss the most important macro-trends affecting the future of the US healthcare system.

What will be the best job opportunities for health care managers in 2020?

Instructions for the Term Paper

  1. It must be 10 -12 pages and use APA style – especially for citations. Note that the 12 page limit INCLUDES all components of your paper, including your name, title, citations, and references.
  2. The first section of the paper must Identify and discuss the most important macro-trends affecting the future of the US healthcare system. These can include the overall economy, demographics, personal lifestyles and behaviors, technology (including biotechnology and smartphones), and federal and state government policies.
  3. Using the above analysis, the second section of the paper will clearly identify five (5) great job opportunities for health care managers in 2020.  Be sure to EXPLICITLY link each job opportunity with the specific trends identified in the first section of your paper.
  4. A minimum of five (5) references to independent research journals and/or non-vested technical reports must be incorporated and cited using APA style.
  5. Instructions for the Term Paper
  • Write an 10 -12 page (minimum of 8 pages content without title page, reference page, etc.) Team report using APA style that:

1) Identifies and discusses the macro-trends affecting the future of the US healthcare system, including the overall economy, demographics, personal lifestyles and behaviors, technology (including biotechnology and smartphones), and federal and state government policies.

2)  Use the above analysis to identify five (5) great job opportunities for health care managers in 2020.  Be sure to EXPLICITLY link each job opportunity with the specific trends identified in your analysis.

  • A minimum of five (5) references to independent research journals and/or non-vested technical reports must be incorporated and cited using APA style.
  • Prepare your essay in MS Word with 1-inch margins on all sides, double-spaced and 12 pt. Times New Roman font; and upload it to the assignment folder. Please note that the 12 page limit INCLUDES all components of your paper, including your name, title, citations, and references.
  • Submit it your final draft to Turnitin and then submit your paper, with its Turnitin score on the front page, to your Writing Coach one week before its due date.
  • After incorporating feedback from your Coach, resubmit your final paper to Turnitin and then submit your final paper to the Professor with both Turnitin Scores on the front page. The final score should be in the green light zone.

The Presentation = 5 Points: Much of today’s communication is done through a variety of electronic tools made available through the internet. Emails, texting, interactive web sites, cloud technology (like Google Drive), video chats, and social media are all important in how we communicate with each other. The challenge of your Presentation is to communicate the basic findings of your Team’s Term Paper to your classmates, your Professor, and Coach through the use of a virtual presentation tool as if your Team was reporting out your findings to a global audience of people located in 1000s of different locations around the world.

The Presentation must be designed to be “asynchronous.” This means, just like our Discussions Board, it can be viewed at any time as a self-contained presentation without the direct participation of any Team member.

While Prezi and Google Sites are specific examples of the kind of virtual tools your Team might use, each Team is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to explore, experiment, and creatively use the best tool available for communicating their findings.  Simply sending a recorded PowerPoint Presentation to everyone as an Email attachment will not meet the requirements for this assignment.

Your Presentation: The challenge of your Presentation is to communicate the basic findings of your Team’s Term Paper to your classmates, your Professor, and Coach through the use of a virtual presentation tool as if your Team was reporting out your findings to a global audience of people located in 1000s of different locations around the world.

The Presentation must be designed to be “asynchronous.” This means, just like our Discussions Board, it can be viewed at any time as a self-contained presentation without the direct participation of any Team member.

While Prezi and Google Sites are specific examples of the kind of virtual tools your Team might use, each Team is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to explore, experiment, and creatively use the best tool available for communicating their findings. Simply sending a recorded PowerPoint Presentation to everyone as an Email attachment will not meet the requirements for this assignment.

Exploring Evidence-Based Solutions

Exploring Evidence-Based Solutions

Evidence-based solutions are typically well researched and published in respected journals. Evidence does not necessarily mean that a solution will reduce or improve every community’s public health problems, however. Conversely, a lack of evidence does not necessarily mean that a solution will not work for a particular community or population. In each case, additional assessment might be needed to decide whether this solution is appropriate. A community health assessment can be used to find out whether, and how, an evidence-based solution might work in a community or for a particular population, and how that solution might need to be adapted.

For this week’s Discussion, consider the different criteria discussed in the Resources used to judge the relevancy of evidence-based solutions to public health problems. Use the Walden Library and the Resources to investigate and select one article related to an evidence-based solution to a public health problem. Consider how this evidence-based solution can be generalized to other populations or within several communities.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post  3 pages of a description of a community health problem and an evidence-based solution to the problem in the resource you selected. Then, explain how successfully it might be generalized to a larger population. Justify your response. Finally, explain what might limit the use of this solution with several communities or other populations. Justify your response


Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

In most other countries in the world, government plays a central role in covering health care needs; however, in the United States, the private sector (in the form of employer-sponsored health insurance) serves as the dominant form of medical coverage. For this assignment, discuss the following:

  • Describe and discuss some of the ethical concerns or problems that exist because of the dominant form of employer-sponsored health insurance.
  • Discuss reform actions that the U.S. government has taken to reduce the ethical concerns or problems that you discussed.
  • Define the ethical principle of justice, and discuss its role in the U.S. health care system.