Animal use in toxicity testing has long been a controversial issue, however, there can be benefits. Read “The Use of Animals in Research,” which is an article that can be retrieved from

Evaluate the current policies outlined in the Position Statement. Use the instructions to guide you in your analysis. Feel free to use additional information and avenues of information, including the textbook, to critically analyze this policy.

How do toxicologists determine which exposures may cause adverse health effects?

 How does the information apply to what you are learning in the course?

 What were the objectives of this toxicity testing?

 What were the endpoints of this toxicity testing?

Finally, include weather or not you agree with the Society of Toxicology’s position on animal testing.

Your Case Study assignment should be three to four pages in length. Use APA style guidelines in writing this assignment, following APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and referencing.


APA Format

Option #1: The Role and Impact of the Health Insurance Market (Paper)

Over the years, the health insurance market has become more competitive and as a result consumers “…have been offered a greater choice in benefits, cost-sharing arrangements, premiums to match their own experience, and types of insurance products” (Feldstein, 2012, p. 242).

For this assignment, prepare an economic analysis brief that describes the role and impact of the health insurance market in the U.S. healthcare industry to demonstrate an understanding of Module 4. Discuss and synthesize key elements from at least two recent scholarly articles (found in the CSU-Global Library) that address one of the following points:

  • Determine the performance of the health insurance industry.
  • Apply economic models, theories, or assumptions.
  • Offer objective methods for attempting to predict future market behavior in response to events, trends, and cycles.
  • Assess economic policy recommendations for healthcare stakeholders.

Your analysis should be thoughtful and thorough, well written, and formatted accordingly:

  • Title page
  • Introduction – What is the topic, why is it important, and what are the objectives of your brief?
  • Body – What are the key elements of the scholarly articles that support the objectives of your brief? What economic models or concepts apply?
  • Conclusion – What are the future implications, policy recommendations, etc.?
  • Reference page

Your paper should be 3 to 4 pages in length


Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Public and private health insurance plays a very significant role in the delivery and funding or reimbursement of health care services, making it very important that all health care professionals understand, at a minimum, the basics of health insurance. For this assignment, you are required to discuss the following:

  • Provide a definition of both private and public health insurance, and discuss the differences between private and public health insurance.
  • Choose 1 public health insurance program (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, or Children’s Health Insurance Program), and discuss the basics of that program and the financial impact it has had on health care delivery in the United States


Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the points below about your 3-day food intake analysis from iProfile and submit the paper together with the iProfile Report titled “Intake Compared to DRI.” 

PLEASE READ – Your paper is calculated at a maximum of 10 points. Your iProfle (actual intake) DRI Intake Compared to your recommended DRI Intake Report is calculated at a maximum of 5 points.  BE SURE TO ATTACH THE CORRECT DRI REPORT.

click here for more information on this paper

IMPORTANT – IMPORTANT – Must use headings consistent with the APA format to clearly identify each bullet point below in your paper. The Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) has a sample paper (please review the paper) using the APA format that includes headings and in-text citations and a reference page that you can review so that you earn maximum credit for your assignment.

  • Recorded intake of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids
    • Which foods in your recorded daily intake provide protein? Which provide carbohydrates? Which provide lipids?
    • Review how your recorded protein, carbohydrate, and lipid intake compares with the recommendations of the dietary reference intake. If your recorded protein-carbohydrate-fat intake was too high or too low, which foods might you add or remove to achieve your goal and keep other nutrients in balance?
    • Is the protein in each food you ate complete or incomplete, combining to become complementary? Why is this important?
    • How much of your daily recommended protein, carbohydrates, and lipid intake did you achieve? If your macronutrient intake is insufficient or excessive, what might you do to bring it into the recommended range? Provide specific recommendations.
  • Macronutrient intake ranges
    • Is macronutrient intake within the recommended range important? What are the effects of too much or too little of a macronutrient? What happens if you consistently eat too little protein? What happens if you eat too few carbohydrates? What happens if you eat too few lipids?
  • Fiber intake ranges
    • Does your fiber total meet 100% of the recommendation for you, as calculated at iProfile?
    • Does your diet meet the minimum number of servings of foods from each fiber-containing group? If not, which of the fiber-containing groups–fruits and vegetables–fell short of the recommended intake?
    • Which specific foods provide the most fiber in your meals? Which provide the least? Identify trends in your food choices that might affect your fiber intakes.
  • Dietary modifications
    • What changes might you make to increase the fiber in your diet?
    • How might insufficient or excessive amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, or fiber contribute to health or illness? Provide examples.
    • What have you learned about your diet?

Cite three references other than the course text. The references must be from scientific peer-reviewed sources. The UoP Library allows you to search for peer-reviewed articles. Also review the Announcements for additional information about acceptables and unacceptable references.


Question 1 – 200 Words

  1. What are the EPA�s seven criteria pollutants and their sources? Discuss the environmental and health effects of each pollutant. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2 – 200 Words

  1. Discuss how a constructed wetland system works to treat municipal wastewater. What advantages does a constructed wetland system have over conventional sewage treatment?
    Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 3 – 200 Words

  1. What are �dead zones,� and how do they form? What are the sources of pollution that cause cultural eutrophication? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 4 – 200 Words

  1. Discuss the main areas of progress produced by the Clean Water Act of 1972, as well as the remaining problems. Do you think that stronger legislation is required to protect our water resources? Why or why not? Your response must be at least 200 words in length. 20 points

Question 5

  1. Match each term with its definition.
Primary pollutants 
Secondary pollutants
Non-point source emissions
Point source emission
Criteria pollutantsA.Pollutants emitted from a smokestack or other concentrated pollution originB.Pollutants that are produced in less volume, but are especially toxic or hazardousC.Pollutants that become hazardous after chemical reactions in the airD.Pollutants that do not go through a smokestackE.Pollutants that are released to the air in a harmful formF.A group of seven major pollutants that contribute the largest volume of air-quality degradation


Question 1 – 500 Words

  1. Write an essay consisting of at least 500 words addressing ALL of the following topics (a. through g.):
  1. If the rainfall intensity is 2.5 inch/hour, watershed area is 8 acres, and rational runoff coefficient is 0.6, compute the peak runoff rate in ft3/s. Use the rational formula.
  2. Explain the concept of time of concentration.
  3. Why would someone want to use the SCS TR 55 graphical method instead of the simpler rational formula for determining peak rate of runoff?
  4. Explain why stormwater pipes are designed to have a velocity between 3 ft/s and 10 ft/s.
  5. Why does land development typically increase the peak runoff rate? What are some methods used to mitigate the increased runoff rate?
  6. Discuss some best management practices (BMPs) for stormwater quality control?
  7. How does the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) affect development in flood prone areas? In your response, include discussion of the base flood level.

You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Question 2 – 500 Words

  1. Write an essay consisting of at least 500 words addressing ALL of the following topics (a. through h.):
  1. Describe U.S. federal legislation regarding wastewater treatment and disposal.
  2. If 220 mg/L (milligram per liter) of BOD5 enters a wastewater treatment plant at a flow of 18 mgd (million gallons per day), how many pounds of BOD5 enter the plant each day?
  3. Explain the purpose and operation of a comminutor.
  4. What is the purpose of recirculation in a trickling filter?
  5. If the wastewater flow is 5 ML/day (million liters per day), MLSS is 1800 mg/L, BOD5 entering the aeration tank is 130 mg/L, and aeration tank volume is 1.5 ML (million liters), what is the F/M ratio in the tank?
  6. Describe the extended aeration process. When is it used?
  7. What are the pros and cons of wastewater treatment ponds?
  8. Discuss one alternative treatment technology for wastewater treatment beginning on page 264 of our textbook.

Hazardous Waste

Question 1

  1. As part of the permit process for a TSDF, owners or operators of a TSDF must submit a closure plan. This closure plan must include all of the following except _______.
a description of what the facility will be used for after remediation
a description of planned groundwater activities
a description of planned maintenance activities
the name, address, and telephone numbers of the person or office to contact during the post-closure plan

4 points

Question 2

  1. Containment methods are directed toward prevention of migration of liquid hazardous wastes or leachates containing hazardous constituents. Which of the following is not an example of this site remedial technology?
Sheet piling cut-off walls
Grout curtains
Slurry walls
Soil vapor extraction

4 points

Question 3

  1. What does EPA call abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived contamination?
Opportunity zones
Development zones

4 points

Question 4

  1. Which of the following is part of a Phase II assessment?
Risk assessments as appropriate for the data obtained
Air, soil and groundwater sampling on or near the property with analyses
Title search of property records and regulatory permits
Interviews with available present and past personnel at the site

4 points

Question 5

  1. The permit application for owners and operators of a TSDF is in two parts. What are those two parts referred to?
Part I and Part II
Part A and Part B
Part 8700-22 and Part 8700-23
EPA Form A and EPA Form B

4 points

Question 6

  1. Which of the following is not a part of Part A or Part B RCRA permit application requirements?
Facility security procedures, topographic map
Design capacity of waste management units, closure plans
Contingency plans, lists of wastes to be managed at the facility
Analysis of wastes to be managed, financial stability of company/corporation

4 points

Question 7

  1. EPA’s Site Inspection Plans may be carried out by consultants having appropriate expertise, or by federal, state, or local regulatory agency personnel. All of the following items are key to a successful, defensible inspection plan except which one?
Checklists, sampling plans
Summarized findings from the background report, data quality objectives
Applicable regulations, policies and guidance documents, and company financial records.
Personnel assigned and duties, site safety plans, PPE (as appropriate)

4 points

Question 8

  1. Regarding criminal actions resulting in fines or imprisonment for RCRA hazardous waste offenses, what is a key overriding legal component of these actions?
Harm to the public
Damage to the environment
Acts are committed knowingly
Financial gain is shown

4 points

Question 9

  1. What section contains authorities enabling EPA to conduct investigations at sites and facilities where hazardous substances are or may have been generated, stored, treated, disposed, or transported to and from?
CERCLA sec. 104(e)
CERCLA sec. 107(c)
RCRA sec 1004
RCRA sec 3008

4 points

Question 10

  1. Which sequence would correctly represent the highly structured progression of the Superfund process?

4 points

Question 11 – 200 words

  1. Access EPA’s “RCRA Clean Up Baseline” webpage,, and describe the Baseline program along with updating the current status of the program (as referred to in the text on page 230). If possible describe an action that is taking part in your part of the country, or in an area of the country that is of interest to you.

Question 12 – 200 words

  1. Can a person or business treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste without interim status or a permit? Please be specific with your explanation. 200 words response


Prompt 1

One of the reasons to assess a patient’s thoughts and beliefs about health and illness is to identify any patterns or beliefs that may affect his or her health and healing. How would past experience with cancer in another family member possibly impact a patient’s own health and healing if he/she was diagnosed with cancer? Choose one of AHNA’s core values (body, mind, emotions, spirit, social/cultural, relationship, context, and environment) and discuss how you can care for yourself in that area in order to improve well-being. Use examples from your clinical experience and cite sources from the readings or online library.

Prompt 2

From your clinical experience, provide two examples of healing rituals that your patients from different cultures have utilized to support their health and healing. Give a general description of the rituals including the type of ritual, who performed it, where and how often it was performed, and how the patient believed that it would help him or her to heal. Choose rituals from different cultures. Support your answer with sources from the readings or the online library.


Mental Health Agency Interview Assignment 

Identify a mental health agency (a Community Mental Health Center or a local provider) or agency providing advocacy services for mental health (e.g., NAMI, Mental Health Association, etc.) in your area.  Have a conversation with someone in that agency exploring what he or she perceives to be the three most critical issues in mental health today.  Write a 2-3 page, double- spaced paper that includes whom you spoke with and their position, the name of the agency, and a summary of your conversation, focusing on the critical issues identified by that person.

Law-related Public Policy Research Paper  

You will be required to research and write a short paper (4 to 5 pages, double spaced) on some more specific aspect of the legal ramifications of mental health in the community.  Subject matter may be related to treatment of persons with mental illness in the criminal justice system, civil rights of persons with mental illness, consent to treatment, access to mental health care, prescription privileges for psychologists, institutionalization,   involuntary commitment laws, the not guilty by reason of insanity defense, etc.  You can use a combination of peer-reviewed articles, legal cases, and source documents, with 6-8 citations for A level work.  Make certain you cite your resources.  We urged you to refer to historic legal cases related to mental health care.  APA format must be used and points will be deducted for inappropriate citation style.  For students without an APA style manual, most APA style requirements are online (see for example, or  Points will also be deducted for grammatical and spelling errors (see rubric below for details).


750-1000 words

Safety issues have been one of the leading concerns among members of the leadership team at Elora Jean & Co. There have been a few minor accidents in the past 18 months. Recently, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) came to the facility to conduct an investigation. There were no formal violations cited; however, Elora Jean & Co. was advised to develop a comprehensive safety policy and provide formal safety education for employees. The owner has asked for your input on a policy that would protect the company from safety claims submitted to OSHA.

Respond to the following questions as you formulate your response to this task:

  • Considering the guidelines for employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, what do you feel will be important to include in your recommendations, and why?
  • Prepare a summary of your recommendations for the owner. Include information related to the potential implications of not complying with OSHA


Application: The Strategic Planning Process Revisited

At the beginning of this course, you developed a graphic representation of the strategic-planning process. How has your understanding of this process grown? For this Application Assignment, you will integrate ideas and perspectives presented throughout this course as you expand upon your initial graphic.

Prepare for this Application Assignment as follows:

  • What insights have you gained about the strategic planning process throughout this course? Consider the following questions:
  • What new insights about the internal and external factors that influence strategic planning have you gained?
  • What are the key elements of strategy formulation?
  • How do organizations translate their strategic objectives into operational realities?
  • What factors contribute to successful implementation or create barriers that need to be addressed?
  • Why it is important for marketing to be aligned with strategic planning?
  • Why is it important to have the monitoring and evaluation criteria in mind throughout the strategic planning process?
  • How has your awareness of the relationships and connections among various aspects of strategic planning grown?
  • What insights gained throughout this course that a health care manger should incorporate in their career.
  • Revisit the graphic representation of the strategic-planning process you created for the Week 1 Application. How would you revise your assessment of the strategic-planning cycle in light of what you have learned throughout this course?What recommendations do you now have for creating a strategic-planning process that is flexible yet sets the long-term direction for an organization?

Then write a 2- to 3-page paperthat addresses the following:

  • Create a graphic representation of the strategic-planning process in a health care organization. (This may be a revised version of your Week 1 Application Assignment.)
  • Describe in writing any elements of the strategic-planning process that you are not able to capture in your graphic representation.
  • Describe how your view of the strategic-planning process has grown, including one or more key insights that will guide your future work in health care organizations.

Exchanging healthcare information can be accomplished through the use of the Intranet and Extranet. Can anyone provide examples of an Intranet and Extranet application that healthcare organizations use?

Physician and nurses in a healthcare organization will use a variety of technology tools to connect with one another. Exchanging healthcare information can be accomplished through the use of the Intranet and Extranet. Can anyone provide examples of an Intranet and Extranet application that healthcare organizations use? Support your answer with research. Must cite/ reference.

2. Information systems should be user-friendly systems. In your opinion, what type of characteristics would make an information system user-friendly?

3. C12: Other than organizational charts, charts can be used for a variety of reasons. One reason is to document errors in healthcare to see trends associated with these errors. Many healthcare facilities now use technology to fill prescriptions without having to handwrite a “hard copy” prescription. Is there any evidence that using technology to fill prescriptions rather than handwritten prescriptions decreases the incidence of medication errors? Support your answer with research. Must cite / reference.