Political, Social, and Sociocultural Influences on Women’s Health. wk 1 discussion.

Political, Social, and Sociocultural Influences on Women’s Health. wk 1 discussion.

As an advanced practice nurse, you must remain current on health issues that commonly impact women such as birth control, abortion, family planning, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Many of these women’s health issues are heavily influenced by political, social, and sociocultural factors. These influences might not only affect a woman’s ability or desire to receive care, but also a provider’s ability or willingness to offer care. How might political, social, and sociocultural factors influence your personal perceptions of these women’s health issues?


AS USUAL: Write one & half page with 5-6 references.

·         Research on women’s health issues such as: Birth Control

·         Consider the impact of political, social, and sociocultural factors on Birth Control

·         Reflect on how the personal perceptions of providers might influence their ability or willingness to care for women in relation to this issue.

·         AS USUAL: Write one & half page with 5-6 references.


How do spiritual beliefs impact political ideologies and the policy process? How have they affected the health policy reform process? Give examples and support your reasoning with appropriate references.(300-400 words)

Nursing Ethics Policy

APA format (heading, title page, in text citation, references page)

How do spiritual beliefs impact political ideologies and the policy process? How have they affected the health policy reform process? Give examples and support your reasoning with appropriate references.(300-400 words)

What is the role of a religious ethic in public policy today? Should a religious ethic or theistic worldview take priority over that of others? How can religious policy decision makers remain true to their personal values while respecting the views of individuals with differing cultural and spiritual beliefs? (300-400 words)

Compare and contrast 2 organizations that deliver primary care healthcare on the local or regional level. Based on research, describe population served, what services are provided, and the sources of funding.

Compare and contrast 2 organizations that deliver primary care healthcare on the local or regional level.  Based on research, describe population served, what services are provided, and the sources of funding.  Then evaluate the services for the individuals and families in the community.  Consider political strategies and potential policies and how they affect the role of the nurse.  Also, compare the 3 levels of prevention and how they influence the nurse’s role.

APA Style

12 pt, doubled spaced


500-600 words 

Select and describe a specialty that has evolved in a different direction from that of advanced practice nursing (e.g., informatics, administration, health policy, and/or forensic nursing).

The Evolution of Nursing

Future Perspectives


Nurses work together in many environments. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of each type of graduate nurse will foster cooperative relationships.


  1. Select and describe a specialty that has evolved in a different direction from that of advanced practice nursing (e.g., informatics, administration, health policy, and/or forensic nursing).
  2. What key differences do you see in this evolution as compared with developed APN specialties?
  3. Describe the future vision and goals each role and relate to emerging healthcare trends and needs.

Your paper must be presented in a single Word document. The paper must be between 2 to 3 pages in length, not including the title and reference list pages. The paper must use proper APA Publication Manual, 6th Editionformatting, including title page, running head, and reference list with properly formatted citations in the body of the paper.

Identify which specific nursing theory you believe to be most relevant to your current practice and/or future career as an advanced practice nurse

Nursing theory discussion 7

For the last discussion of this course, please discuss your thoughts on nursing theory topics covered this semester, and identify which specific nursing theory you believe to be most relevant to your current practice and/or future career as an advanced practice nurse. Attached is the power point that talk about one theory, Please discuss about it. Please 250 wold, apa style. Any question feel free to contact me.


What questions will you want to ask your patients at every visit in order to get the information needed to provide individualized preventive services?

Preventative Care

What questions will you want to ask your patients at every visit in order to get the information needed to provide individualized preventive services?

  • How does the age and gender of the patient impact your approach to delivering preventive services and providing health education?
  • How does the patient’s developmental milestones impact their ability to make healthy changes and take charge of their health?
  • What are some risk factors associated with health promotion?

please include 3 references in APA format

Choose one (1) client scenario from the two options given below and address the following criteria:

TASK: Instructions:        Word Limit: 2000 words

For this assignment, you are required to choose one (1) client scenario from the two options given below and address the following criteria:

  1. Provide an overview of the chosen client’s chronic condition/illness;
  2. Describe two (2) actual and/or potential health concerns for the client;
  3. Identify two (2) appropriate topics for client education (one topic for each health concern). Explain how each topic addresses the actual and/or potential health concern for the client and how each topic will assist the client to self-manage their chronic condition and optimise their health;
  4. Describe two (2) specific, appropriate client education strategies that the Registered Nurse would use to teach the chosen education topics (one strategy for each topic). Include details of how the education will be structured and delivered (i.e. method/tool used, setting for education, participants to be involved, etc).
  5. Justify your choice of education strategies for this particular client. – MUST FOLLOW MARKING CRITERIA – APA 6TH EDITION FOR INTEXT AND REFERENCES- STRICTLY FOLLOW WORD LIMIT 2000 words( Including in text references )

Post a short reflection, approximately 1 paragraph in length, discussing your thoughts, opinions, questions or concerns about one or several of the specific theories covered in the readings.

Nursing Theory Reflection 3

Complete this week’s assigned readings, chapters 25 & 26.  After completing the readings, post a short reflection, approximately 1 paragraph in length, discussing your thoughts, opinions, questions or concerns about one or several of the specific theories covered in the readings.

As a reminder, no scholarly sources are required and students do not have to reply to a classmate’s original post. This post does not have an end date but please make an effort to complete your post before next week’s discussion post is posted and/or due in order to avoid falling behind.

Discuss how evidence-based practice (EBP) can be used in the student’s current position or organization to improve the financial status and patient health


Select a peer-reviewed journal article [not provided in the course readings] that provides information related to evidence supporting nursing’s value in quality initiatives such as nursing-sensitive value-based purchasing (NSVBP) and/or Pay for Performance regulation.

  • Provide a brief overview of the article
  • Identify the main message or purpose
  • Discuss how evidence-based practice (EBP) can be used in the student’s current position or organization to improve the financial status and patient health

Write a 1,000- 1250 word paper examining how the Conceptual – Theoretical – Empirical (CTE) structure translates into nursing practice based on one of the middle range theories that has been formulated or derived from your preferred conceptual model of nursing.

Write a 1,000- 1250 word paper examining how the Conceptual – Theoretical – Empirical (CTE) structure translates into nursing practice based on one of the middle range theories that has been formulated or derived from your preferred conceptual model of nursing. Chose middle range theory:  Psychoneuroimmunology Theory Information (PNI) by Dr. Mary Bennett.  Translate and apply the selected theory to nursing practice using actual examples. Evaluate the theory using the CTE steps below: 1.Evaluation of the conceptual-theoretical-empirical linkages. 2.Evaluation of the selected theory. 3.Evaluation of the empirical indicators. 4.Evaluation of research findings. 5.Evaluation of the utility and soundness of the practice theory.