The focus of the assignment is the Community of San Pablo City

The focus of the assignment is the Community of San Pablo City

The outlines for the slides as follows:

First topic is Nutrition/Metabolic

Second topic is Self-Perception/Self-Concept

Key points should be metioned in the slides via bullet points 

Each slide should have speaker notes lasting about a paragraph ( 5 sentences or more)

Last Slide should list all refernces using APA format – Pls be sure that format is done correctly as points will be deducted

I would like for each topic to fit on one slide, making the entire assignment 3 slides including the reference slide APA format


The background should be plane white, however pictures can be added 


·          Indicators of nutrient deficiencies.

·          Obesity rates or percentages: Compare to CDC statistics.

·          Affordability of food/available discounts or food programs and usage (e.g., WIC, food boxes, soup kitchens, meals-on-wheels, food stamps, senior discounts, employee discounts, etc.).

·          Availability of water (e.g., number and quality of drinking fountains).

·          Fast food and junk food accessibility (vending machines).

·          Evidence of healthy food consumption or unhealthy food consumption (trash, long lines, observations, etc.).

·          Provisions for special diets, if applicable.

·          For schools (in addition to above):

o   Nutritional content of food in cafeteria and vending machines: Compare to ARS 15-242/The Arizona Nutrition Standards (or other state standards based on residence)

o   Amount of free or reduced lunch


·          Age levels.

·          Programs and activities related to community building (strengthening the community).

·          Community history.

·          Pride indicators: Self-esteem or caring behaviors.

·          Published description (pamphlets, Web sites, etc.).

The focus of the assignment is the Community of San Pablo City

The focus of the assignment is the Community of San Pablo City

The outlines for the slides as follows:

First topic is Nutrition/Metabolic

Second topic is Self-Perception/Self-Concept

Key points should be metioned in the slides via bullet points 

Each slide should have speaker notes lasting about a paragraph ( 5 sentences or more)

Last Slide should list all refernces using APA format – Pls be sure that format is done correctly as points will be deducted

I would like for each topic to fit on one slide, making the entire assignment 3 slides including the reference slide APA format


The background should be plane white, however pictures can be added 


·          Indicators of nutrient deficiencies.

·          Obesity rates or percentages: Compare to CDC statistics.

·          Affordability of food/available discounts or food programs and usage (e.g., WIC, food boxes, soup kitchens, meals-on-wheels, food stamps, senior discounts, employee discounts, etc.).

·          Availability of water (e.g., number and quality of drinking fountains).

·          Fast food and junk food accessibility (vending machines).

·          Evidence of healthy food consumption or unhealthy food consumption (trash, long lines, observations, etc.).

·          Provisions for special diets, if applicable.

·          For schools (in addition to above):

o   Nutritional content of food in cafeteria and vending machines: Compare to ARS 15-242/The Arizona Nutrition Standards (or other state standards based on residence)

o   Amount of free or reduced lunch


·          Age levels.

·          Programs and activities related to community building (strengthening the community).

·          Community history.

·          Pride indicators: Self-esteem or caring behaviors.

·          Published description (pamphlets, Web sites, etc.).

Differentiate among the theory-based teaching strategies (dialectic learning, problem-based learning, operational instruction, and logistic teaching).

  • Differentiate among the theory-based teaching strategies (dialectic learning, problem-based learning, operational instruction, and logistic teaching).
  • Choose one theory and discuss its application to nursing research and management.  Locate one scholarly article that applies the theory to nursing research or management.
  • Choose one theory and discuss its application to nursing practice and education.  Locate one scholarly article that applies the theory to nursing practice or education.

The assignment should be between 1500 and 2000 words in length and contain at least two scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook and provided material.  Please submit your assignment in one APA formatted document

1 What provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics and/or Interpretive Statements offer any guidance to nurses in the following recent situation contained in these links below?

Nursing Ethics Paper/Discussion

Need an APA paper (content only) discussing two questions below:

No plagiarism/ no abstract/ no title page. Due by 4/9/17 at 1200

Must use references/links provided and follow rubric below.

1  What provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics and/or Interpretive Statements offer  any guidance to nurses in the following recent situation contained in these links below?

2   Apply Ethical Theory, including Kantian theory, and  Ethical Decision Making to arrive at the best course of action in the following scenario contained in this Youtube link and the following links below, which is based on a recently reported occurrence: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Read the ANA Statement on Quarantine of Nurses: ANA Statement on Quarantine.docx

Week 1 Paper #2 Rubric

Week 1 Paper #2 Rubric

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCode of Ethics-Student adequately applies Code of Ethics/Interpretive statements to assigned case study in link.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDecision Making- Student adequately applies ethical theory, including Kantian theory,and ethical decision making to arrive at a course of action

2.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion

0.5 pts

Total Points: 5.0

The purpose of this assignment is to create the Educating Staff: Implementing Change Project PowerPoint presentation. Your plan is to educate the staff that will be involved in the pilot program. You will need to educate them on the problem, show the supporting evidence, and how your pilot plan will be implemented.

Chamberlain College of NursingNR451: RN Capstone Course

Capstone Project Milestone 3:

Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines


The purpose of this assignment is to create the Educating Staff: Implementing Change Project PowerPoint presentation. Your plan is to educate the staff that will be involved in the pilot program. You will need to educate them on the problem, show the supporting evidence, and how your pilot plan will be implemented.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

• CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies for use with consumers and other healthcare providers in managing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities. (PO #2) 

• CO3: Communicates effectively with patient populations and other healthcare providers in managing the healthcare of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO #3)

• CO7: Integrates the professional role of leader, teacher, communicator, and manager of care to plan cost-effective, quality healthcare to consumers in structured and unstructured settings. (PO #7)

Due Date

Milestone 3 consists of the PowerPoint presentation Educating Staff: Implementing Change Project. Submit this Milestone to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.


Milestone 3 is worth 200 points.


1. Create an educational presentation for staff before the launch of your change project. This should inform the staff of the problem, your potential solution, and their role in change project. 

2. The format for this proposal will be a PowerPoint presentation. 

3. Tutorial: For those not familiar with the development of a PowerPoint slideshow, the following link to the Microsoft website may be helpful. The Chamberlain Student Success Strategies (CCSSS) offers a module on Computer Literacy that contains a section on PowerPoint. The link to SSP CCSSS may be found under the Special Courses list in eCollege.

4. The length of the PowerPoint presentation should be 15-20 slides; excluding the title and reference slides.

5. Below are the topics for the slides:

a. Title slide

b. Description of the change model used

c. Practice Issue

d. Scope of the problem—use statistics from what you know of the problem in your work area.

e. Your team/stakeholders

f. Evidence to support your need for change—from your Evidence Summary

g. Action Plan 

h. Timeline for the plan

i. The nurse’s role and responsibility in the pilot program

j. Procedure 

k. Forms that will be used (if applicable)

l. Resources available to the staff—including yourself

m. Summary

n. References

6. Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. Citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source. Scholarly sources are expected, which means choose peer-reviewed journals and credible websites.


• Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.

• Length: The PowerPoint slide show is expected to be between 15-20 slides in length (not including the title slide and reference list slide).

• Submission: Submit your files via the basket in the Dropbox: “Educating the Staff: Implementing the Change Project” by 11:59 p.m. Sunday of Week 6. 

• Late Submission: See the course policy on late submissions.

• Tutorial: If needed, Microsoft Office has many templates and tutorials to help you get started.

Best Practices in Preparing a PowerPoint Presentation

The following are best practices in preparing this presentation.

1. Be creative.

2. Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.

3. Make easy to read with short bullet points and large font.

4. Use speaker notes (found under the section View and “Notes” in the PowerPoint template you choose. These are for your personal use to use as a reference if you are giving your presentation to an audience.

5. Review directions thoroughly.

6. Cite all sources within the slides with (author, year) as well as on the Reference slide.

7. Proofread prior to final submission.

8. Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.

9. Abide by the Chamberlain academic integrity policy.

Grading Criteria: Educating Staff: Implementing Change

Grading Rubric: Educating the staffMilestone 3

How does the NCSBN model compare with Florida’s Nurse Practice act and regulations?

Read the Florida Nurse Practice Act sections 464.001, .002, .003, .016, .017, & .018 and also the Rules of the Board of Nursing sections 64B9-1.001, 5.001, 5.002, 5.003, 5.009, 5.010, 5.011, 5.012, 8.003, 8.0045. 8.005, 8.006 (scan only 8.006), 9.002,9-12, 9-14, 9-15.002 all found at:

Florida Nurse Practice Act:

Board of Nursing 64B9:

  •  1.  How does the NCSBN model compare with Florida’s Nurse Practice act and regulations?
  •  2.  Which Act/ Rules do you prefer and why?
  • 3.  Which one is more restrictive for nurses?
  • 4.  Comment on the following scenario:

The RN is taking care of an 86 year old patient 10 days post a 5 vessel bypass. The patient’s fluid balance has been precarious with frequent bouts of congestive heart failure and third spacing of fluids. Today the nurse obtains a BP of 72/40 and starts a bolus of normal saline at 150 mL per hour. The nurse has not tried to contact the physician and there are no standing orders to cover his other actions.  Is the RN within his or her scope of practice as set forth in the Florida Nurse Practice Act? In particular, section 464.003 (2).  

Answer questions 1-4, APA format, no plagiarism, no set amount of words just thoroughly answer 1-4

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the skills of the professional nurse as an educator.

Guidelines and Grading Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the skills of the professional nurse as an educator. You are to prepare a guide that will serve as a handout to assist a specific patient that you identify. Your guide or handout should help this patient find and evaluate a reliable mobile health, or mHealth application (app) that is already developed. This may be related to his or her disease process or diagnosis, or may be an app that can help a patient maintain or improve good health, and prevent illness.

You will develop the guide using Microsoft PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a versatile application that lets you design slideshows and handouts. For this assignment, you will be using PowerPoint to create a guide or handout that you may print and give to patients and families. You will be submitting this PowerPoint file to the Dropbox.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcome.

CO#1: Describe patient-care technologies as appropriate to address the needs of a diverse patient population. (PO#1)

CO#5: Identify patient care technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support safe nursing practice. (PO#5)


This assignment is worth a total of 175 points.

Due Date

The Patient Education Technology Guide to a Mobile Health Application PowerPoint assignment is due at the end of Week 2. Submit your completed assignment to the Dropbox by Sunday; 11:59 p.m. MT. You may consult the Policies, under the Course Home tab, for details regarding late assignments. Late assignments will result in loss of points. Post questions about this assignment in the Q & A discussion.


Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create slides, which will be the basis of the guide or handout. You are required to cite your source(s) as it relates to your application slide. Other citations are permitted, but this is not a requirement for the assignment.

·       Title slide (first slide): Include a title slide with your name and title of the presentation.

·       Scenario Slide (one slide): This slide should include a brief scenario, then identify a patient who is experiencing a specific disease process or diagnosis who would benefit from an already developed and reliable mHealth app. Or, identify a person is currently healthy and would like to maintain or improve health and prevent illness. Be sure to include the nurse’s assessment of the patient’s learning needs and readiness to learn. Be specific.


Scenario for Ms. Ellis

Jane Doe (your name here)

·       Jennifer Ellis, a 62-year-old African American who has been recently diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD). She has been prescribed several medications she must take every day.

·       The nephrologist has stressed the importance of leading a healthy life style to slow or stop the progression of CKD.

·       She is interested in ways in which she can better track her health and make healthier choices.

·       She is a high school graduate and iPhone user, mostly to send text messages to family and friends.

·       She is eager to learn how to use an app that can help her manager her CKD.

Prepare the following slides as if you are presenting them to the patient.

·       mHealth Application Slide (one to three slides): Identify a developed and reliable mHealth app that could benefit the patient. Describe the app including its:

·       Name

·       Purpose

·       Intended audience

·       Mobile device(s) upon which it will operate

·       Where to download or obtain it. Include a working link if it is to be downloaded from a website.

·       And any other information you believe would be pertinent to this situation.

·       Sources that are used are cited.

·       Teaching Slides (one to three slides): Prepare slides that contain important points about the app that you want to teach to the patient such as: how to use the app safely and effectively including how to interpret and act on the information that is provided.

·       Evaluation Slide (one to three slides): Describe how you would determine the success of the patient’s use of this app. For example, include ways to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching plan that are a good fit for the type of app or focus on specific ways that this app benefits the patient’s health and wellness.

·       References (last slide): List any references for sources that were used or cited in the presentation.

Writing and Design: There should be no spelling or grammatical errors. Writing is concise and clear. Avoid words that the patient may not understand. Slides are visually appealing incorporating graphics, photographs, colors, and themes.

Review the section on Academic Integrity Policy found in the RNBSN Policies. All work must be original (in your own words) unless properly cited.

Best Practices in Preparing PowerPoint Slideshows

·       Be creative, but realistic.

·       Incorporate graphics, color, themes, or photographs to increase interest.

·       Make easy to read with short bullet points and large font.

·       Review directions thoroughly.

·       Cite all sources within the slides with (author, year) as well as on the Reference slide.

·       Proofread prior to final submission.

·       Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.

·       Abide by the Chamberlain academic integrity policy.

·       Tutorial: For those not familiar with the development of a PowerPoint slideshow, the following link to the Microsoft website may be helpful. The Chamberlain Student Success Strategies (CCSSS) offers a module on Computer Literacy that contains a section on PowerPoint. The link to SSP CCSSS may be found under the Special Courses list in Canvas.

Grading Criteria

How can RNs support the patient’s decision when the beliefs of the patient are contrary to their own? List three (3) interventions, with supporting rationales, the RN would perform to ensure the delivery of culturally sensitive care.

Mark, a 35-year-old, was brought via ambulance to the emergency department after collapsing on the street. He was diagnosed with appendicitis and the surgical team was alerted to the potential surgery. The physician prepared to obtain informed consent and began discussing the simple effective surgery and the treatment with the patient. The RN was present at the bedside. The patient stated he did not want surgery. Based upon his beliefs as a Christian Scientist, it is against his practices. He requested a Christian Science practitioner. The patient rated his pain as 9 on 0-10 verbal pain scale so the RN prepared the narcotic analgesic to relieve the patient’s pain. The patient declined the medication. The RN believes the patient should accept the pain medication and have the surgery thinking “If it were me I would proceed with the surgery and treatments proposed by the surgeon.” The surgeon can be heard speaking to a fellow surgeon about how to go about changing the patient’s decision.

Initial Discussion Post:

Address the following:

  1. State and discuss the legal and ethical considerations occurring in this scenario. Include supporting citations.
  2. How can RNs support the patient’s decision when the beliefs of the patient are contrary to their own? List three (3) interventions, with supporting rationales, the RN would perform to ensure the delivery of culturally sensitive care.
  3. Identify one (1) additional major religion, in which the same circumstances might also require the RN to advocate for the patient’s refusal of surgery. Describe the beliefs behind why the identified religion could pose a moral conflict for a similar patient.

Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change


Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the instructor feedback from the Topic 1, 2, and 3 assignments and the guidelines below.

PICOT Statement 

Revise the PICOT statement you wrote in the Topic 1 assignment.

The final PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).

Research Critiques

In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments you completed a qualitative and quantitative research critique. Use the feedback you received from your instructor on these assignments to finalize the critical analysis of the study by making appropriate revisions.

The completed analysis should connect to your identified practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT statement.

Refer to “Research Critique Guidelines.” Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative in the structure of a formal paper.

Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change

Discuss the link between the PICOT statement, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified. Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that information to propose evidence-based practice changes.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Discuss how the nurse’s current practice setting supports nursing research.

250-300 WORDS 2 SCHOLARLY REFERENCES (PREFER NURSING JOURNALS-ALL WITHIN 5 YEARS). APA FORMAT, INTEXT CITATIONS ARE REQUIRED-REFERENCES MUST MATCH IN TEXT CITATIONS AND VICE-VERSA!! The bulk of a posting or assignment needs to be original thought (at least 75%) supported by a reference.


Hunt, D. D. (2015). Understanding nursing research: Nurses must contribute to evidenced-based practice. Retrieved from

Discuss how the nurse’s current practice setting supports nursing research. Explain the essential steps in nursing research. Compare the link between research and evidence-based practice (EBP). Explain the importance of nursing research for the professional RN as the role care provider, manager, and practicing member of the profession.