Select a policy initiative in the student’s practice setting.NURSE PRACTITIONER. It can be either an internal policy affecting a group of patients/service/staff or an external policy affecting the larger community.

Select a policy initiative in the student’s practice setting.NURSE PRACTITIONER. It can be either an internal policy affecting a group of patients/service/staff or an external policy affecting the larger community. 250 WORDS 2 REFERENCES WITHIN 5 YEARS (NURSING JOURNALS ONLY!! IN TEXT CITATIONS ARE A MUST!!

  • Provide a brief overview of the initiative, the context of the initiative, and the stakeholders
  • Discuss how the organization is currently addressing the issue(s)
  • Identify the various organizations and agencies supporting/opposing or involved in the policy effort
  • Explain who or what department functions as the policy advocate and actions taken that made this effort successful
  • Discuss briefly how the issues affects healthcare beyond the institution.

Guillain–Barré syndrome

NURSING – Guillain–Barré syndrome discussion post

Answer to these questions about Guillain-Barre syndrome

  • What is the condition/disease process/injury?
  • What signs and symptoms do you expect?
  • Provide a history of present illness (HPI).
  • What do you include in your focused assessment for this patient?
  • What equipment do you need?
  • Describe the expected findings.
  • What developmental stage is your patient in?
  • How do you adapt your assessment for this stage?
  • What cultures does your patient belong to and how will you adapt your care for those?
  • Is there a potential legal/ethical issue? Why is it a potential issue?
  • Include 1 holistic teaching point and why it is important

Cite at least 1 research article about the condition, United States reference. APA format

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on a current risk management issue at your facility.

Nursing paper risk management issue at hospital

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on a current risk management issue at your facility.

  • Include the steps that have been set in place or discussed to address the issue. 
  • Discuss how your agency determined a path to remedy the problem.
  • Identify valid methods adopted by other facilities to address the same problem.
  • Compare your results to the process being developed at your agency.
  • Support your paper with a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

PICOT question with Annotated Bibliography for nursing

The assignment is a PICO question with Annotated Bibliography containing Peer reviewed article references within the past 5 years. Must be pertaining to my field of study or area of nursing I work in. I am studying to be a Nurse practitioner and I currently work in hospice care as a RN.

Unable to upload documents so I emailed them to Wizard Kim

Select one of the following patient factors: genetics, ethnicity, or behavior. Reflect on how the factor you selected might impact diagnosis and prescription of treatment for the patient in the scenario.

Please read the assignment in full. If you cannot do it; don’t say you can and not deliver awesome work. I have already not had a good experience on this site so I am looking for graduate level work. The assignment is a Discussion Post, not a paper, but it should include and introduction and summary and ALL of what the assignment says to include. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. Thanks.

Discussion 1: Cardiovascular Alterations

At least once a year, the media report on a seemingly healthy teenage athlete collapsing during a sports game and dying of heart complications. These incidents continue to outline the importance of physical exams and health screenings for teenagers, especially those who play sports. During these health screenings, examiners check for cardiovascular alterations such as heart murmurs because they can be a sign of an underlying heart disorder. Since many heart alterations rarely have symptoms, they are easy to miss if health professionals are not specifically looking for them. Once cardiovascular alterations are identified in patients, it is important to refer them to specialists who can further investigate the cause.

Consider the following scenario:

A 16-year-old male presents for a sports participation examination. He has no significant medical history and no family history suggestive of risk for premature cardiac death. The patient is examined while sitting slightly recumbent on the exam table and the advanced practice nurse appreciates a grade II/VI systolic murmur heard loudest at the apex of the heart. Other physical findings are within normal limits, the patient denies any cardiovascular symptoms, and a neuromuscular examination is within normal limits. He is cleared with no activity restriction. Later in the season he collapses on the field and dies.

To Prepare

  • Review the scenario provided, as well as Chapter 25 in the Huether and McCance text. Consider how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment for the patient.
  • Select one of the following patient factors: genetics, ethnicity, or behavior. Reflect on how the factor you selected might impact diagnosis and prescription of treatment for the patient in the scenario.

By Day 3

Post a description of how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment for the patient in the scenario. Then explain how the factor you selected might impact the diagnosis and prescription of treatment for that patient.

Identify a practice issue that would benefit from utilizing a mixed methods approach. Discuss how the quantitative and qualitative data would complement one another and add strength to the study


Write 250 in apa format. You need add referencesif not I will get a bad grade

1- Propose a research question related to your potential research project that would require a qualitative research approach. Select the best qualitative method that could answer the research question proposed? What are the strengths and weaknesses of that method?

2-Identify a practice issue that would benefit from utilizing a mixed methods approach. Discuss how the quantitative and qualitative data would complement one another and add strength to the study.Discuss the challenges that you might encounter in using a mixed methods approach. Support your discussion using current mixed methods research articles.

(Essentials I-IX)

Discuss two different types of comfort interventions that can be utilized by the advanced practice nurse in the clinical setting as per Katharine Kolcaba's Theory of Comfort. Identify one MSN Essential that most relates to application of this theory in practice and explain your choice.

General Instructions Discussion for Theory Class:

**As a reminder, all questions must be answered to receive full credit for this discussion. please include your name in the title bar of the discussion. Discussion posts must be minimum of 250 words and reply posts minimum 100 words. Also, make sure to use scholarly sources to support your discussion.**

1.Discussion Question:

Discuss two different types of comfort interventions that can be utilized by the advanced practice nurse in the clinical setting as per Katharine Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort. Identify one MSN Essential that most relates to application of this theory in practice and explain your choice.

Select either the quantitative or the qualitative article and utilize the American Nurses Association Framework for How to Read and Critique a Research Study found below.

Below are two articles for the final paper; one quantitative and one qualitative.  Select either the quantitative or the qualitative article and utilize the American Nurses Association Framework for How to Read and Critique a Research Study found below.

Moore, J., Prentice, D., & McQuestion, M. (2015). Social interaction and collaboration among oncology nurses. Nursing Research and Practice, 2015(Article ID 248067), 1-7. doi:

Walker, R., Huxley, L., Juttner, M., Burmeister, E., Scott, J., & Aitken, L. M. (2016, February 12). A pilot randomized controlled trial using prophylactic dressings to minimize sacral pressure injuries in high-risk hospitalized patients. Clinical Nursing Research: An International Journal. 1-20. doi: 10.1177/1054773816629689

Assignment Criteria:

For this assignment, develop a scholarly paper that addresses the following criteria:

1.         Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative research designs.

2.         Critique the selected article using section one (1), a-n of the ANA Framework for How to Read and Critique a Research Study posted in the Weekly Guide/Week 7-SEE ATTACHED

3.         Provide rationale for the responses to the questions supporting the conclusions about the chosen article.

4.         Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.

5.         Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, supporting paragraphs, a conclusion, and a reference page.

6.         Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’).

7.         The scholarly paper should be five to six pages excluding the title and reference pages.

7.         Include a minimum of five (5) references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals to support the paper. One reference may be the textbook. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.

8.         APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, introductory paragraph, purpose statement a reference page, and in-text citations). 

Understanding of the RN's role and responsibilities or make you more knowledgeable about GIGO, Interprofessional Communication, or other key concepts in the questions that you may not fully understand.


Interview with a Nursing Information Expert



The purpose of this assignment is to:

  • communicate your understanding of the importance of quality information in everyday nursing practice;
  • discuss the roles and responsibilities of a Nursing Information Expert; and
  • articulate how the professional nurse uses information/data in every day practice to improve outcomes.


  1. Download the NR361 Interview Form (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., which will be used to complete this assignment.
  2. Select your interviewee and schedule an interview. This individual must be a Registered Nurse. Job titles of RNs who may be considered include, but are not limited to, Nursing Clinical Information Manager; Super User, Director/Manger Clinical Education; Chief Information Officer; Quality Assurance or Performance Improvement Nurse; Nurse Informaticist; Telenursing Specialist; Nurse Abstractor; Case Manager; Compliance Nurse. If you have any concerns about whether the RN is suitable for this assignment, contact your instructor BEFORE you schedule the interview.
  3. Review all questions (areas of inquiry) on the Interview Form PRIOR to conducting the interview. You may print the form and take it with you to the interview.
  4. Note there are five required questions to ask the RN.
  5. Note there are four optional questions. You need to select only one of these to ask the RN.
  6. Note there are two follow-up questions that must be answered by you.

Prior to conducting your interview, review two scholarly resources. These resources should guide your understanding of the RN’s role and responsibilities or make you more knowledgeable about GIGO, Interprofessional Communication, or other key concepts in the questions that you may not fully understand. For example, if your interviewee is a telenurse, you would want to review information on this specialty. If you do not know what GIGO means, look it up.

  1. Conduct your interview. The length of your interview will vary but should not exceed one hour.
  2. Submit the completed interview form prior to the deadline outlined above.

Please NO PLAGIARISM this assignment goes through turn it in. Also i will attach the form as well as the guidelines.

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice


Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice


In your practice as a nurse, you may use procedures and methods that did not necessarily originate in evidence, but instead were derived from informal and unwritten conventions, traditions, and observations. While these techniques may have merit, practices are constantly being updated and contradicted by information from scholarly research studies and professional guidelines. This new information serves as “evidence” for revising practices to improve outcomes across health care.

Based on this evidence, you can formulate a question. In this Discussion, you consider the use of evidence-based practice in your own organization and formulate a question that you will need to answer for your portfolio project. This is called a PICOT question. You will also investigate strategies for overcoming barriers to implementing evidence-based practice (EBP).

To prepare:

  • Consider a recent clinical experience in which you were providing care for a patient.
  • Determine the extent to which the care that you provided was based on evidence and research findings or supported only by your organization’s standard procedures. How do you know if the tasks were based on research?
  • What questions have you thought about in a particular area of care such as a  procedure or policy? 
  • Review Chapter 2, pages 36—39 on “Asking Well worded Clinical Questions” in Polit & Beck and consult the resource from the Walden Student Center for Success: Clinical Question Anatomy & examples of PICOT questions (found in this week’s Learning Resources). Formulate your background questions and PICOT question.
  • Reflect on the barriers that might inhibit the implementation of evidence-based practice in your clinical environment.
  • Review the article “Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision Making” in this week’s Learning Resources. Select one of the barriers described that is evident in your organization and formulate a plan for overcoming this barrier.

Post an evaluation of the use, or lack thereof, of EBP in a recent clinical experience. Identify which aspects of the care delivered, if any, were based on evidence and provide your rationale. List your background questions and PICOT question about this nursing topic. Critique how the policies, procedures, and culture in your organization may hinder or support the adoption of evidence-based practices. Identify the barrier you selected from the article and explain how this barrier could be overcome within your organization.

APA format, 2 PAGES.

please write it both in sentence format and as  PICOT format:






Required Resources

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

  • Chapter 1, “Introduction to Nursing Research in an Evidence-Based Practice Environment”This chapter provides an introduction to nursing research, its history, and the evolution of evidence-based practice. It includes an overview of credible sources of evidences and a description of the different paradigms used in nursing research.
  • Chapter 2, “Evidence-Based Nursing: Translating Research Evidence into Practice”The focus of this chapter includes an overview of the key aspects of evidence-based practice, a review of how to identify credible research and appraise its value, and, finally, a discussion on how to take the identified evidence and convert it into a practice.
  • Chapter 3, “Key Concepts and Steps in Qualitative and Quantitative Research”In this chapter, quantitative and qualitative research models are compared and the major steps in each approach are described. Information is also presented on the different sections of a research journal article and how you can identify the research model that was utilized.

Adams, J. S. (2010). Utilizing evidence-based research and practice to support the infusion alliance. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 33(5), 273–277.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article examines how evidence-based research and practice supports infusion alliances. The text also specifies the increasing challenges that infusion nurses face.

Mallory, G. A. (2010). Professional nursing societies and evidence-based practice: Strategies to cross the quality chasm. Nursing Outlook, 58(6), 279–286.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article describes strategies for reducing the gap between research knowledge and practice. The article also details how nursing societies could use these strategies to improve the quality of care.

Newhouse, R. P., & Spring, B. (2010). Interdisciplinary evidence-based practice: Moving from silos to synergy. Nursing Outlook, 58(6), 309–317.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

In this article, the authors examine the state of interdisciplinary evidence-based practice (EBP). The authors detail efforts to promote interdisciplinary EBP, academic and clinical training regarding interdisciplinary EBP, and strategies that may facilitate EBP translation across disciplines.

Shaheen, M., Foo, S., Luyt, B., Zhang, X., Theng, Y-L., Chang, Y-K., & Mokhtar, I. A. (2011). Adopting evidence-based practice in clinical decision making: Nurses’ perceptions, knowledge, and barriers. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 99(3), 229–236.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article reviews a study that sought to determine nurses’ awareness of, knowledge of, and attitude toward EBP. The article also describes factors likely to promote barriers to EBP adoption.