Ethics in Healthcare


Nursing program-Article summary and review essay

Ethics in Healthcare

Your 1 page paper should include adhere to APA formatting and references/ citations for the article.

Croke, E. (2006). Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 17(3), 3.

Link: Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts

Essay Prompt: Identify primary problems that led to the malpractice suits (Croke, 2006), and identify the role the nurse played and what thenurse did wrong.

I attached the article

There are many controversies surrounding the issue of clinical significance vs. statistical significance. Identify one of them and summarize it. Finish with your opinion about the controversy.

This answer must be at least 350 words, reference not included in word count.  Needs at least 2 refernces that are peer reviewed articles within the last 5 years.  Both articles need to be cited within the answer at least once.  Needs to be in APA format.  ANAWER MUST BE ORIGINAL, no plagirisum.  Below is the quesiton.

Explore these issues on the Internet and through other resources. Share what you find out on these topics:

  • Confidence Intervals: Why are they useful in helping to determine clinical significance?
  • There are many controversies surrounding the issue of clinical significance vs. statistical significance. Identify one of them and summarize it. Finish with your opinion about the controversy.

Detailing reasons to wanting to be a registered nurse and what qualities you think are needed to be a successful nurse.

Nursing Essay

1 Page

Double Spaced

Minimum 350

Maximum 500

Detailing reasons to wanting to be a registered nurse and what qualities you think are needed to be a successful nurse.

I will include more info when we message one another. I will include details into what I am looking for and what else Id like included in the essay.

Use of Psychosocial Theories in Nursing


Use of Psychosocial Theories in Nursing

Use of Psychosocial Theories in Nursing In an interdisciplinary field such as nursing, differing perspectives often contribute to greater understanding and fulfillment of a patient’s needs. Take a minute to think about how this relates to the theoretical foundations of nursing. How do theories from various fields inform nursing practice? For this Discussion, you will explore how social and behavioral theories apply in a clinical setting by analyzing a case study.

Case Study

Consider the following case: A 65-years-old woman is being admitted for a mastectomy due to cancer. She expresses fear and depression during the nursing assessment. What concepts from the various theories could be used in planning her care? How might her care be changed if the woman were 25 years old or 45 years old? How have the social psychology theories been used in promoting breast cancer awareness?To prepare:

  • With information from this week’s Learning Resources in mind, reflect on the influence of sociological and behavioral factors on health.
  • Read the case study of the woman admitted for a mastectomy presented on page 328, #3 of the course text Theoretical Basis for Nursing (see case study above). Consider which concepts from sociological and/or behavioral theories could be used in nursing practice for addressing the patient’s health care needs. Conduct additional research as necessary using credible websites and the Walden library. Also consider how these theories are used in your own clinical practice.

By tomorrow 7/18/17, post 550 words essay in APA format with a minimum of 3 references from the list below, that include the level one heading as numbered below:

Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

1)       What concepts from the various theories could be used in planning the 65-year-old woman’s care?

2)       How might her care be changed if the woman were 25 years old or 45 years old?

3)       How have social psychology theories been used in promoting breast cancer awareness? Provide at least one example to support your response.

4)       How have social psychology theories been used in your clinical practice area? Provide at least one example to support your response.

Required Readings

McEwin, M., & Wills, E.M. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing. (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Chapter 13, “Theories from the Sociologic Sciences”

Chapter 14, “Theories from the Behavioral Sciences”

 Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 discuss those theories from the social and behavioral sciences that are applicable to nursing and health care.

Carnegie, E., & Kiger, A. (2009). Being and doing politics: An outdated model or 21st century reality? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(9), 1976–1984. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05084.x

 This article uses critical social theory to analyze the political role of nurses. The article argues that nurses must be prepared for political participation in national and local contexts in order to encourage policy analysis and community engagement within nursing practice.

Conrad, P., & Barker, K. (2010). The social construction of illness: Key Insights and policy implications. Journal of Health and Social Behavior: Special Issue, 51, S67–S79. doi: 10.1177/0022146510383495

This article examines the history of the social construction of illness and discusses different methods in which the concept of illness is developed in different cultures.

Ford, C. L., & Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (2010). Critical race theory, race equity, and public health: Toward antiracism praxis. American Journal of Public Health, 100(S1), S30–S35. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2009.171058

 This article applies a theory from legal studies to racial inequality issues in health care in order to improve social consciousness and quality of care.

Kelly, C. (2008). Commitment to health theory. Research & Theory for Nursing Practice, 22(2), 148–160.

 This article reviews the Commitment to Health (CTH) theory, the theory’s assumptions, and application to nursing and health care.

Ryan, P. (2009). Integrated theory of health behavior change: Background and intervention development. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 23(3), 161–170.

 This article examines the application of health behavior theory to clinical practice.

Optional Resources

Byrd, M. (2006). Social exchange as a framework for client-nurse interaction during public health nursing maternal-child home visits. Public Health Nursing, 23(3), 271–276. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1446.2006.230310.x

Mohammed, S. (2006). Scientific inquiry. (Re)examining health disparities: critical social theory in pediatric nursing. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 11(1), 68–71. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6155.2006.00045.x

Describe the fundamental elements of a model for change, such as steps involved in the process, approach in mobilizing the change process, and what is needed to sustain the results.


Nursing Question – Models for Change – Master’s Level

Discussion Post – 300 Words – APA Format

Scholarly Articles – must be less than 5 years old

Describe the fundamental elements of a model for change, such as steps involved in the process, approach in mobilizing the change process, and what is needed to sustain the results.  

Use Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model for this discussion post model for change

Benefit of Professional Nursing Organizations related to Political Advocacy

Professional Nursing Organization Networking and legislation

1, Benefit of Professional Nursing Organizations related to Networking

2, Rationale and Example

3, Benefit of Professional Nursing Organizations related to Political Advocacy

4, Rationale and Example

Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

1. Minimizing bias and decreasing threats to internal validity is important to experimental designs. How will a researcher use the three criteria, manipulation, randomization, and control to minimize bias and decrease threats to internal validity? Nursing homework help


2. Many times, researchers state that randomized clinical trials (RCT) provide the strongest level of evidence for an individual study when using an evidence-based model.  As a researcher, why do you think this statement is true?

3. When conducting an experimental design, how will you as a researcher, use intervention fidelity to increase the strength and quality of the evidence provided by the findings of the study?

4. What is your cosmic question? (This is a question you ask your peers to respond to based on the chapter discussed in class this week i.e. Quantitative studies). Nursing homework help

Example 1:


Crosbie et. al. (2018) conducted a quantitative study to see the relationship between colorectal cancer diagnosis for those below and above 50 years old (Crosbie et. al., 2018). The sample size that was used to conduct their study was a total of 181,909 cases between 35 years (Crosbie et. al., 2018). A convenience sampling of individuals was used in the New Jersey area that were diagnosed with colorectal cancer and were over the age of 20 (Crosbie et. al., 2018). Crosbie et. al. (2018) used the state cancer registry, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) databases to gather their data (Crosbie et. al., 2018). These databases can be considered reliable because they are national and state databases that have up to date patient information regarding cancer statistics. Nursing homework help

Example 2:

According to their findings, Wallace et. al. (2016) was able to identify a large

percentage of black individuals below the age of 50 years old with adenomas or polyps in their

colorectal canal. In addition, their findings indicated that black people under the age of 50 years

old had a similar risk for colorectal adenomas as those who were white, but were within the

recommended screening age of 50 – 64 years old. One of the limitations of this study that was

discussed was the small number of black individuals who were below 50 years old.

Consequently, the prevalence rate for colorectal cancer in African Americans below 50 years old

may have been overestimated within the study (Wallace et. al., 2016)


midepigastric abdominal pain

midepigastric abdominal pain

A male went to the emergency room for severe midepigastric abdominal pain. He was diagnosed with AAA ; however, as a precaution, the doctor ordered a CTA scan.  midepigastric abdominal pain


Because of a high potential for misdiagnosis, determining the precise cause of abdominal pain can be time consuming and challenging. By analyzing case studies of abnormal abdominal findings, nurses can prepare themselves to better diagnose conditions in the abdomen.

In this Lab Assignment, you will analyze an Episodic note case study that describes abnormal findings in patients seen in a clinical setting. You will consider what history should be collected from the patients as well as which physical exams and diagnostic tests should be conducted. You will also formulate a differential diagnosis with several possible conditions. midepigastric abdominal pain

To Prepare

Review the Episodic note case study your instructor provides you for this week’s Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your Episodic note case study.

  • With regard to the Episodic note case study provided:
    • Review this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the insights they provide about the case study.
    • Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient in the case study.
    • Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
    • Identify at least five possible conditions that may be considered in a differential diagnosis for the patient.

The Assignment

  1. Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
  2. Analyze the objective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation.
  3. Is the assessment supported by the subjective and objective information? Why or why not?
  4. What diagnostic tests would be appropriate for this case, and how would the results be used to make a diagnosis?
  5. Would you reject/accept the current diagnosis? Why or why not? Identify three possible conditions that may be considered as a differential diagnosis for this patient. Explain your reasoning using at least three different references from current evidence-based literature. midepigastric abdominal pain

Welcome to Week 6. This week, students will complete an analysis of the SOAP note provided. I advise you to write this up as a narrative so that they are able to correctly explain their analysis. REMEMBER THIS IS AN ANALYSIS FROM EACH PART OF THE SOAP POINTING TO WHAT’S MISSING AND WHY DO YOU NEED THAT SECTION WITH SPECIFICS  JUSTIFYING AND EXPLAINING  EVERYTHING INCLUDIDNG THE DIAGNOSIS

This week, the midterm examination is due by Day 7. Students can find an exam review guide for the midterm in the “Resources” section for this week. The exam will not be available until the date of availability and will end promptly on the end date and time. Please make sure you understand this.  No outside resources including books, notes, websites, or any other type of resource are to be used to complete this exam. Students are expected to comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct.

This exam will be on topics covered in weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This exam is timed with a limit of two hours for completion. The exam will not open until the day it is scheduled to open.  If the students try to access the exam after the due date, it will be available and will show up late so your grade will reflect points deduction for lateness accordingly. IT or faculty are no longer allowed to reset exams.

In another note, I keep receiving emails about resetting your mistakes when posting. This is a clinical class, when you do not pay attention to the place to post or post a wrong paper it’s considered a patient mistake or a medical error. I would NOT reset another paper so do not bother emailing me if that’s the problem. I will grade what you post right or wrong, it is the student responsibility to post the right work same as it’s your responsibility to give the right medication.

This week a will be out of town in a conference until Friday so there are no office hours for the week and my email access will be limited. Everything needed it’s on this announcement and on the class website.




CC: “My stomach has been hurting for the past two days.”

HPI: LZ, 65 y/o AA male, presents to the emergency department with a two days history of intermittent epigastric abdominal pain that radiates into his back. He went to the local Urgent Care where was given PPI’s with no relief. At this time, the patient reports that the pain has been increasing in severity over the past few hours; he vomited after lunch, which led his to go to the ED at this time. He has not experienced fever, diarrhea, or other symptoms associated with his abdominal pain.


Medications: Metoprolol 50mg

Allergies: NKDA

FH: HTN, Gerd,  Hyperlipidemia

Social Hx: ETOH, smoking for 20 years but quit both 2 years ago, divorced for 5 years, 3 children, 2 males, 1 female


  • VS: Temp 98.2; BP 91/60; RR 16; P 76; HT 6’10”; WT 262lbs
  • Heart: RRR, no murmurs
  • Lungs: CTA, chest wall symmetrical
  • Skin: Intact without lesions, no urticaria
  • Abd: abdomen is tender in the epigastric area with guarding but without mass or rebound.
  • Diagnostics: US and CTA


  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
  • Perforated Ulcer
  •  Pancreatitis



Develop an innovative nursing care delivery model for a vulnerable population, care specialty, and setting in the United States OR a low income global country that reflects nurse managed care, collaboration, care across settings, and technology.

Paper: Innovative Nursing Care Delivery (750 words min) Innovative Nursing Care Model; Development/Implementation Team for Innovative Nursing Care Model; Evaluation of Model: Outcome Measurement


For this paper, you will develop an innovative nursing care delivery model for a vulnerable population, care specialty, and setting in the United States OR a low income global country that reflects nurse managed care, collaboration, care across settings, and technology.

For your paper, it is easiest to focus on one (1) population, one (1) health issue/disease, and one (1) type of setting within a country. Be specific. If you use a low income country, name your low income country (see list at the end of this) and adjust your model to the disease(s) and conditions found within that country. Consider that low income countries will not have access to the same level of facilities, technology related to diagnostics and communication, medications, and the health care professionals found in the U.S.

A vulnerable population include low income children & adults; elderly; homeless; migrants; immigrants; racial & ethnic minorities, people with chronic health or terminal conditions/diseases (or any group at risk for obtaining appropriate health care).

-A care specialty  include preventative care; primary care; acute care; chronic care; palliative or end-of-life care (including the targeting of any disease or condition that results in a health risk).

-A setting include rural or urban community housing and/or clinic; school; specialty unit in a hospital; emergency room; health provider office; armed services facility; rehabilitation facility; hospice facility; ambulatory health care center; client home; nursing home; short term stay housing (or any setting where a vulnerable client/patient population is available for care).


African Republic Algeria


Dem Rep of Congo Ethiopia

Ghana Madagascar Malawi Mozambique Niger Senegal Sierra Leone South Africa Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe

 Bolivia Ecuador Guatemala Haiti Nicaragua Peru

 Afghanistan Egypt

Iraq Morocco Somalia Sudan Yemen

Bangladesh North Korea Myanmar Nepal


Title of Paper (top of page 2, centered) Innovative Nursing Care Delivery: [Name of Your Model]

PAPER HEADING: Introduction [Level 1] What is your model’s population, setting, care specialty, and your model’s goal(s) and/or purpose(s)? For example, are you targeting a particular group or disease/condition? Choose a name for your model and include it in your paper title.

PAPER HEADING: Description of the [Name of Your Model] [Level 2] You are welcome to use your creativity in the model–develop your own or base it on an existing model. For ideas, start with the articles found with the assignment, textbook (Global Health 101) scenarios, or do literature searches on the internet. However, be sure that the model is nurse-led or nurse-managed. Registered nurses have authority to make decisions regarding nursing diagnoses, interventions, and referrals. Registered nurse practitioners have additional authority related to medical diagnoses and interventions (prescriptions).

Be sure to include the themes crucial to meeting the challenges of the future: nurse- managed care, collaboration, continuity of care and technology in describing your model. Be aware of cost-effectiveness; you could develop the “Cadillac” of models, but no one would consider implementing it because the cost would be too high.

Nurse led and nurse managed health care. [Level 3] How is your model nurse managed? Were nurses instrumental in the development and implementation of your model? Are nurses consulted and/or make decisions re: budget, personnel, and the communication, referral, and evaluation processes?

Partnerships and collaboration. [Level 3] What partnerships and collaborations exist for your model? Are they at the professional level (i.e., social workers, nutritionists, community leaders) and/or the organizational level (home health care agencies, public health departments, hospitals)?

Continuity of care across settings. [Level 3] What happens when a patient/client moves to a different setting, i.e., home, hospital, hospice, clinic, emergency room, etc. How is communication handled so the patient/family needs are consistently met when moved across settings?

Technology. [Level 3] What technology is used? Is it low-technology (basic assessment tools, screening tests) or high-technology (i.e, patient diagnostic, monitoring, and/or data processing systems) or a combination of both?

PAPER HEADING: Development/Implementation Team for the [Name of Your Model] [Level 2] Your team is important to carry out model’s goal(s). Depending on your model and setting, your team may include other registered nurses, nurse practitioners, community workers, nurse assistants, licensed practical nurses, nutritionists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, dentists, social workers, community leaders, psychologists, clergy, administrators, informatics technicians, physicians (if physicians are part of the team, they should function as consultants, not “captain of the ship”). Include your team members and briefly discuss their functions in carrying out the model goal(s)/purposes(s). How would communication and referrals be handled? Again–think about the cost effectiveness–could ancillary staff (nurse assistants, trained community workers) be used just as effectively?

PAPER HEADING: Evaluation of [Name of Your Model]: Outcome Measurement [Level 2] After implementation of the model, what outcomes would you measure Would you look at cost comparisons and/or savings? Patient satisfaction? Staff satisfaction? Fewer ER visits and/or re-hospitalizations? Decreased incidence of a particular disease/condition? Increased number of therapies? Increased knowledge of a disease or intervention?

For outcomes, be specific on what, who, when and how. For example, if you do a survey:

What type of survey is it (i.e., satisfaction, data gathering)?

Who would you survey (i.e., staff, patients, administrators)?

When would you do the survey (i.e., time period; pre/post tests)?

How would you conduct the survey (handout, mailing, computer analysis)?

Develop an innovative nursing care delivery model for a vulnerable population, care specialty, and setting in the United States OR a low income global country that reflects nurse managed care, collaboration, care across settings, and technology.

Paper: Innovative Nursing Care Delivery (750 words min) Innovative Nursing Care Model; Development/Implementation Team for Innovative Nursing Care Model; Evaluation of Model: Outcome Measurement


For this paper, you will develop an innovative nursing care delivery model for a vulnerable population, care specialty, and setting in the United States OR a low income global country that reflects nurse managed care, collaboration, care across settings, and technology.

For your paper, it is easiest to focus on one (1) population, one (1) health issue/disease, and one (1) type of setting within a country. Be specific. If you use a low income country, name your low income country (see list at the end of this) and adjust your model to the disease(s) and conditions found within that country. Consider that low income countries will not have access to the same level of facilities, technology related to diagnostics and communication, medications, and the health care professionals found in the U.S.

A vulnerable population include low income children & adults; elderly; homeless; migrants; immigrants; racial & ethnic minorities, people with chronic health or terminal conditions/diseases (or any group at risk for obtaining appropriate health care).

-A care specialty  include preventative care; primary care; acute care; chronic care; palliative or end-of-life care (including the targeting of any disease or condition that results in a health risk).

-A setting include rural or urban community housing and/or clinic; school; specialty unit in a hospital; emergency room; health provider office; armed services facility; rehabilitation facility; hospice facility; ambulatory health care center; client home; nursing home; short term stay housing (or any setting where a vulnerable client/patient population is available for care).


African Republic Algeria


Dem Rep of Congo Ethiopia

Ghana Madagascar Malawi Mozambique Niger Senegal Sierra Leone South Africa Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe

 Bolivia Ecuador Guatemala Haiti Nicaragua Peru

 Afghanistan Egypt

Iraq Morocco Somalia Sudan Yemen

Bangladesh North Korea Myanmar Nepal


Title of Paper (top of page 2, centered) Innovative Nursing Care Delivery: [Name of Your Model]

PAPER HEADING: Introduction [Level 1] What is your model’s population, setting, care specialty, and your model’s goal(s) and/or purpose(s)? For example, are you targeting a particular group or disease/condition? Choose a name for your model and include it in your paper title.

PAPER HEADING: Description of the [Name of Your Model] [Level 2] You are welcome to use your creativity in the model–develop your own or base it on an existing model. For ideas, start with the articles found with the assignment, textbook (Global Health 101) scenarios, or do literature searches on the internet. However, be sure that the model is nurse-led or nurse-managed. Registered nurses have authority to make decisions regarding nursing diagnoses, interventions, and referrals. Registered nurse practitioners have additional authority related to medical diagnoses and interventions (prescriptions).

Be sure to include the themes crucial to meeting the challenges of the future: nurse- managed care, collaboration, continuity of care and technology in describing your model. Be aware of cost-effectiveness; you could develop the “Cadillac” of models, but no one would consider implementing it because the cost would be too high.

Nurse led and nurse managed health care. [Level 3] How is your model nurse managed? Were nurses instrumental in the development and implementation of your model? Are nurses consulted and/or make decisions re: budget, personnel, and the communication, referral, and evaluation processes?

Partnerships and collaboration. [Level 3] What partnerships and collaborations exist for your model? Are they at the professional level (i.e., social workers, nutritionists, community leaders) and/or the organizational level (home health care agencies, public health departments, hospitals)?

Continuity of care across settings. [Level 3] What happens when a patient/client moves to a different setting, i.e., home, hospital, hospice, clinic, emergency room, etc. How is communication handled so the patient/family needs are consistently met when moved across settings?

Technology. [Level 3] What technology is used? Is it low-technology (basic assessment tools, screening tests) or high-technology (i.e, patient diagnostic, monitoring, and/or data processing systems) or a combination of both?

PAPER HEADING: Development/Implementation Team for the [Name of Your Model] [Level 2] Your team is important to carry out model’s goal(s). Depending on your model and setting, your team may include other registered nurses, nurse practitioners, community workers, nurse assistants, licensed practical nurses, nutritionists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, dentists, social workers, community leaders, psychologists, clergy, administrators, informatics technicians, physicians (if physicians are part of the team, they should function as consultants, not “captain of the ship”). Include your team members and briefly discuss their functions in carrying out the model goal(s)/purposes(s). How would communication and referrals be handled? Again–think about the cost effectiveness–could ancillary staff (nurse assistants, trained community workers) be used just as effectively?

PAPER HEADING: Evaluation of [Name of Your Model]: Outcome Measurement [Level 2] After implementation of the model, what outcomes would you measure Would you look at cost comparisons and/or savings? Patient satisfaction? Staff satisfaction? Fewer ER visits and/or re-hospitalizations? Decreased incidence of a particular disease/condition? Increased number of therapies? Increased knowledge of a disease or intervention?

For outcomes, be specific on what, who, when and how. For example, if you do a survey:

What type of survey is it (i.e., satisfaction, data gathering)?

Who would you survey (i.e., staff, patients, administrators)?

When would you do the survey (i.e., time period; pre/post tests)?

How would you conduct the survey (handout, mailing, computer analysis)?