Identify specific competencies that the interviewee described as important to this position that were gained from the graduate program.

MASTERS PREPARED NURSE INTERVIEW.Interview a nurse who is master’s-prepared in nursing and is using this education in a present position. Select someone who is in a leadership role. The purpose of the


Interview a nurse who is master’s-prepared in nursing and is using this education in a present position. Select someone who is in a leadership role. The purpose of the interview is to gain insight into the interplay among education, career path, and opportunities. Be certain to identify specific competencies that the MSN-prepared nurse gained, and is presently using, that reflect advanced education. Organize your interview around the topics below:

Ø Overview of the master’s-prepared nurse’s career

Ø Reason for seeking graduate education

Ø Description of present position and role

Ø Usefulness of graduate education for present role

Ø Pearls of wisdom he/she is willing to share

In 1,000 words, write the interview in a narrative format. Use the following guidelines:

– Within the paper’s introduction, explain your interview selection.

– Do not identify the individual by name.

– Use centered headings to separate parts of the interview.

– In the conclusion, identify one or more competencies from the interview that are consistent AACN education essentials. 

– In addition, provide a statement that reflects what you gained from the interview.



Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview Guide


In this section, provide the general purpose of the paper. State the reasons for selecting this individual as an interviewee. Do not use the actual name of individual.

Overview of Career

In this section, describe the interviewee’s career. Start with their pre-licensure education. It is appropriate to include geographical location, type of institutions(s), and type of position(s) held. In addition, include interesting facts, examples of practice, etc. Place information regarding their graduate program in the Graduate Education section. If the interviewee shared interesting and relevant personal information, this can be included as well.

Graduate Education

In this section, provide information about the graduate program: institution and type of program. Start by providing the reason why the interviewee chose to attend graduate school. Describe additional information that the interviewee may have shared about the graduate program.

Present Position

In this section, describe the interviewee’s present position. Identify specific competencies that the interviewee described as important to this position that were gained from the graduate program. Include other interesting information that the interviewee provided regarding the present position. Mention certification(s) if appropriate to present position.

Pearls of Wisdom

In this section, share special information about the interviewee, including lessons learned and any suggestions/advice the interviewee gave for individuals starting a graduate program.


In this section, summarize what was gained from the interview: what was learned about the effects of graduate education in regards to change in knowledge, skills, and attitudes; and perhaps how this fits with the program outcomes for a specialty. Describe what else may have been learned from the interview. End the conclusion with general comments about the selection of an interviewee and whether the interview developed a clearer idea as to what to expect from graduate education.

Identify elements of change theory that fit best with the scenario.

Create 1–2 page outlines of your response plan for three intervention scenarios.Nurse leaders need to quickly identify a strategy for evaluating a nursing leadership problem and the dynamics related

Create 1–2 page outlines of your response plan for three intervention scenarios.

Nurse leaders need to quickly identify a strategy for evaluating a nursing leadership problem and the dynamics related to the problem, in order to orchestrate intervention efforts and put together a plan of action that leads to stakeholder cooperation.


Use the Internet to research change theory, leadership, and communication strategies. Use the Suggested Resources to research leadership and communication concepts and change theory.

  • The challenge in this assessment is to create a response plan for several intervention scenarios.
    • There are three deliverables required for this assessment.

Rationale for this assessment:

Nurse leaders solve problems or resolve conflict on a daily basis. Understanding how change theory can be applied to a situation and examining various types of interventions in advance can relieve pressure on the nurse leader and improve the workplace environment and outcomes. Rehearsing potential interventions provides a mental toolkit on which to rely during stressful times.

Your management training workshop continues:The second day of HR’s Nursing Leadership Workshop is designed to help you identify and practice effective responses and interventions to common problems and situations. Participants are presented with three scenarios and must create a response plan for each scenario, in the form of a 1–2 page outline.

Deliverables: Submit three Response Plans to complete this assessment.

  • Choose 3 of the 5 Intervention Scenarios linked in the Required Resources for this assessment.
  • For each scenario you choose, develop a separate Response Plan in the form of a 1–2 page outline.
    • Label each outline using the example below:
      • Example: Response Plan for School Nurse.


Analyze each Intervention Scenario and describe the leadership, communication, and management strategies you believe would be most effective for each situation.

Use the following subheadings to organize your Response Plan outline for each situation.

  • Change Theory: Explain concepts of change theory and how it can be used as a tool to manage situations.
    • Identify elements of change theory that fit best with the scenario.
    • How can you use change theory to deal with conflict?
  • Strategies and Rationale: Describe an effective leadership style you would employ to address a problem.
    • Explain the rationale for choosing a leadership strategy to solve a problem.
    • Identify interventions to address the problem.
  • Expected Outcome: Describe how outcomes or success of the style selected for each situation could be measured.
    • Describe how you could determine improved outcomes or measure success of the leadership style selected for each situation.
      • What might go wrong and how would you deal with that?
  • Professional Standards: Explain how professional and legal standards guide the effective nurse leader when making decisions.

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Length: Each outline should be 1–2 pages double-spaced.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Number of resources: Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources.

The intervention scenarios to choose from are attached, must choose 3.

The grading rubric is attached. 

Create a care plan for a patient with visually impaired problem related to a history of diabetes:

Create a care plan for a patient with visually impaired problem related to a history of diabetes:- Make sure you include all the phases of the nursing process- Provide a brief discharge planning- Give

Create a care plan for a patient with visually impaired problem related to a history of diabetes:

– Make sure you include all the phases of the nursing process

– Provide a brief discharge planning

– Give some teaching examples correlating with the teaching plan (e.g. Visual impairment).

    – Provide NANDA nursing diagnosis only.

    – Provide appropriate definition for the following terminology:

    – Vision acuity

   – Glaucoma

    – Retinal detachment

    – Macular deterioration

    – Cataracts

    – Explained the treatment of glaucoma.

Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing standardized nursing terminologies in nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples.

My QuestionIn a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:Explain how you would inform this nurse (and others) of the importance of standardized nursing terminologies.Describe the benefits and challen

My Question

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:

  • Explain how you would inform this nurse (and others) of the importance of standardized nursing terminologies.
  • Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing standardized nursing terminologies in nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Be sure to support your paper with peer-reviewed research on standardized nursing terminologies that you consulted from the Walden Library.
  • To Prepare:
  • Review the concepts of informatics as presented in the Resources, particularly Rutherford, M. (2008) Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice?
  • Reflect on the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.
  • Consider how knowledge may be informed by data that is collected/accessed.

Review key regulations for nursing practice of your state’s/region’s board of nursing and those of at least one other state/region.

Boards of Nursing (BONs) exist in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands. Similar entities may also exist for different reg

Boards of Nursing (BONs) exist in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands. Similar entities may also exist for different regions. The mission of BONs is the protection of the public through the regulation of nursing practice. BONs put into practice state/region regulations for nurses that, among other things, lay out the requirements for licensure and define the scope of nursing practice in that state/region.

It can be a valuable exercise to compare regulations among various state/regional boards of nursing. Doing so can help share insights that could be useful should there be future changes in a state/region. In addition, nurses may find the need to be licensed in multiple states or regions.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the mission of state/regional boards of nursing as the protection of the public through the regulation of nursing practice.
  • Consider how key regulations may impact nursing practice.
  • Review key regulations for nursing practice of your state’s/region’s board of nursing and those of at least one other state/region.

In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include:

The RN to BSN program at Grand Canyon University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the American Association of Co

The RN to BSN program at Grand Canyon University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses. These experiences come in the form of direct and indirect care experiences in which licensed nursing students engage in learning within the context of their hospital organization, specific care discipline, and local communities.

Note: This is an individual assignment. In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include:

  1. Summary of teaching plan
  2. Epidemiological rationale for topic
  3. Evaluation of teaching experience
  4. Community response to teaching
  5. Areas of strengths and areas of improvement

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. 

Design, implement, and evaluate therapeutic interventions based on nursingscience and other sciences.

NR711 Fiscal Analysis and Project Management Week 8 You Decide Reflection PURPOSE The purpose of… 

NR711 Fiscal Analysis and Project Management

Week 8 You Decide Reflection


The purpose of this applicationis to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on selected DNP competencies acquired through the NR711 course.


This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes:

CO1: Distinguish nursing executive leadership skills and role of the DNP-prepared nurse (PO #2).

CO2: Formulate a needs-based organizational assessment from a DNP-prepared executive nurse leader perspective (PO #3).

CO4: Explicate financial and business management skills necessary for DNP-prepared nurse executive

leadership (PO #4, 9).

CO5: Formulate a needs-based business plan from a DNP-prepared executive nurse leader perspective (PO #5).

CO6: Explicate healthcare reimbursement skills necessary for DNP-prepared nurse executive leadership (PO #9).


This assignment is worth a total of 100 points.


Submit your completed applicationby Wednesday11:59 p.m. MT of Week 8 as directed.


1. The You Decide Reflectionis worth 100 points and will be graded on quality of self-assessment, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.

2. Create your essay using Microsoft Word(a part of Microsoft Office), which is the required format for all Chamberlain College of Nursing documents. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word document because it will end in “.docx”

3. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your essay may be posted under the Q&A forum.

4. The length of the reflection is to be within three to six pages excluding title page and reference pages.

5. APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered):

Note: Introduction – Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63).

a. You Decide Reflection

b. Conclusion


The DNP Essentials (AACN, 2006)outline a number ofadvanced nursing practice competencies for theDNP-prepared nurse from fiscal and project management perspectives. Reflect on the NR711 course readings, discussion threads, and applications you have completed across this course and write a reflective essay regarding the extent to which you feel you are now prepared to:

1. “Conduct a comprehensive and systematic assessment of health and illness parameters in complex situations, incorporating diverse and culturally sensitive approaches.

2. Design, implement, and evaluate therapeutic interventions based on nursingscience and other sciences.

3. Develop and sustain therapeutic relationships and partnerships with patients(individual, family or group) and other professionals to facilitate optimal careand patient outcomes.

4. Demonstrate advanced levels of clinical judgment, systems thinking, andaccountability in designing, delivering, and evaluating evidence-based care toimprove patient outcomes.

5. Guide, mentor, and support other nurses to achieve excellence in nursingpractice.

6. Educate and guide individuals and groups through complex health andsituational transitions.

7. Use conceptual and analytical skills in evaluating the links among practice,organizational, population, fiscal, and policy issues” (pp. 16-17).


American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN]. (2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author.

Discuss the possible impact of each insurance payment model on patient outcomes.

NR552 Economics of Healthcare Policy Week 2 Assignment Environment and Social Impact PURPOSE The… 

NR552 Economics of Healthcare Policy

Week 2 Assignment

Environment and Social Impact


The purpose of this assignment is to: a) perform a literature review of an environmental issue affecting health outcomes, b) investigate an environmental issue and detail the effect on public health, c) examine the health, social, and economicimpacts of the environmental issue, c) identify suggested adaptations or interventions to resolve the environmental issue and enhance health, d) present ideas in a clear, succinct and scholarly manner.


Assignment Criteria for the Paper:

1. Review literature on an environmental issue that is affecting public health.

2. Provide a brief introduction to the environmental issue.

3. Detail the effect on public health.

4. Discuss health, social, and economic impacts of this environmental issue.

5. Explain causes of the environmental issue.

6. Discuss proposed adaptive measures or interventions and the expected impact to public health and healthcare costs.

7. The body of the scholarly paper is to be 3-5 pages in length excluding title and reference pages.

8. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the 6th edition

9. Include a minimum of four scholarly resources published within the past 5 years not including your textbook. References may include scholarly websites of organizations or government agencies and must be presented using APA format for electronic media

NR552 Economics of Healthcare Policy

Week 4 Assignment

Healthcare Insurance Comparison



The purpose of this assignment is to: a) compare and contrast two insurance plans payment models at a specified level of healthcare service (one governmental plan and one private plan), b) examine the patient population served by each insurance plan, c) investigate the impact of each payment plan on access to care, access to services or procedures, and patient outcomes, d) evaluate both insurance payment plans for economic, social, or ethical issues,e) present ideas in a clear, succinct and scholarly manner.


1. Choose a level of care (primary, secondary, tertiary) to investigate payment models.

2. Choose a government provided insurance plan to investigate (Medicare, Medicaid).

3. Choose any private insurance plan to investigate.

4. Discuss the patient population each insurance plan represents.

5. Define the payment models of the two insurance plans (government and private) when paying for services at the level of care you have chosen to review.

6. Discuss the possible impact of each insurance payment model on access to care or choice of provider or facility.

7. Discuss the possible impact of each insurance payment model on access to healthcareservices or procedures.

8. Discuss the possible impact of each insurance payment model on patient outcomes.

9. Describe any economic, social or ethical issues that arise from having one insurance plan over another.

10. The body of the scholarly paper is to be 3-5 pages in length excluding title and reference pages.

11. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the 6th edition

12. Include a minimum of three scholarly resources published within the past 5 years not including your textbook. References may include scholarly websites of organizations or government agencies and must be presented using APA format for electronic media

NR552 Economics of Healthcare Policy

Week 6 Assignment

Healthcare Topic

Debate PowerPoint Guidelines


The purpose of this assignment is to: a) investigate healthcare economic policy currently affecting nursing, b) describe the social, political, and economic forces influencing policy, c) support the enactment of policy based on impact to nursing practice, patient outcomes, and finances/cost, d) present ideas in a clear, succinct and scholarly manner.


This assignment will be a PowerPoint presentation to debate healthcare policy related to topics affecting nursing. All debate topics and sides of the policy must be represented. It is important for nurses to have knowledge of all sides of issues affecting nursing and patient outcomes so it is not important which side you receive. During Week 7, you will be able to review both sides and make a decision on where you actually stand on the issue.

1. Negotiate debate topic with faculty based on the assigned reading articles listed below. Negotiate with faculty which side of the debate you will present.

Buerhaus, P. I. (2010). Is U. S. health care evolving toward a single-payer system? An

interview with health care economist Paul Feldstein, PhD. Nursing Economics,

28(3), 198-201.

Debate Topic #1: (side A) free market healthcare system versus (side B) government regulated single payer system

Elgie, R. (2007). Politics, economics, and nursing shortages: a critical look at United

States government policies. Nursing Economics, 25(5), 285-292.

Debate Topic #2: (side A) free market without government interventions versus (side B) government intervention and subsidies

Hendrich, A., Chow, M. P., & Goshert, W. S. (2009). A proclamation for change

transforming the hospital patient care environment. The Journal of Nursing

Administration (JONA), 39(6), 266-275.

Debate Topic #3: (side A) increased registered nurse staffing versus (side B) maintain current staffing and utilize methods to increase efficiency

2. Investigate the policy related to the debate topic.

3. Provide an overview of the topic and policy related to the topic.

4. Describe the social, political, and economic forces influencing the policy.

5. Support the enactment of this policy based on impact to nursing practice.

6. Support the enactment of this policy based on impact to patient outcomes.

7. Support the enactment of this policy based on impact to finances/costs.

8. The presentation is to be 5-7 slides in length excluding title and reference slides.

9. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the 6th edition

10. Include a minimum of three scholarly resources published within the past 5 years not including your textbook and assigned reading articles. References may include scholarly websites of organizations or government agencies and must be presented using APA format for electronic media.

Please share how physical assessment is performed in your practice area

PurposeThis week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcomes (COs).CO 1 – Utilize prior knowledge of theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to explain expected client b


This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

  • CO 1 – Utilize prior knowledge of theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to explain expected client behaviors, while differentiating between normal findings, variations, and abnormalities. (PO 1)
  • CO 4 – Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (PO 2)

The Assignment

In Week 6 you demonstrated a head to toe assessment of an adult participant. This week you and your classmates will reflect on physical assessment in your own nursing practice, and on the assessment you performed for your video assignment.

Please consider the following in your initial post:

  1. Please share how physical assessment is performed in your practice area. How do you determine what type of physical assessment is appropriate in caring for your patients? Do you perform complete head to toe assessments, or are they typically more focused exams? (If you do not currently work in a patient care setting, you may reflect on observations from a clinical experience or prior work setting.)
  2. Based on your observations, do you feel that patient assessments performed in practice are as thorough as they should be? Explain your answer.
  3. Reflect on the assessment you performed for the video assignment. Perhaps you might compare your performance now, to how it might have been different when you were a brand new nurse? Or share something you learned (or were reminded of) by participating in this activity?

Develop a nurse informaticist avatar using Voki

The purpose of this project is for you to practice using avatar technology to enhance your knowledge of nursing informatics. This is a two-part project. In part one, you will explain the impact and im

The purpose of this project is for you to practice using avatar technology to enhance your knowledge of nursing informatics. This is a two-part project. In part one, you will explain the impact and importance of simulation and games in nursing education. In part two, you will have the opportunity to develop your own virtual character.

Part 1

Write a 1 – 2 page paper describing the impact of simulation, virtual worlds, and games in nursing education.

  • Identify 2-3 advantages for each modality
  • Identify 2-3 disadvantages for each modality

Part 2

  • Read the section below titled Voki before beginning this phase of the project.
  • Develop a nurse informaticist avatar using Voki
  • Develop a technological educational scenario based on a nursing informatics topic of interest.
  • Develop 1-2 minute script for your topic. This script should be typed in Word.
  • copy and paste the link to your avatar in the word document
  • Be sure to proofread paper and eliminate all spelling and grammar errors
  • (It is not required, but if you want to practice, you can record the audio for your script and attach the voice to your avatar)

Voki Creation

For more information on developing a Voki click here.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates