describe, evaluate and discuss application of a nursing grand or mid-range theory.

NUR 5002 Theory!!! Absolutelly NO plagiarism

Assignment 2: Nursing Theory Analysis Paper on Dorthea Orem Overview/Description: The purpose of this assignment is to describe, evaluate and discuss application of a nursing grand or mid-range theory. This assignment also provides the learner an opportunity to connect theory and research to nursing phenomena. Learners will develop an 8-10 page paper (excluding the title page and references) using APA style to address the elements listed below. Theory/Author Name and Background Select a Grand or Mid-Range Theory that is appropriate to your practice setting. Describe the theorist’s background in detail and discuss how their experiences have impacted the theory development. Examine crucial references for the original and/or current work of the theorist and other authors writing about the selected theory. Identify the phenomenon of concern or problems addressed by the theory. Theory Description Explain whether the theory uses deductive, inductive or retroductive reasoning. Provide evidence to support your conclusion. Describe the major concepts of the theory. How are they defined? (theoretically and/or operationally) Is the author consistent in the use of the concepts and other terms in the theory? Interpret how the concepts are defined. Implicitly or explicitly? Examine the relationships (propositions) among the major concepts. Evaluation Identify explicit and implicit assumptions (values/beliefs) underlying the theory. On what assumptions does the theory build? Examine if the theory has a description of the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm. If so, how are they explained in the theory? If the metapardigm is not explained, what elements do you see as relevant to the theory and why? Discuss the clarity of the theory. Did it have lucidness and consistency? Application Examine how the theory would guide nursing actions. Describe specifically how you can use this theory in your area of nursing (Practice, Education, Informatics or Administration). APA Style/Format

Explain why it speaks directly to your future practice and give specific examples of how you see it fitting into your new role.

Class 2 Unit 6 DISCUSSION (DQ)

Topic 1: Theorist

Which theory speaks to your advanced nursing practice?

Explain why it speaks directly to your future practice and give specific examples of how you see it fitting into your new role.


•   Discussion post is at least 200 words.

•   Answers all questions with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several   outside, peer-reviewed sources.

•   3 References, find resources that are 5 years or less

•   No errors with APA format 6th Edition

2. Textbook Requered Readings

Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice

·       Chapter 18: “Models and Theories Focused on Nursing Goals and Functions”

·       Chapter 19: “Model and Theories Focused on a Systems Approach”

·       Chapter 20: “Models and Theories Focused on Human Existence and Universal Energy”

·       Chapter 21: “Models and Theories Focused on Competencies and Skills”

Journal Required Readings

Nikitas, D. M., & Frederickson, K. (2015). Nursing knowledge and theory: Where is the economic value? Nursing Economic$, 33(4), 190-239.

3. Note: 

This unit focuses on select conceptual nursing models, grand, and middle-range theories and how they guide and influence each other.

If you think about it as a field of science, you can look at the quantum mechanics and Newtonian physics. These are midrange theories applied to the physical world.

However, scientists even before Einstein were looking for the grand theory to bring it all together; the unified field theory. This theory would bring all other theories in science together with one overarching explanation for how science works.

What tangible and intangible resources will be needed to implement your project?

Feasibility of Your Design Proposal and Importance of Communication

Now that you have identified your capstone change project, it is time to look at its feasibility.

  • What tangible and intangible resources will be needed to implement your project?
  • What improved outcomes do you anticipate will occur that could indicate the project produced a successful return on investment (ROI) of these resources?
  • How will you communicate your plan for change with key decision makers so that they will support the allocation of the resources you are seeking?    
  • American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author.
    • Read Societal, Cultural, and Ethical Dimensions, Model of Professional Nursing Practice Regulation, the Code of Ethics for Nurses, Professional Registered Nurses Today: The Who of Nursing, Standard 13. Evidence-based Practice and Research, Standard 14. Quality of Practice, Standard 16. Resource Utilization, pp. 31–45, 77, 79, 82

-Does nursing theory have a role in clinical practice?

Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

Must Be Plagiarism Free!!!

This answer must be at least 300 words, reference not included in word count.  Needs at least 2 references that are peer reviewed articles within the last 5 years.  Both articles need to be cited within the answer at least once. 

Needs to be in correct APA format and this includes the references

ANSWER MUST BE ORIGINAL, Below are the questions.

Connection Between Theory and Advanced Clinical Practice

-While the focus of this course is nursing theory, some nurses say that theory has no role in clinical practice.  

-What are your thoughts?

-Does nursing theory have a role in clinical practice?

-How would you use nursing theory to improve or evaluate the quality of clinical practice?  

-Be sure to include an example that demonstrates your thoughts

What do you think would be the response of historical nursing leaders such as Florence Nightingale, Lillian Wald, and Mary Breckenridge if they could see what the profession of nursing looks like today?

After reading Chapter 1 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab),  please answer the following questions.  Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3

After reading Chapter 1 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab),  please answer the following questions.  Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references included in your post.

Additionally, you are expected to reply  to two other students and include a reference that justifies your post.  Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs.

Chapter 1

1.  After reading Chapter 1,  do you think Florence Nightingale is relevant in the 21 st century to the nursing profession?  Why or why not?

2.  What do you think would be the response of historical nursing leaders such as Florence Nightingale, Lillian Wald, and Mary Breckenridge if they could see what the profession of nursing looks like today?

PART A Developing yourself as an innovator

DISCUSSIONPART A Developing yourself as an innovatorConsider the characteristics for innovating and implementing change that we’ve discussed this week (in the text, lecture, and resources). Answer the


PART A Developing yourself as an innovator

Consider the characteristics for innovating and implementing change that we’ve discussed this week (in the text, lecture, and resources). Answer the following questions:

What strengths do you have as an innovator? Include examples.

What areas could use improvement/strengthening? Include examples.

List at least 3 actions you will take to improve upon the weaknesses you identified above

PART B Simulation in Nursing Programs

Do you think there are benefits to using simulation in nursing programs? Why or why not? Compare and contrast the benefits of simulation in nursing programs versus clinical experiences

Formulate a professional nursing philosophy based upon the role and responsibilities of the advanced nurse.

Class 2 Unit 3 Assignment

Class 2 Unit 3 Assignment

Formulate a professional nursing philosophy based upon the role and responsibilities of the advanced nurse.


The purpose of this Assignment is for you to present your views, values, and beliefs about the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm (i.e., person, nursing, health, and environment) and their interrelationship to one another as they guide your currentnursing practice. The process of identifying a personal nursing philosophy of advanced nursing practice and continuously examining, affirming, and validating this philosophy through caring for patients, families, communities, populations, and/or systems can foster professional and personal growth that builds advanced practice expertise.


In this Assignment, you will develop the first draft of your personal philosophy of advanced practice nursing. You will continue to work on this document throughout the course, with new drafts reflecting your growing sophistication as you reflect on each week’s lesson.

A philosophical statement includes these elements:

  • An introduction that presents your thought processes used to articulate a philosophy of advanced practice nursing. Note that APA does not use a heading for the introduction, because it is assumed that the first few paragraphs of a manuscript are the introduction.
  • Valued personal concepts, such as:
    • Metaparadigm concepts such as person/client, nursing, health, and environment
    • Additional concepts you may find valuable to advanced practice, such as IOM Future of Nursing, accountability, interprofessional collaborative practice, social justice, and professionalism
    • Definition of each concept selected
    • Relationships between and among concepts within your personal philosophy as applied to your current practice. A diagram with should be used to graphically depict these interrelationships.

Organization of Your Paper

Your final paper is to be written in APA format (including organization, documentation, and references) and be no more than two pages in length. The paper should include a title page and reference list, however, these pages are not included in the final page count.

Course materials, except textbook, may be used and must be supplemented by current literature from peer-reviewed nursing journals no older than 5 years.

Additional resources to support this Assignment include:

  • Reflection: Readings
  • IOM Future of Nursing
  • Interprofessional collaborative practice

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • Minimum requirement of at least 5 sources of support
  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well orderedlogical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th Edition

Describe the health and nursing problem, including supporting empirical research and theoretical perspectives.


FOR THIS DISCUSSION: See the attachement. It is the paper you wrote for me for my final paper to turn in. The discussion is summarizing the paper written.

Health Care and Nursing Policy Critique Final Paper

Briefly describe your final paper to your peers. Include the following in your description:

  • Describe the health and nursing problem, including supporting empirical research and theoretical perspectives.
  • Summarize current policies that direct care in the area of your selected problem.
  • Provide highlights from your ethics of care analysis.
  • Discuss the overarching conclusion you drew from the analysis.
  • Recommend one policy change that would address the unresolved health and nursing problem from an ethics of care perspective.

Your initial post is to be about 150 words, referenced with at least one APA formatted reference.

What strengths do you have as an innovator? Include examples.

DISCUSSION PART A Developing yourself as an innovatorConsider the characteristics for innovating and implementing change that we’ve discussed this week (in the text, lecture, and resources). Answer th


PART A Developing yourself as an innovator

Consider the characteristics for innovating and implementing change that we’ve discussed this week (in the text, lecture, and resources). Answer the following questions:

What strengths do you have as an innovator? Include examples.

What areas could use improvement/strengthening? Include examples.

List at least 3 actions you will take to improve upon the weaknesses you identified above

PART B Simulation in Nursing Programs

Do you think there are benefits to using simulation in nursing programs? Why or why not? Compare and contrast the benefits of simulation in nursing programs verses clinical experiences

What Makes a Good Nurse Leader?.

Assignment Title: What Makes a Good Leader?. Choose one or more leadership topic from a scholarly source from a previous discussion or assignment from this course and write about its application to n

Assignment Title: What Makes a Good Nurse Leader?.  Choose one or more leadership topic from a scholarly source from a previous discussion or assignment from this course and write about its application to nursing practice. Provide definitions, history/background, and major concepts of the chosen topic.  Describe the topic’s function in nursing practice by examining at least three different nursing roles (for example, bedside nurse, public health nurse, unit manager, ). Discuss how the leadership topic can be used in your own practice. Discuss your personal growth in regard to your chosen leadership topic. Evaluate personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to your career advancement. Then, discuss the top three traits you feel makes a good nurse leader. Support your statements with examples from your practice experience and scholarly sources.

Length: 1170 to 1850 words in length in APA style which include running head, introduction, discussion, conclusion, and at least 3 scholarly current references.