Define the term environmental health. Assess how healthy cities relate to environmental health

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

SHOW LESS Assess basic environmental health principles, theories, and issues. Define the term environmental health. Assess how healthy cities relate to environmental health. Analyze obstacles for a city in becoming a healthy city. Describe the financial issues involved in creating a healthy city. Analyze how environmental health is an individual concern. Analyze how environmental health is a global concern. Apply personal and professional decisions based upon an understanding of environmental risks. Describe how a city could become prepared for disasters. Assess benefits of developing a healthy city to one’s self, family, and community. Communicate effectively in a variety of formats. The purpose of this assessment is to consider aspects of what makes a healthy city and to integrate your research to provide strategies for individuals and communities to improve environmental health.

To begin, suppose you are working with your city planner to develop a healthy city initiative for your city (or a city near you). You are tasked with developing a report that will be presented to your city council.

Craft a 4–5-page written document that could be presented to your city council, addressing the following points:

What is environmental health? Why is creating a healthy city important to environmental health? What could your city do to become a healthy city? What would be the obstacles to change, and why are they obstacles? What financial issues would have to be considered? How would these changes benefit you, your family, and your community? What could your city do to become better prepared for disasters, both natural and human-made? Why should environmental health be considered an individual concern? Why should it be considered a global concern? What could you or your family do—in your home, your neighborhood, and your workplace—to reduce your personal impact on the environmental health of your city?

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

For the following questions about disaster preparation, refer to the “Make a Plan” and “Test Your Readiness Quotient” resources linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading.

What kinds of disasters, both natural and man-made, are most likely to occur in your area? How would you be notified of an emergency situation in your community? How many of the Readiness Quotient Test questions would you be able to answer as “Yes”? What steps could you take to achieve 10 out of 10 “Yes” answers? What is your disaster plan? For the following questions about your personal impact on environmental health, consider the course as a whole.

foundation for policy and advocacy initiatives

In this Discussion, you create a problem statement for the topic and public health issue you selected for your Scholar-Practitioner Project. You then justify this problem statement with epidemiological and medical evidence. 
Discussion, carefully review the epidemiological and medical evidence that justifies the problem statement you have created for your public health issue. Then, review this week’s Learning Resources, paying particular attention the concepts of bias, confounding, interaction, and causality.
Postyour problem statement and explain the epidemiologic and medical evidence that supports this as a public health problem. Then, describe issues of bias and confounding that should be (or should have been) taken into consideration and explain the potential for interaction that furthers the evidence for establishing causality. Support your post with the Learning Resources and peer-reviewed sources.
Learning Resources
Dean, H. D., Williams, K. M., & Fenton, K. A. (2013). From theory to action: Applying social determinants of health to public health practice.Public Health Reports, 128(Suppl. 3), 1–4.
Geneletti, S., Gallo, V., Porta, M., Khoury, M. J., & Vineis, P. (2011). Assessing causal relationships in genomics: From Bradford-Hill criteria to complex gene-environment interactions and directed acyclic graphs.Emerging Themes in Epidemiology,Document Preview:

Problem statements serve as the foundation for policy and advocacy initiatives. They assist in defining the public health issue and in communicating the urgency it poses to the general public. Though there are many formats for writing problem statements, the one that you write for this course will rely heavily on epidemiological and medical evidence. It will also capture the social determinants of health that are of influence. To better understand the requirements for your problem statement, reflect on the following guidelines and example, adapted from a presentation given by Dru Bhattacharya, the author of your course text. Parts to include: Who/where. Identify the population of interest. What. Identify the magnitude or severity. When. Identify the time frame to contextualize. Why. Identify the social determinants that impact the public health issue. Example: Bad: Overweight and obesity is high. Better: Overweight and obesity has increased over the past decade. Even better: The incidence of overweight and obesity among urban adolescents has increased 200% from 2001 to 2011. Best: The incidence of overweight and obesity among urban adolescents has increased 200% from 2001 to 2011. Health inequities such as economic stability, access to employment, and housing stability have had a large impact on this population’s health.  In this Discussion, you create a problem statement for the topic and public health issue you selected for your Scholar-Practitioner Project. You then justify this problem statement with epidemiological and medical evidence.   Discussion, carefully review the epidemiological and medical evidence that justifies the problem statement you have created for your public health issue. Then, review this week’s Learning Resources, paying particular attention the concepts of bias, confounding, interaction, and causality. Post your problem statement and explain the epidemiologic and medical evidence that supports this as a public health problem. Then,…

Discuss the impact and any relevancy on today’s health of the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population

Racism erodes confidence and self- worth, in turn leading to poorer health outcomes including
psychological distress, depression, anxiety and health risk behaviours. Racism experienced in the
delivery of health services contributes to low levels of access and follow up. Cultural competency is a key
strategy for reducing inequality in health care.
A strengths based approach views situations realistically and looks for opportunities to
complement and support existing strengths and capacities as opposed to a deficit-based
approach which focuses on the problem or concern (National Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Plan 2013–2023, p. 50).address the following points in relation to above topic in 1500 words

  • Consider and discuss the topic in relation to social and historical circumstances
  • Discuss the impact and any relevancy on today’s health of the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population;
  • Discuss what approaches (old and new) have, or are currently being adopted to address or promote the issue/topic from a health promotion perspective; what has worked and what hasn’t and why?
  • Describe and discuss using a strengths based approach how the current and future needs of the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait population can be addressed

the cultural norms and the diversity within community

MHS 602 Week 8 Signature Assignment Using your chosen health problem from your case assignment in module 4, you will prepare an 8-10 page paper in which you: Conduct a literature need assessment. Based on your needs assessment, please write the mission statement, the goals, and the objectives of your program. What strategies, and types of interventions would you use? What settings would you use for your program? Would you involve the community in your health promotion program? If so, how? How would you take into account the cultural norms and the diversity within your community? How would you implement the program? What specific concerns may you have with this program? How would your program be funded and what personnel would you use? Would you use social marketing techniques? If so, what? What theory you will use in your planning, implementing, and evaluating your Health Promotion Program. How do behaviour and the environment influence health and how does health promotion take both into account? How will you evaluate the success of tour health promotion program? The signature assignments due by Sunday at 11:59 pm (PST) during the last module! Powered by TCPDF (

Public Health Code

Case Study: France Public – Private Partnerships in the French healthcare 1. PPP Law/Legal Framework/PPP Policy in Health France is known for its’ long tradition of concession arrangements that grew significantly over the second half of the 20th century to place France among the most PPP prominent countries in the world (EPEC, 2012). In the health sector though PPPs had to wait important reforms allowing tenders of design, construction and maintenance aspects to be conducted by private providers and permit deferred payment mechanisms. These are among others: Public Health Code : ? Law n° 2003-850 of September 2003 on simplification of the structure and the functioning of health system in France; ? Law n° 2004-559 of June 2004 on partnership contracts; ? Law n° 2004-806 on public health policy: o Hospital leasing (Bail Emphytéotique Hospitalier – BEH) is governed by articles L. 6148-1 to 6148-1 6148-6 and R. 6148-1 to R. 6148-3 of the Public Health Code (CSP); o Administrative leasing (Bail Emphytéotique Administrative – BEA) is governed by Article L. 315-9 of the CASF (Code of Social action and families) and by Article L.1311-2 of the General Code for Territorial entities 2. Centralised PPP Unit on health at country level/ Decentralised decision making (devolved/decentralized approach used for management of PPP) At the national level the Ministry of health is supported by MNAIH (Mission nationale d’appui à l’investissement hospitalier) currently submerged under ANAP (Agence Nationale d’Appui à la Performance des établissements de santé et médico-sociaux) At the Regional level, PPPs are under the responsibility of regional hospitalization agency (ARH -Agence Régionale d’hospitalisation) incorporated in the regional public health authority (agence régionale de la santé – ARS) As per article L6113-10 of the Public Health Code ( ANAP/historique/ConventionConstitutiveANAP.pdf) the main tasks of ANAP are among others: – The development and dissemination of tools and services to help healthcare facilities improve their performance and quality of services; – The support and assistance for restructuring, reconstructions and property management; – Evaluation, audit and expertise of hospital projects especially in real estate and information systems; – The control and conduct audits on the performance of healthcare facilities; – Support to regional health agencies in their mission operational control and improved health facility performance; Health and Economics Analysis for an Evaluation of the Public Private Partnerships in Health Care Delivery across EU 112 – The support of the central government in its task of strategic management of the provision of healthcare and medical services. Therefore ANAP is responsible for technical supervision and support to the ARHs and public healthcare institutions (EPSs) from inception of individual schemes onwards and is responsible for the development of legal and financial framework. Thus parallel to the monitoring and control investment plans ANAP (or previously MAINH) has developed various methodological tools: a guide to PPP implementation (BEH guide), hospital revitalization guide, observatory hospital construction. On its part, ARS was set up in bid rationalize the provision of healthcare services. It is responsible for policy implementation regarding all public health services. It ensures and monitors compliance with the rules on behalf of the central government (Ministry of health). It is in charge of authorizing the establishment and operation of all health facilities and health services and participates in the control of these institutions. 3. First PPP Contract: (year, name) Following the legal framework the 1st PPP project was signed in 2005: Douai Logipôle Hospital signed – 05/09/2005. The project had the value € 30 milions for design, build, finance and operation of a logistical support platform (logipole) at the Douai Hospital. In the same year (2005) the ophthalmological hospital Quinze Vingts in Paris followed and soon after were PPPs for: ? Centre hospitalier universitaire de Caen; ? Centre hospitalier du Sud Francilien at Corbeil-Essonnes; ? Centre hospitalier universitaire de Rennes; ? Centre les Tilleroyes at Besançon. 4. Total Number of PPP Contracts Under the framework of Plan Hôpital 2007, the Ministry of Health launched a national call for project proposals from hospitals. 35 proposals were submitted in 2003 of which 20 were selected following discussions with the MAINH. First contracts were signed in 2005. A second wave of PPP projects was launched in 2006 (not only falling under Plan Hôpital 2007) among which about a dozen used the Partnership contracts –PC rather than BEH. By 2012 about 50 contracts (40 BEH and 10 PC) had been signed of which the construction of 35 hospitals were completed and already at the operational phase (EPEC, 2012). 5. Model Since PPPs were introduced most of awarded contracts are related to real estates, most case PPPs fall under DBFO (design, build, finance, operate) involving infrastructure, Electronic medical records and Hospital Management as well as logistics. A number of PPPs was concluded as leasing and partnership contracts. It is worth noting that in France the term ‘public – private partnership’ primarily refers to contracts based on fee payment by a public authority while contract based on revenue operations are known as ‘concessions’ or ‘delegations de service public’. The diagram below gives an overview of the two widely used PPP models in

working age for children policy


This page will provide a overview of your assessment task 2

To be read in-conjunction with the marking guide and rubric

Please note the topic’s have just been added

This assessment covers unit learning outcomes (ULO) 1,2,3 and 4


Requirements: 1500-word written report (+/-10%)

Submission: Online via the moodle drop box (under AT2)

Deadline: Week 6 – 5pm Sunday

Weighting: 30% of your final grade


2. Write a case study on your chosen population group. Start researching the health issues

You will demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the key health issues for your chosen group in this region

Describe some recent research findings relevant to the group,

Look at current public health and health promotion action in the region targeting this group.

3. Look for recent up to date data

5 years old (from the last 5 years, ie. from 2014 onward) to explore the current situation in the region

Consider – Your chosen risk group – Health issues of concern within this group (that you have identified) from the data

For example: housing, access to health care, prevention of violence, human trafficking, sexually transmitted illnesses, malaria etc.

Here is a great starting point:

4. Identify one (1) health issue to discuss in detail:

TIP: It’s easiest to choose the one issue that is most significant for this group ie. the one that contributes the most to the burden of disease or has the most impact on this community currently.

5. Discuss the findings from at least three (3) recent pieces of credible literature on this community

These sources should be relevant to the key health issue you have chosen for this population group – you will be led by the research here

You may choose to use peer-reviewed journals, conference presentations, government or non-government organisation reports; these sources must be published from 2014 onward

You may choose to use websites as well, however these will be in addition to the above minimum of 3;

5. Find a policy or strategic document to help reduce that health issue, for that population group in that geographic area

Present the key points: From one (1) policy or (1) other strategic document explaining how this informs action on health issues of concern for your chosen group at the local level

eg. Minimum working age for children policy, Gender equality (increase number of women in decision making positions), Youth policy (unemployment)

6. Identify at least two (2) organisations working that address the health issue in that geographical area

Working in this space, briefly explaining their roles promoting health in this context;

You need to ensure you specifically relate this back to YOUR population group in your area that focuses on the health issue

For example: an organisation that is working with young women in the Philippines with an unplanned pregnancy

7. Using your evidence write 3 recommendations! These are NOT your opinion, they must be evidence based!

Based upon the evidence you have found, for future public health/health promotion action in this space.

You need to ensure you specifically relate this back to YOUR population group in your area that focuses on the health issue


This paper should be presented using the structure above. Include subheadings to help you to organise and present your ideas more clearly.

Subheading ideas are:


Significant health issues affecting population group in X

Most significant health Issue

Policy OR Strategic Document

Organisations working to address the health issue

Three evidence based recommendations



Guidelines for presentation:

MSWord document format (.docx) or PDF. NO other format will be accepted.

1.5 line spacing, 2.5 cm margins

Easy to read font size 11 or 12 (i.e. Calibri or Times New Roman)

Pages numbered consecutively in the footer.

Your student ID number and name in the header.

Your cover page must include:

Your name and student number.

Unit name and code

Lecturer’s name

The total word count (not including the in-text references or reference list).

The reference style you have selected (Harvard or APA).


Refer to the marking rubric for details on how old the reference can be and the minimum number of references requirements

In this unit you must choose ONE of EITHER the Harvard OR APA styles:

Deakin Harvard referencing style:

The American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing

Academic referencing involves two interconnected parts: in-text citations and a list of references.

Every source you refer to must have an accurate in-text citation using the Deakin Harvard OR APA referencing style.

DO NOT use footnotes.

All direct quotes must have page numbers in addition to author, year.

Full details of all sources you refer to in-text must be listed in your list of references (at the end of your assignment), and correctly formatted using the Deakin Harvard OR APA referencing style.

methods affected the availability of services

Cost Control Articles


  • Cost Control Articles Scoring Guide.
  • Writing Feedback Tool.
  • APA Style and Format.

Search the Internet or Capella University Library for two articles about the methods of cost controls in health care reimbursement models and how the methods have affected the availability of services. Using the articles as resources, write at least two pages, addressing the following in each article:

  1. Describe the methods reviewed.
  2. How have the methods affected the availability of services?

Include references or URLs for the articles.

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.

APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th Edition) style and formatting.

Cost Control Articles Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Unit 2. 
Percentage of Course Grade:5%.

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click on the linked resources for helpful writing information.

Describe cost control methods in health care reimbursement models.
Does not describe cost control methods in health care reimbursement models.Lists cost control methods in health care reimbursement models.Describes cost control methods in health care reimbursement models.Analyzes cost control methods reviewed in health care reimbursement models and determines their effectiveness; supports these determinations with relevant real-world examples.
Analyze how cost control methods in health care reimbursement models affect the availability of services.
Does not explain how cost control methods in health care reimbursement models affect the availability of services.Explains but does not analyze how cost control methods in health care reimbursement models affect the availability of services.Analyzes how cost control methods in health care reimbursement models affect the availability of services.Analyzes how cost control methods in health care reimbursement models affect the availability of services; supports analysis with related literature and relevant real-world examples.
Write clearly with sound structure. Writing should be generally free of spelling, grammatical, and syntax errors, and should adhere to APA (6th edition) style and formatting guidelines for references and citations.
Writes without structure and with many spelling, grammatical, and syntax errors; does not adhere to APA format.Writes with errors that detract from the message; writing exhibits poor structure, and has many spelling, grammatical and syntax errors; irregularly adheres to APA format requirements.Writes clearly with sound structure. Writing is generally free of spelling, grammatical, and syntax errors, and adheres to APA (6th edition) style and formatting guidelines for references and citations.Writes in an exceptionally clear manner with superior structure and without spelling, grammatical, and syntax errors; adheres to APA format; uses a scholarly tone.

factors that drive change in health and social care services

TASK 1 LO1 Understand the factors that drive change in health and social care services 1.1. First, using a word document, explain in detail the key factors that drive change in health and social care services. 1.2. You are also to assess the challenges that key factors of change bring to health and social care services. To achieve (M1), you must analyse concepts, theories or principles to formulate own responses to situations. To achieve a distinction (D1) you must be able to Evaluate approaches to develop strategies in response to actual or anticipated situations. Guide Note Factors of change: (Individuals- e.g. rising expectations, changing nature of disease or illness; Society-e.g. demographics, economic, social, cultural factors etc; Government-e.g. updated legislation and policy, re-organisation of regulatory bodies etc; Sector e.g. medical advancement, research findings and changing workforce composition, increasing specialisation, development of ICT based systems etc.) Challenges of the key factors: (i.e. incorporating changes into existing services, human and financial resources, maintaining quality care, matching efficiency and economy, planning for future, importance of CPD etc). TASK 2 LO2 Be able to evaluate recent changes in health and social care services 2.1. Now, devise a strategy and criteria for measuring recent changes in health and social care. 2.2. Measure the impact of recent changes on health and social care services against set criteria. 2.3. Evaluate the overall impact of recent changes in health and social care 2.4. Propose appropriate service responses to recent changes in health and social care services. (M2) Analyse your own knowledge, understanding and skills to define areas for development in your responses to changes in Hsc. To achieve distinction (D2) you must Evaluate and apply strategies to develop own knowledge, understanding and skills in response to changes in your care setting. Guide Note strategy and criteria for measuring (i.e. regulatory inspections, organisational systems of quality assurance, feedback and comments from users of health and social care, self-evaluation etc.) Recent changes (e.g. the Health and Social Care Act 2012, changes to regulatory bodies – the role of NICE), focus on inter-professional working, promotion of choice such as direct payments, common inspection framework etc.) Criteria: (i.e. meeting national objectives; benefits for users of health and social care such as measures of health and well-being, measures of quality of life, greater efficiency and appropriately targeted services; improved recruitment and skilled staff etc.) evaluation issues: (benefits to service users, their families and staff at all levels, service organisation and delivery, referral rates, response times, waiting times, outcomes, cost-benefits etc.) Service responses: (leadership that facilitates change, updated policies and procedures, employee participation, service users’ of health involved at all stages etc.) TASK 3 LO3 Understand the principles of change management 3.1. Use powerpoint presentation (ppt), to explain the key principles of change management. 3.2. Explain how changes in health and social care are planned.

need for medical attention

Health Demand

Student’s Name

Institution Affiliation

Health Demand

When evaluating the factors of demand, it is important to note that there is a slight different between market and individual demands. Individual demand has several causes similar to those of market demand but with a different impact magnitude. In health economics, there are several primary factors influencing demand. The medical care demand is believed to have an uncertain nature. The first factor affecting this type of demand is age. The health stock of a person tends to depreciate with the increase in age. The elderly tend to seek medical attention more often compared to the youth. The second factor involves the rise in income levels. People tend to increase their health expenses in order to balance their increased rate of depreciation in their health stock (Santerre & Neun, 2010).

Additionally, education plays a part in individual demand since people presume that the more educated a person is, the more efficient they are in health production hence require less medical care. An additional factor includes the prices of compliment products (Jacobs & Rapoport, 2004). For example, the increase in the prices of contact lenses would lead to a decrease in the number of optometrist visits. Availability of substitutes may also have an impact on the demand for health care. An example involves the demand for care from either public or private hospitals. People may tend to substitute the private hospital care with the public hospitals.

The principal and the agent play a vital role in assisting the consumers to realize the need for medical attention. The agent and the principal should team up to make a strong medical agency (Arrow, 1968). The principal should come up with plans aimed at notifying the public on the importance of medical checkups. Besides, the agent should ensure effective implementation of the plans laid by the principal. Furthermore, both should work as a team in notifying the consumers on the health advantages of visiting the medical Centre.


Arrow, K. J. (1968). The economics of moral hazard: further comment. The American Economic Review, 537-539.

Jacobs, P., & Rapoport, J. (2004). The economics of health and medical care. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Santerre, R. E., & Neun, S. P. (2010). Health economics: Theories, insights, and industry studies.

Does the Grossman model predict a larger difference in healthy time between high and low wage people when investment is costly

2. In the Grossman model, the main reason that wages increase the ROR is that they multiply the time-savings of becoming healthier. Let’s think about what this implies for wage differences in health. a. Simulate a Grossman model with the following set up: i. A high wage of $20 and a low wage of $10, and a price of medical inputs equal to $200. ii. Interest rate of 0.05 iii. Depreciation rate of 0.1 iv. No change in Tr,. v. ut = 10/nHt + 1n13, vi. Tt* = 24 (1 — vii. nt = x(a’ + (1 —pl-‘)e-TY with a = 0.5 and a = 0.2 Calculate optimal health stock and the amount of healthy time for a low wage person for many different values of x between 5 and 1. The first case imposes a “low health world”, where the investment price is high and health stock is low. The second case imposes a “high health world”, where investment is cheap and health is high.
Make one graph of 77 against x with lines for the high and low wage people. Does the Grossman model predict a larger difference in healthy time between high and low wage people when investment is costly (and health is low) or when investment is cheap (and health is high)?
b. Now let’s see if this is actually true. Use ps 3 . dt a again and calculate real income, and the two dummies (no bed days and excellent/very good/good health). i. Summarize your real income variable (using the option: , de t a i 1) and make a dummy called h i gh i n c that equals one for respondents with income above the median. ii. Collapse your data to means of the bed days and health variable by year and h i gh i n c. Do a reshape (wide) to make your dataset have observations defined by year and separate variables for low and high income averages. Make variables that equal the high/low difference i n t he health and disability variables. iii. Plot the health averages over time with lines for the low and high income people. Was health improving over this time? (Note that health is only asked after 1972.) Does this fit with the Grossman model? iv. Plot of the difference in health between high and low income people over time. Was self-reported health converging between the two groups? Does this fit with the Grossman model? v. Plot the difference in health time (the average of the “no disability days” variable) between high and low income people over time. Was the amount of healthy time converging between the two groups? Does this fit with the Grossman model?
1. The Grossman model implies that higher wage people are in better health, but it also has some pretty strong implications for how that relationship should be shaped. a. Simulate a Grossman modelia. 1- • .1 T with the following set up: i. Interest rate of 0.05 ii. Depreciation rate of 0.1 iii. No change in re. iv. lit = 101n1-1, + Ink v. Tt* = 24 (1 — vi. ift = (a’tvi-a + (1 — a)apl-a)1 with a = 0.5 and a = 0.2 Calculate optimal health stock and the amount of healthy time for people whose wage is 1, 2, 3, 4, …, all the way up to 50. Make one plot of the health stock versus the wage and another of healthy time versus the wage.
How is this relationship shaped? What pieces of the Grossman model equation make this true?
b. lispv let’s see if this is actually true. The NHIS extract ps 3 . dta a contains information on disability bed days in the last two weeks (T — Tt*), and total family income (a bad measure of w) from 1963 through 1996 for employed adults ages 25-64.2 Use the dofile ¦ n¦ ¦ 1 ¦ 1 called income_recode_ps3. do, to recode the values (to the midpoint of each bin) and also to adjust them to 2000 dollars (using a command called cpigen that automatically brings in values of the Consumer Price Index).3 Use the egen subcommand cut, to make bins of your income variable that are 2000 wide: egen inccat = cut (inc) , at (0 (2000)80000 100000) c. Now make a dummy that equals one for people in excellent, very good, or good health (we did something similar in lab notes 2), and another that equals one for respondents who had no disability days in the last two weeks (make sure to check out the meaning of “niu” in the 60s). Collapse the dataset so that it has the average of these two dummies by values of inccat. d. Make scatter plots of each variable against income. How do the actual profiles compare to the theoretical prediction of the Grossman model?
Hint: use a forval loop! Think about how you’ll store your answer (the values of H and T•) each time. 2 1967 is omitted because they asked their disability bed days question to a weird subsample of respondents. 3 The values of cpi that are added equal the ratio of each year’s CPI to the 2000 CPI. If income is in current dollars, and you want to express it in constant 2000 dollars, should you multiply or divide inc by cpi = CPIYYYY/CPI2000?