Explain how changing demographics are impacting patients and providers in the delivery of health care in the U.S

D2: Change and Diversity Brake down

Explain how changing demographics are impacting patients and providers in the delivery of health care in the U.S. Describe the impact of increased diversity in and around the health care industry.
Please write paper using APA format.
Assignment Reading Brake Down:
Health Professionals
The health care industry provided approximately 14.6 million jobs in 2004 alone, making it one of largest employers in the United States. Registered nurses, the largest employed group in health care, estimated 2.9 million jobs and physician numbers reached about 885,000, with a majority working in metropolitan areas.
Physician assistants and nurse practitioners are steadily climbing the employment ladder within the industry as well. And though there are a number of other specialized professionals and nonprofessionals employed in the industry, there are also more jobs that do not require a four-year college degree.
For our discussion on credentialing and licensure this week, we will focus on those professionals that diagnose and treat patients.
Barton, P.L. (2010). Understanding the U.S. health services system (4th ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
Licensure, Certification, and Credentialing
After academic and clinical training is completed, clinical professionals are required by law to attain their licensure and/or certification to practice. Most physicians are eligible to obtain a license to practice medicine after one year of post-graduate training. Licensure is granted by the state. It is required for physicians, nurses, and others to practice, and demonstrate competency to perform a scope of practice. State Boards of Physician Quality Assurance (BPQA) establish requirements for medical licenses. In the field of nursing, the National Council Licensure Examination must be passed by nursing students to obtain their licenses. In some states a criminal background check is also required for both RN and MD licensure. This information is available to those who screen, hire, and/or evaluate personnel through the National Practitioner Data Bank. Not only does this data bank provide the list of practitioners, it provides the scope of practice for the specific license. This is an important tool for leaders and human resources managers to avoid any major lawsuits.
Now that we have looked at the licensure, let’s move on the certification requirements.
The level of certification in health services depend on the practitioner being examined. A physician, who has submitted the documentation of education, training, and practice to the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) for review, does so voluntarily. Upon approval of the medical specialty board and successful completion of examinations, the physician is designated as board certified in that specialty. Certificates are time-limited. Physicians must demonstrate continued competency and retake the exam every six to ten years, depending on the specialty. Board certification is a form of credentialing a physician’s competency in a specific area.
For staff privileges and hiring purposes, most hospitals, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and other health care organizations require a physician to be board certified or board eligible, i.e., preparing to sit for the exams. Board certification is used as proxy for determining the quality of a health professional’s services. Assumption of quality is based on research that more education and training leads to a higher quality of service.
Physician Credentialing
Physician credentialing is the process of verifying information that a physician supplies on an application for staff privileges at a hospital, HMO, or other health care organization. Physician credentialing is a time-consuming, labor-intensive, costly process that must be repeated every two years. When physicians apply for privileges at a hospital, they must specify what they want, not only by specialty, but in the surgical specialties, by procedure. The hospital must conduct diligent research on that surgeon before granting privileges, or it can be held liable in a court of law for allowing an incompetent physician on its staff. It is preferable to obtain primary verification and documentation, i.e., to contact each place individually by phone and obtain original documents, such as transcripts with raised seals.
As a health care manager, you may find yourself working in the physician relations and credentialing department and you may be responsible for determining whether the credentials offered by a physician are legitimate. Physician credentialing requires excellent interpersonal skills, organizational skills, persistence, an eye for details, and the ability to identify inconsistencies in data. Another major role of management is to keep the health care team focused on the same goals. The resistance of employees, both clinical and nonclinical, can lead to interpersonal conflict, potentially poor patient outcomes, and tense organizational climate. Therefore, management must forge an organizational climate that promotes strong team relations, job satisfaction, and high retention.
Diversity in Health Care
Let’s discuss understanding and managing your employees based on the various differences among them. Cultural competency and diversity in health care management are more important today than in any time of the industry’s history.
Historically, diversity is defined by categorical markers such as age, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnicity. Not only must one consider the prolific numbers of ethnic groups in the United States, but also consider factors relevant to their minority status, such as groups that are migrants, uninsured, poor, and refugees. Health industries in large cities face language barriers and cultural differences in recruitment and retention of employees. Recently health organizations have begun to hire newly arriving immigrant workers and temporary staff, who have been employed by hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and nursing homes in their native countries. How are these people managed?
The essential processes in managing diversity include communicating in clear language the institution’s policies and practices, establishing and running effective teams, obtaining cultural knowledge of employees and clients, and utilizing cultural competency as a benchmark for evaluating health care services.
Cultural Competency
To fully understand cultural competency, we need to know what the term “culture” means. Culture, in most cases, is seen as the sum total of the way in which people live, to include their values, beliefs, standards, languages, thinking patterns, behavioral norms, communication styles, and more. These elements guide groups in their decisions and actions through time. One example of a strong culture would be the Mormons or the Amish. Their way of life goes beyond a religious belief. One area that is never thought of as being a cultural component is the health belief system. Many cultures have beliefs surrounding the manner in which they categorize health and illness. These beliefs explain illness, the role nature plays in health and illness, and who should care and cure the ill. This provides a good foundation for understanding the absolute need for cultural competency in the health care industry, especially in a highly diverse society.
The most important cultural competency awareness is to understand how to deliver quality care. The following scenario will demonstrate how important it is to have some level of cultural awareness.

genogram is a picture display of an individual’s family relationships and medical history

THIS IS A CONTINUATION ASSIGNMENT MUST BE ASSIGNED TO Dr Vidhya Bhushan Mishra. This is 4-6 pages, excluding cover page nd references

A genogram is a picture display of an individual’s family relationships and medical history. It helps a person visualize the heredity patterns that may predispose him or her to certain chronic illness and psychological factors. Genograms can serve as a quick and useful reference to evaluate health risk. The knowledge of diseases and conditions that occur within a family can provide useful information that may aid in a swift, accurate diagnosis and treatment of health problems. A genogram can contain a wealth of information on the families represented. It will show the names of people who belong to a particular family lineage and how those relatives are related to each other. The symbols included in a genogram are the date of birth and the date of death, with the name of the individual underneath. The inside of the symbol will hold the person’s current age. This diagram can also depict social and emotional relationships. Refer to examples of genograms in your reading and in this guide.

Working with the individual and family from last week, assess the individual’s health history and create a genogram of at least three generations. After the genogram image is created, provide a summary of your assessment findings regarding health problems, patterns of diseases or behaviors that impact health, and possible genetic or hereditary health problems. Additionally, document the findings of a comprehensive health and wellness assessment of one member of the family.

Assignment Guidelines

For this assignment, you will develop a genogram of a family and a comprehensive health and wellness assessment on one of the family members. Include the following:

The genogram should include 3 generations.

Click here to read directions to gain an understanding of how to create the genogram.

Document the findings of a comprehensive health and wellness assessment of one member of the family.

Use this Genogram Example and Instructions to complete the assignment.

Provide a summary of your findings, including health and behavioral patterns and possible genetic or hereditary health problems.

Provide a summary of your findings of a comprehensive health and wellness assessment of one member of the family.

You must save and submit your assignment as a PDF or Word document. Do not save your document in the template program.

Click here for additional information about genogram development in Word.

Write a paper of 4–6 pages, excluding the title and reference pages. Please click into this APA Style for CTU Students link for help with APA formatting. Use the CTU Writing Style Guide (templates provided), not the Introductory Writing Style Guide.

explain how the lived experience of Sandy Jeffs, as told through stories and poetry, enable mental health

Explain how the lived experience of Sandy Jeffs, as told through stories and poetry, enable mental health professionals to align their practice with the recovery principles as outlined in the National Recovery framework for recovery orientated mental health services. 
In your discussion you need to address the following: 
o The concept of the lived experience of mental health and illness; 
o The concept of recovery in the experience of mental health and illness; 
o An outline of the main ideas from the National framework for recovery-oriented mental health services: guide for practitioners and providers; 
o Provide examples from the work of Sandy Jeffs to illustrate your argument about how mental health professionals can implement recovery orientated practice. 
o You must, at a minimum, refer to the two poems by Sandy Jeffs, and the audio-visual link, located with this question on the LEO site. 
o Links have been placed on LEO to the Department Health site A National framework for recovery-oriented mental health services: guide for practitioners and providers. You must access this document but you may access other academic sources to support your discussion. 
• A useful resource for the essayFile 123KB PDF document 
Principles of recovery orientated mental health practice. 
PDF document and link to the Dept. Health site. 
Sandy Jeffs has used poetry, and storytelling to share her lived experience of mental health and illness. 
• She is a prize-winning poet and author who has lived with schizophrenia for 35 years. This film was created by George Clipp for Tell Me A Story, a digital storytelling project of Something In Common and the Australian Human Rights Commission 
• ABC OPEN:Bearing Witness from Speak Your Mind, written by and about Sandy Jeffs. 
• Street poetry reading (spoken words) from Sandy JeffsIn -Medicated-, Jeffs converts the names of her 21 successive or simultaneous medications into verbs. 
o 'Medicated'- poem in written words 
o . 'Medicated' was published in 2015 in a collection of poems by Sandy Jeffs: Jeffs, S (2015). The Mad Poets Tea Party. North Melbourne, Vic.:Spinifex 
• Sandy Jeffs poetry reading (spoken words) for The Crazy Chicks Showcase at the Epsy- 
o Jeffs, S. (2002). A Thesaurus of Madness. In Jeffs, S, Poems from the madhouse (2nd ed.).(pp 77-78) North Melbourne, Vic.: Spinifex. Poem in written words (pp 77-78). 
The lived experience of people like Sandy Jeffs is the focus of, and reflected in, policy documents like the National framework for recovery-oriented mental health services: guide for practitioners and providers (http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/content/mental-pubs-n-recovgde ) 
Explain how the lived experience of Sandy Jeffs, as told through stories and poetry, enable 
1600 words

Examine the ways that health professionals can use the five steps of evidence based practice

Examine the ways that health professionals can use the five steps of evidence based practice (EBP) as a practicalframework to overcoming barriers to locating, appraising and applying best research evidence to an occupationalhealth and safety practice. Examples of occupational health and safety practices include:? Use of professional protective equipment (e.g. gloves)? Infection control e.g. Hand washing? Safety considerations when using equipment (e.g. sharps)? Lifting techniques / manual handling? (or a topic you select yourself in negotiation with your LIC)Instructions for writing the essay:This assessment task requires you to:1) Demonstrate an understanding of evidence based practice in health care;2) Apply this knowledge to implementing a specific occupational health and safety practices in yourdiscipline;3) Identify and justify the types of research knowledge that could be used to inform or guide evidence-basedhealth care practices in this situation/context; include barriers and facilitators to implementing evidenceassociated with your chosen topic.A few points for you to consider when writing your essay: What is evidence based practice (EBP)?? Why are the 5 steps of evidence based practice important?? What types of knowledge that could be used to inform/guide health care professionals? Why do healthprofessionals need to use higher levels of evidence?? How do health professionals connect evidence based practice to their decisions and how they willpractically use EBP (related to your chosen topic)? ie. How does the health professional connect EBP todecisions about hand washing?? What are the barriers and facilitators to implement EBP for the practice you have chosen?? Consider potential limitations and outcomes of evidence based practice

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Please select a topic related to Health Policy for your final paper. You may select a current health care policy (e.g. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), a specific program (e.g. Medicare, Medicaid, and State Child Health Insurance Plan) or you can select any other health care system (e.g. Health Management Organization, Preferred Provider Organization). In addition, government health policy is a fantastic topic; however, you must go in-depth with your assessments and provide empirical evidence from scientific literature.

The Final Paper must have a minimum of 10 pages for a Graduate level course (excluding the title, abstract, and reference pages). The paper must be typed, double-spaced with 1-inch margins in 12-point Times New Roman font with all references cited. As always, Wikipedia, Wikianswers, and Answers.com are NOT academic/scholarly sources. Papers will be graded based on the following areas: Foundation and synthesis of knowledge, application of knowledge critical thinking, writing skills, use of computer technology and application, and organization of ideas and format. Refer to Library Online Resource Center for any research assistance.Refer to the Student Handbook for policies relevant to academic honesty and other procedures and policies related to this course.

Please ensure you cite your references in APA format with a minimum of 7 references (You may use your textbook as a reference and you should have a minimum of 6 academic outside references including 3 peer-reviewed journal articles).

Want to talk about the current status of Medicare

Major event that led to today’s Medicare

Positive and negative aspects of current Medicare system

Why and how it works in our health care system

How to fix our health policy with increasing aging population (funding and etc.)

Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants

The growth, development, and learned behaviors that occur during the first year of infancy have a direct effect on the individual throughout a lifetime. For this assignment, research an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants and develop a health promotion that can be presented to caregivers.    

Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint health promotion, with speaker notes, that outlines a teaching plan. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice over or a video. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning, and an additional slide for references at the end.

Include the following in your presentation:

1.       Describe the      selected environmental factor. Explain how the environmental factor you      selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.

2.       Create a health      promotion plan that can be presented to caregivers to address the      environmental factor and improve the overall health and well-being of      infants.

3.       Offer      recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate      to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.

4.       Offer examples,      interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. At least      three scholarly resources are required. Two of the three resources must be      peer-reviewed and no more than 6 years old.

5.       Provide readers      with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based      resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each      resource.

6.       In developing      your PowerPoint, take into consideration the health care literacy level of      your target audience, as well as the demographic of the caregiver/patient      (socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant      characteristic of the caregiver) for which the presentation is tailored

Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants

The growth, development, and learned behaviors that occur during the first year of infancy have a direct effect on the individual throughout a lifetime. For this assignment, research an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants and develop a health promotion that can be presented to caregivers.    

Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint health promotion, with speaker notes, that outlines a teaching plan. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice over or a video. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning, and an additional slide for references at the end.

Include the following in your presentation:

1.       Describe the      selected environmental factor. Explain how the environmental factor you      selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.

2.       Create a health      promotion plan that can be presented to caregivers to address the      environmental factor and improve the overall health and well-being of      infants.

3.       Offer      recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate      to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.

4.       Offer examples,      interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. At least      three scholarly resources are required. Two of the three resources must be      peer-reviewed and no more than 6 years old.

5.       Provide readers      with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based      resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each      resource.

6.       In developing      your PowerPoint, take into consideration the health care literacy level of      your target audience, as well as the demographic of the caregiver/patient      (socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant      characteristic of the caregiver) for which the presentation is tailored

Review the different videos available, and select one that illustrates one of the global health challenges addressed

To prepare for this Discussion, go to www.YouTube.com . In the search bar, enter one of the following organizations plus a health topic (identified in your Learning Resources this week).

CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention) 
WHO (World Health Organization) 
IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross) 
UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) 
UNAIDS (United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS) 
VOA (Voice of America) 
MSF (Doctors Without Borders) 
TED talks (TED is a non-profit organization that brings technology, entertainment and design together to spread ideas) 
Review the different videos available, and select one that illustrates one of the global health challenges addressed in your Learning Resources this week.

By Day 4

Post a comprehensive response to the following:

Select one online video from one of the organizations identified.

Paste the url link to your selected video, in the  space provided, so your classmates can also view the YouTube video you  selected.

Prepare a short description of the health issue covered in the YouTube video. Be sure to include the location and population affected.

Identify as much as you can about the impact of the health issue.

What is the sponsoring organization profiled in the YouTube media, and what are they doing to assist with the public/global health issue?

How is it related to our class resources this week?  Share your personal reaction to the media and public health topic you  are reporting on.

While it is acceptable to use the same public health issue or topic, please make an effort to not report on the same exact media example as a classmate .  Be sure to include the link to the YouTube video clip, in the space  provided, so others in the class can view it when they reply to your  discussion post.

Apa format with In-text Citation included. 300-350 words

Social, Economic, Political, and Cultural Aspects of Contagious Crises across Time

Instructions for class assignment (Brevity is key: bullets are fine; max of two pages): If you were asked what epidemiology is, what would be your answer? 1 pt. From the IHI course: Define population health and the determinants of health. 2 pt. Watch Dr. Markel’s video, When Germs Travel: Social, Economic, Political, and Cultural Aspects of Contagious Crises across Time. Identify five challenges and one corresponding interventions for each to prepare for a pandemic in the 21st century. 10 pts. What was the greatest learning you got from this presentation that you can incorporate into your practice as a Clinical Nurse Leader and why? (max. 1/2 page) 2 pts. Read the Population Health Article: Choose a community/population, e.g. patient population in a hospital or residents in a specific community, then answer this question: As a hospital CEO or a Public Health Officer (identify the role you are assuming), identify one intervention you would implement to answer the call to improve the health of your responsible population. (Think about what would be the greatest impact on the health outcomes of the population you serve.) 2 pts. Identify the four stage process to cluster investigation proposed by the CDC. 4 pts. List three control measures would you suggest in response to the Oswego ice cream outbreak? 3 pts. Give three reasons why it was important to work up the Oswego outbreak? 3 pts.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), PH 101: Population Health (see instructions in col 1) Lesson 1: What is Population Health? (1 hr.) Complete the online course.http://app.ihi.org/lms/coursedetailview.aspx?CourseGUID=96226f4e-408b-4b0c-a223-7c0de3a18130&CatalogGUID=6cb1c614-884b-43ef-9abd-d90849f183d4

Howard Markel, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases; Director, Center for the History of Medicine, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI When Germs Travel (1 hr.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBbJiZ8IViU

Identify the health theme and risk factors that contribute to the health issues- examples could be environmental, culture, socio economic- there are more

You can complete this Assessment individually or you can complete in pairs or a group of no more than 4 students. 
For this Assessment the following applies: 
• Assessments can be word processed. You must use: 
? Arial font 
? Size 12 
? 1.5 spacing 
• Handwritten assessments can be submitted in either blue or black pen. Do not submit an assessment that has white out or any other form of correction fluid/tape 
• Where applicable, reference any work that is not your own using the style described in the student handbook 
• Where applicable create a bibliography at the back of your work to show where you have accessed information used in your assessment 
• Make sure your name and student ID is on every sheet of paper of your assessment 
• If working in a group, ensure that you clearly identify the contribution made by each member of the group. If this is not completed, then the assessment will be sent back for resubmission. 
• Each member of the group must submit their own copy of the assessment w= 
• Submit your Assessment by the due date either to your Nurse Educator or to a member of the Administration team 
• Complete an Assessment Cover Sheet and attach it to your assessment 
Reasonable Adjustment 
CTA will make reasonable adjustments at your request to this assessment before the assessment commences. Reasonable adjustment will be made as per the information provided to you in the Student Handbook. Reasonable adjustment will not apply under the following circumstances: 
• Evidence of alcohol or drug misuse 
• Late arrival 
• Cheating 

Section 1 – Health Report 
In order to be competent in this assessment you must use your research skills to research the current health issues faced by a group in Australia. The group must be chosen from the following: 
• People with disabilities 
• Men 
• Women 
• Asylum Seekers 
• Homeless Men 
• Homeless Women 
• Children in Crisis housing 
There is not word count for this report, however ensure that for the chosen group you thoroughly answer each of the following points: 
• List the health issues faced by this group 
• Explain how the identified health issues affect the emotional and social well-being of the group 
• Identify the health theme and risk factors that contribute to the health issues- examples could be environmental, culture, socio economic- there are more 
• Linkages to other groups- are there any other groups who are faced with the same health issues- justify your response 
• What are the current Government initiatives that are addressing the identified health issues 
• What factors and resource constraints impact on the development of these initiatives 
• Are any of these initiatives non-western models of health care? Justify your answer 
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the initiatives- has there been a decrease in the numbers or eradication of the health issue? 
• How do the health issues faced by this group impact on nursing practice 
• If you were nursing a member of this group and their needs exceeded your scope of practice where could, or who could you refer the member of the group to? 
• List the professional organisations that provide professional development to address these health issues 
• Each person in the group to select 1 professional development (PD) activity and describe how they would participate in the PD 
Section 2 – New Immigrants 
You have been asked to write a short report for your employer about the health and illness issues faced by new migrants to Australia including those with disabilities. You know that most health and illness issues of new migrants are pre- existing, however some are new issues related to their recent arrival in Australia. In your short report- no more than 2 pages describe the following: 
• Health and illness issues facing people from other countries 
• How you would explain the term “principle of wellness” 
• How you would apply the wellness model of care appropriately to people with disabilities 
• Victoria standard of care for new migrants 
Section 3- Health Care environments 
Within Australia there are a range of health care environments, your task is to list all the different health care environments and provide a brief description of their purpose and what services they deliver. You are also required to list 4 strengths and 4 weaknesses of the Australian Health care system and in particular concentrate on the state of Victoria. The final part of this task is to choose 1 (one) environment and describe the audit and accreditation processes they have to go through and explain as a newly qualified nurse what you need to do to assist with the processes