Provides longitudinal health data on individuals

Question Question 1 1 / 1 point Which level of management is concerned with updating inventory, scheduling production, and coordinating shipping? A) Strategic managers B) Middle managers C) Operational managers D) None of the above View Feedback Question 2 1 / 1 point According to the Institute of Medicine, which of the following are core EHR functions? (select all that apply) a) Provides longitudinal health data on individuals b) Provides immediate, yet secure, electronic access c) Provides knowledge to enhance quality, safety, and efficiency of care d) Supports efficient processes of care Question 3 1 / 1 point True or false: A relational database is one in which every data item is related to every other data item. True False View Feedback Question 4 1 / 1 point True or False: The use of free text data entry increases the quality of the data in health information systems. True False View Feedback Question 5 1 / 1 point True or false: For simple uses, a spreadsheet can substitute for a database quite well. True False View Feedback Question 6 1 / 1 point Which of the following characteristics of data quality means that the data is within the accepted range or of the appropriate type? a) validity b) accuracy c) completeness d) uniqueness View Feedback Question 7 1 / 1 point True or False: According to the HL7 functional model of direct care, examples of the clinical decision support function are “Support for standard care plans, guidelines, protocols; Support for medication and immunization administration; and, Orders, referrals, results and care management.” True False View Feedback Question 8 0 / 1 point The data quality characteristic that has to do with whether the data is correct is ________ (accuracy) View Feedback Question 9 0 / 1 point Which of the following is the process of formalizing the capture, indexing, and storing of the company- knowledge in order to benefit from the experiences and insights that the company has captured during its existence? Knowledge warehousing. Corporate knowledge history. Knowledge management. None of the above. View Feedback Question 10 0 / 1 point Which of the following is a record system designed for use in an acute care setting such as a hospital? a) Electronic Medical Record (EMR) b) Patient Health Record (PHR) c) Computerized Patient Record (CPR) d) Electronic Health Record (EHR) View Feedback Question 11 1 / 1 point Which of the following characteristics of data quality means that the information is up to date? a) validity b) accuracy c) completeness d) currency View Feedback Question 12 1 / 1 point Which of the following is the process of analyzing data to find previously unknown trends, patterns, and associations in order to make decisions? Data processing. Data mining. Data warehousing. Data marketing. View Feedback Question 13 0 / 1 point Which of the following is used to integrate health care data from a participating collection of systems from one health care organization a) Electronic health record b) Personal health record c) Electronic medical record d) Public health record View Feedback Question 14 0.75 / 1 point Which of the following are true of a data warehouse? (select all that apply) A) The data is time-stamped for comparison over time. B) The data is standardized. C) The data is operational and is used for day-to-day transactions. D) It is a database. View Feedback Question 15 0 / 1 point Which of the following is defined as the electronic movement of health-related information among organizations according to nationally recognized standards? a) Health Level Seven International (HL7) b) Health Information Exchange (HIE) c) Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) d) Electronic Medical Records Interoperable Network (EMRIN) View Feedback Question 16 0 / 1 point Which level of management is concerned with profitability and market share? A) Middle managers. B) Strategic managers. C) Operational managers. D) All of the above. View Feedback Question 17 0 / 1 point Which of the following is used to transform data into information in order to generate knowledge that can be used for decision making? Knowledge system Decision-making system Database File View Feedback Question 18 1 / 1 point Which of the following characteristics of data quality means that all the information is there? a) validity b) accuracy c) completeness d) uniqueness View Feedback Question 19 1 / 1 point Which of the following is consulted by authorized clinicians and staff across more than one health care organization? a) Electronic health record b) Personal health record c) Electronic medical record d) Public health record View Feedback Question 20 1 / 1 point Which of the following are core Electronic Health Record System functions, according to the US federal government? (select all that apply) a) Orders for therapies b) Orders for tests c) Health insurance authorization d) Physician notes View Feedback

identify gaps in local mental health care provision

Sample Paper
Using at least 10 sources of academic and professional references, write a paper describing the need for Community-level Mental Health interventions in your home county of your current state. Make sure to discuss what is lacking in the community (what they need) regarding community-level mental health interventions, and clearly discuss the types of interventions you would implement and how you would implement them for the benefit of the community health. If you have trouble finding information on your home area, then research somewhere you would like to work in the future. When discussing interventions, make sure the discussion includes primarysecondary, AND tertiarymethods of mental illness prevention.
The following are some characteristics that you may want to include as you describe the population the community is comprised of:

  1. Geography
  2. Population size
  3. Age distribution
  4. Gender distribution
  5. Ethnicity distribution
  6. Religion
  7. Languages predominantly spoken
  8. Population trends
  9. Literacy levels
  10. Mental health status of the population
    • Measures of health
  11. Local factors affecting mental health (positive and negative)

When providing a picture of the current state of the community, here are some of the local factors that may affect mental health, that you may want to include in your assessment:

  1. Work and employment
    • Occupational diseases
    • Income levels
    • Self-worth
  2. Poverty and income
  3. Environment
    • Pollution
    • Sanitation
    • Housing
    • Transportation
  4. Social cohesion
    • Networks
    • Migration
    • Marginal groups
    • Pleasure and leisure
  5. Destabilizing factors
  6. Resources: formal and informal
    • Informal
    • Formal

When discussing what is lacking in the community, regarding mental health care and promotion, here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Who are the most disadvantaged in the community?
  2. Why are they disadvantaged?
  3. Who has unmet mental health care needs in the community?
  4. Who does not have access to mental health care in the community?
  5. What can be done about it?

Goals of the paper:

  1. To identify local mental health issues and needs – especially those not given enough importance or attention
  2. To find out about mental health services you may not currently be aware of
  3. To properly identify and address the mental health needs of hidden or marginalized groups in the community
  4. To identify gaps in local mental health care provision
  5. To discuss how to use scarce resources most effectively and equitably

The paper must be 7 to 10 pages long (not including title and reference pages, which would bring the total to 9 to 12 pages), double-spaced, and in APA-style format. Make sure to use APA-style headings and sub-headings to organize and differentiate the separate sections of the paper (points will be deducted from your final grade if you do not use headings, because this is part of proper APA format). Lastly, proofread the paper and make sure writing is clear and concise – using proper sentence and paragraph format. TIP: While proofreading, read the paper out loud, using short pauses for commas and longer pauses for periods. This will help with easier detection of any awkward or run-on sentences.
Attached here, you will find the grading criteria I will use to grade this assignment. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this assignment or the grading criteria.
Use the following criteria as a guide when writing your paper. You can use them as a checklist and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Grading Criteria­
Choose your home county of your current state or your home stateDescribe the need for community-level mental health interventions in your countyDiscuss what is lacking in the community regarding mental health knowledge, mental health promotion, and access to mental health care
Discuss the types of interventions you would implementDiscuss how you would implement them for the benefit of the community health
Use at least 10 sources of professional references to write the paper
Write in a very clear manner that can be understood by a laypersonWrite in a concise manner that is not overly verbose or rambling – get to the point & support your statements/arguments with evidence (sources)Make sure to use proper grammar & don’t forget to proofread
The body of paper must be 10-12 pages long (when Title & Reference pages are added then paper will be 7 pages long)The paper should be written in APA format (no Abstract needed)Use headings to separate the main sections of the paper, in order to provide clarity and direction as to where the discussion is heading

International Development Research Center

3. In October, 2003, the International Development Research Center (IDRC) posted an article on its website that provides an application of the concept of allocative efficiency. “Making Plans for Success — The Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project”,, accessed 12/27/2006) The article described how child mortality had been reduced by more than 40 percent over five years in Tanzania, not by increasing total health expenditures, but by reallocating the existing meager health budget more 
strategically. “By ensuring that meager resources were spent on the diseases that caused the greatest ravages, that the right medicines were available at the right time, and that health personnel were trained to treat patients effectively, the project has proven that an integrated approach to managing a health system is key to improving community health.” The rule you learned in Chapter 5, “produce at the point where the marginal benefit equals the marginal cost,” is applicable in this situation with some modification. One could define marginal cost as “the opportunity cost of medical services devoted to battling a particular disease” and marginal benefit as “years of life saved from an additional unit of medical service spent on fighting the disease”. 
An article in The Economist provided an application of the concept of allocative efficiency. The article focused on the allocation of resources available for the annual health budget of Tanzania – about $10 per person per year. Researchers in Morogoro, Tanzania found that the pre-1998 health budget reflected serious resource misallocation. “Malaria, for example, accounted for 30 percent of the years of life lost in Morogoro, but only 5 percent of the 1996 health budget. A cluster of childhood problems, including pneumonia, diarrhea, malnutrition, measles and malaria, constituted 28 percent of the disease burden, but received only 13 percent of the budget. On the other hand, “Tuberculosis, which accounted for less than 4 percent of years of life lost, received 22 percent of the budget.” (“For 80 Cents More.” The Economist August 15, 2002) 
a. Use the diagrams below to indicate the current situation in Tanzania for medical care devoted to malaria and tuberculosis by drawing a line of quantity of units for each type of medical care.

b. Could Tanzania be made better off with no increase in its health care budget? Refer to your answer to part (a).

t operates eight different facilities that employ large numbers of workers undertaking clerical tasks

11. Real World Enterprises (RWE) provides a variety of “backroom” business services to other companies. It operates eight different facilities that employ large numbers of workers undertaking clerical tasks. The firm has become aware that a significant number of its workers suffer from hand and wrist injuries associated with repetitive motion on the job. These injuries result in productivity losses, increased health care costs (RWE provides generous health benefits to its employees), and reduced employee morale.

RWE has undertaken a study of the extent of the problem. The study finds that the firm would incur a cost of about $150,000 per facility to create a health and safety program directed at this problem. The study also notes that the problem is much greater at some facilities (because of differing clerical tasks) than at others. The following table estimates the relation between total benefits to RWE and the number of facilities participating in the safety program:

 Number of Facilitiesin Program TotalBenefit to RWE

a.    At how many facilities (if any) should RWE offer the health and safety program? What is the net gain for the company given this investment in the program?

b.    A study by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) finds that health and safety programs like that contemplated by RWE also benefit society beyondRWE and its workers (e.g., the programs also benefit the families of injured workers). In the case of RWE, these additionalbenefits to society would add about $75,000 in benefit for eachfacility in the program. What does the OSHA study imply about the optimal number of RW facilities that should receive the health and safety program relative to your answer in part (a)? Explain.

c.    One group in OSHA wants to require that a universal health and safety program requirement be implemented for all workplaces (in RWE’s case, all eight facilities would be required to adopt the health and safety program). What would be the social welfare impact of this requirement in RWE’s case?

d.    How might OSHA provide an effective and direct incentive system to induce RWE to implement programs in the optimal number of facilities as in part (b)? Explain.

Specify whether any human rights are being violated or any that are not being addressed, and refer to relevant literature, including human rights documents, to support your claim

Researching Health, Equity & Human Rights: Case Study Analysis- Report Writing Assignment


Task rationale: This task allows you to apply the knowledge and skills you have gained in the course to access, critique and analyse available data and other relevant information. You can then use that information to evaluate a health issue within a population using an equity and human rights lens.

Task description: For this task you need to write a report. In your report you must provide a description of a major health issue in a population and an analysis of how the issue relates to human rights, equity and peace.

How to Guide:
1. Choose a population (geographic population or cultural or national group).
2. Use the following headings to write your report:

Introduce the topic and the population you have chosen, provide an outline or signpost the sections of the report and note the main conclusion/s.

Set the context (historical, cultural, economic) for this population and describe the population with a focus on issues of power, social structure, equity and peace or conflict.

Health issues
1. Outline the major health issues.
2. Identify one of the most significant health issues to address and justify your choice.
3. Outline the relevant determinants related to this health issue. Analyse how they are related to the context. Identify any current policies that address this issue or its determinants.

Human rights issues
1. Analyse how the identified health issue is related to equity and human rights.
2. Specify whether any human rights are being violated or any that are not being addressed, and refer to relevant literature, including human rights documents, to support your claim.
3. Analyse the human rights context. Has the country signed or ratified any relevant human rights documents? Is the country in a position to address these issues?

Briefly analyse how the relevant policies fit in terms of preventing or addressing the health issue and how they sit in terms of human rights. Do they support the relevant human rights or do they contravene the rights of this or another population in any way? Do they limit or enhance equity?

1. Summarise the findings of the report, noting the most important evidence/support
2. Highlight the significance of your findings or conclusions and any broader implications.

Key Features of the Affordable Care Act

Read “Key Features of the Affordable Care Act by Year,” located on the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website, that is found in the Topic Materials. Select an issue in the timeline and research one journal or Internet article that discusses where the issue stands in the process of health care reform implementation. Include your opinion on effectiveness and quality related to the issue, using literature to support your stance.
Describe one general trend related to health care financing reorganization associated with one of the following: free market, government financing, or employer-based. What is your opinion on the outcome? There are numerous trends available.
Document Preview:

Read “Key Features of the Affordable Care Act by Year,” located on the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services website, that is found in the Topic Materials. Select an issue in the timeline and research one journal or Internet article that discusses where the issue stands in the process of health care reform implementation. Include your opinion on effectiveness and quality related to the issue, using literature to support your stance.  Describe one general trend related to health care financing reorganization associated with one of the following: free market, government financing, or employer-based. What is your opinion on the outcome? There are numerous trends available.

High blood pressure can be caused by Due to excessive weight Due to lack of exercise

Expected questions of NCERT Class 9th, Topic – Why Do We Fall ill? (Health and diseases) for any competitive and school examination

  1. For cell which substance is not essential?
    1. Proteins b. carbohydrate c. lignin d. lipids
  2. According to which body says, ‘health is the state of physical, mental and social well-being’?
    1. UNO b. WHO c. DST d. MOHFW
  3. Which things are necessary for individual health?
    1. Social equality b. harmony c. money d. all of these
  4. Acute disease is?
    1. Last for short duration and severe
    2. Last for long duration and less severe
    3. Both are correct
    4. Both are incorrect
  5. Due to chronic diseases?
    1. Long duration time period
    2. Lose weight and feel tired

Document Preview:

Expected questions of NCERT Class 9th, Topic – Why Do We Fall ill? (Health and diseases) for any competitive and school examination For cell which substance is not essential? Proteins b. carbohydrate c. lignin d. lipids According to which body says, ‘health is the state of physical, mental and social well-being’? UNO b. WHO c. DST d. MOHFW Which things are necessary for individual health? Social equality b. harmony c. money d. all of these Acute disease is? Last for short duration and severe Last for long duration and less severe Both are correct Both are incorrect Due to chronic diseases? Long duration time period Lose weight and feel tired Both are correct Both are incorrect If a baby suffering from loose motions, what wat the third-level causes of the baby’s disease? Disease caused by a virus Lack of good nourishment Poverty or lack of public services both a and b correct cancers are caused by? Due to abnormal growth of a cells Due to genetic abnormalities Both a and b are correct Only a correct High blood pressure can be caused by Due to excessive weight Due to lack of exercise Option a are more accurate Both a and b are correct Peptic ulcers is a? Chronic and bacterial disease Chronic and viral disease Acute and bacterial disease Acute and viral disease Peptic ulcers caused by? Helicobacter chylori Helicobacter pylori Lactobacillus pylori Helicobacter pepticase Peptic ulcers bacterium discovered by Robin Marshall & Barry Warren Robin Warren & Barry Marshall Robin Smith Barry Warren Peptic ulcers bacterium found in? Small intestine Large intestine Lower part of the stomach In the duodenum SARS virus stand for? Severe acute respiratory syndrome Severe acute reproductive syndrome Severe acute respiratory symptoms None of these Sleeping sickness caused by Trypanosoma, Trypanosoma is a? Bacterial species b. viral species c. helminths d. protozoan Kala-azar caused due to? Leishmania – protozoan Staphylococci –…

Described the phases involved in the policy-making process

The goal of policy analysis is to examine the economic, technical, and political implications of the alternatives proposed in the policy to determine their potential for solving public health problems.

Select a policy that was created to address a public health problem. Then:

Describe the phases involved in the policy making process.
Describe how you would apply the policy making process to a current public health policy issue.
Summarize the policy-analysis process, explaining its purpose and the benefits and disadvantages.
Differentiate the tasks in the policy-making process from the tasks in the policy-analysis process.
Evaluation Criteria:

Described the phases involved in the policy-making process.
Summarized the policy-analysis process, and explained its purpose and the benefits and disadvantages.
Differentiated the tasks in the policy-making process from the tasks in the policy-analysis process.
Described the ways to apply the policy-making process to a current public health policy issue.
Justified your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Analyze strategic quality issues and opportunities for improvement within the two organizations

Assignment: Initiatives in Strategic Health Care Organizations

The old adage, “form follows function” describes considering the importance of what you are trying to accomplish before you decide how to get there. It is important to remember that you have to have the will to improve, ideas about alternatives to the status quo, and make it real—execute (Nolan, 2007).

In this Discussion, you will describe strategic health care quality initiatives in two organizations attempting to accomplish their goals and objectives in quality improvement. You will also examine the purpose of the initiatives(s) and share the issues and opportunities for improvement, as well as address any elements crucial to improving quality in your health care organization or one you are familiar with.

To prepare:

Read and review the resources in the Learning Resources section as they relate to initiatives in strategic health care organizations.

SelectONE organization from each of the TWO groups listed:

Group I:

  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
  • Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
  • Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP)

Group II:

  • ANCC Magnet Recognition Program
  • Baldrige Performance Excellence Program
  • The Leapfrog Group

The Assignment:

In a 3- to 4-page paper (excluding title page and references):

  • Describe strategic health care quality initiatives in two of the organizations. Compareand contrast the purposes of the initiatives.
  • Analyze strategic quality issues and opportunities for improvement within the two organizations.
  • Evaluatewhich elements of the initiatives are crucial to the quality-improvement opportunities of your health care organization or an organization with which you are familiar.

burden on the U.S. economy

Prompt: The most effective means of reducing healthcare costs are improving preventive care and reducing excess costs and waste. Preventable deaths are a huge burden on the U.S. economy. For example, tobacco is the “largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the US,” yet more than 45 million Americans still use tobacco (American Cancer Society, 2016). Between 2000 and 2012, $133 billion were spent on tobacco-related health care costs, compared to $16.6 billion in France, $9.5 billion in the UK, $6.2 billion in China, and $2.8 billion in Canada (American Cancer Society, 2016). This is a significant amount of money that could be diverted to other resources. Additionally, there is an enormous amount of waste in the health care system that could be reduced. In an article posted in the Harvard Business Review, the largest categories of waste are clinical waste (14% of health care spending), administrative complexity (9%), excessive prices (5%), and fraud and abuse (7%). (Sahni, Kocher, & Cutler, 2017). Reducing this excess could reduce health care costs significantly.


American Cancer Society. (2016). Tobacco: The True Cost of Smoking. Retrieved July 31, 2017, from

Sahni, N., A., Kocher, B., & Cutler, D. M. (2017, May 08). How the U.S. Can Reduce Waste in Health Care Spending by $1 Trillion. Retrieved July 30, 2017, from

Comment/Reply. Provide references/citations for any cited work.