Description of the theoretical framework to be utilized


1.  Have you used any of the treatments described in the Pain Management video series you watched this week on your patients? On yourself? Which of these have you found most effective in pain management? Please describe.

2. Read the following article discussing the connection between childhood trauma, crime, and health. Share your thoughts and opinions on the matter as evidenced in your personal and/or professional life. Have you seen or suspected these correlations? Do you think this is an isolated occurrence? What are your thoughts on the approach to resolution that the doctor and her team have taken? Can you think of other interventions that might be worth pursuing? Share any other articles on the subject that you may have encountered.

3. Change can be a difficult process. However, there are ways that can help reduce the stress caused by a major change. Provide a real-life example of a change that occurred at your work. Was the change effective or ineffective? Why? Utilize a change model to support your response.

4. Outline a plan for developing your professionalism as a nurse. Explain how your plan incorporates characteristics of an innovator? How can these characteristics be used to promote you as a leader?

What is a research proposal?

The purpose of a research proposal is to identify and formulate questions that arise from nursing practice and to design a research project to study the identified problem. The goal of a research proposal is to present and justify a research idea you have and to present the practical ways in which you think this research should be conducted. Research proposals contain extensive literature reviews and must provide persuasive evidence that there is a need for the proposed research study. In addition to providing a rationale for the proposed research, a proposal describes detailed methodology for conducting the research consistent with requirements of the professional or academic field and a statement on anticipated outcomes and/or benefits derived from the study.


Write a research proposal using your clinical question formulated earlier in the course that was approved by your instructor. This may be either a qualitative or quantitative research proposal. Your proposal must include APA formatting. The proposal should be a 6–10 in length plus appendices cover page, and reference page. The appendices should include your survey instrument created in week 6. You will be presenting your research proposal in a 6–8 minute recorded presentation in week 8.


  • Clearly stated problem and purpose of the study
  • Independent and dependent variables
  • Definition of terms
  • Assumptions, hypothesis, or questions (depending on research type)

Theoretical Framework 

  • Description of the theoretical framework to be utilized
  • Identification of the concepts to be explored
  • Rationale for choosing framework

Review of the literature 

  • At least four scholarly sources included
  • Appropriateness of the review and the proposal focus
  • Inclusion of primary or secondary sources


  • Description of study type (quantitative or qualitative)
  • Description of study design
  • Rationale for the use of the selected design
  • Inclusion of sample size, type, sampling method, inclusion/exclusion criteria, setting, data collection method (instrument), and data collection process
  • Method for Protection of Human Subjects (consent)
  • Questionnaire and consent forms must be included as appendices

Data Analysis

  • Data analysis method is appropriate for study design.
  • Method of data analysis is clearly stated.
  • Method for displaying findings is stated.

Applicability to Nursing

  • Research focuses on a problem significant to nursing.
  • Research would contribute to nursing knowledge.
  • Proposal is complete so that another researcher could replicate the study.
  • Statement about areas of nursing that would benefit from this study.

2) How can you apply reasoning strategies to the refinement of your EBP Project question(s)? (see PIICOT Question below at the end of the page)

Reasoning in a Specialty AreaBring to mind an important practice-related decision you have made recently. How did you approach this decision? What aspects of your specialty expertise informed your dec

Reasoning in a Specialty Area

Bring to mind an important practice-related decision you have made recently. How did you approach this decision? What aspects of your specialty expertise informed your decision-making?

Evaluate your decision now in light of the principles of clinical reasoning presented in the Learning Resources this week. What new insights arise about your decision making as you look at it through this lens? What questions emerge as you reflect how you use reasoning in your practice?

In this Discussion, you and your colleagues examine the application of reasoning strategies in your specialty area of practice, particularly as it is connected to your EBP Project question.

To prepare:

  • Consider the definition of clinical      reasoning and how it is distinguished from other terms in the      Simmons article(see attached file)
  • Bring to mind key characteristics of your      specialty area. Is the concept of clinical reasoning relevant and      sufficient to describe the process you utilize as you      make decisions and solve problems in your area of specialization? Why or      why not? If not, what terminology would be more useful for defining or      characterizing this process?
  • Review the literature to identify at least two specific examples of reasoning strategies used in your specialty area. These may be part of your literature review related to your EBP Project question(s). (see PIICOT Question below      at the end of the page)
  • Reflect on your EBP Project      question(s) (see PIICOT Question below at the end of the page).      Reexamine your project question(s) through this lens of clinical, or      alternately termed, reasoning.

By Day tomorrow 09/04/18 12 by 10 pm, write a minimum of 550 words in APA format with at least 3 references from the list of required resources below. Include the level one headers as numbered below:

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

1) How are reasoning strategies most often applied in your specialty area? Provide at least two specific examples supported by the literature.

2) How can you apply reasoning strategies to the refinement of your EBP Project question(s)? (see PIICOT Question below at the end of the page)

Required Readings

Terry, A. J. (2018). Clinical research for the doctor of nursing practice (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  • Chapter      1, “The Importance of Research in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree”      Read pages 12-18 beginning with “The DNP Graduate with an Aggregate Focus”      (see attached File)      In this section of Chapter 1, the author explains relationship between the      DNP clinician, the research process, and developing an effective      evidence-based practice. The author also discusses facilitating change in      practice based on critically appraised and validated evidence. In      addition, Carper’s four essential patterns of “knowing” in nursing and      Rosswurm and Larrabee’s six-phase model for reviewing research are      highlighted.

Balakas, K., Sparks, L., Steurer, L., & Bryant, T. (2013). An outcome of evidence-based practiced education: Sustained clinical decision-making among bedside nurses. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 28, 479-485.

Harkanen, M., Voutilainen, A., Turunen, E., & Verhvilainen-Julkunen, K. (2016). Systematic review and meta-analysis of educational interventions designed to improve medication administration skills and safety of registered nurses, Nurse Education Today, 41, 36-43. 

Lee, J., Lee, Y., Bae, J., & Seo, M. (2016). Registered nurses clinical skills and reasoning process: A think-aloud study. Nurse Education Today, 46, 75-80.

Simmons, B. (2010). Clinical reasoning: Concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(5), 1151-1158.

PIICOT Statement

In patients in extended intensive care within an urban acute care facility in Eastern United States, how does early mobilization as recommended by National Institute of Health and Care Excellence clinical guidelines on rehabilitation of patients after critical illness impact early transfers from intensive care as measured 6 months post-implementation when compared to the current standard of care including minimal mobilization of patients?

P: Adult patients 

I: in extended intensive care within an urban acute care facility

I: increased mobilization of the patients 

C: minimal mobilization of the patients

O: early transfers of the patients from intensive care

T: 6 months

5. Develop an assessment guide and questions with specific initial and follow-up questions. Include questions that reflect a thorough understanding of the categories (Appendix A) that you selected about the influence culture may have on the individual's health and well-being.

Course Project, Transcultural Assessment, Milestone 2: Guide and Questions (graded, 200 points) Updated 9/2018 Purpose The purpose of the Course Project is to give the student the opportunity to apply

Course Project, Transcultural Assessment, Milestone 2: Guide and Questions (graded, 200 points)

Updated 9/2018


The purpose of the Course Project is to give the student the opportunity to apply concepts in transcultural nursing by performing a transcultural nursing assessment. The purpose of Milestone 2 is to develop an assessment guide utilizing open-ended questions that will encourage participation by the individual.

Course Outcomes

The completion of the Course Project enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO1: Identify theories, concepts, and beliefs related to transcultural nursing. (PO1)

CO2: Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations. (PO3)

CO4: Perform a culturally competent nursing assessment. (PO3)


The entire project is worth 600 points. Milestone 2 is worth 200 points of this total.

Due Dates

You are to submit your completed NR394 Milestone 2 by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, at the end of Week 4.

Requirements and Guidelines

1. Review the Course Outcomes for this assignment, which are listed above.

2. Review the best practices in Introduction & Resources and Course Project Overview in Canvas.

3. Research your individual’s cultural background prior to developing questions. Think about the impact the culture of origin has on the individual’s physical health; that is, what illnesses and conditions are prevalent in this culture? What are commonly held beliefs about health in the individual’s culture of origin that could influence the individual’s perception of healthcare and health practices in the current culture/community?

4. Refer to Appendix A in your text and select five (5) categories upon which you will concentrate for your assessment guide and questions. Thoroughly review each of the categories, and think about your individual.

5. Develop an assessment guide and questions with specific initial and follow-up questions. Include questions that reflect a thorough understanding of the categories (Appendix A) that you selected about the influence culture may have on the individual’s health and well-being.

6. Review the Differences Between Closed and Open-Ended Questions document (Links to an external site.). Use the suggestions as you formulate/propose your initial and follow-up questions.

7. Download the Milestone 2 assessment template (Links to an external site.) embedded in these guidelines.

8. Fill in information using the template. This does not require APA formatting; however, you are expected to write clearly and use proper grammar and spelling. The template is expandable to accommodate your typing.

9. Submit the completed template to the Milestone 2 assignment page by Sunday of Week 4 at 11:59 p.m. MT.

10.Prior to submission of Milestone 3, revise the Assessment Guide and Questions based on instructor feedback.

Note: Do not schedule the assessment to occur until after midnight on Friday of Week 5 to allow your instructor time to grade this Milestone unless you have obtained special permission from your instructor. Do not perform the assessment until after midnight on Friday of Week 5 for the same reason. If the individual’s schedule requires that you conduct the assessment before this day and time, consult your instructor regarding early submission of Milestone 2 (Assessment Guide and Questions) to ensure that you receive comments and incorporate revisions/suggestions in your assessment. Make sure you obtain your instructor’s permission before proceeding.

**Academic Integrity Reminder**

College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.

Please see the grading criteria and rubrics (Links to an external site.) on this page.

Note: Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.

Meaning: How do 20-something males (P) with a diagnosis of below the waist paralysis (I) perceive their interactions with their romantic significant others (O) during the first year after their diagnosis (T)?

Please see below and contact

The first step of the EBP process is to develop a question from the nursing practice problem of interest.

Select a practice problem of interest to use as the focus of your research.

Start with the patient and identify the clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care.

Following the PICOT format, write a PICOT statement in your selected practice problem area of interest, which is applicable to your proposed capstone project.

The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).

Conduct a literature search to locate research articles focused on your selected practice problem of interest. This literature search should include both quantitative and qualitative peer-reviewed research articles to support your practice problem.

Select six peer-reviewed research articles which will be utilized through the next 5 weeks as reference sources. Be sure that some of the articles use qualitative research and that some use quantitative research. Create a reference list in which the six articles are listed. Beneath each reference include the article’s abstract. The completed assignment should have a title page and a reference list with abstracts.

Suggestions for locating qualitative and quantitative research articles from credible sources:

  1. Use a library database such as CINAHL Complete for your search.
  2. Using the advanced search page check the box beside “Research Article” in the “Limit Your Results” section.
  3. When setting up the search you can type your topic in the top box, then add quantitative or qualitative as a search term in one of the lower boxes. Research articles often are described as qualitative or quantitative.

To narrow/broaden your search, remove the words qualitative and quantitative and include words that narrow or broaden your main topic. For example: Diabetes and pediatric and dialysis. To determine what research design was used, review the abstract and the methods section of the article. The author will provide a description of data collection using qualitative or quantitative methods.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Instructor announcement and examples just to help how to complete this assignment please see below also.

This week’s assignment will help you learn to search for research articles. You should start looking at nursing research journals and find interesting research studies that pertain to your interests. You will be using these studies for the next few assignments. You will also use them to help form your PICO question.  You can use most of the research in this class towards your capstone project. While reading articles please focus on the following concepts: Evaluate the importance of nursing research in improving patient outcomes; recognize the unique language of nursing research and examine the steps in the research process. For your PICO question remember that it must be a nursing practice problem.  It should have a new intervention, an old intervention and a measurable outcome.

For your first assignment if you do not understand the difference between a research article and a journal article please send me the article and I can help you. Please do not send the link but send the entire article. Also your research cannot be a literature review or a mixed method study.  It must be primary research. You can learn this information by reading the article. It will say that they reviewed the literature or used mixed methods. If you are confused about the PICO let me know and I can help. I will also be posting extra material in the Add On section.

template for asking PICOT Question example.

Template for Asking PICOT Questions

Short Definitions of Different Types of Questions:

Intervention: Questions addressing the treatment of an illness or disability.

Etiology: Questions addressing the causes or origins of disease (i.e., factors that produce or predispose toward a certain disease or disorder).

Diagnosis: Questions addressing the act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation.

Prognosis/Prediction: Questions addressing the prediction of the course of a disease.

Meaning: Questions addressing how one experiences a phenomenon.

Sample Questions:

Intervention: In African-American female adolescents with hepatitis B (P), how does acetaminophen (I) compared to ibuprofen (C) affect liver function (O)?

Etiology: The question could read: Are 30- to 50-year-old women (P) who have high blood pressure (I) compared with those without high blood pressure (C) at increased risk for an acute myocardial infarction (O) during the first year after hysterectomy (T)?

Diagnosis: In middle-aged males with suspected myocardial infarction (P), are serial 12-lead ECGs (I) compared to one initial 12-lead ECG (C) more accurate in diagnosing an acute myocardial infarction (O)?

Prognosis/Prediction: 1) For patients 65 years and older (P), how does the use of an influenza vaccine (I) compared to not received the vaccine (C) influence the risk of developing pneumonia (O) during flu season (T)?

2) In patients who have experienced an acute myocardial infarction (P), how does being a smoker (I) compared to a non-smoker (C) influence death and infarction rates (O) during the first 5 years after the myocardial infarction (T)?

Meaning: How do 20-something males (P) with a diagnosis of below the waist paralysis (I) perceive their interactions with their romantic significant others (O) during the first year after their diagnosis (T)?

Respond to this post with a positive response :Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ p

Respond to this post with a positive response :Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ p

Respond to this post with a positive response :

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.

Use  references


If you cannot locate a doi number, this is how the reference should look: 

Quelly, S. B. (2017). Characteristics Associated with School Nurse Childhood Obesity Prevention Practices. Pediatric Nursing, 43(4). Retrieved from

                                              Main Post

In order to reform the healthcare system, strong leadership is needed to make that transformation and that leadership needed comes from all levels within an organization. Nurses need leadership skills and to be full partners with other health professionals in the efforts to redesign the health care system. It is crucial for nursing research and practice to develop improvements in care based on best evidence-based practices. Nurse leaders must be able to interpret new research findings and incorporate those into practice and education in order to advocate for policy change. Nurses are vital in identifying problems in the work environment, executing a plan for improvement, tracking it over time, and adjusting as needed to establish the best possible outcomes.  

From the information in box 7.3, “Research Priorities for Transforming Nursing Leadership,” one of the topics is the identification of skills and knowledge most critical to leaders of healthcare organizations.  This is important to me as I further my education to pursue a career in advanced nurse practitioner. The unique position that advanced nurse practitioners are in is they still posses the qualities of a nurse such as communication skills, attention to detail, empathy, emotional stability, problem-solving skills, and respect but are specialized to diagnose illnesses and conditions, interpret diagnostic tests, provide counseling, and prescribe medication as needed. According to the article in the Journal of Professional Nursing, Reforming health care means fixing escalating costs, providing accessibility and quality care to patients, and addressing personnel shortages in various health disciplines. Nurse practitioners are in a position to utilize their skills and knowledge to increase those shortcomings in various health disciplines and to provide high-quality more cost-effective care. 

It is essential for nurses to possess leadership skills to be able to contribute to patient safety and quality of care effectively. These skill sets include being able to work in a team, knowledge of the healthcare delivery system, and holding themselves and others accountable. Collaboration amongst all levels within an organization has been proven to demonstrate more significant results with patient outcomes, cost, and job satisfaction. Education and self-confidence are essential attributions in a leader to advocate for needed changes in health care. 


Archibald, M. M., & Fraser, K. (2013). The Potential for Nurse Practitioners in Health Care Reform. ScienceDirect, 29(5), 270-275. Retrieved from

Barnes, H., Maier, C. B., Sarik, D. A., Germack, H. D., Aiken, L. H., & McHugh, M. D. (2016, May 13). Effects of Regulation and Payment Policies on Nurse Practitioners’ Clinical Practices. Medical Care Research and Review, 74(4). Retrieved from

Shaughnessy, M., Griffin, M. Q., Bhattacharya, A., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2018, November). Transformational leadership practices and work engagement among nurse leaders. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(11), 574-579.

Expand on the ethical considerations when developing the plan.


  • Topic is Fall PreventionLength of paper 8‐10 pages excluding the title page and the reference page.
  • The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formattedaccording APA 6th edition guidelines.
  • A minimum of six (6) peer‐reviewed scholarly sources no more than 5 years old are required in support of the Evidence‐basedCapstone Evidence‐based Paper.
  • This assignment will be graded using the Capstone Evidence‐ based Paper Rubric available in Unit 6of the course.PREPARING THE ASSIGNMENTThe student will be required to:
    •   Produce an 8‐10 page evidence‐based paper addressing a significant clinical issue
    •   Identify and explore a solution to a clinical issue
    •   Gather additional background information on:

o the clinical issue

o the patient population

Develop a plan that could be carried out by a nurse to resolve the clinical issue.

Reflect on the knowledge and experience gained in the nursing program

Draw from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint

 o assurance of a safe and effective care environment, 

 o health promotion and maintenance of health, o preservation of the patient’s psychosocial o preservation of the patient’s physiological integrity

With the exception of the Introduction, each criterion listed below will serve as the major headings of this assignment due in Unit Six and will include the following:

 Title Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)  Introduction:

 

 

Offers a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper. Identifies a clinical issue or problem drawn from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint:

o Assurance of a safe and effective care environmento Health promotion and maintenance of healtho Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity

o Preservation of the patient population ’s physiological integrity

In this paper the student will provide a detailed description of the relationship between the category from the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint and the clinical issue. The reference to the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint found at the National Council of State Boards of Nursing website constitutes one scholarly reference.

Importance: The student will describe the importance of the clinical issue to the health of a patient population. This discussion will include the potential negative effect of leaving the clinical issue unresolved. 

Patient Population: The student will describe the patient population that is impacted by the clinical issue. With a focus on the diversity of the human condition found within this patient population, the student will describe the influence that cultural values may have on the proposed solution.

Proposed Solution: The student will set the stage for proposing the best solution to the clinical problem by using appropriate evidence‐based data and integrating data from peer‐reviewed journal articles. In this paper, the student will:

  1. Propose a clear solution to the clinical problem that is supported by a minimum of three scholarly, peer‐reviewed journal articles.
  2. Expand on the ethical considerations when developing the plan.

Goals: While the intervention will not actually be carried out, the student will discuss the plan that could be implemented by a nurse to address the clinical issue. One short‐term and one long‐term goal of the intervention will be identified. The student will include a description of how attainment of each of the goals would be measured.

Barriers: The student will identify a minimum of two potential barriers to the success of the plan as well as a strategy for addressing each one.

Benefits: The student will describe a minimum of one benefit to the patient population and one benefit to the nursing profession that will result from carrying out the plan. Provides a minimum of one scholarly, peer‐reviewed source in support of the benefit of the plan to the patient population. Participants and Interdisciplinary Approach: The student will identify all of the parties whose participation is important for the success of implementing the plan.

  i. This list will include a minimum of two members of disciplines outside of nursing.  ii. A description of the benefit of including each member from another discipline to the success

  of the plan.  iii. A minimum of one scholarly, peer‐reviewed source providing support for the success of the

  plan by including the healthcare team member outside of nursing.

Conclusion:  i. Provides a thorough recap of the purpose of the plan to prevent or help to resolve the clinical

  issue.  ii. Includes a complete statement describing why addressing this clinical problem matters and to

  whom. Reference Page: (APA 6th edition formatting) 

Determine an appropriate sample size for the scenario.

Planning for Data Collection

Planning for Data Collection

Data collection is an important part of both quantitative and qualitative research. Although the actual approach to gathering information may vary, for either research design, researchers need to plan in advance how the data will be gathered, reported, and stored, and they need to ensure that their methods are both reliable and valid. As nurses review research when considering a new evidence-based practice, it is important to be familiar with sound collection practices in order to ascertain the credibility of the data presented.

Consider the following scenario:

Nurses and other health care professionals are often interested in assessing patient satisfaction with health care services. Imagine that you are a nurse working in a suburban primary care setting that serves 10,000 patients annually. Your organization is very interested in understanding the patient’s point of view to help determine areas of care that can be improved. With this focus in mind, consider how you would create a survey to assess patient satisfaction with the services your organization provides. You may wish to consider variables such as the ease of accessing care, patient wait time, friendliness of the staff, or the likelihood that a patient would recommend your organization to others.

For this Discussion, you generate questions and an overall plan for data collection that would be appropriate for a patient satisfaction survey in relation to the above scenario.

To prepare:

  • Consider the guidelines for generating questions presented in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Review the scenario and formulate at least five questions that you could use to evaluate patient satisfaction.
  • Reflect on the different methods or instruments that can be used for gathering data described in Chapter 13 and Chapter 22 of the course text. Which methods or instruments would work well for the scenario?
  • Determine an appropriate sample size for the scenario.

Post the questions that you created for gathering information about patient satisfaction based on the above scenario. Explain which method or instrument you would use to gather data. Describe the sample size appropriate for the population and how you would select participants. Provide a rationale for your choices, and explain how you can ensure high standard of reliability and validity.

Required Readings

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

  • Chapter 12, “Sampling in Quantitative Research”This chapter introduces key concepts concerning sampling in quantitative research. This includes such concepts as a description of populations, different types of sampling and their uses, and how to determine a manageable, yet sufficient number to be included in a sample. The chapter also includes suggestions for implementing a sampling plan.
  • Chapter 13, “Data Collection in Quantitative Research”Once a sampling design is complete, the next step is to collect the data, and this is the focus of Chapter 13. The chapter describes how to develop a data collection plan, and provides information about the different types of instruments that can be used, such as structured observation and biophysiologic measures.
  • Chapter 22, “Sampling in Qualitative Research”The focus of this chapter is on the sampling process in qualitative research. The chapter describes the different types of sampling and when they are commonly used. Sampling techniques in the three main qualitative traditions (ethnography, phenomenological studies and grounded theory studies) are highlighted.
  • Chapter 23, “Data Collection in Qualitative Research”This chapter examines the process of data collection in qualitative research as well as key issues surrounding data collection. This includes such methods as self-reporting, surveys, interviews, and personal journal keeping. The chapter also highlights important considerations when utilizing unstructured observations to gather data and how to record field notes.

Keough, V. A., & Tanabe, P. (2011). Survey research: An effective design for conducting nursing research. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 1(4), 37–44. Copyright 2011 by Elsevier Science & Technology Journals. Used with permission of Elsevier Science & Technology Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.

This text emphasizes the advantages of survey research. The authors describe the nuances of survey research projects, including their design, methods, analysis, and limitations.

Walden University. (n.d.a.). Paper templates. Retrieved July 23, 2012, from

This resource provides you access to the School of Nursing Sample Paper, which will serve as a template for formatting your papers.

generate questions and an overall plan for data collection that would be appropriate for a patient satisfaction survey in relation to the above scenario

APA formatt2 review


Please review the comments on the attached document. I submitted my paper to my school’s writing center and those are the suggestions.

Below is the instructuons for the paper. The paper is already wriitten, just needs editing.


Planning for Data Collection

Data collection is an important part of both quantitative and qualitative research. Although the actual approach to gathering information may vary, for either research design, researchers need to plan in advance how the data will be gathered, reported, and stored, and they need to ensure that their methods are both reliable and valid. As nurses review research when considering a new evidence-based practice, it is important to be familiar with sound collection practices in order to ascertain the credibility of the data presented.

Consider the following scenario:

Nurses and other health care professionals are often interested in assessing patient satisfaction with health care services. Imagine that you are a nurse working in a suburban primary care setting that serves 10,000 patients annually. Your organization is very interested in understanding the patient’s point of view to help determine areas of care that can be improved. With this focus in mind, consider how you would create a survey to assess patient satisfaction with the services your organization provides. You may wish to consider variables such as the ease of accessing care, patient wait time, friendliness of the staff, or the likelihood that a patient would recommend your organization to others.

For this Discussion, you generate questions and an overall plan for data collection that would be appropriate for a patient satisfaction survey in relation to the above scenario.

To prepare:

  • Consider the guidelines for generating questions presented in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Review the scenario and formulate at least five questions that you could use to evaluate patient satisfaction.
  • Reflect on the different methods or instruments that can be used for gathering data described in Chapter 13 and Chapter 22 of the course text. Which methods or instruments would work well for the scenario?
  • Determine an appropriate sample size for the scenario.

Post the questions that you created for gathering information about patient satisfaction based on the above scenario. Explain which method or instrument you would use to gather data. Describe the sample size appropriate for the population and how you would select participants. Provide a rationale for your choices, and explain how you can ensure high standard of reliability and validity.

Required Readings

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

  • Chapter 12, “Sampling in Quantitative Research”This chapter introduces key concepts concerning sampling in quantitative research. This includes such concepts as a description of populations, different types of sampling and their uses, and how to determine a manageable, yet sufficient number to be included in a sample. The chapter also includes suggestions for implementing a sampling plan.
  • Chapter 13, “Data Collection in Quantitative Research”Once a sampling design is complete, the next step is to collect the data, and this is the focus of Chapter 13. The chapter describes how to develop a data collection plan, and provides information about the different types of instruments that can be used, such as structured observation and biophysiologic measures.
  • Chapter 22, “Sampling in Qualitative Research”The focus of this chapter is on the sampling process in qualitative research. The chapter describes the different types of sampling and when they are commonly used. Sampling techniques in the three main qualitative traditions (ethnography, phenomenological studies and grounded theory studies) are highlighted.
  • Chapter 23, “Data Collection in Qualitative Research”This chapter examines the process of data collection in qualitative research as well as key issues surrounding data collection. This includes such methods as self-reporting, surveys, interviews, and personal journal keeping. The chapter also highlights important considerations when utilizing unstructured observations to gather data and how to record field notes.

Keough, V. A., & Tanabe, P. (2011). Survey research: An effective design for conducting nursing research. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 1(4), 37–44. Copyright 2011 by Elsevier Science & Technology Journals. Used with permission of Elsevier Science & Technology Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.

This text emphasizes the advantages of survey research. The authors describe the nuances of survey research projects, including their design, methods, analysis, and limitations.

Walden University. (n.d.a.). Paper templates. Retrieved July 23, 2012, from

This resource provides you access to the School of Nursing Sample Paper, which will serve as a template for formatting your papers.

Design for Change Proposal Guidelines

Milestone 2: Design for Change Proposal Guidelines


You are to create a Design for Change proposal inclusive of your Practice Issue and Evidence Summary worksheet from your Capstone Project Milestone 1. Your plan is to convince your management team of a nursing problem you have uncovered and you feel is significant enough to change the way something is currently practiced. In the event you are not currently working as a nurse, please use a hypothetical clinical situation you experienced in nursing school, or nursing education issue you identified in your nursing program.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

  • CO1: Applies the theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to individuals, families, aggregates, and communities from entry to the healthcare system through long-term planning. (PO1)
  • CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies for use with consumers and other healthcare providers in managing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities. (PO2)
  • RubricClick to view and download the NR451 Milestone 2: Design for Change Proposal Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Directions
    1. A tutorial with tips for completing this assignment may be viewed at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
    2. Review the feedback you received from your instructor for Milestone 1, and use it to develop this milestone.
    3. Create a proposal for your Design for Change Capstone Project. Open the Milestone 2 Design Proposal Template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Use this to write your paper. You will include the information from Milestone 1, your practice issue and evidence summary worksheets, as you compose this proposal. Your plan is to convince your management team of a practice problem you have uncovered that is significant enough to change current practice.
    4. The format for this proposal will be a paper following the Publication manual of APA 6thedition.
    5. The paper is to be four- to six-pages excluding the Title page and Reference page.
    6. As you organize your information and evidence, include the following topics.
      1. Introduction: Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63). Introduce the reader to the plan with evidence-based problem identification and solution.
      2. Change Model Overview: Overview of the ACE Star model (the model we have been discussing this session); define the scope of the EBP; identify the stakeholders, and determine the responsibility of the team members.
      3. Evidence: Conduct internal and external searches of evidence; integrate and summarize the evidence summary worksheet from Milestone 1; develop a recommendation for change.
      4. Translation: develop a hypothetical action plan; include measurable outcomes, reporting to stakeholders; identify next steps and disseminate the findings.
      5. Conclusion: Provide a clear and concise summary, inclusive of the problem issue, the five points of the ACE Star change model; and ways to maintain the change plan.
    7. Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. In-text citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source. Scholarly sources are expected, which means using peer-reviewed journals and credible websites.
    8. Tables and Figures may be added as appropriate to the project. They should be embedded within the body of the paper (see your APA manual for how to format and cite). Creating tables and figures offers visual aids to the reader and enhances understanding of your literature review and design for change.

Respond using one or more of the following approaches:Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, and evidence.Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ po

Respond using one or more of the following approaches:Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, and evidence.Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ po

Respond using one or more of the following approaches:

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, and evidence.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional sources.

Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional strategies for addressing barriers to EBP based on readings and evidence.

                                                        Main Post

                                         Introduction/PICOT Question

Pain is the most common complaint of people who present to the emergency department (ED).  It is estimated that 75% of all patients use the ED for pain related complaints (Bergman, 2012).  Patient satisfaction survey results emphasize the importance of adequate pain management (Bergman, 2012). With this in mind, nurses have a responsibility to evaluate, assess, and be advocates for a patient’s pain control.  Studies have shown when an ED department has pain management protocols and delegates these to the nurses there is a reduction in patient’s pain (Hadorn, Comte, Foucault, Morin, & Hugli, 2016).  Discovering patient expectations for pain management allows healthcare workers and patients to understand each other.  Once understanding has taken place, we can evaluate essential questions related to the patient’s pain management.  As healthcare workers are we expected to base pain management protocols solely on self-reported pain by the patient?  If so then an important question to answer is: When patients present with pain in the ED, how does a nurses’ perception of the pain influence the level of pain management the patient receives? 

Evidence-Based Practice

              Currently, in the ED I work in pain guidelines and protocols are in place for the nurse to initiate as needed.  Hadorn et al. (2016) state, “guidelines or protocols are generally used to facilitate the transfer of compelling evidence into clinical practice” (p. 81).  This evidence-based pain management protocol is available for the nurse to initiate based on the patient’s self-reported pain, nursing assessment, and observational data.  At times, nurses evaluate pain based on vital signs, facial expressions such as grimacing, restlessness, self-report, and chief complaint (Hazelett, Powell, & Androulakakis, 2002).  In our organization, the policies and procedures for pain management support the adoption of evidence-based practices.  By using the set protocol for pain, nurses are better able to treat pain promptly.  Nurses have a crucial role in delivering evidence-based healthcare in order to have the best outcomes and treatments for their patients (Majid et al., 2011).


       Studies noted a barrier to effective pain management is the nurses’ perception of the individual.  Some patients frequent the ED over exaggerating or making up complaints to seek pain medications (Hazelett et al., 2002).  This repetitive drug seeking over time creates a barrier to compassionate care.  The ED is a vulnerable place for drug abuse, especially by patients attempting to get narcotics or other pain medications (Bergman, 2012). 

Emergency department nurses and staff have a culture within their units that influence everyday practices.  There is often a vast age range in the nursing staff which highlights differences in work ethic, attitudes, and professionalism.  The culture of our ED hinders the initiation of evidence-based practices due to stressed out, overworked, and underappreciated nurses.  With this in mind, it is vital that as an organization we provide opportunities for nurses to have adequate rest and find ways to show appreciation for all their hard work.

             Proper access and initiation of the pain management protocol increases the likelihood of adequate pain control for patients.  By discovering the expectations of patients and barriers to providing appropriate care we can eliminate miscommunication regarding pain control. 


Bergman, C. (2012). Emergency nurses’ perceived barriers to demonstrating caring when managing adult patients’ pain. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 38(3), 218-225. 

Hadorn, F., Comte, P., Foucault, E., Morin, D., & Hugli, O. (2016). Task-shifting using a pain management protocol in an emergency care service: Nurses’ perception through the eye of the roger’s diffusion of innovation theory. Pain Management Nursing, 17(1), 80-87.

Hazelett, S., Powell, C., & Androulakakis, V. (2002). Patients’ behavior at the time of injury: Effect on nurses’ perception of pain level and subsequent treatment. Pain Management Nursing, 3(1), 28-35.

Majid, S., Foo, S., Luyt, B., Zhang, X., Thong, Y., Chang, Y., & Mokhtar, I. (2011). Adopting evidence-based practice in clinical decision making: Nurses’ perceptions, knowledge, and barriers. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 99(3), 229-236.