Discuss other risk assessments and nursing cares needed, including safety and cultural aspects for this patient;
1809NRS: Effective Nursing Practices – Charini Tamang Case Study – Effective Nursing Practices Essay
1809NRS: Effective Nursing Practices – Charini Tamang Case Study – Effective Nursing Practices Essay Assignment Help
Mrs Charini Tamang is a 96 year old lady of the Buddhist religion whooriginally came from Nepal with her husband and two children 15 years ago.
Her husband died 5 years ago but she has the support of her two children and 5grandchildren who all live nearby, her spoken English is good. Mrs Tamang isnow a resident of Sunshine Residential Aged Care Facility, she has complainedof abdominal pain and has had 3 bouts of diarrhoea since you arrived on duty at 0630 hours. Another resident, Mrs Mona Charles, also states that she feelsunwell and had abdominal pain. A common reason for vomiting and diarrhoea in residential aged care facilities is Norovirus, and it is assumed that these residents
have this virus.
Discuss Norovirus, modes of spread and risks in relation to the older person
Discuss infection control precautions needed in a residential aged care facility and why these are necessary;
Discuss other risk assessments and nursing cares needed, including safety and cultural aspects for this patient;
Discuss other health team involvement that may be needed and provide a rationale for this;
Support all sections with current scholarly literature (at least 10, published in the last 5 years)