Explain how continuity of carer can influence womens’ experiences and outcomes across the continuum.
Maternity Nursing – Pregnancy, Birth and the Newborn – Nursing Assignment Help Task:…
HNN207: Maternity Nursing – Pregnancy, Birth and the Newborn – Nursing Assignment Help
Childbirth has the potential to impact on the ongoing physical and psychological wellbeing of women, including their adjustment to parenting. Women’s perceptions of their care and pregnancy outcomes are a significant influencing factor that health professionals must consider and optimise across the continuum.
Assignment question
Explain how continuity of carer can influence womens’ experiences and outcomes across the continuum. Your response should include pregnancy, labour and birth and postnatal transition to parenting.
Draw upon relevant concepts presented in this unit
Consider the role of continuity of carer in enhancing both a positive experience and optimising outcomes for the woman.