problems facing nurses involves the retention of nurses.

I will pay for the following essay Best Orientation Practices For Nurses. The essay is to be 6 pages 

I will pay for the following essay Best Orientation Practices For Nurses. The essay is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.In the nursing profession, one of the problems facing nurses involves the retention of nurses. A methodical investigation cited by Kiel (2012) indicates that approximately thirty percent of newly registered nurses abscond from the nursing profession before the end of the first year at the job. Additional investigations showed that a quarter of newly licensed or registered nurses leave their jobs before the end of two years at the job (Kiel, 2012). This has necessitated the need for the introduction of effective orientation programs geared towards equipping these newly licensed nurses with skills and competency to remain at the job. In other words, the main challenge faced by these nurses during orientation is transitioning from being a student to a nursing professional. An article by Brown and Pillar (2014) brings out the fact that health organizations are faced with difficulties relating to how to successfully orient nurses in a bid to help them be accustomed to the daily running of the organizations. According to Robitaille (2013), “An effective orientation process is crucial to help ensure an individual’s competency to perform his or her role and familiarize the oriented with an organization’s culture, policies, and procedures, and unit-level protocols” (p. C7). In some cases, nurse managers assume the newly employed nurses will orient themselves in the course of their duties. Additionally, some nurse managers fail to ensure orientation of new nurses due to the high costs involved in such orientations.