Assessment task Case scenario and analysis

Assessment task Case scenario and analysis

Weighting 40%

Word Count 2,000 words

Task Instructions

Read the following case scenario and examine the leadership style exercised by the Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) and the Student Nurse. The focus should be on identifying ineffective leadership styles within the case and proposing alternative leadership styles (with support and critique of evidence-based theory). You are also required to examine the use of power in leadership within the case and discuss the importance of empowering members of the healthcare team . Assessment task Case scenario and analysis

Remember that the focus of this analysis is on leadership and not on the nuances of clinical practice.

Case scenario

A third-year nursing student who was on ward placement in a large teaching hospital approached a Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) who had 5 years of managerial experience with the purpose of promoting an evidence-based intervention to enhance patient care and reduce costs. The student had been on the placement for 10 weeks and felt like an established member of the team. The proposed intervention was to change current practice, whereby peripheral cannulas were removed and replaced every 96 hours, and align practice with the findings of a Cochrane review, which stated that peripheral cannulas should be removed only when clinically indicated. Such an intervention would reduce costs and improve the patient experience. After hearing an explanation of the intervention, the NUM was dismissive, stating that care was delivered in a certain way and that this would not change. The case study takes place within the context of a busy practice environment in which patients are typically older and dependent, where the NUM is frequently absent because they bear extra managerial responsibility as a result of another ward manager being signed off on long-term leave. Staff satisfaction on the ward is low.  Assessment task Case scenario and analysis



Good leadership is essential to patient-centred care and staff satisfaction in the healthcare environment. All members of the healthcare team can be leaders and evidence-based theory should inform their leadership practice.



•Leadership styles identified in the case and proposed leadership styles

——–leadership style demonstrated by the student nurse

——–Ineffective leadership styles demonstrated by the NUM (identify 2)

——–Proposed effective leadership styles for the NUM (Propose 2)





Ariel size 12 font, double spacing, page numbers(footer), APA 7th not more than 10years peer-reviewed journal articles . Assessment task Case scenario and analysis