Foundational Pioneers in Informatics

Question Description

To prepare:

  • Read the articles listed in the Learning Resources for your assigned informatics pioneer.
  • Conduct research in the Library or on the Internet to find additional works by or information about the individual.
  • Determine his or her area of interest and affiliations in the medical world.
  • Reflect on the contributions he or she made to the field of informatics. What most interests you? What most surprises you?
  • Consider how these contributions impact the field of informatics today.
  • Assess why it is important to be familiar with the foundational documents of nursing informatics.


Post an overview of the individual to whom you were assigned, including his or her principal areas of interest and medical affiliations. Highlight the contributions this individual made to the field of informatics, and explain how these contributions impact the field of informatics today. Comment on the importance of being familiar with the foundational documents of nursing informatics.

Helpful resources:

Kaplan, B., Brennan, P., Dowling, A., Friedman, C., & Peel, V. (2001). Towards an informatics research agenda: Key people and organizational issues. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 8(3), 235–241.

or anything you find is fine