Just Culture and a Culture of Safety

Just Culture and a Culture of Safety

The purpose of this assignment is to examine factors that contribute to a just culture and a culture of safety and how they are implemented within a health care organization. Identify a health care organization that uses a just culture and culture of safety. Research how a just culture and culture of safety are implemented within that organization. Just Culture and a Culture of Safety


In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, analyze the factors that create a just culture and culture of safety within your selected organization. Include the following in your paper:


A description of the health care organization you selected.

An analysis of the factors that create a just culture and culture of safety within the selected health care organization.

An evaluation of how the mission and vision of your identified organization align with the factors that create a just culture and culture of safety, including two or three examples.

This assignment requires a minimum of two scholarly sources. If the necessary information is not readily available on the organization’s website, you may need to set up an interview with someone at the organization.


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Just Culture and a Culture of Safety


A description of the health care organization is thorough.


An analysis of the factors that create a just culture and a culture of safety within the selected health care organization is thorough

An evaluation of how the mission and vision of the identified organization aligns with the factors that create a just culture and a culture of safety is thorough. The evaluation includes three or more examples that thoroughly support the evaluation. Just Culture and a Culture of Safety