Leaders And Managers

Leaders And Managers

  • What are the differences between leaders and managers? What characteristics are similar and what are different?
  • Provide a total of three examples. First, of someone who has great managerial skills. Second, another individual with great leadership skills. Third, another person with poor managerial skills. These can be made up individuals or examples you have seen without any identifying information. Discuss how the staff of each individual would be affected by the skills of the leader/manager. Leaders And Managers
  • Complete the Emotional Intelligence Test Discuss your scores and what they mean. What did you learn about yourself as a leader? (Note that a 10 on the EI test means strong. On the score page, click on the blue “here” under “interpreting your GEIT scores, click here” for more information on each section and what it means.


1500 – 2000

A minimum of three (3) scholarly sources are required to support your claims

The Global EI Test Results 
(Version 1.0)
  Test Date        Mon Mar 21 01:01:51 2022  
  The following numerical scores are calculated from your answers to the EI test. If you have answered honestly and accurately, your scores, out of 10 for each quadrant, will reflect your capability level within each of the EI quadrants. (You might want to print out this result; if you do not, you will have to retake the test if you want these scores later since they are not saved anywhere.) To gain a picture of what each of the EI quadrants covers, read the short descriptions below.

You have answered all the questions — terrific!


Self-Awareness Self-Management Social-Awareness Relationship Management
5 8 8 6


For more information about interpreting your scores, click here. For more information about Emotional Intelligence and how to use it for your personal growth, please contact, Malcolm Lazenby Leaders And Managers

Please remember that this Sampler is NOT scientifically validated. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the results of this EI analysis.


EI Quadrant Descriptors

Description. The core of Emotional Intelligence is self-awareness. Self-awareness is comprised of three competencies; emotional self-awareness, where you are able to read and understand your emotions as well as recognise their impact on work performance and relationships; accurate self-assessment, where you are able to give a realistic evaluation of your strengths and limitations; and self-confidence, where you have a positive and strong sense of one’s self-worth. The starting point and key in these areas is the ability to be critically self-reflective.

Description. Self-management is comprised of five competencies; Self-control, which is keeping disruptive emotions and impulses under control; transparency, which is maintaining standards of honesty and integrity, managing yourself and responsibilities; and adaptability, which is the flexibility in adapting to changing situations and overcoming obstacles; achievement orientation, which is the guiding drive to meet an internal standard of excellence; and initiative, which is the readiness to seize opportunities and act. Leaders And Managers

Social Awareness
Description. Social Awareness is comprised of three competencies; empathy, which is understanding others and taking an active interest in their concerns; organisational awareness, which is the ability to read the currents of organisational life, build decision networks and navigate politics; and service orientation, which is recognising and meeting customers needs.The adaptable, success-oriented type.

Relationship Management
Description. The Social cluster of Relationship Management is comprised of seven competencies; visionary leadership, which is inspiring and guiding groups and individuals; developing others, which is the propensity to strengthen and support the abilities of others through feedback and guidance; influence, which is the ability to exercise a wide range of persuasive strategies with integrity, and also includes listening and sending clear, convincing and well-tuned messages; change catalyst, which is the proficiency in initiating new ideas and leading people in a new direction; conflict management, which is resolving disagreements and collaboratively developing resolutions; building bonds, which is building and maintaining relationships with others; and teamwork and collaboration, which is the promotion of cooperation and building of teams. Leaders And Managers