nursing technology, health & medical homework help

Question Description


Summarize, in 3-4 pages, this assignment that provides information from Weeks 1 to 4.

In addition to the work you completed in the last four weeks, your assignment should also:

  • Include an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Implement the recommendations from the instructor.
  • Describe the role of nursing informatics.
  • Explain how nursing informatics or technology in health care will help or hinder your leadership.

Support your responses with examples.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

Submission Details

Name your document SU_NSG4029_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Submit your document to the W5 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Saturday, July 29, 2017.

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points
Compiled white papers from Weeks 1 to 4.20
Included an introduction and a conclusion.40
Implemented the recommendations from the instructor.20
Described the role of nursing informatics.40
Explained how nursing informatics or technology in health care will help or hinder your leadership.40
Written components.40