PSYC 338 Psychology Of Gender – Applied Final Project

PSYC 338 Psychology Of Gender – Applied Final Project


Please see the attachments for examples, expectations, and grading Rubric details.

Final Project: Training Program Design Project

Guidelines: You have been hired to consult at a large corporation on these two projects:

1. Design a training course to help employees deal with gender issues at work.

2. Write a report reflecting on how your course will improve understanding and ways of relating among employees. PSYC 338 Psychology Of Gender – Applied Final Project


culture and history: describe cultural and historical influences on conceptions of gender and other forms of diversity

gender differences: discuss research findings on gender differences and similarities in aggression, achievement, and communication.

relationships: identify gender issues in friendships and romantic relationships

gender expectations: explain the impact of gender, gender role expectations, and gender stereotypes on work roles and physical and mental health

Final Project: Training Program Design Project
Purpose: This activity assesses your comprehension of course materials.
Guidelines: You have been hired to consult at a large corporation on these two projects:
1. Design a training course to help employees deal with gender issues at work.
2. Write a report reflecting how your course will improve understanding and ways of relating among employees.
 culture and history: describe cultural and historical influences on conceptions of gender and other forms of diversity
 gender differences: discuss research findings on gender differences and similarities in aggression, achievement, and communication.
 relationships: identify gender issues in friendships and romantic relationships
 gender expectations: explain the impact of gender, gender role expectations, and gender stereotypes on work roles and physical and mental health. PSYC 338 Psychology Of Gender – Applied Final Project
Your tasks will proceed as follows:
Problem areas: Men and women at the corporation have gathered to discuss their observations, experiences, and concerns regarding gender relations at work. The participants in your training course represent management at all levels as well as diverse administrative, technical, and intern personnel.
During your opening session, you ask participants to introduce themselves and to state the problems they have noticed at work. Your participants may cite a general problem such as pay and power differences, and may also state their experiences of gender identification.
Twelve participants: Imagine 12 diverse individuals who have elected to attend your training. Give each individual a name and identify him or her in your report with details including age, gender, ethnicity, and position (power level) at the corporation. Each participant’s identity descriptor should include a statement of the problems he or she has perceived at work. State the problems as if you are quoting the participant. Because this is an imaginary training group, you must place yourself in the shoes of each of your 12 participants and explain the problem from each unique perspective.
Training program: In response to the problems the participants have presented, create an eight-part course. Your course sessions are designed to help participants better understand gender issues.
For each of the eight sessions, state one course learning objective, one Web site, and one article that you will use for that session. Refer to at least one of the participants’ problems that will be addressed in the session. For each session, do the following:
o Give the session title (focus of the session). PSYC 338 Psychology Of Gender – Applied Final Project
o State the session’s objective or objectives.
o State the participant problem(s) you will address in this specific session.
o Name one or more peer review journal articles and/or module resources relevant to the issues brought up by the training participants. Include resources in the course modules and a relevant Web site.


o Describe the activity for the session. We learn from each other when we listen and reflect on the experiences of others. Create and describe an activity that will promote discussion among your participants.
Final training report: Your goal for the training program is for participants to gain the knowledge and skills they need to return to work and effectively contribute to an environment that promotes respect, gender awareness, and efforts to balance power among men and women. Describe four to six specific changes you will recommend to the corporate leaders that address the concerns presented by your training participants.
Grading Rubric:
This project is worth a maximum of 20 points. Your grade will be based on clarity and details specific to gender issues. The final project is worth 26 percent of your overall grade, so it is vital that you do well on this assignment.
Twelve participants: State problems relevant to gender concerns at the corporation from the viewpoint of 12 participants who are taking your training (6 points).
Training program with eight sessions: Describe each session (6 points).
Final training report: Include four to six recommendations for the corporation (6 points).
Journal articles and Web sites: List journal article(s) and Web site(s) relevant to the project. Include citations and references formatted to conform to APA guidelines (2 points).

Grading Rubric for FINAL PROJECT
Points Possible
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Total
Twelve Participants (.5 points per profile)
# of profiles -> 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Training Course with Eight Session
# of sessions -> 8 7 6 5 4-3 2-1 0
4-6 Recommendations
# of recommendations -> 4+ 3 3 2 2 1 0
Journal Articles and Websites
# of APA references -> 2+ 1 0

ASSIGNMENT 5.3: Outline of Your Research Paper
Write a two-page formal outline for your final research paper. Look at the example outline
below, and keep in mind that formal outlines are very detailed and use all complete
sentences. PSYC 338 Psychology Of Gender – Applied Final Project
(Also note that you will need to resubmit a formal outline with your final paper, so it may
be revised as you continue your research).
Outline (Give a Title)
Thesis: The federal government should do more to help the homeless towards
I. Homelessness is a major problem in the United States.
A. Experts disagree about the number of Americans who are homeless.
B. Experts agree that the number of homeless, particularly homeless
families, is growing.
II. Finding ways to help the homeless is difficult.
A. Even if the homeless find shelter, they still often wander the street.
1. Some homeless people are addicted to alcohol or drugs.
2. Some have serious psychiatric problems.
3. Others lack basic survival skills.
B. This is why Comprehensive programs are needed to address the
complex problems that many homeless people have.
III. The opposition would also state that there are already assistance programs
that provide training in everyday survival skills.
A. Homes for the Homeless offers workshops on everything from
nutrition to interview techniques.
B. Project Hope shows clients how to apply for food stamps and other
benefits to which they are entitled.
C. House of Hope provides instruction in household budgeting and home
D. These are great programs, but the government needs to offer more
assistance in the training of everyday survival skills because the
problem of homelessness is still growing.
IV. The opposition would state that some broad assistance programs help the
homeless get a job.
A. Many of the homeless have no jobs or have never worked for more
than six months.
B. CANP provides training in resume writing and interviewing.
C. CANP’s job training has a high success rate.
D. Yet, the government still needs to offer more assistance to help the
homeless get a job because these programs aren’t doing enough.
V. The opposition would also state that some programs offer broad assistance to
the homeless.
A. Project Renewal and Pine Street Inn offer substance-abuse programs.
B. Lenox Hill Neighborhood House and CANP also offer psychological
support. PSYC 338 Psychology Of Gender – Applied Final Project
C. Still, the government needs to offer more assistance to help solve these
VI. The federal government should help such broad based-assistance programs.
A. CANP’s funding has slipped.
B. Project Hope doesn’t have the resources needed to meet the growing
demands of its services.
VII. The government should also raise the minimum wage.
A. Some of the homeless have jobs, but their low incomes put most
housing out of their reach.
B. The last two decades have seen a dramatic drop in minimum wage
buying power.
VIII. A lack of affordable housing is at the heart of the homeless problem.
A. One magazine argued that people’s deep disturbances are not the
unavailability of inexpensive housing—are at the heart of the homeless
B. Numerous studies and many experts show that the recent trends in
housing are the culprit.
IX. The federal government should finance more low-cost housing.
A. Affordable private housing is almost non-existent.
B. Public Housing can accommodate a small percentage of those seeking
from high costs in the private housing market.
1. The federal government has cut funding of public housing and
housing subsidies.
2. Cities have slashed funding for the construction of shelters. PSYC 338 Psychology Of Gender – Applied Final Project