The Building Blocks of Nursing Informatics

Question Description

Information systems support and facilitate the functioning of people to enhance and evolve nursing practice by generating knowledge. This knowledge represents five rights: the right information, accessible by the right people in the right settings, applied the right way at the right time. It is also the struggle to integrate new knowledge and old knowledge to enhance wisdom. If clinicians are inundated with data without the ability to process it, this yields too little wisdom. That is why it is crucial that clinicians have viable information systems at their fingertips to facilitate the acquisition, sharing and utilization of knowledge while maturing wisdom; it is a process of empowerment. If you could only meet FOUR of the Rights, which one would you omit, and why? Also, provide your rationale for each Right you chose to meet.

APA format references and incite citation, intro, body conclusion, 350 to 400 words in length and utilize at least three scholarly source other than the textbook.