Topic 3 DQ1 respond to Jeffrey Gieseking

Question Description

One of the key historical leaders of nursing is Dorothea Orem who developed the “Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing” which generally states that nurses are there to assist people with that which they cannot do for themselves. Broadly, this theory also states that through education a nurse can aid a patient transition from dependence to independence (Whitney, 2018). Dorothea Orem’s theory is at once simple and complex. Simple in that it boils down to “provide help where needed”. Complex when it is put in Dorothea’s words:

“ Theory , as the term is used here, means an overarching explanation of conceptualized features of nursing practice situations and relations among them that are common to all instances of nursing” (Orem, 2004, p.7)

The job of nursing is continually changing. Tasks become more complex, more involved. Skills get more and more specialized. The constant is the desire to help those who need it and to help them help themselves. We do not just do for our patients, we teach them to do for themselves. Since nursing i s continually changing and evolving, so too, must the nurse. Continuing education will be a part of our career, not just until we get our BSN. We must maintain and update our skills, knowledge and abilities if we wish to remain a part of the contemporary nursing profession.


Orem, D. E. (2004). Reflections on Nursing Practice Science: The Nature, the Structure and the Foundation of Nursing Sciences. Self-Care, Dependent-Care & Nursing , 12 (3), 4. Retrieved from…

Whitney,S (2018) Dynamic’s in Nursing, Art & Science of Professional Practice: History of Professional Nursing. Retrieved from nursing-art-and-science-of-professional-practice/v1.1/#/chapter/2

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