NU-740 : Week 10 Discussion 1: Mentorship or Leadership

NU-740 : Week 10 Discussion 1: Mentorship or Leadership

Due: In an effort to facilitate scholarly discourse, create your initial post by Day 3 and reply to at least two of your colleagues, on two separate days, by Day 7.

Grading Category: Discussions

Option 1 Mentorship

Initial Post

Does your SPP offer the opportunity to be a mentor and/or preceptor in a practice setting? Cho et al. (2011) identified the following attributes of an outstanding mentor:

  • Exhibits enthusiasm, compassion, and selflessness
  • Acts as a career guide, tailored to the mentee
  • Is able to make a time commitment
  • Supports personal/professional balance
  • Has effective communication skills
  • Is respected in the workplace by peers and senior administrators
  • Is politically astute
  • Is highly knowledgeable in the field (Moran et al., 2020, p. 261) NU-740 : Week 10 Discussion 1: Mentorship or Leadership

Reflect upon the above eight attributes and how you would rate yourself as a mentor. How might you achieve increased competency in any of these attributes during your SPP to develop fully in your advanced practice role?

Provide the name and contact information of your proposed mentor. This is someone in the community who will support you in your SPP as a content expert.


Option 2 Leadership, Informatics Technology, and Quality and Safety

Initial Post

Choose one of these three topics: leadership (prompt 1), informatics technology (prompt 2), or quality (prompt 3), and answer the corresponding prompt below. Please choose a topic that has not yet been addressed until the three topics have been explored in this discussion.

  1. There will be opportunities to exemplify leadership in your SPP project. Discuss your perceived leadership strengths and weaknesses and identify your dominant leadership style(s). NU-740 : Week 10 Discussion 1: Mentorship or Leadership
  2. There may be available opportunities to use informatics tools in your SPP project. Review Moran et al. (2020) Table 13-10: Informatics Tools to Enhance the DNP Project Process and Table 13-11: Informatics Tools: Functions and Operating Systems. Discuss how you might use some of the listed tools, or tools not introduced in these tables, in your project development, implementation, and evaluation stages.
  3. There will be opportunities to support your SPP project with quality measures. Discuss the role of QSEN’s educational resources and training initiatives and how they might be incorporated into your SPP. How does your SPP synthesize evidence from research and theory to enhance delivery of quality health care?


Review other students’ initial posts and reply to two posts. You can make a both replies in the same option or in different options o. If you know someone who is an expert in a classmate’s topic area, please provide him or her with that information. If you have any questions, thoughts, and/or suggestions, you can make reply posts.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

Posting to the Discussion Forum

  1. Select the appropriate Thread.
  2. Select Reply.
  3. Create your post.
  4. Select Post to Forum.

Week 10: Learning Materials



  • Moran, K. J., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2020). The doctor of nursing practice project: A framework for success (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. NU-740 : Week 10 Discussion 1: Mentorship or Leadership
    • Chapter 9: The DNP Project Team
  • Moran Textbook PowerPoint – Chapter 9 (PPT)

Instructional Materials

The expectation is that you will explore and review all instructional materials to meet the criteria of the course, to further your understanding of course content, and to help you prepare for upcoming assignments and exams.



Informatics Technology

Quality and Safety

  • AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
    • Please review the tabs that are appropriate to your SPP.
  • QSEN (Quality, Safety and Education for Nurses) NU-740 : Week 10 Discussion 1: Mentorship or Leadership