NU-646: Week 3 Discussion 1: Exploring Informed Consent

NU-646: Week 3 Discussion 1: Exploring Informed Consent

Value: 100

Due: Create your initial post by Day 5, and reply to at least two of your classmates by Day 7.

Gradebook Category: Discussion

Initial Post

In your initial post, address the following:

  • What is the purpose of informed consent?
  • What are the main components of informed consent?
  • Research psychiatric mental health/psychotherapy/and or counseling clinics and practices online. Share your findings with the class. Post an example of the informed consent forms offered either on the website or in pdf format. If there is a link to the informed consent document, post that as well.

Reply Posts

Reply to at least two of your classmates. In your reply posts, you should compare and contrast your own viewpoints to your peer’s post.

Your response should include evidence-based research to support your statements using proper citations and APA format. NU-646: Week 3 Discussion 1: Exploring Informed Consent

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

The described expectations meet the passing level of 80%. Students are directed to review the Discussion Grading Rubric for criteria that exceed expectations.


Posting to the Discussion Forum

  1. Select the appropriate Thread.
  2. Select Reply.
  3. Create your post.
  4. Select Post to Forum.

Week 3: Learning Materials



  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
    • Scan pp. 189–308.
  • Corey, G. (2016). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (10th ed.). Cengage.
    • Chapter 6: Existential Therapy
    • Chapter 8: Gestalt Therapy
  • Shea, S. C. (2017). Psychiatric interviewing: The art of understanding (3rd ed.). Elsevier.
    • Chapter 16: The Mental Status Exam: How to Perform and Document it Effectively
    • Chapter 17: Exploring Suicidal Ideation: The Delicate Art of Suicide Assessment
    • Chapter 18: Exploring Violent and Homicidal Ideation: From Domestic Violence to Mass Murder


  • Carlat, D. (2017). The psychiatric interview (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.



  • Shea, S. C. (2017). Psychiatric interviewing: The art of understanding (3rd ed.). Elsevier. (The videos are found on the textbook companion website.) NU-646: Week 3 Discussion 1: Exploring Informed Consent
    • Watch Video Module 17.1: The Delicate Art of Uncovering Suicidal Ideation and Intent – Part 1: Core Principles and Theory
    • Video Module 17.2: The Delicate Art of Uncovering Suicidal Ideation and Intent – Part 2: From Theory to Practice (Annotated Video Clips)
    • Video Module 17.3: The Delicate Art of Uncovering Suicidal Ideation and Intent – Part 3: Flexibly Utilizing the CASE Approach with Patients of High Lethality (Annotated Video Clips)

Existential Psychotherapy: Death, Freedom, Isolation, Meaninglessness (11:03)

Existential Psychotherapy: Death, Freedom, Isolation, Meaninglessness Video Transcript

Gestalt in a Nutshell Video (03:13 Minutes)

Gestalt Video Transcript

Mental Health Intake Assessment and Informed Consent (02:05 Minutes)

Mental Health Intake Assessment and Informed Consent Video Transcript

Buckwalter Informed Consent Demonstration (06:25 Minutes)

Buckwalter Informed Consent Demonstration Video Transcript

Psychiatric History Taking and The Mental Status Examination | USMLE & COMLEX (11:34 Minutes)

Psychiatric History Taking and The Mental Status Examination | USMLE & COMLEX Video Transcript

Clinical Interviews in Psychological Assessment Purpose, Process, & Limitations Video & Lesson Tr (08:43 Minutes) NU-646: Week 3 Discussion 1: Exploring Informed Consent

Clinical Interviews in Psychological Assessment Purpose, Process, & Limitations Video & Lesson Tr Video Transcript



    • Combs, H. (2018). University of Washington Medical School Lecture Series: Mental Status Exam Overview (PDF) presentation.
    • American Physician Institute for Advanced Professional Studies LLC. (2018). Beat the Boards Study Material: Mental Status Exam Tip Sheet (PDF). Mental Status Exam checklist.
    • Folstein, M., Folstein, S., & McHugh, P. (1975). MMSE: (PDF) “Mini-mental state: A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician.” Journal of Psychiatry Research 12:189–198.



Corey, G. (2016). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (10th ed.). Supplemental Materials. Cengage.

View these PowerPoint presentations to review key points from the Corey chapters: