NU-668-05-22PCS3 Role & Issues/Adv Practice

NU-668-05-22PCS3 Role & Issues/Adv Practice

Week 13 Discussion 1: APRN Political Action State Initiatives

Value: 100 points

Due: In an effort to facilitate scholarly discourse, create your initial post by Day 3 and reply to at least two of your classmates, on two separate days, by Day 7.

Grading Category: Discussions

Initial Post

Using the NP Association links in the Nurse Practitioner Interactive Map, identify your state NP association and the current political action initiatives they are currently working on. State professional organizations will have an advocacy team working on the state initiatives determined by the organization, so look for an advocacy tab, political action coalition (PAC) tab, or policy issues tab on the home website.

  • How do these issues restrict your practice and how will your practice change if these issues are resolved?
  • Identify your role in addressing these political movements.

If your state NP association does not have any political action initiatives, look at either a national professional organization’s political initiatives, such as AANP, or a state health initiative, such as immunization rate, obesity rate, texting laws or the like and complete the same instructions.

Reply Posts

Reply to two of your classmates, either classmates from different states or classmates who identify a different political issue from what you identified.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded. The grading for the number of reply posts is based on individual Discussion Board instructions. If the rubric indicates a different number for reply posts, you will not be graded down, as long as you have followed the reply post instructions.

For this assignment to be considered complete, you must post your initial response and address all prompts related the APRN Political Action State Initiatives by Day 3. In addition, you must reply to two classmates from different states or classmates who focused on an issue different than your own by Day 7. NU-668-05-22PCS3 Role & Issues/Adv Practice

Posting to the Discussion Forum

  1. Select the appropriate Thread.
  2. Select Reply.
  3. Create your post.
  4. Select Post to Forum.

Week 13: Learning Materials



  • Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
    • Chapter 12: Lawmaking and Health Policy
    • Chapter 17: Strategies for Nurse Practitioners
  • Joel, L. A. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development (4th ed). F.A. Davis Company.
    • Chapter 1: Advanced Practice Nursing: Doing What Has to Be Done
    • Chapter 4: Educational Preparation of Advanced Practice Nurses: Looking to the Future
    • Chapter 10: Public Policy and the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse


Week 14 Discussion 1: Practical/Clinical Issue

Value: 100 points

Due: In an effort to facilitate scholarly discourse, create your initial post by Day 3 and reply to at least two of your classmates, on two separate days, by Day 7.

Grading Category: Discussions

Initial Post

  1. After reviewing the 2012 QSEN Graduate Competencies (PDF), identify a quality/safety issue that you have seen in your practice or clinical setting.
  2. Explain to your classmates the issue you have identified and the reasons why it is an issue. Include the potential negative outcomes that can arise if the issue is not resolved.
    • For example, you notice that the provider is not following the American Cancer Society’s recommendation for cervical cancer screening. This issue in quality competency can lead to under-testing, over-testing, increased cost, and increased potential for surgical procedures. These factors can have negative consequences, such as higher risk for preterm labor or infertility.
  3. As you create your post, review the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the relevant competency regarding the quality/safety issue you have identified.

Reply Posts

  1. Using the SWOT Analysis Resource, review two classmates’ posts.
  2. Identify two items from each of the four components (S,W,O,T) that is relevant to the problem your classmate identified. Explain your reasoning for each.

To reply to the example in the initial post, you could select advantages of the proposition and financial reserves from the Strengths quadrant. Elaborate on the advantages of following the recommendations—for example, following professional standards of equal care, decreasing cost by not ordering unnecessary diagnostic tests, and increasing revenue from shorter visit times.

Items you might identify from the Weakness quadrant could include processes and systems, and morale commitment and leadership. These items are weaknesses because of the need to train providers on national recommendations and to create a system within the EMR to track PAP smears.

You should then choose two items from both the Opportunities quadrant and the Threats quadrant and include them in your reply post.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded. The grading for the number of reply posts is based on individual Discussion Board instructions. If the rubric indicates a different number for reply posts, you will not be graded down, as long as you have followed the reply post instructions.

For the assignment to be considered complete, make sure that you address all prompts in your initial post by Day 3 and reply to at least two classmates by Day 7.

Posting to the Discussion Forum

  1. Select the appropriate Thread.
  2. Select Reply.
  3. Create your post.
  4. Select Post to Forum.

Week 14: Learning Materials



  • Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
    • Chapter 14: Standards of Care for Nurse Practitioner Practice
    • Chapter 15: Measuring Nurse Practitioner Performance

Required Resources

Week 13 Discussion 1: APRN Political Action State Initiatives

Value: 100 points

Due: In an effort to facilitate scholarly discourse, create your initial post by Day 3 and reply to at least two of your classmates, on two separate days, by Day 7.

Grading Category: Discussions

Initial Post

Using the NP Association links in the Nurse Practitioner Interactive Map, identify your state NP association and the current political action initiatives they are currently working on. State professional organizations will have an advocacy team working on the state initiatives determined by the organization, so look for an advocacy tab, political action coalition (PAC) tab, or policy issues tab on the home website.

  • How do these issues restrict your practice and how will your practice change if these issues are resolved?
  • Identify your role in addressing these political movements.

If your state NP association does not have any political action initiatives, look at either a national professional organization’s political initiatives, such as AANP, or a state health initiative, such as immunization rate, obesity rate, texting laws or the like and complete the same instructions.

Reply Posts

Reply to two of your classmates, either classmates from different states or classmates who identify a different political issue from what you identified.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded. The grading for the number of reply posts is based on individual Discussion Board instructions. If the rubric indicates a different number for reply posts, you will not be graded down, as long as you have followed the reply post instructions.

For this assignment to be considered complete, you must post your initial response and address all prompts related the APRN Political Action State Initiatives by Day 3. In addition, you must reply to two classmates from different states or classmates who focused on an issue different than your own by Day 7. NU-668-05-22PCS3 Role & Issues/Adv Practice

Posting to the Discussion Forum

  1. Select the appropriate Thread.
  2. Select Reply.
  3. Create your post.
  4. Select Post to Forum.

Week 13: Learning Materials



  • Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
    • Chapter 12: Lawmaking and Health Policy
    • Chapter 17: Strategies for Nurse Practitioners
  • Joel, L. A. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development (4th ed). F.A. Davis Company.
    • Chapter 1: Advanced Practice Nursing: Doing What Has to Be Done
    • Chapter 4: Educational Preparation of Advanced Practice Nurses: Looking to the Future
    • Chapter 10: Public Policy and the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

Week 11 Discussion 1: Next Steps: Job Search, Interview, and Negotiation

Value: 100 points

Due: In an effort to facilitate scholarly discourse, create your initial post by Day 3 and reply to at least two of your classmates, on two separate days, by Day 7.

Grading Category: Discussions

Initial Post

After completing this week’s reading and learning materials, identify four concerns or questions you have regarding the following:

  • Job search process
  • Interviewing
  • Negotiation

Identify one concern/ question for each of the three categories; the fourth concern can be a second item from any category.

Reply Posts

Reply to two of your classmates with strategies, suggestions, or answers to the questions/ concerns they posted in the initial post, utilizing material from the course as well as experience.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded. The grading for the number of reply posts is based on individual Discussion Board instructions. If the rubric indicates a different number for reply posts, you will not be graded down, as long as you have followed the reply post instructions.

For this assignment to be considered complete, you must identify at least one concern or question regarding each of the following: the job search process, interviewing, and negotiation. You must post at least four questions/ concerns by Day 3. You must reply to at least two classmates and answer at least one of their questions no later than Day 7.

Posting to the Discussion Forum

  1. Select the appropriate Thread.
  2. Select Reply.
  3. Create your post.
  4. Select Post to Forum.

Week 11: Learning Materials



  • Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
    • Chapter 10: The Employed Nurse Practitioner (all content except Appendix 10-A).
  • Joel, L. A. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development (4th ed.). F.A. Davis Company.
    • Chapter 3: Role Development: A Theoretical Perspective (read only the “Role Acquisition” section)
    • Chapter 27: The Advanced Practice Nurse as Employee or Independent Contractor: Legal and Contractual Considerations

Required Resources


The Job Search Strategies (9:40 minutes)

The Job Search Strategies Video Transcript

Behavioral Interviewing for MSNs (11:09 minutes)

Behavioral Interviewing for MSNs Video Transcript

Week 9 Discussion 1: APRNs and Malpractice

Value: 100 points

Due: In an effort to facilitate scholarly discourse, create your initial post by Day 3 and reply to at least two of your classmates, on two separate days, by Day 7.

Grading Category: Discussions


Initial Post

Review Tables 29.1, 29.2, 29.3, and 29.4 in the Joel textbook (2018) and compare APRN adverse events and malpractice claims to MDs in your state of practice. Identify the differences, explain why you think there is a difference, and discuss how malpractice suits affect patient access.

Reply Posts

Reply to at least two of your classmates—from different states if possible—after reviewing the information provided in the initial post and comparing your state stats. Address some of the problems, if any, with the current malpractice legal system related to malpractice.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded and incorporate these guidelines in your discussion. The grading for the number of reply posts is based on individual Discussion Board instructions. If the rubric indicates a different number for reply posts, you will not be graded down as long as you have followed the reply post instructions.

For this assignment to be considered complete, you must address all the prompts—including how malpractice suits affect patient access to care, comparing APRN to MD adverse events in your state, noting what differences there are, and discussing why there may be differences—by Day 3 and reply to two classmates, addressing some of the problems with the current malpractice legal system by Day 7. NU-668-05-22PCS3 Role & Issues/Adv Practice

Posting to the Discussion Forum

  1. Select the appropriate Thread.
  2. Select Reply.
  3. Create your post.
  4. Select Post to Forum.

Week 9 Get Started: National Provider Identification Number


In Week 12, you will need to submit your National Provider Identification (NPI) number. This process can take two to three weeks, so we suggest that you look at Week 12 Assignment 1: Obtain a National Provider Identification (NPI) Number and start this process now.

Week 9: Learning Materials



  • Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
    • Chapter 7: Negligence and Malpractice
    • Chapter 8: Risk Management
  • Joel, L. A. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development (4th ed). F. A. Davis Company.
    • Chapter 29: Malpractice and the Advanced Practice Nurse

Required Resources

Week 7 Discussion 1: Opioid Epidemic

Value: 100 points

Due: In an effort to facilitate scholarly discourse, create your initial post by Day 3 and reply to one of your classmates by Day 7.

Grading Category: Discussions

Initial Post

In your initial post, please identify the current trends of opioid addiction in your state and region. Provide demographic data for incidence and occurrence and list what community resources are available to you.

Reply Posts

Reply to one of your classmates, identifying strategies that they, as a NP, can begin to help clients with an opioid addiction and providing strategies that can help to educate communities.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded and incorporate these guidelines in your discussion. The grading for the number of reply posts is based on individual Discussion Board instructions. If the rubric indicates a different number for reply posts, you will not be graded down as long as you have followed the reply post instructions.

In order for this assignment to be considered complete, you will need to address all the prompts including current trends of opioid addiction in your state by Day 3 and reply to a classmate with strategies on how they can help patients with an opioid addiction by Day 7.

Posting to the Discussion Forum

  1. Select the appropriate Thread.
  2. Select Reply.
  3. Create your post.
  4. Select Post to Forum.

Week 7: Learning Materials



  • Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.
    • Chapter 5: Prescribing

Recommended Resources

  • Boston University School of Medicine. (2021). Scope of pain micro-cases.
    • These Scope of Pain Micro-Case podcasts are all less than five minutes in duration. You are encouraged to listen to one or all of them to further your knowledge on safer opioid prescribing as an advanced practice nurse.

Week 6 Discussion 1: Prescriptive Authority: State Regulations

Value: 100 points

Due: In an effort to facilitate scholarly discourse, create your initial post by Day 3, and reply to one of your classmates by Day 7.

Grading Category: Discussions

Initial Post

To get started, review the Nurse Practitioner Interactive Map.

In your initial post, please identify the prescriptive authority regulations in the state where you are going to practice. Are there any restrictions, supervision, or collaboration required from a physician? If so, please explain. If you will be practicing in multiple states, do the regulations in those states differ? If you are in a clinical placement, please ask your preceptors about the prescriptive regulations and if an agreement is needed. If so, ask to see a copy of the agreement so that you can review what will be required when you begin to practice. Share with one another on the discussion board what you have found. If you are precepting at more than one facility, discuss whether these agreements differ at all, what your thoughts are about any differences, and which agreements you like best. NU-668-05-22PCS3 Role & Issues/Adv Practice

Reply Posts

Reply to at least one of your classmates. In your reply post, compare and contrast the state regulatory requirements of the state in your initial post with a different state. Discuss with your colleague rationales behind these differences and how the difference affects healthcare access, quality and cost.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded and incorporate these guidelines in your discussion.

The grading for the number of reply posts is based on individual Discussion Board instructions. If the rubric indicates a different number for reply posts, you will not be graded down, as long as you have followed the reply post instructions.

Posting to the Discussion Forum

  1. Select the appropriate Thread.
  2. Select Reply.
  3. Create your post.
  4. Select Post to Forum.

Week 6: Learning Materials



  • Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
    • Chapter 4: Federal Regulation of the Nurse Practitioner Profession
    • Chapter 5: Prescribing, including Appendix 5-A
  • Joel, L. A. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development (4th ed). F.A. Davis Company.
    • Chapter 6: Advanced Practice Nurses and Prescriptive Authority

Required Resources

Week 1 Discussion 1: Meet Your Classmates Forum/Icebreaker Activity

Value: Complete/Incomplete

Due: In an effort to facilitate scholarly discourse, create your initial post by Day 3, and reply to at least two of your classmates, on two separate days, by Day 7.

Grading Category: Complete/Incomplete

Initial Post

Use this area to create a 2–3-minute video to introduce yourself to the group. In the video, please make sure to complete the following items:

  • Your specialty track (Pediatric, Family, Psych/Mental Health, Women’s Health, Adult Geriatric-Primary, or Adult Geriatric-Acute) and why you chose this track.
  • Describe how you envision your “dream job” for entry into advanced practice.
  • Share a question that you hope this class will answer for you.
  • Any personal information you would like to share with the class.

Follow the instructions on Creating Unlisted YouTube Videos for Upload to Your Course Assignments to create and link the video. You can use Zoom or your personal preference to create your video.

After your recording is complete, you will need to submit the YouTube video URL for this discussion. Please share this URL in the discussion board initial post so that classmates and faculty may get to know you!

In order for this discussion to be considered complete, you will need to post a video that addresses all the prompts by Day 3 AND complete at least 2 responses to your peers’ posts by Day 7.

Reply Posts

By Day 7, reply to at least two of your classmates to create a classroom community.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

Posting to the Discussion Forum

  1. Select the appropriate Thread.
  2. Select Reply.
  3. Create your post.
  4. Select Post to Forum.

Week 1: Learning Materials



  • Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
    • Chapter 1: What Is a Nurse Practitioner?
    • Chapter 13: Promoting the Profession to the Public
  • Joel, L. A. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development (4th ed.). F. A. Davis Company.
    • Chapter 1: Advanced Practice Nursing: Doing What Has to Be Done

Required Resources