NU-668 Week 1 Discussion 1: Meet Your Classmates Forum/Icebreaker Activity

NU-668 Week 1 Discussion 1: Meet Your Classmates Forum/Icebreaker Activity

Value: Complete/Incomplete
Due: In an effort to facilitate scholarly discourse, create your initial post by Day 3, and reply to at least two of your classmates, on two separate days, by Day 7.
Grading Category: Complete/Incomplete
Initial Post
Use this area to create a 2–3-minute video to introduce yourself to the group. In the video, please make sure to complete the following items:
• Your specialty track (Pediatric, Family, Psych/Mental Health, Women’s Health, Adult Geriatric-Primary, or Adult Geriatric-Acute) and why you chose this track.
• Describe how you envision your “dream job” for entry into advanced practice.
• Share a question that you hope this class will answer for you.
• Any personal information you would like to share with the class. NU-668 Week 1 Discussion 1: Meet Your Classmates Forum/Icebreaker Activity
Follow the instructions on Creating Unlisted YouTube Videos for Upload to Your Course Assignments to create and link the video. You can use Zoom or your personal preference to create your video.
After your recording is complete, you will need to submit the YouTube video URL for this discussion. Please share this URL in the discussion board initial post so that classmates and faculty may get to know you!
In order for this discussion to be considered complete, you will need to post a video that addresses all the prompts by Day 3 AND complete at least 2 responses to your peers’ posts by Day 7.


Reply Posts
By Day 7, reply to at least two of your classmates to create a classroom community.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.
Posting to the Discussion Forum
1. Select the appropriate Thread.
2. Select Reply.
3. Create your post.
4. Select Post to Forum.
Week 1: Learning Materials
• Buppert, C. (2021). Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (7th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
o Chapter 1: What Is a Nurse Practitioner?
o Chapter 13: Promoting the Profession to the Public
• Joel, L. A. (2018). Advanced practice nursing: Essentials for role development (4th ed.). F. A. Davis Company.
o Chapter 1: Advanced Practice Nursing: Doing What Has to Be Done
Required Resources
• American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP): What is an NP?
• AANP Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners (PDF)
• American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA): What is a PA? NU-668 Week 1 Discussion 1: Meet Your Classmates Forum/Icebreaker Activity
• National Council of State Boards of Nursing: APRN Consensus Model
• AANP Discussion Paper: Doctor of Nursing Practice (PDF)
• AANP Standards of Practice for Nurse Practitioners (PDF)
• Nurse Practitioner Interactive Map
• APRN Consensus Model by State
• 33rd Annual APRN Legislative Update: Unprecedented changes to APRN practice authority in unprecedented times