Module 3 Discussion

Go to the site and review the statistics displayed by the links on the page (under the 2015 tab).  Based on what you have learned about health literacy, comment on how this data increased your knowledge on each of the topics listed (Arthritis and Quality of Life, Foodbourne Outbreak Data, Sleep and Military, and Improving Surveillance).  Include your opinions on the way the data was presented.  For example, was it easy to understand?  What information would an individual need to interpret the data presented on these topics accurately? 

In each discussion forum, students are expected to respond to the prompt by providing an informed, rigorous, and professional post. The initial post should be at least 150 words. In addition, students are required to respond at least 2 times to their classmates’ posts in a similarly informed, rigorous, and professional manner. Peer replies should be at least 100 words to qualify as substantive. Refer to the discussion rubric for more details.