Stories of loss Assignment

Stories of loss Assignment

To write the three-page assignment, you need to analyze the interviews of “Interpreting Loss” (stories of loss) based on chapter 9 of Saldaňa & Omasta, (2018) your course textbook and other provided articles. You also need to take a position and choose a theoretical perspective or paradigm (for example, interpretive or critical paradigm) which gives you a philosophical position.

Stories of loss


To write the three-page assignment, you need to analyze the interviews of “Interpreting Loss” (stories of loss) based on chapter 9 of Saldaňa & Omasta, (2018) your course textbook and other provided articles. You also need to take a position and choose a theoretical perspective or paradigm (for example, interpretive or critical paradigm) which gives you a philosophical position. Then, you will be able to question data and create codes, categories, themes based on your theoretical framework. For example, the philosophical underpinning of the grounded theory is symbolic interactionism. Symbolic interactionism directs the researcher to consider the symbols and details of everyday life and how people interact with each other and with events in their lives. This article helps you to organize your knowledge and understanding of paradigms. Stories of loss Assignment


Weaver, K., & Olsen, J. (2006). Understanding paradigms for nursing research. Journal of Advanced nursing, 53(4). 459-469. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.03740.x


In combination with chapter 9 & 10 of Saldaňa & Omasta (2018), this article provides a clear map and shows you how to analyze the interviews for your assignment. Stories of loss Assignment


Required References (you can add more references if you wish):


1)   Jonas-Simpson, C., Mitchell, G. (2004). Experiences of loss for daughters of mothers diagnosed with Alzheimer Disease. Presentation at the Ninth Martha Rogers conference, New York City, NY.


2)   Saldaňa, J., & Omasta, M.  (2018). Qualitative research: Analyzing life. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.


3)   Weaver, K., & Olsen, J. (2006). Understanding paradigms for nursing research. Journal of Advanced nursing, 53(4). 459-469. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.03740.x


Here are a couple of hints for your 3-page paper.


  1. Choose your theoretical lens and/or ontological tradition (paradigm/worldview).


  1. Read the stories one by one,


  1. Create Categories and Themes in each story,


  1. Compare all together,


  1. Come up with common categories/themes (condensing),


  1. Start writing your paper.


  1. Your paper should be consist of:


Introduction (a brief & short intro about your chosen theoretical lens,

Narrative of your analysis,



Draw an algorithm, a list, a diagram or a table of your analysis and add as an  Appendix.

A few of you asked me about the diagram. Here, I share an example of a diagram. Please see the PDF.


This is the simplest diagram you can draw for one of your Themes or Categories. It depends on your analysis; you may develop 2- 4 themes. However, for such short-scale interviews for your assignment, you are expected to create 2-3 Themes or Categories as novice researchers. Do not forget that one of the essential steps in qualitative analysis is to understand connections, make connections and condense codes. If you have too many codes, condense them or choose very close or similar ones. This strategy is also applicable for sub-themes and sub-categories. Stories of loss Assignment