Diabetics Mellitus Assignment

Diabetics Mellitus Assignment

  • Must be 6-7 pages with reference page
  • Must include an introductory paragraph that describes everything on the topic
  • The project must have all of the following: identification of the alteration in health (disease), the role nutrition plays in the prevention of this disease, its etiology, progression, treatment, recommended diet, type of nursing assessment and nursing interventions needed with regard to nutrition, outline of what should be included in client education and two strategies to help ensure adherence (overcome barriers) to the recommended diet.
  • Must have a title page and an APA Editorial formatted Reference page with at least three scholarly peer reviewed references.
  • There must also be appropriate APA Editorial formatted in-text citations.
  • find attached a rough outline i did. Diabetics Mellitus Assignment


  1. Introduction: Diabetes mellitus results from excessive blood sugar in the body. This condition affects our body’s ability to convert food into energy, which can be long-lasting.


  1. The role nutrition plays in the prevention of Diabetes Mellitus.
    1. It is becoming increasingly common for people to develop type 2 diabetes.
    2. Diagnosis of Diabetes affects around 6% of the American population.
  • Etiology
    1. Type 1 diabetes
    2. Type 2 diabetes
    3. Gestational diabetes.
  1. Symptoms
    1. Increased thirst
    2. Frequent excretion
    3. Intense appetite
    4. Unknown weight loss.
  2. Progression
    1. increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, microvascular event, and death.
  3. Treatment
    1. Administer insulin
    2. Monitoring of glucose level
  • Recommended diets
    1. Fiber diet.
    2. Foods with whole grains and low glycemic index (GI)
  • Nursing Assessment and Interventions
    1. Check out the patient’s medical records.
    2. Continuous monitoring of blood glucose


  1. Client education and adherence
    1. Patients with prediabetes must be advised of their elevated risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
    2. Patients with an HbA1c of more than 6% are at a high risk of developing diabetes and should be monitored closely. Diabetics Mellitus Assignment