Implementation of the Care Plan

Implementation of the Care Plan

 What small group have you selected (for example, three families with young children, a group of five AIDS patients, and so on)?


Phase 6: Implementation of the Care Plan You are now in Phase 6 of your Capstone project. You have developed a comprehensive care plan for the aggregate. Over the next two weeks, you will implement your plan in the aggregate. You have only about two weeks to implement your care plan, so begin small—say, one or two families, or a small group of 5–10 people. Implementation of the Care Plan. The first step to effective implementation is planning. As you go about this task, answer the following questions: What small group have you selected (for example, three families with young children, a group of five AIDS patients, and so on)? What made you select this particular group? What portion of the plan would you like to implement in the small group? What health risk do you expect to tackle by implementing this intervention? What results do you expect? How do you plan to implement this intervention? Do you have any specific strategy in mind? What resources will you need? How long do you think it will take for the results to be seen? Discuss what resources you need. Put your plan into action. Mobilize the resources you need, talk to the small group, recruit volunteers, etc. When your resources are in place, put your plan into action. I will upload the previous paper with the care plan. I would like to focus this more on Obesity in the African American community. I will also upload the grading rubric. It doesn\’t matter how many sources you use so feel free to use as many or as little as you like as long as they are cited. Implementation of the Care Plan