Qualitative Critique – Introduction To Nursing Research

Qualitative Critique – Introduction To Nursing Research

Please include references from textbook- Introduction to nursing research Carol Boswell & Sharon Cannon, fifth edition Use the biomedical library CINAHL Database to locate a single study qualitative research article. This article must be current (published within the last 5 years). If you need help with your search, feel free to contact the biomedical librarian via phone, email, or online chat. They will not do the search for you, but can guide you in being successful in finding the appropriate article through a search.


Use chapters 6 and 14 for more information/insight regarding this assignment. Also review this Sample Article download that I have marked up to show you where different parts of the critique criteria are found. This should help you in identifying parts of the study. Utilize APA headings related to the different sections of this assignment. (APA Manual 7th edition, pg. 47-49). Body of paper should be 3 – 5 pages double spaced (do not count title and reference pages in page count). Content over 5 pages will not be graded. Be sure to attach the article you evaluate to the assignment space as well as your paper. Begin this critique with: APA formatted Title Page: make sure your fonts for the headers and page numbers are the same as the body of the paper. Qualitative Critique – Introduction To Nursing Research


  1. Purpose of the study – The reasons for the study are usually declared in the first few paragraphs of the study. Why is the study important? Has the researcher made clear the purpose of conducting the research? Does the researcher describe the projected significance of the work to nursing?


  1. Literature Review – This section provides clarity as to what has been done and what continues to be needed. Was the literature review in the article thorough and detailed? Is the literature in this review current (within 5 years of the study being published)? Is there a gap in published literature on the phenomenon of interest?


  1. Research Methodology/Approach Is a specific qualitative methodology/framework/theory (chapter 6) identified in the article to guide the study?? Is the method used to collect data compatible with the purpose of the research? Is the method adequate to address the phenomenon of interest? If a particular approach is used to guide the inquiry, does the researcher complete the study according to the processes described?


  1. Research question: This question should reflect the purpose of the study. Is the question clearly stated? Does it match the purpose of the study? Key words may be “who, what, when, where, why, and how”. Remember that qualitative studies do not have a hypotheses, but quantitative studies do (assignment in Unit 4).


  1. Sampling – Who is the target population? Does the researcher describe the selection of participants? Is purposive sampling used? How many participants in study? How many were interviewed? Are the informants who were chosen appropriate to inform the research? Was sample size adequate? Qualitative Critique – Introduction To Nursing Research


  1. Data Collection How was data collected? Were any tools used to obtain the data? Is data collection focused on human experience? Does the researcher describe data collection strategies (i.e. interview, observation, field notes)? Is protection of human participants/ethics addressed? Is saturation of the data described? Has the researcher made explicit the procedures for collecting data?


  1. Data Analysis Does the researcher describe the strategies used to analyze the data? Hand coding? Software program? Does the reader understand the procedures used to analyze the data? Is the strategy used for analysis compatible with the purpose of the study?


  1. Methodological Rigor (May also be called credibility or trustworthiness): It is not necessary for all of the criteria below to be incorporated into each study project. Describe the criteria addressed in your article. Credibility – Did the participants review the findings in the data to ensure accuracy of findings? Transferability – applicability of findings to other populations in different contexts. Dependability/Auditability – would other researchers be able to come to a similar conclusion about the data and results/findings? Can the reader follow the researcher’s thinking? Does the researcher document the research process? Confirmability – freedom of bias?


  1. Findings: Identify key findings from the study. Was the research question answered? Were strengths and limitations of the study listed and explained? Can generalizations to a wider population be made (transferability)? Did the results support what was reported in the literature? Were there any unexpected findings? Qualitative Critique – Introduction To Nursing Research


  1. Conclusion, Implications, or Recommendations: Do the conclusions, implications, and recommendations give the reader a context in which to use the findings? Do the conclusions reflect the study findings? Does the researcher offer recommendations for further research? Has the researcher made clear the significance of the study to nursing practice? Could you make a change in your practice based on the results of this study? Reference Page: Make sure to include a Reference page including an APA formatted reference for the article you critiqued as well as sources you utilized to perform your critique (textbook, other articles).


Click on stacked dots at top right of this page to view the rubric. Rubric Qualitative Article Critique Qualitative Article Critique Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle Page APA 7th Edition Title Page 1 to >0.5 pts Full Marks Correct or partially correct title page (may be missing an element). 0.5 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Errors on Title page or incorrect format 0 pts No Marks 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose of article Reasons for the study. Why is the study important? Has the researcher made clear the purpose of conducting the research? Does the researcher describe the projected significance of the work to nursing? 3 to >1.5 pts Full Marks Addressed all elements for this section. 1.5 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Partially addressed prompts for this section 0 pts No Marks 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Literature Review This section provides clarity as to what has been done and what continues to be needed. Was the literature review in the article thorough and detailed? Is the literature in this review current (within 5 years of the study being published)? Is there a gap in the published literature on the phenomenon of interest? 2 to >1.0 pts Full Marks Addressed all elements for this section. 1 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Partially addressed prompts for this section 0 pts No Marks 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Methodology/Approach Is a specific qualitative methodology/framework/ theory (chapter 6) identified in the article to guide the study?? Is the method used to collect data compatible with the purpose of the research? Is the method adequate to address the phenomenon of interest? If a particular approach is used to guide the inquiry, does the researcher complete the study according to the processes described? 3 to >1.5 pts Full Marks Addressed all elements for this section. 1.5 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Partially addressed prompts for this section 0 pts No Marks 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch question This question should reflect the purpose of the study. Is the question clearly stated? Does it match the purpose of the study? Key words may be “who, what, when, where, why, and how”. Remember that qualitative studies do not have a hypotheses, but quantitative studies do (assignment in Unit 4). 2 to >1.0 pts Full Marks Addressed all elements for this section. 1 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Partially addressed prompts for this section 0 pts No Marks 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSampling Who is the target population? Qualitative Critique – Introduction To Nursing Research


Does the researcher describe the selection of participants? Is purposive sampling used? How many participants in the study? How many were interviewed? Are the informants who were chosen appropriate to inform the research? Was sample size adequate? 3 to >1.5 pts Full Marks Addressed all elements for this section. 1.5 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Partially addressed prompts for this section 0 pts No Marks 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData Collection How was data collected? Were any tools used to obtain the data? Is data collection focused on human experience? Does the researcher describe data collection strategies (i.e. interview, observation, field notes)? Is protection of human participants/ethics addressed? Is saturation of the data described? Has the researcher made explicit the procedures for collecting data? 3 to >1.5 pts Full Marks Addressed all elements for this section. 1.5 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Partially addressed prompts for this section 0 pts No Marks 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData Analysis Does the researcher describe the strategies used to analyze the data? Hand coding? Software program? Does the reader understand the procedures used to analyze the data? Is the strategy used for analysis compatible with the purpose of the study? 3 to >1.5 pts Full Marks Addressed all elements for this section. 1.5 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Partially addressed prompts for this section 0 pts No Marks 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMethodological Rigor It is not necessary for all of the criteria below to be incorporated into each study project – if it isn’t addressed, just state that it wasn’t addressed in the article.


Describe the criteria addressed in your article. Credibility – Did the participants review the findings in the data to ensure accuracy of findings? Transferability – applicability of findings to other populations in different contexts. Dependability/Audit-ability – would other researchers be able to come to a similar conclusion about the data and results/findings? Can the reader follow the researcher’s thinking? Does the researcher document the research process? Confirmability – freedom of bias? 1 to >0.5 pts Full Marks Addressed all elements for this section. 0.5 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Partially addressed prompts for this section 0 pts No Marks 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFindings Identify key findings from the study. Was the research question answered? Were strengths and limitations of the study listed and explained? Can generalizations to a wider population be made (transferability)? Did the results support what was reported in the literature? Were there any unexpected findings? 1 to >0.5 pts Full Marks Addressed all elements for this section. 0.5 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Partially addressed prompts for this section 0 pts No Marks 1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion, Implications, Recommendations Do the conclusions, implications, and recommendations give the reader a context in which to use the findings? Do the conclusions reflect the study findings?


Does the researcher offer recommendations for further research? Has the researcher made clear the significance of the study to nursing practice? Could a nurse make a change in practice based on the results of this study? 2 to >1.0 pts Full Marks Addressed all elements for this section. 1 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Partially addressed prompts for this section 0 pts No Marks 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReference page Make sure to include a Reference page with information about the article you critiqued as well as sources you utilized to perform your critique (textbook, additional articles). Qualitative article that was evaluated was attached along with paper in Assignments. 1 to >0.5 pts Full Marks Correct or partially correct reference page (may be missing an element). 0.5 to >0.0 pts Partial Marks Errors on Reference page 0 pts No Marks 1 pts Total Points: 25 Qualitative Critique – Introduction To Nursing Research