Discuss the economic growth and development of your city.

Write a paper about the economic history of a Canadian town or city of your own choosing (Please write about any City in Ontario). You might want to discuss the economic growth and development of your city. Discuss the major industries of the city and the prospects for long term growth. Discuss how your city fares during recessions.

Each term paper should be about 6 (1500 words) pages in length, double spaced. You are free to use any source materials that you find relevant, and that are properly documented. Use at least 3 different sources. You cannot use Wikipedia as a resource.

The grade for this term paper is based only on the written paper and the turnitin.com submission. Style, grammar and spelling will account for 30% of the grade assigned to the paper. Use 12-point font, with regular margins.

The term paper is worth 30% of your final grade. Term papers are to be submitted both in hard copy and also electronically through turnitin.com. If a student does not wish to submit electronically through turnitin.com, the hard copy of the paper must be accompanied by a photocopy of the title page of each work cited in the paper and of the first page cited in each source. You must submit a hard copy and an electronic copy to receive a grade. Late term papers will be penalized 1 mark per day (out of the 30 marks for the term paper).

You should follow the format in standard style manuals, and be consistent throughout the paper. You can use any academic citation style you choose, including APA. The term paper should include a bibliography, footnotes or end notes, and papers without this proper documentation will not be accepted.