Inductive and Deductive Arguments

Assignment 3: Inductive and Deductive Arguments

In this assignment, you will apply key concepts covered in the module readings. You will identify the component parts of arguments and differentiate between various types of arguments such as inductive and deductive. You will then construct specific, original arguments.

There are two parts to the assignment. Complete both parts. The following is a summary of the assignment tasks.

Part 1

  • 1a: Identify Components of Arguments
    Identify the component parts of the argument, premises and conclusion, for the passages. Where applicable, highlight key words or phrases that identify a claim as a premise or a conclusion. Part 1a has three questions.
  • 1b: Identify Arguments as Inductive or Deductive
    Identify the arguments as inductive or deductive for given passages. Offer a brief explanation why each argument is either inductive or deductive. 1b has three questions.

Part 2

  • 2a: Argument Identification and Analysis
    In these longer text passages, identify the key components of each argument. For each argument, list the main conclusion and the reasons (or premises) that support the conclusion.
  • 2b: Constructing Original Arguments
    Construct one original inductive argument. Using 75–100 words, explain why the argument is an inductive one. Then, construct one original deductive argument. Using 75–100 words, explain why the argument is a deductive one.
  • 2c: Finding Native Argument Examples
    Find one example of an argument from contemporary media; this can be a short argument. Include or reproduce the original passage of the argument, paraphrase the conclusion(s), and identify the argument as either inductive or deductive. Using 75–100 words, explain why the argument is either inductive or deductive.

Download details for this assignment here and respond to each item thoroughly.

Submit your assignment in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M1_A3.doc.

By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.