NUR 513 Topic 6 Discussion Question Two

NUR 513 Topic 6 Discussion Question Two

Topic 6 DQ 2


Imagine the following scenario: You are taking the evidence-based practice course and one of your classmates shares an EBP project draft with you. You notice that some of the research has not been cited correctly or even at all. When you approach your classmate, the response is that “no one will notice and it is not a big deal anyway.” What are your next steps in speaking with your classmate? Consider how this could reflect on the credibility and integrity of the individuals involved, the University, and the profession. NUR 513 Topic 6 Discussion Question Two



1. Describe the characteristics of scholarly nursing research for the advanced registered nurse.
2. Discuss methods for accessing and evaluating nursing research.
3. Relate credibility to academic integrity and evidence-based practice expectations.

II Study Materials

Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession


Read Chapters 20-22 in Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession.

lnfom,ation Literacy: The Perils of Online Research


Watch “Information Literacy: The Perils of Online Research,” by Cambridge Educational (2006), available througb Films on Demand in the GCU Libraty.


Effective Internet Search: Basic Tools and Advanced Strategies


Watch “Effective Internet Search: Basic Tools and Advanced Strategies,” by Cambridge Educational (2011), available through Films on Demand in the GCU Libra1y. NUR 513 Topic 6 Discussion Question Two

Researching, Reading, and Writing


Watch “Researching, Reading, and Writing,” by Cambr idge Educational (2009), avai lable througb Films on Demand in the GCU Librruy.

A Scholar Is What a Scholar Writes: Practical Tips on Scholarly Writing


Read “A Scholru·Is What a Scho lru· Writes: Practical Tips on Scholru·ly Writing,” by Walker, from Joumal of Theory Construction & Testing (2003).

Library Walkthrough Tutorial


Watch the “Librru·y Walkthrougb Tutoria l” to become familiar w ith the GCU Libra1y.

Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis


Read “Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis,” located on the Cornell University Library website.

About Turnitin and Plagiarism


Read the “About Turnitin” and “P lagiarism” sections of the Academic Integrity page of the GCU website.

GCU Library: General Research Guide


Review the “General Research” guide , located on the GCU Libra1y website.

GCU Library: Persistent Links Research Guide


Review the “Persistent Links” research guide , located on the GCU Libra1y website, to learn how to locate persistent links for libra1y articles , videos, etc. NUR 513 Topic 6 Discussion Question Two

RefWorks from the GCU Library


Manage your citations with the RefWorks tool , located on the GCU Libra1y website. RefWorks automates the creation of your reference lists in the format of your choice (APA, MLA, etc.).

GCU Library: Nursing and Health Sciences Research Guide


Review the “Nursing and Health Sciences” research guid e, located on the GCU Library website. NUR 513 Topic 6 Discussion Question Two