Describe how a smaller company could benefit from utilizing the 100% rule.

PART A: 400-500 WORDS
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The 100% rule is used in decision modeling to determine whether or not a change in project constraints or variables will affect the outcome of a decision. Under the 100% rule, any combination changes can occur without a change in the solution, as long as the total percentage deviation from the coordinate extremes does not exceed 100%.

Large companies are constantly making changes to projects and frequently use the 100% rule to compare simultaneous changes and how they will impact the bottom line. Now, take into account a small company with less than 50 employees, and describe how a smaller organization could benefit from utilizing the 100% rule.

  • Describe how a smaller company could benefit from utilizing the 100% rule.
  • In your opinion, would it be effective for smaller organizations to utilize this rule?
  • Can the coefficient of a decision making variable change while the optimal point remains the same?
  • Does the feasible region change?
  • Can RHS value of a constraint be changed?
  • Does the feasible region change?
  • Can OFC values be changed?

PART B: 200-300 words

Designing Research

Discuss the following:

  • Discuss your selected research design for the project.
  • What research methods are you considering?
  • How will you collect data?

Overall Scenario click here for more information on this paper

The process of intentional rounding involves performing regular checks on all the patients by following a standard protocol is introduced in UK. The Prime Minister has promoted the process and further published by the Chief Nursing officer at Health Department as well as the think tanks that are influential and individual National Health Service organization. From UK, the article suggests some ways in which the managerial and political imperatives impact upon the professional and ethical practice of nursing. Intentional rounding is not a new rounding initiative. In addition, it has gained renewed prominence in UK in the last few years partly as a response to the high number of scandals that involves the poor nursing care.

The practice has been highly promoted by government officers, press release, and the prime minister. The evidence that is in the form of local audits and published studies is cited in support of reporting, implementing in many claims notable improvement in the health care. Many NHS are implementing the process. As a result, the article traces the political activity promoting intentional rounding in UK and the set of professional and ethical concerns. The evidence base is presented in support of intentional rounding and found to be of poor quality.

In addition, the evidential claims have been misused as a result of the transatlantic transferability. The article is about the ethics of implementation of the intentional rounding. The manner in which it is introduced is unethical and professional since the competence standards for utilization of evidence and professional practice rationale have not been met. As a result, this makes the issue of the rationale a matter of vocational and ethical interest than the clinical effectiveness and worthy of analysis in ethical as well as clinical settings.

Role of Ethics

There are several dissonance and tensions within the nursing fraternity that are probably in the official documentation. The tension results into politically triggered practice development presented as though based on sound evidence base. Recent Concerns about the quality of care in UK have justified apparently political micromanagement in the practice as opposed to the regulation, despite the policy of empowering the professionals in healthcare. The fact that the government recognizes the Endeavour implies the need to placate the notion of professional nursing practice at evidence justifications (Snelling, 2013). The article concludes that if nursing has to use evidence inclusive of research

Importance of ethics in research

In UK, the nursing claims to be evidence-based approach to professionalism, consistent with the requirement that the student nurses methods of research in registration studies, in a way that they can meet the competency within the midwifery and nursing council. The practices are imperative in that they are written as authoritarian standard. The regulatory measures may suggest that they represent an orthodox view as a professional based on fully appraised evidence. Where the intentional rounding is presented by the organizations, fulfilling the standards is problematic. Ethics is imperative in research in that the paper discussed have been identified by limited database through citation tracking since the aim is to evaluate it in a manner in which the evidence has been presented and utilized. In addition, this principally requires engagement with the submitted papers.

There are various critiques that are made about the study. There is no randomization of the units into the arms of the study. In essence, ethics helped the hospital in undertaking the allocation in consultation with the principal investigators. It is not suggested that there is anything wrong to fund the arrangement, but rather it is suggested that despite the acknowledgment, the funders of the study have a financial interest in the article findings.

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Snelling, P. C. (2013). Ethical and professional concerns in research utilisation: Intentional rounding in the United Kingdom. Nursing Ethics20(7), 784-797. doi:10.1177/0969733013478306