EE115 Fundamental Properties of AC Circuit/Lab
Required Text

Schultz, M. (2016). Grob’s Basic Electronics (12th Edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Publishing.
ISBN: 9780073373874

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Course Description
This course is a continuation of EE105. The student is introduced to the concepts and laws which describe the behavior of AC circuits. After an introduction to capacitive and inductive circuits, the behavior of RL, RC, and RLC circuits is analyzed using circuit theories. Transformer theory is also covered. A circuit simulation tool is used to build and test AC circuits and to demonstrate the use of an oscilloscope.
Course Objectives
⦁ Identify a sinusoidal waveform and its characteristics.
⦁ Apply the basic circuit rules to resistive AC circuits.
⦁ Calculate peak, peak to peak, and RMS voltage in an AC circuit.
⦁ Explain the operation of an oscilloscope as it is used to measure AC waveforms.
⦁ Explain how capacitors and inductors work in an AC circuit.
⦁ Describe how a transformer is constructed and how it increases or decreases voltage.
⦁ Describe the relationship between current and voltage in an RC circuit.
⦁ Describe the relationship between current and voltage in an RL circuit.
EE105 and MA111 or MA141

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Week 1 – Alternating Voltage and Current ⦁ Reading – Introduction to Alternating Voltage and Current
⦁ Lecture 1 – Alternating Current Characteristics
⦁ Lecture 2 – Alternating Current Circuits
⦁ Presentation – Introduction to Virtual Instruments Part 1 & 2
⦁ Discussion – Oscilloscope vs Digital Multimeter
⦁ Assignment – Alternating Voltage and Current
⦁ Lab – Alternating Voltage and Current
Week 2 – Capacitance and Capacitive Reactance ⦁ Reading – Capacitance and Capacitive Reactance
⦁ Lecture 1 – Capacitance
⦁ Lecture 2 – Capacitive Reactance
⦁ Presentation – Capacitive Reactance
⦁ Discussion – Engineering Procedure
⦁ Assignment – Capacitance and Capacitive Reactance
⦁ Lab – Capacitive Reactance
Week 3 – Capacitive Circuits ⦁ Reading – Capacitive Circuits
⦁ Lecture 1 – Series Capacitive Reactive Circuits
⦁ Lecture 2 – Parallel Capacitive Reactive Circuits
⦁ Presentation – Multisim Single Frequency Analysis
⦁ Discussion – Safety Considerations for Electrolytic Capacitors
⦁ Assignment – Capacitive Circuits
⦁ Lab – Capacitive Circuits
Week 4 – Inductance ⦁ Reading – Inductance
⦁ Lecture 1 – Inductance
⦁ Lecture 2 – Transformers
⦁ Presentation – Multisim Transformers Part 1 & 2
⦁ Discussion – Transformer Applications
⦁ Assignment – Inductance
⦁ Lab – Transformers
⦁ Midterm
Week 5 – Inductive Reactance and Inductive Circuits ⦁ Reading – Inductive Reactance and Inductive Circuits
⦁ Lecture 1 – Inductive Reactance
⦁ Lecture 2 – Inductive Circuits
⦁ Presentation – Multisim Parallel Inductive Reactive Circuit
⦁ Discussion – Inductive Reactance
⦁ Assignment – Series
⦁ Lab – Series and Parallel Inductive Reactive Circuits
Week 6 – RC and L/R Time Constants ⦁ Reading – RC and L/R Time Constants
⦁ Lecture 1 – Series RL Circuits
⦁ Lecture 2 – Series RC Circuits
⦁ Presentation – Multisim Series RL

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⦁ Discussion – Transient Circuits
⦁ Assignment – RC and R/L Circuits
⦁ Lab – Series L/R and RC Circuits
Week 7 – Complex Numbers for AC Circuits ⦁ Reading – Complex Numbers for AC Circuits
⦁ Lecture 1 – Series Capacitive Reactive Circuits Utilizing Complex Numbers
⦁ Lecture 2 – Series Inductive Reactive Circuits Utilizing Complex Numbers
⦁ Presentation – Multisim Series Capacitive Reactive Circuit
⦁ Discussion – Complex Numbers
⦁ Assignment – Complex Numbers
⦁ Lab – Series and Parallel Inductive Reactive Circuits
Week 8 – Alternating Current Circuits ⦁ Reading – Alternating Current Circuits
⦁ Lecture 1 – Series AC Circuits
⦁ Lecture 2 – Power in AC Circuits
⦁ Presentation – Power Factor Correction
⦁ Discussion – Power Factor Correction
⦁ Assignment – Parallel RLC Circuits
⦁ Lab – Power Factor Correction
⦁ Final Exam
Grading Policy
Assignment Percentage
Discussion 10%
Assignments 20%
Labs 30%
Midterm 20%
Final 20%

Grade Percentage
A 100 – 90%
B 89 – 80%
C 79 – 70%
D 69 – 60%
F 59 – 0%
Attendance Policy
The University Substantive Interaction participation requirements in Week 1 overrule any course or instructor late policies for that week.
(See University Catalog for Participation and Substantive Interaction Policy)
Grantham University is committed to ensuring that each student achieves the learning objectives outlined in each course. To that end, students are encouraged to log into their course(s) to routinely interact with their instructor and fellow students, regularly participate in group discussions, and complete and submit assignments in a timely fashion.
Attendance in the First Week

Students are required to log into each of their courses to establish attendance during the first week of the course(Wednesday 12:01 am Tuesday 11:59 pm CST). A student who fails to log into any course within the first seven (7) days of the term will be automatically dropped from the course(s).
Attendance during the Term
During the term, formal attendance is not taken, but will be tracked on a weekly basis. Each student is expected to abide by attendance and participation requirements according to the criteria outlined in the course syllabus. The instructor will determine if a student s participation is sufficient to meet course requirements. A student may be administratively withdrawn (W) from the course if an instructor determines that a student s participation is not sufficient to progress in the course. A student who is withdrawn will be subject to the Institutional Refund Policy.

This course operates on a course week of Wednesday through Tuesday for 8 weeks. Days of the course week are as follows:

Day 1 Wednesday
Day 2 Thursday
Day 3 Friday
Day 4 Saturday
Day 5 Sunday
Day 6 Monday
Day 7 Tuesday

Students work at a rate that is comfortable for them within the course completion guidelines. In this course, each Lesson must be submitted by the due date to avoid late penalties up to and including no credit for excessively late work without prior approval.
Please see the Course Policies for more information. In order to maintain satisfactory progress, you must complete the course according to the terms in your enrollment contract.

Note:Students receiving a grade of “F” are required to re-enroll in the course, paying all applicable tuition and other fees effective on the date of reenrollment.
Universal Late Policy
Students prevented from submitting the work required for an assignment by the due date specified may, at the discretion of the instructor, be allowed to submit the assignment at a later date without penalty. The instructor’s permission should be requested prior to the due date specified for the assignment in question.

Students submitting work for course assignments after the due date specified in the course schedule, within the LMS, are subject to penalties up to but not exceeding 5% of the points possible for the assignment in question per day (i.e. for each day passing between the due date and the date the submission is posted to the assignment within the LMS) at the discretion of the instructor of record for the course in question. For example, submissions posted after the due date, but within 24 hours of the date the assignment is due, may be penalized by up to 5% of the potential value of the assignment; submissions posted between 24 and 48 hours after the due date may be penalized by up to 10%, etc.

This policy does not supersede the University’s existing Incomplete or Substantive Interaction policy. A student has only until the last day of the course to submit work required for the course in question unless he/she has previously requested and has been granted an extension of the time allowed to complete the course and temporary grade of incomplete by the instructor.

Thank you

Effective learning, teaching and research–all depend on the ability of members in an academic community to trust one another and to trust the integrity of the work that is submitted in courses for academic credit. When such an atmosphere of mutual trust exists, the free exchange of ideas is fostered, and all members of the community are able to work toward achieving their highest potential. In all academic work, it is important that the ideas and contributions of others be appropriately acknowledged, and that work presented as original, is in fact–original. Ensuring the honesty and fairness of the intellectual environment at Grantham University is a responsibility shared by faculty, students, and administrative staff.
Higher education tradition and professional excellence demand that truth be valued in all of our interactions. Grantham University believes that every person s education represents his/her own intellectual efforts. Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of behavior, and the vast majority of Grantham University students do so.
Thus, no intellectual community can maintain its integrity or be faithful to its members if violations of its central purpose are tolerated. Any student who engages in the following behaviors of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action upon the first infraction that can range in consequences from a) censure or failure of the assignment/course to b) more serious consequences of suspension or dismissal of the student from one or more courses to c) the most severe consequence that may affect the student s entire program of study at the University. Violation of the Code of Conduct will be noted in the permanent student record and may, where applicable, be disclosed to the appropriate external authorities.
Academic Disciplinary Policy
Grantham expects each student to act with integrity and to refrain from lying, cheating, and stealing. If a student witnesses lying, cheating, or stealing by another student, then the student is required to report the transgression to the administration. Violations include, but are not limited to:
⦁ Misrepresentation of the qualifications of a proctor
⦁ Use of unauthorized notes or devices during a proctored examination
⦁ Collusion with other students to obtain or distribute answers to tests or examination questions
⦁ Copying written assignments or exercises (students taking the same courses may study together, but the spirit of this rule shall not be violated), or
⦁ Plagiarism
Lying is a willful, deliberate act of deception. The deception may be the misrepresentation of facts or circumstances, in part or whole, or the withholding of information that is relevant to the full understanding of the truth. A lie need not accrue to the benefit of the liar in order to be considered a lie.
Cheating includes any conduct that involves unauthorized use of written or oral information, electronic or mechanical devices, or other aids to complete a test, examination, or assignment. Buying or selling information related to a test or examination is also defined as cheating. Unauthorized collaboration with another person, whether a student or not, is also cheating.
Stealing includes obtaining anything of value, including textbooks, software, lesson materials, tests, examinations, answers to questions, solutions to problems, completed projects, or administrative information from the University or from another student by stealth or deception.
Plagiarism is presenting the ideas or work of others (including other students) as his/her own. A student is required to acknowledge all sources of submitted work. Specifically, each student must acknowledge direct quotations, paraphrases, ideas, figures, tables, charts, statistics, images, photographs, source codes, circuits, and other sources. Papers and other materials either given to the student or obtained otherwise, if submitted as the work of anyone except the source, constitute a violation of the code of conduct.
Guidelines for Instructors
Instructors, who suspect a student has committed plagiarism or cheated, will follow established guidelines for detecting, documenting, and reporting. (Endorsed by Academic Council 2/11/2010) A student suspected of plagiarism and/or cheating will receive notification from his/her instructor citing the resources used to document the offense. Resources may include, but are not limited to:
⦁ Web search engines
⦁ Common sites used by students for the purpose of plagiarism

⦁ Plagiarism detection sites or applications
⦁ Assignments submitted by other students with whom collusion appears to have taken place
A copy of the notification will also be submitted to the appropriate Dean. A student has 48 hours to respond in writing to the course instructor of record regarding the allegation. Instructors will apply consequences to the student assignment and/or course grades according to suggested guidelines which can range from resubmitting an assignment for half points possible to failing the course.
If a student has two documented cases, either within the same course or from two different courses, the Dean/Chair may intervene and choose to refer the issue to the Academic Standards Committee for review. If the case is substantiated, consequences could include suspension and/or expulsion from the University.
Academic Standards Committee
All academic ASC decisions will outline the specific University violation involved and the action resulting from the decision. The findings of the ASC will be as follows:
⦁ Substantiated – The violation of the Code of Conduct did occur and the student is subject to sanctions by Grantham University which may include a written discipline, suspension, or expulsion.
⦁ Exonerated – The evidence is insufficient to support the violation of the Code of Conduct. The appropriate Academic Dean will communicate the decision to the student and execute the action resulting from the decision. All academic decisions and recommendations are final and are presented in written format to the Provost/Chief Academic Officer. All non-academic decisions will be communicated to the student by the appropriate Vice President and these are also final.
Non-Academic Disciplinary Policy
As a University dedicated to the safe and secure transmission of education via the Internet and other means, the University neither condones nor permits:
⦁ Student activities that compromise the educational environment by coloring with a profit motive, the day to day interaction among and between students, faculty, employees and other personnel of the University.
⦁ Creation of a public disturbance anywhere near or on University property or via the University electronic communication systems.
⦁ Abuse of resources provided to the student for research and use in connection with his/her classes such as books and bookstore items, library databases and other Internet research sites where access is provided through the University.
⦁ Abuse of the University network and Internet sites provided to the student. The student is advised that certain computer misconduct is prohibited by federal and state laws, and is therefore subject to civil and criminal penalties. Such misconduct includes, but is not limited to, knowingly gaining access to unauthorized computer systems or databases, destroying or seriously compromising other s electronic information and violating copyright laws.
⦁ Threats levied against another student, faculty member or other university personnel that involve intent to do bodily harm, deadly weapons, explosives, bombs, chemical or biological agents or other deadly devices or substances.
⦁ Any conduct that willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of another student, faculty member, or University employee.
⦁ Placing obscene or harassing telephone calls to another student, faculty member or employee of the University.
⦁ Willful non-payment of financial obligations to the University.
Prohibitive Behavior by Policy and/or Law
⦁ Physical or verbal abuse, intimidation or harassment of another person or group of persons, including any harassment based on race, religion, color, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, gender or any other protected status.
⦁ Obscene, indecent or inconsiderate behavior; insubordinate behavior towards any faculty member or school official; exposure of others to offensive conditions; disregard for the privacy of self and others.
⦁ Failure to comply with the lawful directions of any school official or staff member.
⦁ Incitement of others to commit any of the acts prohibited above; involvement as an accessory to any of the prohibited acts by providing assistance or encouragement to others engaged in such acts; or by failure to separate oneself clearly from a group in which others are so engaged.
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