Capstone Report DRAFT

Capstone Report DRAFT

Capstone Report DRAFT


Maximum length: 3000 words (excluding references and appendices)

Marks: 10%

Objective: To formulate a strategy, based on a comprehensive internal and external analysis, to address the challenge.


  1. Write the draft of your final report, including as much final content as possible. Some lecture material about evaluating alternatives and implementation will only have been covered recently. We know this. You are encouraged to incorporate, in a holistic manner, the content and more importantly the feedback from the Group Report. Capstone Report DRAFT
  2. Your draft should formulate a strategic plan for the case company to implement in the next 24 months:
  • Evaluate the significant internal and external factors
  • Clearly state the problem or opportunity your strategy addresses. This must be in relation to the challenge posed by the company.
  • Identify and evaluate alternative strategies, then recommend a specific strategy (you may not have fully developed your strategies by Week 7 but you need to show the kinds of alternatives you are considering, based on your analysis, and which seems the more appropriate choice)
  1. Refer to the draft rubrics for assessment guide.
  2. Include the word count on the cover page of your draft (should not be more than 3000 words, excluding references and appendix). So, include a final list of references cited. Footnotes are the preferred location for in-text references.  10% extra word limit is not allowed. Appendix should be only 3-4 pages; include only the most important


NOTEDo not simply “cut and paste” your group report into your individual report.  You must edit (delete some sections) and extend your analysis to focus on the issues relevant to the problem you identify and address with your strategy.

IMPORTANT: This assessment is marked to a different rubric than the final report. Thus, a good mark in the draft does not assure the student of a good grade for the final report – it indicates only that the student is on track for the final report 3 weeks away and that 3 more weeks of work is expected for a good grade in the final.