Explore the development of nursing knowledge in the context of nursing science

NUR 18200 Conceptual and Theoretical Thinking in Nursing Overview Recall from the instructor lecture that a concept is the glue that ties conceptual frameworks, models, and theories together. The concepts in a framework or theory relate to each other in some way. This is what gives them meaning. A concept analysis is an exploration of how a concept ties a framework together. This “concept analysis” paper is due in Module 4, but it is multi-week assignment in three parts. Each week during Modules 2, 3, & 4, you will be writing Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3, respectively, for your paper. You will submit drafts of your developing paper each week to obtain an “originality” report from the SafeAssign software program (See course resources). While it is highly recommended that you submit these drafts of your revised paper each week, these drafts will not be graded and the originality reports on drafts are not reviewed by course instructors. Only the FINAL Concept Analysis Assignment, as submitted during Module 4, will be graded. Besides review of the information in this document, please carefully review ALL of the assignment directions within the learning modules for this assignment. In particular, pay attention to the instructions about submission of your DRAFT papers to SafeAssign. NOTE: also see the grading rubric for the assignment (See Module 4 Assignment 2, FINAL Concept Analysis Assignment). It is very important that you avoid mistakenly submitting any DRAFT document of your paper into the Module 4 Assignment 2 FINAL Concept Analysis Paper drop box. Once any draft would be mistakenly submitted into the drop box intended for your final paper, your document likely would get a score of 100% on any subsequent originality reports, since your paper will then match on itself. Only one (1) submission is allowed for the Module 4 Assignment 2, FINAL Concept Analysis paper. The paper should be written using APA manuscript format with a title page and reference list. The paper is expected to have good spelling and grammar. The page limit is 8 to 9 pages, including the title page and the reference list (i.e. no more than 6 pages for the actual paper IN Module 4, you will submit your final, revised paper, with a title page and reference list pages, as ONE (1) WORD document. Use the drop box for the Module 4 Assignment 2, FINAL Concept Analysis Paper. The score for the originality report on your FINAL paper must be 49% or less. This assignment is worth 30 points, or 30% of your final grade NUR 18200 Conceptual and Theoretical Thinking in Nursing Objectives • Explore the development of nursing knowledge in the context of nursing science. • Explore selected concepts, models, and theories that underlie nursing knowledge. • Apply selected nursing theories/models to a practice situation. • Critique and evaluate nursing theories/models within a selected framework. Directions For this assignment, you will create a new Microsoft Word document. Title the document “Yourname_ConceptAnalysis.doc”. To keep you on task, this assignment has been divided into three phases. These phases are recommendations only. You will not submit any work until you have completed the entire paper. Each student is encouraged to progress at his or her own pace. NOTE: See the grading rubric for this assignment BEFORE you start to write your paper (Module 4 Assignment 2 FINAL Concept Analysis paper). Part 1 – Select a Concept (To be completed in Module 2): In module 2, you will select a concept (see below), determine the purposes of analysis, and begin to identify all uses of the term that you can discover. For your paper in this course we are going to keep it simple. 1. NOTE: You must choose one (1) of the following four concepts for your paper: holism, pain, professionalism, or community. Pick ONE of these four concepts, perhaps one that intrigues you to use as the focus for your concept analysis. 2. Determine the aims or purposes of analysis. That is, what do you want to accomplish by conducting this concept analysis? 3. Identify all uses of the term that you can discover. 4. Locate AT LEAST THREE (3) dictionary definitions as well as ONE (1) thesaurus entry. 5. Locate a minimum of FIVE (5) scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals. If necessary, look for articles outside of the discipline of nursing. Record proper APA citations for each article. 6. Combined, these nine (9) items (i.e. 3 dictionary definitions, 1 thesaurus entry, and 5 peer- reviewed articles) are required and will make up the bulk of your literature review. These documents and will serve as the basis for identifying the defining attributes of your selected concept. 7. Determine the critical or defining attributes. Identify what each instance or use of the term has in common with the other uses. In general, the more scholarly sources you use the easier it will be for you to identify the critical attributes of the concept. This is essential in a concept analysis because if you fail to define the essential attributes the remainder of the paper will tend to be conceptually foggy. 8. Use APA guidelines for all “in text” and full reference citations. NUR 18200 Conceptual and Theoretical Thinking in Nursing Part 2 – To be completed in Module 3: In module 3, you should finalize your introduction and literature review. Then, using your critical or defining attributes, begin to define your cases. 9. Construct a model case; that is, a real life or life-like scenario that uses the concept and includes all of the critical attributes. Explain how you use each of the critical attributes. What is important is that your scenario is an accurate representation (model) of your concept. 10. Construct a contrary case. This scenario may actually be the opposite of the concept. Support your claim by showing how the contrary case does not contain any of the critical attributes of the concept. 11. Construct a borderline case that is related to the concept but is not actually an example of the concept. As you describe the borderline case, explain how or why it is not an example of the concept (i.e., it does not meet the critical attributes, etc.). 12. Identify related concepts. Create a bullet list of terms that are related to or similar to the concept. 13. Construct an invented case; that is, an imaginary scenario that uses the concept and includes all of the critical attributes. Explain how you use each of the critical attributes. 14. Identify an illegitimate use of the term. If applicable, provide an example of how the term or concept is used in a way that is different, strange, or improper. 15. Use APA guidelines for all “in text” and full reference citations. Part 3 – To be completed in Module 4: In Module 4, you will complete the steps of the concept analysis by identifying antecedents and consequences. After adding these sections (see below) submit your revised draft paper for another DRAFT SafeAssign originality report in Module 4. Do NOT submit any DRAFT document into the Module 4 FINAL Concept Analysis drop box. NOTE: Only when you have made all revisions and finalized your paper will you submit your FINAL paper document file to the Module 4 Assignment 2 FINAL Concept Analysis drop box. The page limit for this paper is 6 narrative pages. This total of 6 pages does not count the references and title page, which will be included in ONE WORD file that will be the submission of your final paper. The manuscript should be written in correct APA format. During Module 4, the Part 3 section of your paper, which you will write, will include: 16. Identify and describe antecedents and consequences. In other words, discuss any concepts or traits that precede (antecedent) the existence of the concept and what concepts or traits follow (consequence) the existence of the concept. Note that an antecedent cannot be one of the attributes, but a consequence may be. 17. Finalize your reference list, using APA guidelines and format. Do NOT include your reference list with your 6-8 page paper. The reference list will be submitted as a separate Module 4 assignment. NOTE: Also see the grading rubric for this assignment