Intervention Presentation and Capstone Video Reflection

Intervention Presentation and Capstone Video Reflection




Intervention Presentation and Capstone Video Reflection




Intervention Presentation and Capstone Video Reflection

Good morning, my name is ………., and this is my capstone video reflection and intervention presentation. My intervention centers around teaching patients experiencing GERD about normal side effects, risk elements, and way of life changes they can use to deal with their side effects. Unmanaged GERD can have serious complexities and extraordinarily diminish an individual’s personal satisfaction. GERD is the most well-known gastrointestinal problem in The United States, brought about by stomach corrosive every now and again streaming once more into an individual’s throat. Most patients get a conclusion from their doctor just based on an evaluation and survey of side effects. Many patients start their psychological wellness ventures with unfortunate adapting abilities like drinking, and smoking. These unfortunate indecencies can additionally compound side effects of GERD, subsequently, I have seen this turmoil disturb the personal satisfaction commonly both in my expert and individual life.


The patient I teamed up with is a thirty-three-year-old Hispanic male determined to have GERD three years prior. Risk factors for GERD incorporate weight, pregnancy, hiatal hernias, connective tissue issues, deferred stomach purging, white race, male sex, old age, smoking, eating enormous suppers before bed, greasy or seared food varieties, liquor, espresso, and certain meds like ibuprofen (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2020). This patient has a few of these gamble factors including his sex, dietary propensities, way of life decisions, and being overweight. Right now, the patient encounters indigestion consistently and encounters spewing forth or retching a few times each week. He is conflicting with his prescription and misses the mark on inspiration to focus on long-haul way of life decisions that could work on his side effects.

Before I started gathering with the patient and presented my intervention, he had an ambiguous thought of what food varieties set off his side effects because of experimentation on his part, and not from his doctor appropriately instructing him. Prior to executing the intervention, my patient realized that his being overweight, drinking, and eating broiled food varieties exacerbated his indigestion, and didn’t understand how genuine the outcomes could be assuming he let his side effects control his life. My patient valued having a straightforward asset about his condition and learned new data to assist him with returning his GERD to normal. Each time we met, we reviewed what had been taught previously and then gradually introduced new knowledge to ensure that he retained everything I had taught him. He is committed to avoiding bad food choices, sleeping in the proper position, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, and taking his medication on a regular and timely basis.

Use of Evidence and Peer-Reviewed Literature to Plan and Implement the Project

I needed to guarantee the data I gave the patient was best-practice and proof-based. To do this, I used ……University’s Summons data set from their web-based library. From that point, I had the option to limit the web to just give assets that have been peer-looked into and distributed inside the most recent five years to ensure I was surveying the most exceptional data. Prior to choosing what sources to use I ensured they were applicable to my chosen medical care issue; GERD and the creators were believable in their field. I additionally ensured that every one of the assets didn’t contain clashing data. Every one of the articles I applied towards the making of the intervention through proof-based research established that way of life adjustments was the principal line of protection for overseeing GERD and accordingly was the focal point of the time enjoyed with my patient.

Health Care Technology to Improve Outcomes and Communication

E-prescriptions were the medical care innovation I focused on with the patient because it is generally useful and appropriate to him. Because they are convenient and provide patient security, e-prescriptions are becoming a more popular option in both in-patient and short-term settings. They guarantee error-free and elegant solutions sent directly to the patient’s pharmacy. This helps to eliminate the risk of polypharmacy, as well as the risk of the patient forgetting their drugs, which has previously been a problem for my patient, and to improve patient consistency in completing and taking their prescriptions. When compared to people who use traditional paper prescriptions, studies suggest that E-prescriptions increased the underlying solution fill rate by a small percentage. This could be due to the fact that these frameworks send a pre-programmed electronic message. My patient says that he much rather his doctor involves E-prescriptions as he frequently hesitates to get paper prescriptions filled.

In the future, the patient may benefit from telehealth services from his main health care provider to track his symptoms and the success of his present treatment regimen on a frequent basis. When there are convenient ways for my patient to monitor his healthcare, he is much more willing to do so. My patient has a busy lifestyle, having the option to speak with his doctor from the accommodation of his own home will be incredibly valuable to him. According to a McElroy article, telemedicine has become a viable option recently, with more payment from insurance companies and fewer appointment cancellations from patients in some offices.

Health Policy Influences

The Massachusetts BON portrays an enlisted proficient nurse as diagnosing and getting patients’ reactions to their medical conditions through persistent schooling, case finding, and wellbeing guiding. It is noticed that a nurse’s analytic honor is particular from a clinical conclusion in that it distinguishes and oversees physical and psychosocial side effects inside the nursing extent of training. As I and the patient are from Massachusetts, it was vital to remember the Massachusetts BON principles while making this intervention. The patient previously had a prior diagnosis of GERD from his doctor, as such it was my obligation to additionally teach him about his analysis and the administration of his side effects. The American Nurses Association (ANA) has fostered a nursing general set of rules that fills in as a bunch of guidelines and directions for medical caretakers to practice and settle on choices in light of their qualities while keeping inside their extent of training. I actively listened to all of the patient’s concerns with empathy and compassion, keeping the code of ethics in mind, and understood what they wanted out of this encounter. To effectively serve my patient, I conducted the necessary scholarly research to deliver data based on evidence-based resources. I also explained to the patient what the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is and how it protects his personal health information. I guaranteed the patient than anything he imparts to his doctor is safeguarded under HIPAA and can’t be revealed without his assent whether he has an in-person visit or through telehealth.

Project Predictions and Outcomes

I at first expected that the patient would acquire a more noteworthy understanding of side effect triggers and how to more readily deal with his GERD side effects. Luckily, the intervention results matched my forecasts, and the patient is currently more educated about his condition and how he really wants to fix his side effects. The patient expressed he gleaned tons of useful knowledge more than he was hoping to and is currently spurred to view his condition in a serious way as to not foster a portion of the extreme complications that can come from untreated GERD. He is committed to being more consistent with his prescriptions since it is now so obvious when to appropriately take them and that he will have a more prominent side effect help assuming he accepts them as recommended rather than just “depending on the situation” like he was doing before the meetings we spent together. He had the option to effectively “instruct back” the data I gave to him and give precise instances of food varieties and exercises he ought to stay away from to more readily deal with his GERD.

Personal and Professional Growth Throughout the Project

At first, I was concerned I wouldn’t find a sufficient measure of articles to put together assets with respect to the patient issue I picked. In spite of the fact that GERD is an exceptionally normal problem, it doesn’t have a high mortality or hospitalization rate as other patient issues do. In any case, after I started my inquiry and truly jumped into the Capstone project, I had the option to observe the data I wanted, and I am better for it. I learned things I for one knew nothing about and can now better instruct future patients on their sickness the regulations too. My patient was effectively connected all through the interaction and valued the work put into the intervention and learned a lot from it.

All through the RN-BSN program, I gained tons of useful knowledge about the worth of interdisciplinary joint effort, administration, and strategies influencing the results of top-notch medical care. Some of the program’s evaluations have taught me to hone my critical thinking abilities and evaluate the consequences of change implementation far more than I would have before. I am thankful for this program and am proud to be a BSN-prepared nurse from Capella.









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